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Toa Nidhiki05

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Everything posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. Kotiate, you make me want to say words that would get me banned.

  2. Maori language is just that - a language. Anyone can use it.

  3. I'd really like to revive this guys. However, I would like to add a few new things (these are just suggestions): Adding the LEGO Racers game to our list to help with that. Adding a 'suggest to friend' rule (that is, if you join, you need to recommend to at least 1 friend to join). SO... If you want to, tell all your friends about this! REVIVE SPARTA!!! -TN05
  4. Toa Nidhiki05


    Sorry I've been gone, I'm online from the hospital connection. Why am I at a hospital? Well, my dad had a significant portion of his small intestine removed. Ouch. Regardless, he is OK, and he should be in full condition in 2-3 weeks. -TN05
  5. Panthers will destroy Denver this week.

  6. Sorry about the wait, but I have some news for you guys: Let's start with the bad news: Super Smash Comics Melee's re-opening will be delayed until 2009. I have alot of school to do, and my mom is limiting me to 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, and I have BZPower and BS01 wiki to worry about. I WILL however, have it open as soon as I can. Now the good news: I am working on re-opening my comics movie. I have about 20 slides ready for the next episode. I am going to see if 009 will flashify it, and the episode will include a lightsaber fight (hopefully at least 30-45 seconds), a BIG plot twist, and what is going on in the Comics Land and Naboobia. It is going to be (hopefully) at least 3 minutes, so get ready for the reopening. Hope you guys are O.K. about this... -TN05
  7. I am starting back up SPARTA after a long wait. -TN05
  8. I will be gone for 3-4 days to see my cousin who lives out-of-town. -TN05
  9. Did the BS01 staff prank you or are you really banned on BS01 wiki?


  10. No, I just don't have enough time to spend on it. I usually only get about 30 minutes to an hour to be on it. -TN05
  11. It's been a while since I last poste a blog entry, but I now have a BS01 Profile! Userpage Quick-speak -TN05
  12. I don't know which to choose. Bob Skull's is easier, but Cpt. Reynolds is much more rewarding. -TN05: Toa of Air
  13. Sayyy... Are you going with Bob Skull or Cpt. Reynolds? -TN05: Toa of Air
  14. Hey, does anyone see Bob SKull's page was updated? 100 Space Fuel for stolen plans? MADNESS! -TN05: Toa of Air
  15. I'm very sorry about that loss, Bones. Whenever aa pet dies, it is a tragic event. R.I.P, Esne -TN05: Toa of Air
  16. Toa Nidhiki05

    I Lost.

    I lost at the S&T #4 Description Preliminary Poll C. Boo hoo. -TN05: Toa of Air
  17. I'm very sorry about that. -TN05: Toa of Air
  18. BOW TO HAPORI LEONIDAS! No, I never heard of them... And what do you mean by chocolate milk? -TN05: Toa of Air
  19. I need Green Bricks. -TN05: Toa of Air
  20. Me and AF combined our Rubies to get those scales from your trade, Takama. Also, if you want rubies, go to megacool850's page. He has less than 10 non-Networker friends, giving you better chances to get them. -TN05: Toa of Air
  21. Act good and you MIGHT be able to be an Admin. -TN05: Toa of Air
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