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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Should I find it creepy that the drum beat in a certain song I'm listening to perfectly matches the Joker in your image? =P

  2. Yes, sadly. It's both entertaining and somewhat flustering--I always get confuzzled when I see a different image up.

  3. I'm almost at 4,000--but I've already fallen behind too because of me getting sick again. Blegh.

    I added you to my buddy list.

  4. Haha, I'm commenting you. =P

  5. Why hallo thar! =D

  6. yes you are. Quick, escape in a haystack!

  7. SNAP. Sorry I forgot to post the polls today, I've been so sick and out of it! :( I'll do it tomorrow, I promise!

  8. Oh, I found you on BZP! *Adds to friends list*

  9. Sadly, I'm pretty much addicted to it. DX

  10. Bunda! AWH got Pheonix Down'd! 8D

  11. Something weird happened to your luverly Toa of the New Republic banner. 0:

  12. Yes, you did everything wrong, 'ferna. Kidding--I forgot to update it with everyone (only added Vorox Chief's 'cause his was almost done).

  13. ...Did I start a fad or something with those titles? =P

  14. I guess talking would help, I just don't want to get my friends in a façade that I’m fine, though I feel bad ranting when maybe it's best left unsaid, yah know? It’s not THAT serious, but it explains why my activity has been so erratic…and why I’m sick again. xD

  15. I just wanted to say how I always like this name of yours.

  16. 1)Thank you! I've been working on CG lately and colored a picture I doodled of myself, so I made it my personal pic. Also, 2)Ranna really didn't mean to offend anyone or make a really strong point, she was really speaking toward me (But then again I understand how it could be offensive). =)

  17. Work is good for people!

  18. Heeey Boromir hacked your account! D=

  19. Why would I buy a PMship for this guy??? :P

  20. Like I said to Zy, Ranna didn't mean to offend anyone you know, and she was mainly talking to me. Also, hiya!

  21. Wait...what what happened? Oo

  22. Everything, haha. But I forgive you for it.

  23. Thank you, I try to work hard on my art, and it's fun to do ya know. Also, I think it can be spelt as 'milady' 'my lady' or whatever, I don't think there is a wrong or right way...unless you really suck at spelling. =P

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