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Lady Kopaka

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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Some few things I'd like to point out and this is important:
    1. I am no longer taking requests. At ALL. Sadly, this means I am going to discontinue any requests I have going, or that are in my list. I just don't have time to do it anymore and it's just dead weight hanging in the back of my mind. I'm REALLY sorry to the requesters and I'll try to get around to personally PMing them and apologizing.
    The only requests I will be doing is one from Beliwa, and finishing an art-trade with Ranna.
    2. I am not going to finish my 'Toa of Nations' project. I just don't have time to deal with a bunch of countries nor try to figure everything out when I got a bunch of other projects going. I know this is disappointing, especially to the people who were excited to see their countries drawn out. I though, might get around to drawing a few though in all due time, but I probably will never finish the 25 that I planned to do.
    3. Right now I’m not accepting art-trades, I’m trying to finish up Ranna’s now and after that I’ll consider thinking about it, but I probably will only accept it with close friends.
    4. Considering accepting commissions though (paid requests), but once again lack of time might even stop me from doing that.
    5. Even if I don't accept requests now, I will always be happy to hear your suggestions or ideas on what I can draw, Bionicle or not.
    As you can see it’s mainly time and a million other projects that are taking its toll on my art, another factor is I draw much faster, better and I have more fun when I *want* to draw stuff. While requests are fun, they really are not worth it most of the time.
    Once again, sorry guys. I’ll try to post this in my art topic soon too.
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah got it cleaned, I didn't get much time to orginize it as much as I want, but time/life hates me. So this will have to do. I also caught up with a lot of PMs!
    So yeah, you guys can go back to bugging me again on PM. =P
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Just wanted to run in and say I'VE CLOSED MY PERSONAL MESSENGER FOR AWHILE. Why? Cause it is terribly messy. ;-;
    Sorry yet again for slow PMs, but I just gotta get in there and clean it all up, IT MUST BE CLEAN. CLEAN IT ALL.
    I have an organization problem.
    Yeah, so, bear with me. And if you got anything important to say just say it here while it's closed.
  4. Lady Kopaka
    ...Only crazy get up early! I was forced to get up at 6:00am on this luvely Saturday to baby-sit at some friends house from 7-12. ;-; I got paid well, but now I see why I never get up early.
    I can do it, but I just refuse to. Home school ftw.
    And today, it's a wonderful Saturday! If this day stays peaceful (or as peaceful as this chaotic house can get :|) hopefully I can get some things done....Draw some Bionicle art, finish one of my chapters for a epic I've been trying to finish for like ever, catch up on PMs, play lots of video games...
    Omg you have no idea how much I love weekends.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, last night was my last Drivers ED class. LAST. LAST LAST LAST! I never ever have to take it again! How well did I do? Let's just put it this way: I didn't kill anyone.
    But seriously, I did ok IMO. It's really easy to drive in a car, but I'm freaking out about my dads truck, and our van is all big too. >_O I hope we get that jeep soon.
    I'm going in a few hours to take my test and stuff to get my permit, and if all goes well I'll be coming back legal to drive. YAY.
    Thanks for the encouragement guys. I'm sorry if I sounded all stubborn and argued against a lot of your guys great advice, I did listen to you guys, just when in a mood like that it’s something very hard to get out. I can't promise I'll do fine for the rest of the week, but at this moment I'm doing very well.
    And even though I'll be getting a lot of my time back from Drivers ED and other things that has recently ended in the past week, I'll still be a bit busy, but I think I might have time to breathe! Maybe even draw or write. No, I'm serious. These past two months were terrible. I was gone every day it seemed and always at the good times of the day for a long period and when I came home, I was so tired and stressed I didn't feel like doing anything other than sleeping or just being lazy on the computer, so I haven't gotten much done. =/
    About my DS, still thinking if I really need to sell it or not, the main reason I wanted to sell it cause I don't have time to play it anymore and I might be better off with the money saving up for something more important. I talked to one of my friends yesterday though and I might get to trade my DS to him for his old PS2! So that would be cool. Still would have lack of time, but since the PS2 came out it was my life dream to get one.
    Ok enough jabbering from me, I'll probably give you another update today and tell you how getting my permit went.
    Also, for a random dream I had, my choir teacher was playing the Chocobo theme on the piano.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Yay, BZP is back!
    ARGH ARGH ARGH. I'm trying to finish my side of the Art Trade with Ranna, but PRIDAKS STUPID FACE WONT LET ME DRAW HIM. AAAAGGHGH!
    ...And I really, really do not want to start over. >_<
    Yeah I'm fine. :| How are you?
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I just ordered a Bamboo Wacom!

    Sorry Necro, I was too impatient and I think I made the right choice, though I might had found a cheaper one, I just decided to grab a good one for a fair price instead of risking wasting my money on a crummy one. Every artist out there says wacoms are the best anyway.
    But anyway...
    Mmmh...I seem I had something else to say, but I forgot what. Oo
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Voting is up for ac14.
    I'm winning in my poll. =D
    But a lot of people said none of the entries in my poll were good.
    Ouch. ><
    And also, Nikira, Turakii and BCJ got in the same poll.
    Thank goodness for multiple votes. D:
  9. Lady Kopaka
    OMG. I FINALLY....GOT...TO FINISHING THIS! >_< Arrgghhhh I'm sorry guys. D:
    Anyway, this chapter is about style, and finding it...and a bit more ranting on various subjects, and then, I promise we'll get to drawing in part 3. Oh, btw. When I start to talk about styles, I decided to link to a few various artists’ drawings to kind of show what I mean about different techniques and stuff; I hope that's ok guys? If not I'll remember to PM for permission first...but I of course gave credit to the artist.
    Another thing, this is a short entry, but I needed to update...so...enjoy!
    Art Tutorial by Lady Kopaka
    Part 2: Quick Discussion on styles and the similar.
    Well now I believe it is time for another Art Tutorial to come up. Last time I just talked about supplies and my opinions on it; today I will discuss your style and preparing to draw.
    Firstly, every artist has their style; even if it is similar to other artists you will always have a unique look. (Now unless you totally just want another artist’s style, and just trying to copying it perfectly.)
    So as I am pointing this to most beginner artists, I bet you are wondering what is YOUR style? Have you tried drawing and are just unsure? Well that is something you should play around with yourself; find a style that you are comfortable with, best at and what you like. Looking at various art to give you inspiration, or maybe you have this totally new look for art? Go right ahead, art shouldn’t be caged it, it needs to be free for even the craziest ideas.
    Don’t just change your technique because a few people you know say it might look better another way; they may be right, but usually it is just an opinion. I always get this; people say sometimes my Bionicle look to human at times, but I like my look and I draw best that way, but don’t just ignore opinions, you could improve greatly just because someone suggested something about your drawings.
    Back to styles themselves, and since this is mainly a Bionicle tutorial:
    Set style:
    –Art by Bioni-Cool Jack
    This is pretty basic; you stay strict to the sets and usually don’t add your own add-ons like expressions and hands. This one can be basic but very nice and popular among Bionicle fans because you don’t have to stretch your imagination for this, but it can get technical with all the detail.
    Movie style:
    – Art by Nikira
    Not seen as much, but like the title says you draw pretty much close to the movie style as you see in the 3 Bionicle movies. My styles in my first pieces of art were very close to like in the Movies, and then later I changed it around. But it can still be seen through my new art.
    This is a good way to mix in expressions and a set look if you want to avoid too much of an organic look. A lot of times, many artists will use the basic movie look, but add certain things like eyes, hands, etc that make it look more manga or human.
    Human style:
    – Art by Brave_Dragon
    Now this one can be organized as many different styles in one sense. You could draw a Bionicle completely human, and the only way of knowing it is based off of Bionicle is by the Bionicle armor or weapons, and even by the facial appearance of the character. Another is adding human attributes to a Bionicle body; like eyes, hands, mouth, and so on.
    – Art by Schizo Kaita
    Now there are many other interesting looks I could point out, like organic looks which in one sense look alien; neither a Bionicle body nor human, but it is a Bionicle by certain notices like armor, weapons, mask, etc. I have seen this style many times by artists and even though it looks different, it is very good and creative. Then of course, there are artists who mix up many styles all together, I do that often—In fact I try my best on testing a bunch of different techniques.
    And then of course there are other ways to draw, maybe you could fit in a Manga look? A realistic feeling? Abstract almost? But that is where you will have to come in and find what best fits you.
    (On a quick note before beginning about art, I would suggest for everyone who is interested in art, do not just jump ahead in anime/manga. I know, it is a popular style, it’s very cool. But it can confuse you and mess up proportion in some sense, I would suggest for every artist to at least learn a bit of the basics of drawing and realistic drawings for the sake of the future of proper art and yourself. Sometimes people are natural about manga, other times they just do it because it is simply easy. If you want to become an artist, have a bit of a wider mind than just manga, please.)
    So, bottom line is, before really getting serious on drawing, just take some time to look at other artists work, try to find your ‘inner’ self. Feel free to express yourself, and just have fun!
    (If I have any grammar mistakes, and so on, I'll get right back to this and fix up stuff, sister is kicking me off right now)
  10. Lady Kopaka
    *shuffles in*
    I...FINISHED MY AC14! *Triumph anime pose*
    Link to topic!
    Now post and make me happy. =3
    Well… you don't have to, but it would really make me feel better...I is all tired and stressed. So I’m very happy I got this out of the way, I probably would had done better or enjoyed the drawing more if I wasen’t so busy and stuff...
  11. Lady Kopaka
    I FINALLY HAVE AN IDEA FOR AC14! So I might enter after all!
    *Does a happy jig*
    Also, last night I went to go watch a local play that's about my hometowns history, it was really awesome and kind of a big deal around here. You should come see it, KIE and Tomiku.
    But anyway, just wanted to pop in and say I'm doing fine, and the shooting deal is till kind of hard to cope with, and the busy life stuff is still annoying...but overall I'm doing fine. Thanks for all the prayers guys, but still keep your thoughts and prayers on the families.
    So now, off to draw!
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Well everyone, I finally got the first part up, enjoy. Though remember I am a bit like wiki, don't trust on everything I say throughout the tutorial because some things or my opinions and so on.
    Art Tutorial by Lady Kopaka
    Part 1: Art Supplies Opinions and What to Get
    Well now mates, ladies, germs, Great Beings and so forth, before I go to pointing out how to draw, let me first point out an important thing: Supplies.
    I mean, seriously. You wouldn’t get very far in art if you didn’t have a pencil or paper. So let me start out on what you should get, and on a note, you DO NOT have to spend a billion dollars on art supplies.
    Now if you are just merely interested in drawing, simple printing paper and a pencil around the house is fine, but if you want to become a hardcore artist; then let’s get a bit detailed. Also, I am making this simple and pointing out many things, so I am sorry if I am making it seem I am telling this to 5 year olds.
    Some artists might point out that printing paper is evil, but I am going to clear things up; (But once again, this is a lot on opinions and what you are comfortable with) Printing paper isn’t all that bad. And it is easy to get since I am sure it is probably hanging around your house. True, it isn’t really good with colors, but one day I had no sketch book, and I was so desperate to draw, I went in my cabinet and got some paper, and drew this, and of course some of my other art is from printing paper. I at first thought that paper would make my ink bleed(Meaning, that when drawing with an ink pen and it doesn’t end up straight and clean, so it looks like it is ‘bleeding’) but it surprisingly didn’t, I almost thought it looked better, and PP has a nice, smooth surface. So on a closed subject of this matter, you don’t have to rush to Wal*Mart to get a sketch book, but if you want to that is fine. And on Sketch books, if you get one, make sure it is smooth, but thick enough to handle with markers and paint. Though, choose whatever works best for you. On all of the supplies, you might just will have to experiment a bit till you find what you like the best.
    This is a bit of a tricky topic, since it is always a bugger to find a decent eraser, and this time I am going to point out that usually the back of the pencil isn’t going to work, and you are going to have to go buy one. But which kind?
    Go to your art store, or a place that sells it at least, ever seen those squashy erasers that look like sillyputty? Those are very good erasers, they erase well (Most important thing silly) and are good for erasing tiny places, another good thing is they don’t make all that mess allover the paper when you erase. Also those rectangle office erasers are pretty good too. Though as long as the eraser isn’t ‘stiff’ doesn’t make any marks on your drawing, cleans up a mess pretty well. You should be fine.
    Seriously, I wouldn’t care if you got an old pencil you found in your house, as long as it can be sharpened, have a darkish strong led(Unless you want a light one) and a decent eraser at the end, you are probably set. But of course, with some fairly nice pencils and erasers can make a bit of a difference, just go down to a store and get some pencils, though how do you know what kind to get? Most pencils are titled by something like ‘HB, 2B’ and so on. Usually 2B+ (4B, 6B…) are dark and good for shading and going over a drawing to make it darker, though many times I draw with a 2B. HB Pencils and the ones similar are for lighter drawing, as for doing drafts, sketching in the shapes, (Will explain later) and so on. They are also good for lighter shading.
    Though if you want detail, I would suggest getting a mechanical pencil, but I use the mechanical pencil a lot in drawings, since it doesn’t need sharpening, and it works well with light and dark looks, the only set back is shading, and mechanical pencils don’t do that very well.
    Now, if you are interested in outlining your art, making a comic, or something of the sort, I am sure you need to ink your art. Now, I do that a lot these days, it brings out the picture more and keeps the colors orginized and blended where they are, and not all mixed up. It also gives it, as I said, a more cartoon/comic feel.
    Now once agian, you don't need fancy pens to do well, I have seen many artists that use those pens found in the office and it looks great. But if you want some clearer and better ones, then I would suggest getting some Pigma Ink pens, that come in all all different sizes. Pigma, Sharpies, and other such things are all amazing. Once again, find the pen that suits you!
    Colored Pencils (Also watercolor pencils)
    Now, color pencils (Watercolor included) is a great way to start coloring, it is a good for beginners and after practice they can end up very nice. They are not too hard to blend with and they are easy to find. You can even use those cheap Crayola colored pencils, but remember, as long as they have a good color to them, they blend well, and so on, and then you should be fine. You don’t always have to spend money to get the fancy ones. Sometimes it is even better to get the cheaper ones as a beginner and then later when you are better, save up for some fancier ones. But whatever you wish is fine.
    The difference between watercolor pencils and colored pencils is that watercolors look well…like watercolor! I like these the best usually, since they blend better, and they have a brighter color, though they are also good to mix in with plain color pencils, I do that quite a lot, since I have a heap of more colors in my colored pencils box than the watercolor.
    Markers are very strong and vibrant, and when used right, you can almost fool the viewers into thinking you CG’d it. But I would NOT suggest starting out with these, they are a bit of a trick to blend, they bleed if you don’t have the right type of paper, and they take time to learn. Not only that, but usually the most expensive if you plan to get some nice art markers. Let me tell you, they are much better than those normal markers that you might have, they have better color, they are smoother, and most have different sizes that you can change on one marker lid for detail or coloring in a big spot. But don’t buy them if you are a trainee, these things are darn expensive ($2-5 dollars if you just want to buy one, and $30-50 for a 10-20 pack). They are a bit fragile, so it is best to get the hang of normal markers, or try to get some for your birthday or Christmas. But they are really not worth the money until you are prepared to take this art seriously and work hard.
    But please don’t be scared away by my rant, they are really good, and if you want to buy them, by all means do.
    Paints (Acrylic, Watercolor, Oils)
    Now, out of all the different types of colors, Acrylic paint must be my favorite, I have practice head on in painting for many years and have produced many good paintings(Or so I think), my most favorite was the Titanic and won 2 first place prizes and a fair and at an art show. These can be the most realistic and traditional, beautiful colors, they blend the best, and prices tend to not be that bad. But you need to have a least some decent paintbrushes, colors, and usually a canvas…I have gotten away with it on normal sketch paper, but it makes the paper hard and wrinkly.
    I haven’t tried Oils really, but I believe it is the hardest, but end up the best. So if you are interested in learning how to paint, don’t get Oils till later; the best to start out with is either Acrylic or Watercolor. Since Oils, you have to wait at least a week for them to dry; it’s a bit harder to mix. I really cannot go deep into that discussion since I don’t know much about them.
    CG means ‘Computer Graphics’, though here it is just an easier way of saying ‘colored or drawn on the computer’. That means you started drawing a picture, then colored it on the computer using a certain program, it could range in MS Paint to PhotoShop, or have been using a tablet, this is the most popular I believe of the century, it is in one way a lot easier since there now is the magical button of ‘undo’ if you make a mistake. The colors are bright and strong, making your picture look more professional and a lot more noticeable. It takes some practice to succeed at it, but doesn’t most other things too?
    Personally I have a love-hate relationship with CG’ing, it feels that it is taking over the traditional art styles, and many artists are avoiding the paints now. Which I don’t think is very wise. If you are going to be an artist, you need to know a fair amount of all different mediums; you don’t have to stop using the computer, if you like that then it is totally fine with me, but I really think it would be a smart move to take some of your time to practice a bit with Watercolors, or Color pencils. It can help a lot in improvements and maybe even help a bit in your CG.

    Wow, I think I killed the audience. Even though some of you are thinking “Come on, I need help with how to draw, not what to draw with!” I thought it was important to over some basic things before really hitting on the gas. And now that I have gotten that through, Part 2 will be the beginning of working on the basic shapes of the body—Human and Bionicle alike.
    Real quick, this tutorial is really a ‘How to draw Bionicle’, and not much about humans. But I will be showing the difference and tips on humans alike during it, but since I am sure many of you could find plenty of books on drawing the Human body, and probably none on Bionicle, there is my reason.
    Also I won’t be selfish and will be showing notable styles in drawing a Bionicle, do you want it strictly set? Movie style? Really organic? I'll try my best in pointing out how to do that, but I am best in my style so I usually will be showing my style when teaching.
    Comments, questions, and corrections and further discussion on my tutorial so far are appreciated. But I hope you enjoyed the beginning. I know it was a bit boring, but bear with me till part 2.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Got 86% on my Drivers ED test I did today, I was one of the four out of the 13 in the class that got above an 80. Yay me.
    Bought a bunch new colored pencils that actually do me some good.
    AC14 entry is coming along very nicely, got it half inked. (Yes I know I need to hurry)
    Went to the dentist today, my gums are all swollen and bleeding. I hate braces...
    Waiting for Necro to get that $50 tablet, so he can review it for me. And then I can decide whether or not I should get it or find another.
    I had a huge vault today, so I wont be surprised if I'll be staring at the ceiling half the night. :[
    My rating in my profile keeps jumping around, not that I really do care now, but you guys can't decide if I should have 4 or 5 stars?
    And so ends my wonderful news report. =3
  14. Lady Kopaka
    I got a 96% on one of my Driver ED tests today. I am so happy, I passed the first part! Now I need to study for chapter 4-5...blah.
    Drivers ED today was a bit easier, I was more comfortable with the crazy bunch, studying was ok, this one girl talked through like the whole class about the most hysterical things, so it was kind of hard to be stressed...so that was good.
    But something else happened that was beyond cool. As you know I had to pay for Drivers ED myself, so today I was counting up all my money, and then hand it to her and was about to go back to school when she comes up to me and hands the money back. I was completely dumbfounded, and she explained to me that she was really proud how selflessly I was willing to give up on this money, and also proud because I had worked so hard on the money throughout the summer, so a big emotional scene happens, and I start crying cuz of how weird girl emotions are...I was just sooo happy. I tried to give it back to her cause I felt slightly guilty, but she really wanted to do it. SO OMG I HAVE MONIES! 8D
    I can now buy a tablet! And even a Bionicle!
    ...Also, even though I said I probably won’t be entering AC14, there still might be a chance, but I currently don't have any ideas, so if you guys got any suggestions, please tell me. I've been so busy I haven't had much time to sit down and think about it.
    Oh and one more thing, and this is really important. We got a bad shooting going on at our downtown area since this afternoon, some crazy guy comes in one of the court buildings and goes crazy(wont go into details why, right now), and ends up shooting 3 people, and they escape out by some miracle. Sadly, 2 more are still in there with the guy and one is a friend of ours that used to go to our church, who was just originally delivering mail. His son was going to be playing the fiddle for a local play that was supposed to open tonight(I knew this cause my dad is playing the banjo for it also, and the play got canceled because they are blocking off that WHOLE area), so like...please pray that he will be ok. Chances are kind of slim...But I'm not really sure...Just keep the situation in your thoughts.
    I’m not sure if this will be on any large scaled news, but it is really bad. Though, have/will you heard/hear about it yet KIE?
  15. Lady Kopaka
    AC14 is up!
    The theme is ok I think, not my favorite, but nevertheless I got some ideas already popping out of my brain, so this will be rather entertaining. Yay!
    Ranna just told me the first thing she thought about was Toa Nuva going all gangsta. And then Pohuaki’s terribly funny Star Trek joke about goatees made me die laughing so bad…
    So huzzah! I am going to go off and brainstorm, I think I have an idea, but I’m not sure if it’s an original enough.
    ….Though, not to be rude to any artists here…I just hope we have some new winners this time, it always seems some past winner returns and wins. >_O (But if that happens, then I’ll live with it, no big deal)
    Good luck everyone!
  16. Lady Kopaka
    If one would like to know how it feels to go into the pit, just head over to the Driver ED classes I'm taking.
    4 long, dreadful, hours in a freezing bland room with no one to talk to and getting distracted or bugged by a bunch of dummies in the room. Reading like a gazillion pages out of our Drivers book, a review test, a pop quiz...
    I did die. D:
    I have a lot of studying to do...I have two tests/quizzes on Thursday that I MUST pass or I fail drivers. So I'm kind of freaking out, and it's a lot of technical information. This is going to take out a lot of time from life. Thanks for being optimistic in the past entry guys…But Drivers is not going to be a walk in the park.
    And like, life was already busy at it is.
    So I'm probably not entering AC14.

    Yeah I love my life.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    I have Drivers ED in 2 hours. And I'm all sad, cuz my friend that was going to be taking it with me isn't...so I'll be all alone. Bleh.
    It's 4:30-8:30. And another friend of mine just told me Drivers ED will be the most boring thing I will take in my life.
    And I'm not the kind of person to sit quietly in a long, boring, thing.
    I'm gunna die. D:
    Ok, maybe not. But I'm like suddenly super busy. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesday, Thursdays and Sunday I'm going to be super busy like almost all those days with Church, Home schooling stuff, I'm taking classes on certain subjects and just being...busy.
    Arrrggh. Stressing. >.< I need time to work on AC14, I still haven't come up with an idea or even started to draw.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Thanks for the hugs and stuff guys, it really made me feel better. And so, I hate to be the one that will say something and then something terrible happens in my life..."I spoke too soon.", but right now life is going very well, besides crazy school hours, chores and Drivers ED coming up, I've had a lot of time to do my stuff. I went through a bunch of my art today and found lots of cool stuff. Old, but cool. But hopefully I'll have some more art up within a week or so, and then AC is coming up...

    I need a tablet though. I did that with Photoshop yesterday out of boredom (my fingers huwt ;_, and so encouraged further computer art interest from within me.
    So I went searching around the internet, and found a Graphics Tablet for $50 bucks. I'm not sure if I'll get it, but I'll keep looking for another few weeks, read reviews and stuff...If any of ye artists have tablet suggestions, (UNDER $70 ><) it would be nice.
    Yay artz. =D
  19. Lady Kopaka
    (Drivers ED in 3 days!)
    Yeah, last night dad let me practice again with the truck on driving, and after the millionth try we discovered it had been in like...third gear and so I couldn't start it. >> So we moved it to 1st and I finally got the bloody truck moving, and then half way down the road a bunny came running across and I made the truck go into a jerking stop by accident, and then we were all silent for a real long time, and dad finally said:
    "Great going, I think you killed the bunny."
    ...Poor bunny.
    Ok but really, I think the bunny was fine. Really. But for the next few hours my brother and dad could not stop poking fun at me.
    So then today, dad took me out again to practice, and it was pretty fun, save for the fact that it was super hot and my dad’s truck has no air-conditioning. And it's a pretty big truck. So I feel so small in it. '-' I had to like stretch my legs out, so my feet kind of hurt.
    Personally, driving a Manual/Stick shift is kind of fun, but the stick/clutch is sooo hard to use, you have to hold it down before starting, then hold it down to switch gears, and then hold it to move, and hold it to stop...And then I had the hardest time switching…
    How I hate you so clutch. D:<

  20. Lady Kopaka
    I just caught up with all the recent Bionicle storyline stuff that has bewildered and confuzzled my brain these days.
    But I really want Toa Lesovikk and Maxilos & Spinax, but I don't have the money.
    I have been doing lot's of Bionicle art! And so far it's all good!
    Save for one, which the pretty background I was painting got all messed up.
    And I have like a million short stories I'm doing, and so far they are good.
    But I am low on time to work on them, and I don't know which to finish first.
    As you can tell, I'm rather bored and have been craving to blog really bad for some reason, but I don't have much to say at this moment, unless you guys have any suggestions.
    Hurrah and Boo.
  21. Lady Kopaka
    I'm running out of tissue. D=
    Well, tomorrow is Saturday. THANK MATA NUI. >< I'm getting tired of mom and dad bugging me for the past week to finish all my school...let me tell you it's really hard to do school when your brain is all fried and when you have a bad cold. Hopefully I can sleep late!
    And so, with not much else to say but I would like to update...I'll entertain you guys with some art.

    One of my friends that I have in an epic...Isn't he so cute?
    Oh yeah, if any of you artists who actually have talent in CG, coulda give me any tips? I feel that my stuff doesn't look right...or flat...something is bugging me, or I'm not improving rightly.
    EDIT: ARGGGHHH! AVATAR COMES ON TONIGHT. 8O Someone PM me and tell me how it goes. ;_; I don't have cable!
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, my nose is running. ;_; And I cannot seem to catch it...
    Well, I got some weird cold/sinus thingy. I'm pretty sure since my throat is killing me; my nose is running like crazy, I feel all tired, numb and just...bleh. I also checked out my lymph nodes and they are pretty swollen.
    And I was supposed to go bowling today with friends.
    I'm not sure how long this will last, but I might stay off the computer a bit more just to rest and stuff. I know, I REALLY need to catch up on BZP and the like, but I'm lacking in time...
    I am also starting Drivers ED in about a week. Which I have mixed feelings about. I'll be happy to learn how to drive and stuff (Dad hasn’t been helping me lately =/), but I really wish I didn't have to throw away my $175 bucks. *Moans*
    But my art is going ok. Just, I need some more watercolored pencils, I was practicing with some color techniques last night and suddenly noticed they are breaking and being like super fragile. Which makes sense, cuz' I haven't bought new colored pencils in like...2 years? So I think that's a sign I need to go buy some new ones...I also need a few other things...so hopefully I'll be able to get out and buy a few.
    Hopefully. Mom like never takes me anywhere.
    I can't wait to drive.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah so like...so after church a friend of mine were chatting about Animes, (Mainly Full Metal Alchemist) and one of my brothers friends comes tromping up...
    "Was it just me or is everyone wearing white today?" Ben questioned, looking towards me, and then strained his neck to stare at my giant of a friend, Taylor who was leaning against the wall.
    I and my friend Taylor inspect the area, it comes to my attention that he is very much right. Even Taylor was wearing white; I stare at him strangely, and then back at the younger kid.
    "Yeah you're right." I responded, I was going to continue, but Taylor interrupted me as he straightened his white dress shirt.
    “Yeah, your wearing white…I’m wearing white, even Su—Wait your wearing brown.”
    “Uh huh…” I paused for a second, and quickly added, “I’m a brownie!”
    The two freeze, and stare at me oddly, another friend of mine who was beside us doing other various things overheard the conversation, bent slightly and looked at me with raised eyebrows. I looked back at Taylor and just grinned, my face slightly blushing from underneath my thousands of freckles, suddenly discovering the joke I had accidently made.
    "But...I like brownies!"

    That was probably the funniest conversation I have had in ages. XD
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