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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Tired
    Currently Listening to: Chap Stick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry – Relient K
    Currently Playing: (More) Sims 2
    At this exact moment, I noted that Nikira and I have the same post count.
    Ah, how much I want to go shopping! I'm not much for clothes shopping, but I do need a pair of pants and a few Ts. But the main reason is getting Seasons and THE NEW RELIENT K ALBUM! <3
    So I hope I go asap.
    Well, once again voting is going weird in the finals and not what I expected it to be, but oh well, it’s the majority. But still I dun like it. >>
    I'm really tired. And my mouth hurts due to braces, and my Orthodontist said I was doing fine; but you know what he said to me?

    Well, I think I am going to either write on another Short Story, or do some art....Ideas? I want to do some big Bionicle art project since I haven't done many. But not sure what...
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Currently Listening To: Up and Up - Relient K
    Currently Doing: Trying to post an entry!
    About to do: Chores and watch a movie.
    Ai aye! You wouldn't believe how many times I have tried to post an entry. I keep getting kicked off, server message; the whole shebang!
    Once again I disappeared for a few days (Yall are just going to get use to that), this time my dad has been using his laptop a lot in work and needs my Internet wire to connect the laptop to our network; all confusing and stuff so I wont go into details, just know I have been without much Internet access for a few days. And right now I am on my dad’s computer. And even now I am rushing through this entry to finish it before he comes back to work.
    So yeah; earlier I was going to say that I was having artist block, and was getting all sad and stuff. But then I got persistent and wasn't going down into my empty brain again; so I am finishing up a colored version of Hahli Inika(Looks nice so far...I hope ><) and a few other things. Though I still really need to do a bigger project than just one or so characters!
    Still need to start on that Short Story...And having trouble on my next chapter for my epic. Strange, I tried like 4 different ideas and none are working; if yall have any, please tell.
    Almost done with the next part of the tutorial, so stay tuned k?
    Ok, I think I have kitchen chores to do, I want to scan some of my art (But can't update till I get my Internet back), and then before bed I want to watch an Alfred Hitchcock. Byez!
    PS: Got the Relient K album and the Sims 2 Seasons; great stuff!
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: A mix of being sad and hyper (Can that be an emotion?)
    Currently Listening to: What Have You Been Doing Lately? - Relient K
    Currently Doing: MP3 Player shopping
    Well, my mp3 player (Sansa, 4GB) just broke. Well, actually it works fine, but for some reason when I plug it up to listen to music, I only hear it through one ear. And it isn't the headphones because I have tried many different pairs lying around our house. So...Yep.
    I don't want to blame on the mp3, it is a good, sturdy one. But I think the reason that part broke was my part. I was always jerking out the headphones because I never got a full time pair to stay in there. Whatever happened, don't be discouraged to get a Sansa, they are really good.
    Now, I wouldn't mind getting another (Being a lot more careful XD), but I discovered I have around $92 dollars now, and IF I get my money back from the mp3, I will have $222(Right?). So I was thinking of getting a bigger one. But I need your help, I have been looking through mp3 players and reviews and a bit scared on what to buy if this works out. Suggestions?
    I want around a 20+Gig, that's good on music, pictures and that sort of thing, also sturdy! So far I have looked at iPod, Zunes, Creative Zen and what else...? Opinions on my choices? Prices? ...Yes I know I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with iPod, but I heard the quality is good. So as long as it lives longer than 5 months, I am happy.
    Anyway, help on this ASAP would be great.
    BTW, thank you guys for the great reviews on my entry!
  4. Lady Kopaka
    What's YOUR quote?
    Ok anyway, I was having fun making banners, so I decided to make one with a quote I liked in it...Then I go, "Hey it would be cool to do requests like this!"
    So yeah...Post a quote you like in the comment thingy, and I will make the banner for you. I'll do colors, font, size available for choices, but nothing to fancy.
    But if this line gets long, please be considerate for me. XD
    Don't forget to give credit.
    Also make sure quotes are not to long.
    EDIT: Here is the link for all the current quote banners, feel free to take any you see, though I remind you that some of these were requested by certain members, while some were made by me.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Flustered
    Currently Listening to: Apathetic Way to Be - Relient K
    Currently Playing: Sims 2
    Going to Watch: The Railway Children
    Going to go read: Scewtapes Letters - C.S. Luis
    Well, I am in a mood similar to Nikira. A bit disappointed as how our ACs going; and basically have the same opinion as she does (Read recent blog entry). So I won’t get into that since the dear already said what I was goin' to sah.
    But yeah...I was so excited about AC13....WAIT A MINUTE. 13 IS AN UNLUCKY NUMBER. =O No wonder!
    But I really, really want more ACs!
    And on a lighter note which made me feel better, was I got Blog of the Week!! It was funny, I always going to wonder if I was ever going to get it, and for some reason I had this funny feeling while it was loading...and I saw my name, and I was all like:

    So very happy about that.
    And ah yes, back in that terrible addiction of Sims 2; soon to buy Sims 2 Pets from a friend...And then decide either to get Seasons or Nightlife. Which one first?
    The rest of my money will go my tablet I am plan on getting. Though my dad claims to have a big one the size of a table!
    Que Garné....Namasté!
  6. Lady Kopaka
    NO! [/Luke Skywalker scream]
    I am stuck in a poll with Nikira and B_D...and I am already loosing to most in the poll. Oh well, good luck to the others, the art is all so good! But thank you so much to the people who voted for me.
    Sorry I haven't been on in awhile(again); my internet went down(again!) and dad finally just called for some help and got it fixed...what is with men and asking for directions?
    Anyway....What is there to say?...Nothing much I guess; have to finish a chapter in my epic, update my art, pray that my entry will not get beaten to bad....and yeah?
    Oh, but I did watch North By Northwest a few nights ago, great movie. It’s an Alfred Hitchcock film, staring Cary Grant. Very exciting, I suggest everyone to see it.
    Off to catch up on posting and do some voting I guess. Namasté!
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: Dreamy
    Currently Listening to: Escalates- Falling Up
    Currently Doing: Nothing?
    I found this small conversation from that post to the bottom very hilarious. XD My dress is the talk of the news!
    Ok, yeah that is a little old news...But I have an excuse for being dead!
    My internet died on my computer, and I wasn't able to get on for a few days(TORTURE!) and I have been able to get on my moms computer just recently...But the darn thing is SO slow to do almost anything...So no artwork updates, no SS and things like that till I get my internet working. I will though, review some needed things, and reply to PMs. but that is about all the posting I will be doing.
    So yep...But I go for awhile and see that -CL- drew the mutated Lady Kopaka. And that made my day! And read Beliwa's newest chapter, which btw is like probably my favorite chapter as of yet....And Aanchir's new drawings are looking spiffy as ever!
    I am hungry. And I really am craving to watch a old black & white movie...Though I watched You've Got Mail last night. How I love that movie! It's so romantic and funny!
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: All happy...And stuff!
    Currently Watching: The Adventures of Tin Tin (TV series)
    Currently Listening to (After Watching): Prisoner of Society - The Living End
    Currently Doing: BZP and Writing
    Well yeah, my dad earlier were talking about if there was a Tin Tin cartoon series, and I told him I think there was, so after looking around, I found a few episodes to watch with my brothers. They were really fun and entertaining, though now my dad and I are looking to buy a box set or something.
    Though still, the comics are better, but still both are really entertaining and funny.
    Anyway, I think I finally figured out an idea for the contest, I will just have work on it. I think I am going to use watercolor/acrylic paint as the background, then use either Prismacolor markers for the character(s) itself. So wish me luck mates.
    And I am not poor anymore let me tell you, working for dad I have acquired $62.50 though my grandma got me $10 for Valentines(Which was kind of weird Oo), so $72.50! So I plan to buy some things, like art markers, Bionicle books, GW Nightfall, and a few other little things.
    Ok I am boring yall again huh? Well, off to work on my Art Tutorial and the AC.
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: Ego boost'd
    Currently Listening To: The Brothel - Prince of Persia The Two Thrones Soundtrack
    Currently Doing: Nothing
    Homg, I posted fast. But I like how it ended up...I really need to use watercolor more often.
    And so far I have gotten decent good(No, they were good) reviews, this is one of my few drawings that has not that many flaws...or in my opinion.
    So wish me luck, and here is the link to the topic!
    And I need a shower. My hair is all messy and gross and stuff like that. Oo
    EDIT: Look under this entry.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: Good, but sick
    Currently Listening to: Underwater - Switchfoot
    Currently Doing: Working for dad, and on BZP
    Real quick, that drawing down there, the MatauXNokama, it was done with Prismacolor marker and also just some cheapo markers I found around the house. So...Yeah.
    Your guys prayers must be working, because I have heard that the Flu lasts usually for a week or so, and this is the 3rd day for me...And I feel fairly fine; I mean, my throat hurts a bit, and I still have that sickish feeling, but I am much better than I was yesterday, I was hurting so bad I couldn't even go to sleep. >< Oy, I hate the flu.
    Anyway, Art Contest 13! Even though I don't like the theme all that much, it's fairly ok and I don't mind it...I just need to think of something, and I he NO idea what I am going to do. So I need to brainstorm on that.
    Oh yeah, I updated my art with Toa T's colored request and another random Toa dude...Though I am slightly tempted to make him Captain Krewe from my Short Story. *Shrugs*
    So yeah...Need to think of an AC13 idea and back to working for dad(Already have made $30!)...and dadjimit I need to do some more epic/art reviewing. So much to do!
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Happy belated Valentines.
    I was going to update some art, but I don't feel very well. My brother got the flu somehow, and of course we will all probably get it.
    And I got it. So I feel awful, so if you guys don't mind, pray for our family to get better.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: Tired, but well.
    Currently Listening To: Guardian Sunspears – Guild Wars Nightfall Soundtrack
    Currently Doing: Opening math and going through PMs
    Sorry I've been gone, and if I have been on, it's only to check some topics and PMs. >< My internet keeps on killing on me, and my comp was moved to my room for awhile because mom and dad were having this church-party thing. So...There is my excuse. But do not fear, I will go reply to PMs now, and do some needed reviewing on art and epics alike later today. Sorry for any delays. =(
    And I saw Nikira's newest drawing; girl you draw so well, I think I need to get better watercolor pencils cuz mine just don't end up as smooth as yours. But of course I could be using them wrong. *shrugs* I also saw that VF had a new drawing of this Toa-Assassin girl, she rocked. I'll review her too sometime...and like a billion others.
    My art? Well, I have a few more, but after looking at some art today, I feel all sad and in one of those moods like "I can't draw so why bother?” But I might as well do some more drawing, but good news I am improving on inking, and my sketches don't look so messy, not I need to work on (water)colored pencils and practice blending them...I wish I could afford some prismacolor ones. And some more art markers.
    And sadly, I lost my tutoring job. So no more $15 a week. But dad has some work for me...if he will actually show me how to do it. But I think I can get a lot of money by that, but only in time.
    Because I would like to get:
    Lady In the Water Guild Wars Nightfall Prince of Persia Warrior Within Sims 2 Nightlife Bionicle Heroes A New Bible (My old one is all torn up) Voyage of Slaves, by Brian Jacques (I got it at the library, but I would like to buy it) Bionicle Legends 3#, 5#, and 6# Piraka Zaktan Matoro Inika War of the Worlds Soundtrack New Relient K album Prismacolor Markers and watercolor pencils Some Manga books Yeah I a lot of things I would like to have, but probably won’t get all in the time that I want. =P Oh well, fun wishin’ ya know.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Gah! It's been all day and I have been finally able to sit down at watch Appleseed. >< I've been trying to watch that movie all day, but I kept getting kicked off the dvd/computer everytime I wanted to watch it. *Dies*
    Anyhow about my epic, I been wanting(and have had time) to write on it, infact I have a few pages written out, but I don't like how it is working out. I always get a terrible case of writers block. T_T Oh I hate writers block, and it always happens when you want to write--Why can't it happen when you are to busy to write or something??
    Don't worry, I'll try to get something up asap, but I don't want to force myself into writing if my brain is dead.
    BUT, I have started another Short Story, and hope to get a Romance story by Valentines; not sure who it is going to be about. Maybe a Kopaka/Gali or Matau/Nokama, or maybe a Matoran one. Really just matters...Any advice or which one you would prefer me to write just point out.
    Ah yes, drawing? I've started on the requests again a lot, and have another Matoran drawing, and something else which I forgot about...But yeah I will try to get that up by this week or so.
    Ok, back to watching Appleseed....I really want to put it on my MP3, but need to figure out a way to put it on the comp first.
    ...Oh, oh, read your new chappie Beliwa, great stuff! I'll review it tommorow(almost bedtime)
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Thanks for the people who Pm'd me yelling "YOU'RE ON MEMBER SPOTLIGHT!", because I probably would have missed it. I'm a terrible blonde.
    But yay me, I feel so happy, and pretty and witty....Eh forget that song.
    On another note to those who saw my last(But now draft) Entry, I didn't delete it, but I am currently writing up all the names for the fanart, finding the links, and organizing it the way I like, when I get it up again I'll link it for everyone to view. =)
    So now, I be all be wondering what's been up with me? Or maybe you haven't, but either way, oh well I am telling you guys anyway. Though I am 60.765 % that this entry will get less comments than my shorter one.
    We got Star Gate Season 1, disk 1 in Netflix today, and I have watched 'em all. So far they are awesome....Star Gate rules.
    And speaking of which, it has inspired me to write something*cough*, and if you guys have guessed, do not take the idea or so help you I will sue you like my name.
    ....I did not make a lick of sense. Ignore me all you dears, I am like hyper--Or worse. But still, I warned you...
    Er, anyway, about art....I hope everyone noted that my Bionicle drawing mood came back in the last few weeks, which is great, and I hope everyone has enjoyed my new art, and hey! I got a request up for Toa T...that’s him right? Ack why must you all change your names!?
    But so, I can ink and clean him up, then color, because I am sure you all know my sketches get rather messy. Bad LK. ;_; Clean up your art!
    But I am drawing Thok with pencil, and he isn't too messy so far, but of course I am using those wonderful blending tools. <3
    Oh, oh! One more thing and I promise you can R.I.P., I am working on a tutorial (Yes this time I am very serious) for art, starting with tips on what paper you should you use, to 'you don't have to waste a billion dollars on art supplies to become an artist'.
    So I will post them on the blog by different parts, each one consisting of pictures, step by step stuff, my best try and pointing out obvious flaws and what to avoid in art, how to do things correctly, tips on getting perspective right...and yeah.
    But I warn that you should probably not trust this tutorial 100% as I am still a terribly flawed artist myself.
    Ok I am leaving now!
  15. Lady Kopaka
    1. Get your Thok weapon
    2. Carefully pull off the blue plastic thing from it...Don't worry you can slip it back on.
    3. Put your mouth on it and blow in and out.
    Congradulations, you just wasted 5 minutes of your life!
    .....but it is still cool. XD
  16. Lady Kopaka
    I would like to say thank you everyone for all the advice, I would love to personally quote everyone, but to simply go down the line to everyone’s main points I would point out:
    I wish my parents would listen, they always complain about what I am doing, but never accepting or even care to listen what I am up to that I am enjoying. Or maybe I should talk more to them, I dunno...
    I think I will stop going on AIM/Yahoo/MSN as much as I have been, but I might go on once and awhile, even though I love to talk to friends and it is very helpful at times to talk about RPGs I am in, help with art, writing, etc meetings, and so on; I don't think I am going to push my parents, I am just going to let it drop and maybe when I am older they might allow it...It just makes me feel a bit better to see some of your parents feel the way about messengers, and not just mine.
    Talking over to my parents would be helpful, but once again, I just always get myself mad because they just don't feel that they are really listen, and then it makes me feel stupid and makes me feel like I am wrong always. Dads always working and moms always sick, I never find a time to talk to them...anyway, and I am much to afraid to talk to my dad about these things because he just yells at me.
    And I have always thought about showing mom a 'tour' around the site...I really feel like doing that, one day I think I will just try to purposely get on BZP through my moms computer, and maybe slowly talk about it...I just hope she will listen. And to Omi, he has a point--He is the only one (Or so I think ) That has my address, last name, and stuff like that. XD But seriously; that would be a good way to go.
    But I wish, just so wish to death out of anything else... that I could show off my stories, my art to my parents, show and brag how popular my stuff has become, show all the great reviews I have and how great you members have been to it. But they don't seem interested, dad wouldn't care and mom would just say I should be writing and drawing in better subjects more often, they never ask me...I know I should be talking to them...But it feels that they never want to go up and say something like compliments for once. All I feel is that my parents just fuss at what I do wrong, and never encourage me; help me back on my feet. Sometimes it feels it is just God and me.
    I'm...I'm sorry, I don't mean to rant--I hate ranting on this blog, it feels that is all I do on my blog, it makes my life look so depressing and gives my parents a bad image, trust me they are the best...But sometimes I need a rant, and I have no one to tell it to like this; cept' for when I talk to God sometimes about this, even though I know he hears me, it makes me feel good when I am talking to a friend in life and they show that they understand and I am not alone in this.
    So basically, I am just going to let it drop and not make a big deal out of this...I remember one time mom wanted to talk to a friend from the board, and my dad laughed at some of the pictures from Brickfest last year...I wish they were always like that.
    Anyway, I have bed. Thanks for listening through whoever dared, and hope I don’t sound all depressed or anything. I feel quite fine really; just deep inside I needed to get this out.
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Now my mom doesn't like me talking to people I don't know on AIM...And then I got a bit mad and asked her about how she feels me being on here, and she said she didn't know.
    And what makes the deal so ironic is my mom goes on message boards, she talks to people she doesn't really 'know', so why cannot I on a Lego site?
    To everyone, does anyone have advice or help on how to solve this problem? My parents seemingly never want to listen to what I have to say on this matter, and I am always wrong and everyone here are predators stalking me....Trust me, I am not ignoring my mom and dads point, you can never be to careful on the internet, but still, BZP is a seriously great place, and being here for a year, to me it feels safe, and I felt safe talking to some people on IM.
    Ugh and it makes me feel worse because I am not hiding anything from my parents, I want to be open, but if they get mad at everything I do on the internet and is always thinking I am doing something unsafe when really…BZP, Bionicle.com and another Bionicle message board is really the only places I go to. I’ve prayed about this, but I am still not sure what I should do.
    [/ends rant]
    If I don't do something soon, there might be a serious goodbye from me.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, I might lurk around for about 10 minutes but that's all I have been doing really, which I want to get active again....But I have been busy working on another site, and then school is getting back in full force.
    Good news, I am actually done with the next chapter in my story! Though I will post it when I finish a drawing it. Which is unknown how long that will take, because my scanner is being stupid. T_T
    Even better news, I am actually drawing a really good Piraka! It might come out as Zaktan, but I am unsure.
    I also bought (Or my brother did, but for a late Xmas pressie) Bionicle Legends #4, and finished it, it awesome, and I cannot wait to get my hand on the others.
    No spoilers btw, I am behind. XD
    OH! OH!
    I just bought this really nice MP3 Player called Sandisk, its 4GB and it is so pretty. It can do music, video, pictures, recorder, Radio and some other stuff. *Dances around* and the best part it was only $130!
    Link to info. (Amazon is safe to link right?)
    Yeah seriously, if any of you guys plan on getting an mp3 player, and think about an iPod, think twice. An iPod that holds 2GB is almost $200, and my sandisk can do more, and there are a lot more other kinds of good Mp3 players to look for. So just before thinking iPod, look around before buying one, you could save a lot of money. And I suggest looking around at Amazon, Amazon is amazing. =D
    But if you really want an iPod, then go ahead, I am not saying iPods are bad, they are cool. But I think they are just expensive and everyone has one. So meh. ^^
  19. Lady Kopaka
    I actually finished the story!
    *Is proud of self* I kind of like this story, some flaws, some grammar trouble...But enjoy to those who want to read it, unlike my darkish epic, this one is rather emotional.
    ...And now that I have finished that, I can now have peace of mind to go to sleep.
    .....Reviews would be nice...err, *cough*
  20. Lady Kopaka
    That BIONICLE short film was, without better words to describe....
    ... But what I loved a lot about it was the music, it reminded me a lot of Evanescence, and it suits the Bionicle theme. It really gets me gittery for 2007, and I think now I am slowly relaxing to the bad guys. Barraki are pretty cool after all. Though what a depressing ending! Not a bad one, but funny for Lego to show that a poor innocent Matoran will get dragged down.
    Who sings it? I guess I will have to look at the credits again, though I would really like to have that song.
    I need to somehow figure out how to save it on my computer and then move it to my mp3 player to watch (Which btw, did I say I got it in the mail a week or so ago?).
    Any suggestions or how I can get/find them would be nice.
    Ugh, need to go buy Bionicle Legends#6....And 3....and 5....*Shakes fist at lack of money and lack of car*
    Anyway, GOOD NEWS ON ART! I finally got that buggered scanner to work, and went to Hobby Lobby today, getting myself a new sketch book, some new ink pens, and those blending tools. And I looked through most of my recent sketch books to finish old pictures, found some I never scanned, and my long lost request picture. So in a few days there will be lotsa art from me.
    Okies, I think I have bedtime...But one more time...*Goes to watch the movie again*
  21. Lady Kopaka
    I got in trouble for talking to LH yesterday, and I would like to tell him it wasn’t his fault. Dad asked who I was talking to and I said a friend of mine on BZP, he then asked what's his name/where he lives and I couldn't answer that because I forgot. >> Then dad said I shouldn't be talking to people I don't know because I cannot trust them.
    So I dunno what I will do, that means I am in trouble on MSN/Yahoo/AIM, and probably being on BZP too. ;_;
    Let me tell you though, that my mom doesn't really mind(Since she goes to Message Boards and stuff too), since she does know I occasionally talk to people on BZP, and that I am on here, I mean, how else did I get that *coughhorriblecough*poster to Bfest? She gave me the OKs if I didn't give out any personal information.
    So I am sad and unsure what I should be doing or if I can get on again. >>
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Hey look, I actually updated my epic! Read if you wish. =D This chapter is fairly long, but mainly is just an action-battling scene since I haven't had much of those.
    And I started drawing this utterly awesome picture of Zaktan, IMO. Let us hope it will do good, I am about to ink and color. And once I get a new sketchbook, I can start working on other pieces of art. ^^;
    On another note of writing, I went back to finishing some SS, so look out for those!
  23. Lady Kopaka
    We started to school today, and let me tell you I wasen't happy at all. The whole time I thought we were doing school next week(Which is cool as far as school goes), but then suddenly dad proclaims school the day after new years. *Sighs*
    I guess I can handle it, just wasen't really ready to start school.
    And I keep on wanting to get active on BZP again, and I have had the time(Though still a bit busy), guess I got out of the habbit.
    ...Need to post art. And add another chapter in my epic. *sniffles*
    Guess I could update me avatar/banner for a start.
    Oh! BTW:
    Click if you know whats good for you.
    I did that. =D
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