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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Merry Christmas everyone and to all a good night! I was kind of mad BZP was down for awhile, sure I spent time with my family, but by 10 and playing with all my pressies I was like...Dude I am bored. O_O
    Well, it wasn't so bad, I got to play with my....
    NEW MINI AMPLIFIER! (Best present)
    ....But one of the bestest, and I was almost in tears... (No seriously)
    Was a Kopaka Nuva that my sister got!
    I am sure you all think I have millions of him, actually, I have the Kopaka Olda and Nuva, but some brothers lost most of the pieces. >> And I was so sad that I would never be able to get another.
    But I was so happy! I got a Kopaka Nuva!
    ...My brothers got Piraka...And I was stuck with smelly bath stuff.
    I want more mashed taters. ;_;
  2. Lady Kopaka
    I am contemplating if I want to leave BZP.
    I mean...I love BZP and of course Bionicle, but I just feel that my life which lately has been really rough on me and my family, and I have been less active, loosing the attention of my writing, art and even friends. It makes me feel so guilty that I can't reply to PMs as fast as I should be, but I dunno...
    I am in a kind of emo mood about this; I am fine, just not about this.
    My artwork is slacking, I don't write as much as I want...But of course, both of those so called talents never were that good.
    Also, I feel less popular....Wait; don't give me those odd looks, I mean, yes that is very self centered to say. And I don't mean to say it like that, I guess I got used to being treated so nicely by a lot of members, getting drawn a lot and in the spot light, but when I kind of went through those fazes of disappearing, I feel like I have hurt several peoples feelings and other members kind of took over my spot.
    ...Dude, I sounded really self centered there, I am sorry, but truth is, I am jealous.
    Even if I got active again, my art went back up, I still don't think everything could go back to normal, half of me feels I should just force myself to finish some art/etc, and I might feel better...But I don’t know, I don't think everything would go back to normal.
    Ugh, so stressed, so tired, I want my life to stop being so frustrating....
  3. Lady Kopaka
    I'm watching my brother dance around in the kitchen while making a sandwich. I have Relient K going...Does he know I am watching him? Or does he care?
    FINALLY got to see Cars, we got in Netflix today, and it is awesome, totally funny and the whole nine yards. Mom is watching it with the family now, because they went Christmas shopping today...And I have no clue what they got me!
    I asked for a video game...Mom said no video games.
    I asked for a Amplifier...To much money and mom said not enough room in our house.
    I asked for a flat screen monitor...to much money.
    I asked for some Bionicles...mom said no 'toys'.
    So yeah, basically they tore down my Christmas list.
    I hate to be the jealous type, but I wish that one day, I could actually have a nice Christmas, I really have never gotten a Christmas present more than $10-$30 dollars, and sometimes I want to cry when I hear that my friend is getting an iPod or something really nice, and they act that it isn't a very big deal. (I mean, they are excited of course, but not like it is the most amazing thing in the world)
    Out of the 10 commandments, I'm the worst when it comes to coveting. I really need to start to pray for myself to stop this. It can be a bad thing and make you miserable; everyone should be thankful for what they have, big or small.
    ...My sister is yelling at me to get off. I already told her I was after writing this, but no, she still yells at me...
    Sorry if it sounds that I am ranting again, just tired of my sister treating me so badly, but besides that I am fine. ^^;
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Hey, I am going to go see Eragon today.
    ...One problem...
    WAS I SUPPOSED TO MEET KIE AND TOMIKU TODAY OR TOMMOROW?? *Freaks out* The two said on the 17th, but the also said a Saterday? Saterday is on the 16th...
  5. Lady Kopaka
    What the heck was I doing last night? Was I druck or something. O.o Why did I go all emo on everyone and scare you to death?? I dunno...But I hate getting deppressed and getting all worked over nothing. *Sighs and shakes head*
    Firstly I am NOT leaving, dear lord I would be crazy, though I might take a week or two off from BZP to get a better time managment plan and catch up with school.
    *Decides to quote all these great members that helped me out when I was being down and stupid.*

    I admit, I pressure a lot on me to get done, but like my dad I love to keep busy, and like my dad--I get to busy.

    My mom says the same thing to me, and she and you are right.

    You're right, and I dunno why I started ranting that topic so hard. Who cares about being popular?...Well it is a very tempting thing, but still....

    That is the best advise...Why is the best thing to do the last thing you think about?

    How very true, I know that is the truth, but sometimes I forget about that.

    You read my mind, sometimes it helps to see that other people understand.

    Not true JMJ, you are a pretty fimilar member.

    *Smiles* Happy?

    Yeah, but it feels that my poster didn't look as good as everyone was expecting...But let us not go into that arguement agian.

    Really? O_o

    Thank you so much HH!

    I wouldn't say best... :blush:

    Once again, thank you for that advise, I should had did that instead of rant on BZP like that.

    Thanks Beliwa.

    ACK! LEAVE CROSSROADS?? NEVER! Ugh...I now am thinking about all the things I would miss if I left.

    Are you serious? Jealous of me? I was jealous of you! I felt that I would always be under your shadow Nikira, and I always compared my art to yours. Wishing I could do as good as you.

    You are right, that has happened to many of my once fans. But still, we will always have those loyal fans who will always love our artwork--even if they don't always give big reviews.

    Thats right...You can't get rid of southerner that fast!

    Don't worry. I wont.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    I'm having fun at the moment playing 'dad' today; as he is off to Georgia teaching classes (Arc? Forestry? I forgot) He is giving me the duty to take over some of his work while he is away. So far I have gotten 5 phone calls in the last 30 minutes, most of which was something about a report, from all over the south.
    And I have just spent the last hour trying to find some bloody files that I need to burn to CD's. Dad has all his drives confused...and not to mention his desktop. I would seriously do some organizing for him, but I am afraid he will get onto me.
    Ugh, I still need to do school...I guess I will work on school while it's burning, but I think mom is giving it a bit easy on me so I can work for dad. So yay me.
    But I have no idea how he can work in this mess!
    Least I get to be on his X64 Windows XP Edition computer. (It's a super computer)
    I'm much better today also, but I am coughing and sneezing up a storm....I really need to work on more art, and finish those darn requests...Though my brain is dead. Can you guys help me a bit with suggestions on what I can/should draw?
    HAH! I FINALLY GOT BURNING THAT ROM(E)!...Now let's hope I'm doing this right. >>
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I got own'd by Kex and Dr. B bad yesterday. ><
    *Shakes fist at Swert*
    Least I learned that Kex likes Flyleaf. ^.^
    Anyhow got some good/bad news:
    1.I gots a cold. =(
    2. Got our (Real--no fake, fake is silly) Christmas tree up. To bad I can't smell* it. >< (Happy now?)
    3. Christmas Party tomorrow at our house, whoot!
    4. No cable for meh, I miss Avatar. ;_;
    5. And the bestest....
    Yeah, they are coming to my local mall for this choir(?) thing, I am so overly excited, but still kind of worried what my Mom is going to say. I mean, I expected the worse when asking about the poster...And she nearly fainted when she heard that someone wanted me to draw a poster. That went well...SO yeah.
    Art news...*sniff* my manga art is improving, but my Bionicle art is slacking. I seem to do much better with Original characters, than official ones. Mmhh.
    Edit'd for lack of spelling.
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Whoot I am back, I am back!! And there might be a chance that my computer will stay in my room! Yay!
    Tennessee was wonderful, oh I just love my dads side of the family. Oh man, and the food, it was awesome. *dies*
    Though about art....Didn't get any Bionicle art done...I sorry, I really did try, but the pictures would always mess up or it didn't look good. I believe I am failing in my Bionicle artwork. I mean, I want to do more Bionicle art, but...
    Though, I did get a lot of art done for my comic.
    So yeah, I might be on a lot today. But we still need to do some cleaning today, unpack, you know. And then I will probably have to let my sister on...
    Yeah, I guess I should edit that to 'I might be on a little bit today'.
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Computer is moving out of my room and into the living room or something. T_T Mom and Dad thinks I am not doing well enough in school and is blaming the computer and me drawing all the time. They also think I am not social enough, and do not have enough responsibility.
    ...I do partly agree with them that the computer is the blame, it is terribly hard to do school when a computer is staring at you...and yes, I am getting a little behind in school.
    But they expect me to do all the school work like its nothing, and I never get encouraged, mom and dad are always to busy to help me...
    It's times like this I wish I was in a public school or something. >>
    So, yeah...I will not be on the computer that much or not at all. So I am sorry. And don't say it's not my fault because it is. They have given me plenty of chances to prove that I was mature enough to do all my school and be more organized, and I screwed up every time.
    Also, I will be gone for a week up to Tennessee for thanksgiving, so I am leaving tomorrow.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    I actually have been very active on the computer...But being gone from BZP has made me even more dead. I need something to refresh me here.
    *Sees angry mob*
    Oh right. I could update my art.
    BTW, new obbsession=Avatar the Last Airbender. <3
  11. Lady Kopaka
    *Decides to blog before she must go to bed*
    Ok, mega awesome day today! I will try my best to keep it simple. XD
    Ok, after a sleepover we had on Friday night (btw, awesome), we left for the veterans parade. Let me tell you it was small, but really fun to watch. Candy goes everywhere, big marching bands, horses....Oh and old guys driving go-carts. No seriously.
    It was fun, and then after the parade, we went over to a local place called the 'Kent House', where everything and everyone(workers of course) are dressed up in 18th century style, lots of history, fun and best part...food.
    Couldn't resist KIE.
    I was going to get some Jambalaya, but it was sold out by the time I got some. ;_; So I got myself a nice warm bowl of spicy gumbo with rice...Mmhh!
    Another cool thing was that this really popular chef down 'ere was there. I can't remember his name...dadnabit.
    But anyway, my mom must love his cooking or something, because she wanted to get a picture with him. XD! But she was to chicken to ask. *Pokes fun of mom*
    Oh yeah, and my dad and a whole bunch of others were the 'Village Players'. All dressed up and playing some of the greatest folk (Am I using the right words? ) music, dad brought and played his banjo/guitar. It was real fun to watch and the music was great.
    [/is still hyper]
    I love being Southern.
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Ok, I didn't murder it, I organized it. So hopefully I'll be able to reply to PM's faster and stuff...Yeah. So everyone, glomp me with PM's. Because it really feels that I was so bad at not replying to PM's earlier, I've might have hurt people’s feelings. ;_;
    Let me see how I can make this a decent post without killing everyone with my longwinded entries...
    On an art note, I am really glad everyone enjoyed the new art update. I really wasn’t expecting my new Indy Toa picture to be that good, but the only reason I didn't like it was because of his right foot, looks way to skinny.
    While I liked my Hahli picture and is proud on the coloring, I agree on whoever commented it, the mask didn't end that well.
    And the 'Dark Toa' seems to be another successful picture, I really loved how the coloring ended up, but I don't think his feet matched his evil looking...ness.
    And I finally found my request in my other sketchbook. I will be scanning one, and then I will color it. BUT, I have decided that the other will have to be redone, I really don't like how it’s turning...But I am back in the mood for drawing lots of Bionicle, so you guys might get updates faster.
    Though I have been thinking....And a thinking'....
    Should I reopen my request list soon? ^^
    EDIT: Forgot to point out, I'm working on making weekly tutorials for those billions of people who have asked me for art tips.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Um, I was cleaning out my PM box so I could actually do some good in the world, and I deleted all the PM's I still needed to reply to.
    So um. Could you guys PLEASE PM me whenever you able on PM's that I didn't reply to or any of the sort, this would be a good time now that I have more time to reply to PM's.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    I was going to update my art today. Seriously. No really. I have like...3 new drawings along with 2 requets.
    But um, I kind of got caught up with playing Guild Wars, working on some GIS stuff for dad, and I am now just working on my SS entry. But alas, now that I have art to show, I will only have to scan and stuff! I will try my best to do that tomorrow.
    But yes, I am entering the Short Story Contest #3. For awhile I was not going to enter due to me winning the S&T, but what the heck. I love entering contests. And this gives me a very good excuse to turn my one year story thing into the entry.
    So far it's looking very good, as I have said before awhile back. It is based from a movie that I enjoy. And I am still thinking of a song...I have found many by Enya that would do very good, but I am unsure if they will be long enough. Because by the looks of it, this story is going to be long.
    ...Now lets just see how my grammar will be.
    ....*pauses for a moment*
    ....Oh my gosh.
    I missed the TOTA RECORDING!!! ><
    Sorry SPIRIT. But I do have a worthy explanation, my grandma has been here a lot of the day so yeah....
    *decides to keep it a short entry so she wont murder the readers*
  15. Lady Kopaka
    This ere' is my long and useless speech for my 1 year. Over due yes, but eehhhh I am doing it just to annoy you.
    I remember joining BZP...Well actually I tried many times, but my parent control got grouchy when I tried to join, but finally got it working.
    A quick trivia, did you know I was going to call myself Lady Lhikan? And before I had 'Lady Kopaka', I was called Toa Sahkanii?
    After finally discovering that my account started working (Pointed out I believe by my good friend Violet Tonks) I quickly decided to get acquainted with the site. At first, I wasn’t very obsessed or active, but after showing off some of my old artwork and discovered I got comments! And I believe it was around then when people started PM'ing. So I got more comfortable with the place and then exploring further than just SS, Epics and Artwork, got used to BZP's many popular fads, jokes, and so on.
    Later after making some more artwork, I decided I was going to make an art-topic, so I did of course and its still alive and kicking...Well, it needs some new art, but yeah.
    More trivia: I got 3 hot topics with my Art Topic.
    After that I got more active in BZP, and showing more and more of my art, within only a few months I was a huge upspring in the Art community and beyond, I was getting many PM's commenting on my creative name() and just wanting to get to know me. I also remember dear ol' Tarroc (Need to update his new name) being the first to ask me if I could draw him and suggesting that I might make a request list.
    Personally and in heart, the request list was extremely fun to do. You never knew what was next to draw, and it was always fun to do those made up characters. Even though, getting PM after PM requesting for art, it did get a little stressing but very fun. ^^
    Around the time and before the Art Topic, I posted my Epic, a little Poem and a Short Story. My Epic got fair replies, Poem getting little, though my Short Story ("I Think I love you..." A KXG) became instantly famous, getting posts for 5 months straight (Finally calmed down awhile back).
    My mind gets a little mixed up by now and I am to lazy to look up dates, but around this time also, or possibly later I got to star in Treespeak on the Air, even if my mic was quiet it was very fun to hang out with Dr. B and SPIRIT. And I cannot wait to do it again soon.
    Speeding time up a little, the AC11 came round', and that was sadly a stressing day. I wanted to enter very badly, yet I was off on a trip the next day. So I did that picture in only a few hours...Later I regretted doing that because it did not end so well look-wise and vote-wise. So make sure you have time to do entries!
    That turn down was dismissed when the S&T Contest #2 came up. I had not gone to that section save to look up spoilers () and such. But I was so into writing I decided to go with it.
    Trivia(again): I was going to enter in the Metru Nui category, though with advise from Swert and -Chii-(Zieg), I changed my mind and went for the Voya Nui part.
    That was more stressing than AC11...I accidentally edited my story (Didn't edit the story itself though), got so confused, and was VERY embarrassed with the *incident* of grammar and slices....those bloody slices...
    Even through all that trouble, I made it! I beat some very top notch writers and won the contest! That kept my ego so very boosted for a long time and still now to know its part of the official storyline. B)
    Then of course AC12 came up, and that was fun. I surprisingly beat B_D and made it into the finals and got 6th place. I plan to get closer next time 'round.
    And now it’s quieted down, though the Fanclub thing made by -Chii- was very funny and interesting at the same time. I actually have a bunch'a more fans, I just haven't added them yet or they have asked yet. XD
    OF course, I have forgotten much, but I think this has gone well? I don't need to repeat much of present times.
    Also, thank you all for being supportive, helpful, or just being there. See you next year chaps!
  16. Lady Kopaka
    This will be a short entry since I am sick(AGAIN ><) and tired...and I need to work on my epic/artwork.
    Yay for me! Yesterday was my 1 year at BZP, once I get my big art pic up(Thank you Swert for the idea), and update my epic...I'll make a nice long post saying a nice long speech on the one year here. But once agian, sorry for me being kind of dead lately....Or I guess not dead as I am still rather active here, but I haven't updated any art in awhile...So forgive me. Life is hard at times.
    Ah yes and I will poke this out on a random note...
    Dr. B finds my accent very weird. =3
    Zomg! Indiana Jones is on! *Goes to watch*
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Whoot! I just tried out all my costume for Indy Jones, so far everything looks A-OK! All I need now is to find a green satchel (I think I can get one from Wal-Mart), and....a fedora. Lord, I have no idea where I am going to find one. *cries* If I cannot find one in time, I have a dark cowboy hat that will do OK for a replacement.
    But everything looks fine, so whoopy do. And I also 'tested' it outside with my brothers....They were the Germans, I was Indy...You know where this is going huh?
    Anyway...ZOMG! Tomorrow is my one year anniversary is tomorrow!! And I haven't finished my next chapter, the SS and the new art. >> So forgive me if it's a day late, but I wil try my best.
    Good news though, is my sister will be gone to a sleepover soon, and my dad isn't here....So know what that means? I GET TO ACTUALLY STAY UP LATE! WHOOT!
    It’s a big deal for me.
    Well, excuse me as I am off to work on my stories/art, and anything else that comes to mind.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Eeks, 4 more days till I have been here a year! I need to hurry and finish a short story and my surprise art. ^^
    Today is fall cleaning. Which means we sort out our old clothing and decide who needs new coats, etc for the winter. I also have undergone a major clean-room day, which I am about 70% done. And sometime today, I'm going to go through and organize and clean up my computer....and also find a little bugger spyware hiding in my mists.
    KIE just PM'd telling me there will be a ArcGIS meeting in Baton Rouge, I was soundly interested, but sadly, dads off in Pennsylvania for a week, so I can't come or see KIE, but maybe another one will pop up. Whoot.
    Speaking on that stuff, dad has finally given me another job that will pay $30 when the job is completed, I have to organize/save some maps(Not 100% what the reason is) with Terrain map pro, fairly easy job, mainly just saving different sections of Louisiana in a specific file type. I need to do a few more before the end of the day, though I do hope get finished before dad gets back from his meeting.
    I feel so important when I'm called a GIS Technician. Even though I am a artist/writer, I think for a future job will involve becoming a forester, though more like my dad who does the tecky stuff instead of the logging business. Working in the woods in the middle of the summer in Louisiana isn’t fun at all.
    ....Though an Archeologist still sounds cool.
    Though speaking of which, besides working for my dad, I just hired as a tutor. I'm mainly teaching math, and helping with other things here and there. Last time I checked, I'm getting paid around 20 dollars every 2 weeks?
    Doing sixth grade math is easy for me, and gives me the time to catch back up in my multiplication....It's so odd, I actually love math, but I'm not good at it when it comes to Algebra 1. XD Someday I will get it.
    Well, this is an odd entry...and I need to go back to cleaning my room. See you around folks.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, after a talk about doing a Star Wars story with a good friend of my'n, and then of course just talking about Star Wars itself for awhile, I kind of got obsessed with it again. So I am probably going to change my theme in a moment on my blog.
    Speaking of something(Before I get back on the Star Wars Topic real quick), I decided I should make a content blog telling of all my past themes, I remember most of them, but does anyone remember when I really started up the theme and all?
    Back on topic, I am now over the Old Republic (Even though they are good, that includes KotOR), I'm getting into the New Republic and New Jedi Order. It’s great to get back into those characters like Han Solo, Leia, Luke and such. Though, it’s still rather painful to study/read about. ;_; Poor Anakin Solo and Chewie.
    My friend let me borrow a book called Star By Star, so far it's really good. But dear lord, those Yuuzhan Vong scare me to death, and the worst part about it, there isn't an official story yet on how the Republic defeats them. Not only that, but think about what’s to come next year! New stuff, new info, continuing through the EU(Expanded Universe) and THE STAR WARS TV SERIES!....Lets just hope it ain't tacky.
    I am now going to be drawing lots of Star Wars stuff, so be wary; I might post some on here....
    I really love designing clothes and creating species. Very fun.
    Off the topic of Star Wars() I must tell you today is International Suzie Day. What is that? Well it is to celebrate ME of course!
    No seriously.
    Ok, maybe a bit of a joke. But my friend is making a music video thing for all of her friends, and she was getting footage of me for the sleepover we had yesterday/today. So I was looked up upon. ^^ So just prepare you calendars for NEXT year...
    Ok I forgot to point out, that at the sleepover, we watched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Best Indy movie so far), so I am also going through a faze with ol' Indy.
    Ok, maybe it's Harrison Ford? <3 Ford.
    ....Yes, see here? You made me do another long entry! I am talking total nonsense. Good grief...
    I got a question, who should I dress up for Halloween? I need to start planning now, but I cannot decide.
    Indiana Jones Captain Barbossa I can't decide...But ignore the fact that I am woman.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    I'm freezing....And it's great! =D
    I'm on a posting rampage here on BZP....Why? Well I am trying to make 2000 post before the 28th. What's the 28th? Well my 1 year anniversary of course! Yes this year has gone really fast, it still feels like I have only been here a few months. *Dreams of purdy Vahi*
    I'm going to either have to write a cool SS or do a good drawing for my 1 year...maybe both?
    I seriously need to update my epic. When I started it, I had time to work it, now suddenly the world got really busy for me.
    Well, since today is the WONDERFUL saterday, I'll work on it along with a billion other stories.
    And oh yeah...My art. XD
    Ok I actually did go to the fair, and rode the rides and whatnot...let me tell you that was so fun, but it was a little frustrating when one of my friends get's really bosy and didn't let me go back to a ride I enjoyed. And made me go on this one that I got sick on, and my sister threw up. Sigh.
    But oohh ohh guess what??
    My Titanic painting wont ANOTHER first place!! Now I have to send it to state fair.
    And I did a sketch of Indiana Jones, I got third in that. So yay.
    I want to go watch Treasure Planet.....
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah...Um...I did a stupid thing today.
    I was washing stuff that didn't fit into the dishwasher after lunch, and while washing, I forgot to do the huge knife last(The kind of knife that chops up a lot of food and whatnot), I threw it in the water, and when pulling it out, it slit my finger. OOhhh it hurt. And boy did it bleed a lot. It was weird. O.o
    And so I learnt a valuble lesson on doing the sharpy items last.
    So now I have a bandaid on, and my finger hurts awfully bad. So I probably wont be doing much drawing or typing until it feels better. I'll be lucky do write decently for school.
    And today, we have a lot of school. >> Mom's pushing us awfully hard lately.
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Ahh yes the fair, with rides, big rides...the kind that makes you want to get sick.
    We entered stuff into our fair, ya know, lots of crafts, paintings, projects, and then of course they have shows for Horses, dogs, rabbits, and so on.
    Though I entered my 1st place Titanic painting (XD, from another contest) and then a newly sketched picture I did of Indiana Jones, I finished in one day in a few hours, so I think it ended fairly well.
    Though will have to see what happens, the judging is today, and we get to see who one probably this afternoon!
    Though, besides that, I am not going to the fair probably. I have gone on those rides every year, and even though it is fun, I think I need to give my money a break, and myself since last year was when I nearly threw up because I was riding all those dangerous rides.
    I also do not have enough money, and trying to save up for more needed things.
    But yeah...
    Sorry I haven't updated art; well really I updated a lot that past few weeks ago, but I REALLY need to scan those bloody requests, I just keep on getting to lazy. Maybe after school today.
    Onto my epic, I got most of the 2nd chapter done, but I remember I post a drawing for every chapter, so I need to sketch one out for that, and then I can update.
    My two short stories are going awesome also, I'm trying to get those finished, and after posting those, I think I am going to post a library.
    Though is it just me, or did my KXG story disappear? O.o I cannot find it.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    To confirm the suspicions of many BZP'ers who have never seen a picture of me, and only the drawing Turakii did, I bring you the proof.
    More Proof
    Cases confirm that Lady Kopaka does have red hair.
    ....Ok its actually Strawberry Blonde with red along with some blonde and brown. But let’s not get to technical.
    EDIT: To whoever reads my epic, I have chapter I up.
  24. Lady Kopaka
    Ok, ok, gee, I am updating! But onto the BZP news! *Serious news theme song*
    Today, I would like to report that my fairly good friend and great artist, Zeestan has his birthday today. So everyone give him a good pat on the back.
    LK is updating.
    Lady Kopaka has been suddenly busy with much school work and a big Webcomic project, not to include that her dear sister*coughnotcough* has comenderd LK's computer 24/7.
    Lady Kopaka's finger is much better. And she did indeed start drawing again the day after it got cut.
    Lady Kopaka has now told me she seriously needs to stop talking in third person. Who am I then? Well...I am not really sure myself.
    Um, anyway… hi? Well what's to say? On more subjects of BZP and me, I would like to point out that I have two short stories going along with the second chapter for my epic. What are the short stories about? Well hints: They are both based on my favorite movies; one has my fav made up Bionicle.
    Art eh? Well, I admit I haven't worked a lot on that. Been very into my comic (Think Ninja's), and I still need to finish those durned request. Sorry mates.
    Anything else? Nope...Now to the matter of Real life.
    On Saturday I had a sleepover with my bestest buddy Laur, yes a little late on telling this. But I just HAVE to tell you what we did! We did a netflix commercial (Best stuff btw) and here how it went.
    A lady (my sister) comes walking in her living room, seemingly from outside. She puts keys down and is shocked to see what was in the living room.
    There was some dead and freaky person (Laur) in a black dress lying on her couch. And this other Matrix like guy (me) is there.
    Me: Hello, we are the horror movie you ordered from Netflix.
    Laur: (Some how comes alive and smiles) Hi!
    That was the best thing I have done with her in a long time.
    Goodness gracious! Here I go again ranting about random stuff, and it is sure that no one is brave enough to read this. Well, farewell all!
  25. Lady Kopaka
    Lady Kopaka updated her art!
    Lady Kopaka is about to post her Epic!
    Lady Kopaka is now using a color for posting! (Following whatever theme I have going)
    Lady Kopaka needs to murder her dying keyboard.
    ....Lady Kopaka needs ice cream!
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