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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Yup, here they are:








    Ain't they just so purdy? Oh and my little brother got in a picture or two I believe, see if you can find him!
    I actually have more pictures, but I already posted a bunch to destroy some computers. =P I'll show more later.
    Oh, and my sister's camera=Win.
  2. Lady Kopaka
    I’m going up to Tennessee to see relatives and stuff from Thursday-Sunday. I’ll be able to get internet access there, but I wont be on much and don’t expect to see me on AIM/Yahoo/MSN.
    I was going to update my art topic today, but I don’t have time. In fact I really shouldn’t be on now (packing and stuff), but I needed to tell you guys. I’ll really only be gone for like, 3 days so no need to miss me or stop with the PMs, I’ll get around to them while I am on my trip or when I get back.
    But I will, try to update with bunches of new art and stuff when I get back. But don’t forget to check out the redesign of my topic, thanks Bioni-Cool Jack!
    So anyway, see you guys! *Hugs and stuff*
  3. Lady Kopaka
    There is nothing better than eating a Popsicle; the house is nice and quiet, and going to a car show. FOR THE WIN, FOR THE WIN.
    I is in a very happy mood, or for the next few hours anyway. XD
    I just came back from a car show, and dude, didja know I just love cars and all that classic stuff? I kind of fail at names and everything, but deep inside, when I see some sweet ride, I just want to run up and hug 'em!
    I took a lot of awesome pictures, so I'm going to probably show them soon, but I'm a bit to lazy(and hot, I'm sweatin' to death over here!) to find the wire and move the pictures; I mainly wanted to post and show off this rare moment when I'm actually happy.
    I kind of want to bike down the car show again, but its way to hot for that. Oh yeah, I saw a car JUST like Bumblebee, I tried to take a picture, but the guy drove off. =/
    But really makes me want to get one of those awesome cars, I think I’m gunna bug my dad about such things soon….
    Enough of my babbles! I’ll show the pictures later today, ciao!
  4. Lady Kopaka
    A F-15 went over our house and did some pretty tight moves, and it was really loud...So that was cool!
    ....On to other news :
    Hiya everyone! Though I'm still on less now (I might be extending this slight break another week because of school), I decided to post an entry and give everyone and update on my life. But real quick, if you guys go to the Penguin entry, don't forgot to read Jedi Master J.'s short story he wrote about the penguin in the comment section, it's really cute and good!
    Art is going rather nicely, I got a bunch of pieces almost done. And I actually drew some Bionicle-Human art, and I can't wait to show the drawing. I got a few other pieces that I like, but I am unsure if they are good enough till I actually get some feedback on it.
    Now then, life? Bleh. >_>
    Well, so far with family problems are kind of vague now. I'm rather in good mood, life was going smoothly...and then...
    We're probably not getting the house.
    Yeah. I'm really mad at God right now, I wish he could give my family a break; we've been through so much hardships and disappointment. I admit I have learned a lot, but after 3 years and having #5 House go down the drain, it really starts to bug you. This is roughly the 5th time this has happened. Its just, we have been living in this tiny house, and even before we were having house issues(getting kicked off our original land due to greedy relatives)....Our family finds this great house, we're all excited, we pray about it and it seems it will work out, and then when we least expect it the whole thing crashes. Same old story, over and over again....
    Part of me isn't totally surprised this would happen, in the back of my mind I knew this might happen. And it did....Now yes, there is still a slight chance, but our 90% of getting the house dropped to 30%.
    *Takes deep breath* Don't worry, we'll get through this and I'm not really depressed as this has happened before, so yeah...Like I said I'm actually pretty good, just sad inside.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I is sorry I've been so down guys, I am also sorry if I've been acting a little...attention hungry? I didn't mean for that to happen if it did, I just wanted to rant and stuff and didn't mean you guys to get all worried...
    But ok, I'm over the emo faze! I'm going to force myself to a positive attitude and I'm going to try not to get as sick and sad as I did before. But I do warn you, I will have my rant posts time to time.
    Ok so, I took Takatu's advice (originally my advice I gave to him =P), I organized my life, and I ate lots of virtual brownies from Niki. I also hid in my room and grabbed my bible, just played Video games and tried to relax.
    It was so nice to lie around and not to worry about stuff I need to do. XD
    Though, tomorrow is my official day to start 10th grade work. And so, I plan to take a break from the computer...not that I don't want to, but I plan to focus next week on school and either getting caught up on art stuff, and just to overall organize what I need to do and what I need to cut out from life. Now I'm not saying you wont here from me this next week, I'll probably post an entry or two and try to stay caught up with PMs, and I'll pop up on AIM/Yahoo/MSN once and awhile...but overall I'm just going to try to relax....or actually the Computer is what usually helps me relax, but I guess the main reason is because I don't want to fall behind in 10th grade stuff like what I did with 9th grade (I still haven't finished my Algebra I book ).
    Ok super long explanation over. 8D I leave now to go finish writing up my Bionicle Art to Do List. There is A LOT of stuff on the list, but I feel better having this checklist instead of jumping around from drawing to drawing.
    So yeah...err...
    Thanks for the encouragement and helping me through that troubled time in my life!
    EDIT: Oh yeah, also my art topic is safe. Due to BZP being down so much that took a lot of days out of getting a chance for me to update(though I was mainly busy with life so that would be hard to do), or for any person to post. So yay! It's ok and alive! So...if you guys could, make sure nothing bad happens to it while I'm away.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Haha, it's so hard to stay off BZP. Anyway, quick entry, I couldn't wait a single second not to show this...

    Thanks for all the chocolate, hugs and mainly just girl talk Nikira. I award you with this lil' Penguin!
    EDIT: NP claimed to have killed Nikira's Penguin! =O Don't worry, I'll use Phoenix Down...*Revives* There, all better! Don't hug the picture to hard!
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I hate it when your life is super stressful and painful, then it makes you feel good for a little bit because some little things good happened...and then something happens and your back to feeling bad again. I feel like I'm on a Rollercoaster.
    My life is so bumpy. ='(
    I wish my family would stop hurting me verbally, stop ignoring me, stop pointing out all of what’s wrong in me and never commenting on what I do good...I feel so scared and torn up because of them. All because of them. And they don't understand, never understand...
    I'm just so down because of that stupid math test...Yesterday my whole family was being loud and just stressing me out, and then during my math I got really sickish (Headache, dizzy, etc) So I went to sleep by accident for an hour or so...And because I was stressed, tired and couldn't think straight that day I didn't finish my math. Concluding I wasn’t allowed to go to Books-A-Million. That just made me feel even more guilty and stressed. I finally got the stupid thing done by 10:00 at night, and now today mom graded it and I got a B+. Good? I guess. But mom and dad made me feel so bad because I missed some problems and I went to slow...they just didn't get it!
    ...That might sound like a stupid thing to whine about, but once you add that with a bunch of my other problems and issues...it’s just a bloody disaster.
    I really tried to have a positive attitude toward life and just get tough and move on, but I keep getting thrown into dirt constantly. And after awhile, I just get sick of hiding all the pain inside for so long. This is probably the first time I have ever been in this much hurt before and for such a long time too.
    I just want life to go back to normal...if it ever was normal. >_< I just want my family to stop being so mean, I want my art and writing inspiration to come back, and for me to enjoy art and actually make myself believe I have a talent and not to worry if a picture is good or bad. I just want to enjoy life and get over this.
    ….I have to go finish school…Yeah I have to do a bunch of school today…No freedom and no summer break…You have to love this life.
    EDIT: I forgot to say that my art topic died a few days ago(JMJ told me)...So yeah...That really got me down even more so I'm really considering quiting on the Bionicle art....
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Oh my goodness! Oohhh....mmyyyy....gooodnesss.....*Goes into shock*
    Aanchir paid for a LIFETIME membership for me, I mean....wow....
    Seriously, this past few weeks I really haven't been in the best mood because of life issues and stuff, (I've really tried my best to contain my emotions though so you guys don't start to worry or anything though) so this is basically what happened, I get on the computer stuff'n my mouth with cereal then I see lots of PMs, so I go to check em...and look! There is a PM from dear ol' Nikira. I check it and she said I had just become an OBZPC and saying congrats and stuff. So I literally choke on my cereal and almost spit on the screen. XD
    So dreadfully confused and wondering if this was some little joke (Though I know Niki wouldn't do that, so that wouldn't have worked out) I go to see my profile...and there it was all in orange and bold:
    Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
    So ZOMG! I'm so happy and hyper. 8D
    I mean, part of me feels like I don't deserve this, but I am super grateful for getting it so I wouldn’t trade it in for the world.
    So yes, thank you very much Mr. Aanchir and now, just like Mizz Nikira suggested, we woman shall now go own all the OBZPC guys. Yeee haaaaw!
  9. Lady Kopaka
    *Dances to Family Force 5* Hold up, wait a minute! Put a lil' love in it!
    Ok anyway, guess what?
    I'm going to get my permit around September! That means I can start legally driving around the place! One step closer to escaping my horrid life....er…I mean...Never mind.
    Nevertheless, I need to ask my dad to help me get better in driving in standard. Automatic is pretty easy, so I am not too worried about that save for following the proper rules when driving. I do want to learn Standard though as I find that important to learn and I'd get to drive my dads huge truck around, nothing cooler than seeing a girl drive a pick up!
    Oh speaking of which, dad says once we move and can afford it, he's gunna get me an old jeep and he and I are going to fix/upgrade/customize it.
    Wait, did I say I am moving? Yes I am! And I am so happy, we'd get our pets back, we would be allowed to do whatever we wanted with the house...and it would be ours! No more, old silly rent house! There are many reasons why we are happy to be moving (Neighborhood not the greatest, our brothers bikes just got stolen. And the house is way too small for 8 people living in it)
    Also, one of the best parts is that where we are moving I'll be really close to a lot more of our friends and town, and I'll get my own room. Yes, MY OWN ROOM.
    So I am super duper happy right now. Lots of awesome things going on....except for school, going into 10th grade is scaring me.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Lol, I come running to Turakii screaming "BZPs gunna get a new server!" and she goes "It's back!"
    Haha, I'm so behind in news. =P
    It actually feels so weird to be on, I was just getting used to no BZP and suddenly it comes back...I of course is greatly happy that has returned for the time being.
    Now, onto go see what needs to be done around here!
  11. Lady Kopaka
    It's so nice to be writing an entry, brings fond memories back...that will only last for about a week? Nevertheless I'm happy for this bit.
    I've been away from the computer almost all day, my friend came over today and we went over to one of the National Parks close by, to go scout of places to film a pirate movie that we plan to start filming around August, and of course we had fun just swimming around in the lake, its weird how the top of the water is warm, while the bottom is icy cold when you swim out a ways. Another thing was, my brother said I looked like some dead body in the water when he saw me underwater; I'm not really surprised as my bright golden-red hair stands out and my paper white skin, nearly scared myself to.
    Oh yes! I finally got back into my Bionicle drawing mode, took me a few months, but so far what I've done recently has really pleased me....kind of. I still think I am really behind and all messy. ><
    And here I am, impatiently waiting for Final Fantasy III to come in the mail, just a few more days...
    Yeah, didn't you know? I got a DS a few days after my birthday (No, not as a present, I had to buy it myself). And I recently got into Final Fantasy, I really love the storylines so far, I think though, X is my favorite.
    Yes, I bet there are a lot of things have been different since my last entry, so to fix that situation, I have decided you guys can ask up to 3 questions in the comment section, asking about what’s been up with me, or any random thing. I've seen other people do it and it looks fun, so ask away.
    But now, excuse me as I go lurk around....
  12. Lady Kopaka
    (Btw, sorry about deleting the first entry, I decided to put a ‘divider’ between my old and new entries.)
    I would have really had gotten a PMship myself, but sadly my parents would not like or allow me to 'waste' my money on a Bionicle site. So I'm really sad. ;-; So I am sorry I kind of left you hanging, when my PMship ended, it was very unexpected.
    So yeah...It is so nice to be posting here again! I hope everyone remembers me. =D And now after I post this entry, I go to update my bio thing, that is very much out of date.
    So...I really can't think of much to say at this exact second besides.....YAY! <3
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood:
    Currently Listening to: Your Love Is Better Than Life - Newsboys
    Quick note everyone, for this week I'll be very busy with school, so this will probably be my only entry for this week. And don't expect me to get on much on MSN/YIM, etc; I'm kind of banned from the computer and art. So yeah....it sucks. >> And it isn't even all my fault that I am lagging a bit behind in it, I just need help. And mom never has time to help me. She's always focusing her time on my brothers...and one of them is 11 and already starting Pre Algebra!
    [/end rant]
    Anyway, I bet yall was wondering who won the contest thing right? Well, many of you suggested Mata Nui, I actually was going to choose him, but after some thought, I changed it to....
    And seemingly, the only person that guessed that was Aanchir! So congrats and here is your reward:

    Hey, I didn't say anything about the drawing. But seriously, I'll do a contest later with a real drawing by me. (I hope I didn't flip anyone off by this, I'm just to busy to draw something better now!)
    And now excuse me as I go do a Smoovie to calm my nerves.
    (Smoothie + Movie= Smoovie)
  14. Lady Kopaka
    I'm writing this Bionicle Songfic with the song I'm So Sick by Flyleaf, if someone can guess the Bionicle I'm devoting this to...you get a....picture by me!
    I might as well post the lyrics:

    I will break into your thoughts, With what's written on my heart,
    I will break, break!
    I'm so sick,
    Infected with where I live,
    Let me live without this,
    Empty bliss,
    I'm so sick,
    I'm so sick
    If you want more of this,
    We can push out, sell out, die out,
    So you'll shut up,
    And stay sleeping,
    With my screaming in your itching ears
    I'm so sick,
    Infected with where I live,
    Let me live without this,
    Empty bliss,
    I'm so sick,
    I'm so sick
    Hear it, I'm screaming it
    You're heeding to it now
    Hear it! I'm screaming it!
    You tremble at this sound…
    You sink into my clothes,
    And this invasion,
    Makes me feel,
    Worthless, hopeless, sick
    I'm so sick,
    Infected with where I live,
    Let me live without this,
    Empty bliss,
    I'm so sick,
    I'm so sick
    I'm so sick,
    Infected with where I live,
    Let me live without this,
    Empty bliss, selfishness,
    I'm so,
    I'm so sick,
    I'm so...
    You may have only one guess.
    And no, you cannot guess Turakii.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood:
    Currently Listening To: Fallen Man - Relient K
    About to do: School
    Fallen Man is my current fav Relient K song. It’s great.
    I don't have much time since I really should be starting school now, but that can wait after a needed entry.
    I updated my art if none didn't know. So far I am pretty happy on this update; there is nothing much I hate in it. And I love how Kalmah came out.
    Though I might say now; where are those 4 doods? Well, I'm sorry Phy, Raka and Beliwa. That will have to be held a bit longer I am afraid. You see, the version 2 for the Cross group picture was going SO WELL. And not only that but I practically used up a lot of my prismacolor markers on it. And then I just had to rush last night....and it looks really bad now. ;-;
    So I'll probably will have to do a redo on that drawing; or with a chance I can fix it on Photoshop, not sure, we will just have to wait and see what will happen. But still, I'm very depressed about that.
    Anyhow, now that I made everyone happy with an update, I can now focus on some work Swert needs me on. This will take about a month if I don’t rush like I usually do! ><
    Oh and sorry I missed you on Yahoo Aanchir, I got on around at 9 cuz' my sister didn't let me on....So yeah.
    Ok....*Goes off to do school*
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: *Trying to wake up*
    Currently Listening to: Bring 'Em Out - Hawk Nelson
    Currently Doing: Drawing!
    Yay I'm back, hello BZP, hello home, hello computer, hello, hello hello!
    Had lots of fun up in TN, mostly stayed up late and slept late. But hey, I got lot of art done, and just bought the newest Hawk Nelson CD, Cars Soundtrack, an Avatar DVD...and err, I think that's it.
    Though I am glad to be home, then again, we have school. ;-; I no want to start school.
    ...You know I had a bunch to say, and now I forgot all...Well yall can ask questions about my trip if even more curious.
    Ok, maybe I can be a bit detailed on my art at least, I got 3 requests almost ready to show, a few more picture, and a group shot of 4 doods *CoughguessCough*, and it looks really cool. And I'm going through and organizing my maj off-topic art, since like I haven't touched it that much, so it has a lot of my old and ucky art.
    Why does the idea of my art sticks to death keep on slipping in my mind? It's getting on my nerves and hurting my esteem. >< Even though...It is true.
    Um, what else to say? Am I missing anything else? Mmhh?
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Waiting for my Sansa to finish loading songs onto it...*shakes fist* Move faster!
    Anyway, I will be gone on the 6th through the 11th or 12th of this month. Please slow down PM traffic to me, and I am sorry, I was seriously going to get on and reply to PMs, but my family had to watch Casino Royale...So I only have a few mins to let this mp3 player finish.
    So yeah...Bye!
  18. Lady Kopaka
    *Writes as fast as possible*
    Haven't been on much today; did school, and went around playing Sims 2 stuff (BTW, have over 3,000 downloads from random sites!), but then after that we have been gone around the town.
    We finally went to Books-A-Million, and after some deciding (I had originally picked up a billion books to buy, but had to take some out. ) I got the BIONICLE World book, Power Play, and a Manga book.
    Then we went to this home schooling thing at the park and that was fun, I was all crazy since I had drank Mountain Dew, going around playing football to attacking little siblings with lightsabers. So…yeah. But I am all ucky and stuff, I need a shower.
    So far I basically read most of the BW book, and working on Power Play now. I would like to finish it by tonight, but my bedtime is 10/10:30. (This isn’t really fair because my 9 and 11 year old brothers get to stay up at least an hour past their bedtime and my dad is very strict about my sister and my bedtime >>) Maybe I can hide in the bathroom and read a bit more while dad works.
    Well dad now is fussing at me to finish this up and finish chores/go to bed, so I must leave all of you. But before I do, I’d like to point out I have some new art, I would update now but I have no time. I’ll talk about this later. Cha!
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Currently Listening To: Black Mountain Rag – Nitty Gritty Dirt Band
    Currently Doing: On BZP, Talking on IM, about to play GW

    Annatare wins the awesome sticker for the day. I am so going to draw one now!
    Anyway, joyous glorious days! I feel super duper, all fluffy and...Ok I am scaring everyone; let's just say I am in a good mood--nearing my doom of getting hyper.
    Well, the only thing I am feeling sad about is my art. I feel disorganized or something. >< And it's annoying...But oh oh! My mom got me a pack of 12 Prismacolors pencils! She got them on sale, and let me tell you; they are soooo good. Much vibrant than my cheapos. <3
    So yeah, I have started on drawing the Toa Inika in a group, and I hope to do a few other Toa groups at it.
    So yeah...Besides me in an artistic mood, I have some school to finish, then I should be free for rest of the day. And a lot of it shant have too many disruptions since my mom and siblings are going to 4-H. I hope to finish at least 2 requests, that group picture and a few other things before the end of the week.
    But that reminds me, as for a Easter/Spring Break vacation, my family is heading up to Tennessee to see Relatives, perfectly fine with me as I love seeing everyone up there and I need a break from school. I of course will bring my art stuff there; I'll have lots of time to draw. =D
    Ok, ok, I'll go now. Got 30 minutes left till I have more school, need to print out some things and I'd like to play a bit of Guild Wars...
    Oh BTW, Guild Wars 2 is coming out around next year!!! Yay!
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Mood: Tired
    Currently Listening to: American Patrol - Glenn Miller Orchestra
    Just watched: Madame Curie
    ^I am now seriously obsessed with big band/jazz, and oldies movies.
    Wow...well...Hi. It's been forever since I actually sat down and have had time to make an entry! I also had time to play a bit of Guild Wars today! It's a miracle.
    Seriously, school has been very hard for the past week, and I have done round 60% of the chores these days. For some reason an inner urge to clean our kitchen and stuff came within. So it is so nice to see a clean house.
    Well I’m not sure how much I will be on for awhile; or until my moms computer is fixed. Good news is my dad got new stuff for my mom’s broken computer, so everyone won’t be fighting over the computer. Sad thing is—my computer is now the oldest. ;-; I remember when I got my computer, it was a top awesome super gaming computer. Now my mom has a better video card than me….. Yeaaah she plays lots of video games. =P
    *Sigh* I will get over this jealousy.
    And so I have a mere 30 minutes till bedtime. I must use them wisely. Ciao!
    (I will try to respond to PMs, review needed topics and such asap)
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Um...Good?
    Currently Listening To: The Foggy Dew - The Chieftains
    About To Do: School
    I updated my art. Yay me.
    But I still no likey my art. '-'
    Don't look at me like that!
    Why are you staring at me?
    OK, FINE. I'll go open the request list...Be that way!
    I had a weird dream where I met President Bush and he told me he liked my hat. It was cool! (I thought it was really happening at first)
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Happy
    Currently Doing: Downloading Sims stuff and talkin' on MSN
    Currently Watching: National Treasure....And now 101 Dalmatians?
    Necro you cleaned out your inbox yet?
    Anyway, let me spill this out:
    Ok on Saturday I went to a fair thing, lots of fun and I did a rock climb, but I got very sore because I haven't done it awhile, and the sites were awesome. Later I went to the mall with friends and I couldn't find anything I wanted, so I got this cool belt and some black fingernail polish. So then we get home, watch the movies Flyboys with my dad, and went to bed. (Very good movie though, better than I expected)
    Next morning we all slept late and ended not going to church, still I didn't get much computer time, then we went to some friends house and hung around, I babysitted while my parents and their friends went to see the movie Amazing Grace. So they got back, ate dinner and left for a church deal and I babysitted once again.
    So then the next day we have school, finally able to get on for awhile, I go to art, I finish a painting, and I go home and babysit once again for some people, then I crash.
    Lovely day ain't it?
    Well, I almost finished drawing NE, and coloring Kinali. Though I have a question, should I just kill off the sketch part? It might save me time and make it faster to update knowing that the sketching part isn't needed to show, yet again I think requester likes the sketches even though messy...so opinions?
    Off to do...sumthin.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    Currently Listening To: General Grievous - Star Wars Episode III Soundtrack
    Currently Doing: Browsin' BZP and talkin' on AIM.
    Currently Reading: Shabanu by Suzanne Staples
    I have nothing really important to say, but I want to make an entry anyway. =D
    Well as everyone knows my list is open...But like got full in less than a few hours; congrats though who made it, and be quick to PM me others when I get an extra spot. And that will be soon as I am finishing Kinali.
    Also I am finishing up some other non-request art, so I really hope it ends ok.
    Well...My life? It’s almost 70(F) out, my sister is painting her dresser drawers in the garage, and I still need to finish my math lesson, having fun reading my book called Shabanu. Very good now. So...life is good.
    St. Patricks day is almost here too, I'll be wearing all green...and hey, I might even take a picture of myself and show everyone. But besides that nothing is happening so...
    I really want to play Scratches. BC-J got me back in it. ;-; ...Which reminds me I need to read his epic along with some others as an epic critic...If the server doesn't DIE. *Says it really loud to gain attention*
    ...Board message...Board message again...
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