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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. It took me one millisecond to remember you. Long time no see!!

  2. Well...hi back. =)

  3. Hey, don't put yourself down so soon--it'll be tough, but stick to it and I'm sure you can get the words in no time.

  4. DARNIT SKULLKID! Raia and I were going to gang up on SPIRIT about that!

  5. Nothing really...just trying to survive my crazy life. You?

  6. Sorry but... what?

  7. HOLY COWS RESPONDED TO YOU PM. *takes deep breath* Also, sorry about the weird format...for some reason it made my paragraph spacing really weird.

  8. Hey Ranna, I haven't seen you on Yahoo (or it could be the other way around, I need to get on more xD). I really miss talking to you! If you're busy, I guess I'll just bug you with PMs. :)

  9. I'm not in the best mood that I could be in; but I'm okay. Thanks for asking

  10. Yeah, very busy. I'm in college now so that's eating my time--still working on art and writing though. You?

  11. Wow, I can't believe I never thought of that.

  12. BECAUSE WE LOVE YOU SPIRIT, and stuff like that... :]

  13. Maybe you should get SPIRIT to make you one of those 'countdowns' like he did with TLR, but for Brickfair.

  14. OMG!

    Happy belated berfday!! =D

  15. Happy birthday! :)

  16. Merry christmas to yourself. ^^

  17. Well if I can be awesome, don't see why you can't be. I put my pants on the same way as you. (I think :B)

  18. *Pokes head in* Let me point out that reading your profile and such clearly was a great entertainment before I go to bed. =P

  19. I never thought about using them as avatars, that's a great idea.

  20. *Holds out gun*


  21. Hah, I just did it to plot twist you and confuse you. And there's no rush responding, I just had a chance to do it right then.

  22. I get the feeling the developers were forced to rush with some things--but I really hope there's a sequel. They had something really original going on.

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