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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Sadly, I've finally decided I just can't do NaNoWriMo this year. I feel bad, since I'm the one that got a lot of people hyped about it and now I have to back down—still, I think it's for the best.
    I've been really sick throughout my junior year, and all through my senior because of some chronic stuff and other illnesses I have yet to solve. At first when I was struggling this month, I wanted to press on and prove to myself I could do it. Writing isn't that hard, right? Still, I've been constantly in bed, barely able to do anything. I've pretty much cut out everything except the important things like school; that's all I can handle now. Not to mention, it's been a very rough year from grim life hassles.
    I plan on finishing my story, no doubt about that, I love it way to much too completely quit. Maybe sometime I'll feel well enough to have my own little NaNo, and there is always next year. You all keep it up, though! I think NaNoWriMo is the best way to kick that low-esteem and procrastination out the window. You can do it guys!
    I'm off to go buy myself some groceries and maybe nab something during Happy Hour at Sonic. Ciao!
    (random note: BZPers who commissioned me, I'm getting back to them—particularly BCii and RepicheepXXII. You guys are at the top of the list, and I'm working hard on finishing those this upcoming week.)
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Just because I homeschool, gives certain people no right to jump to conclusions that I’m an anti-social, goody-two-shoes (actually though, who said that's a bad thing?) that knows nothing of life. And I do know more people than just my family.
    And if I am less social or different than the ‘norm’, it was my choice, and for the most part has nothing to do with how I was raised. I respect your way of schooling and usually have never opposed it. So respect mine.
    Thank you.
    (and this isn't directed at many people here...just a real life issue :/)
  3. Lady Kopaka
    I FINALLY HAVE AN IDEA FOR AC14! So I might enter after all!
    *Does a happy jig*
    Also, last night I went to go watch a local play that's about my hometowns history, it was really awesome and kind of a big deal around here. You should come see it, KIE and Tomiku.
    But anyway, just wanted to pop in and say I'm doing fine, and the shooting deal is till kind of hard to cope with, and the busy life stuff is still annoying...but overall I'm doing fine. Thanks for all the prayers guys, but still keep your thoughts and prayers on the families.
    So now, off to draw!
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah, last minute plans. Dad was going to Nashville for some meetings, checking up on some job offers, and needed me to help him drive up, so he could work on the laptop and such. So I drove up most of the way, then we spent the night at my grandparents, and I'm staying with them while my dad continues up to his meeting.
    So it's been nice...Considering how much we come up to Tennessee, its just going down the street for me, no biggy. Cept it takes 8 hours, lol. It was nice for me to spend time with my dad, it was just him and me on the trip; and now just me and my grandparents. It's nice.
    Also, the best part:
    It snowed.
    And I very happy.
    I've been praying for myself to see snow this year, and I did. It's so beautiful. it didn't snow hard enough to pile up on the ground and for me to play with, but I think its a perfect. I was outside earlier taking some pictures of it and the snow got all in my hair. It felt wonderful...This is the first time I've seen it snow this much in years. Or any snow at all. I've spent half the morning just looking outside in my grandparents kitchen, watching the snow and birds play around.
    Well, been lazy enough, I better go work on some school work I brought. Namaste. ^^
  5. Lady Kopaka
    Now my mom doesn't like me talking to people I don't know on AIM...And then I got a bit mad and asked her about how she feels me being on here, and she said she didn't know.
    And what makes the deal so ironic is my mom goes on message boards, she talks to people she doesn't really 'know', so why cannot I on a Lego site?
    To everyone, does anyone have advice or help on how to solve this problem? My parents seemingly never want to listen to what I have to say on this matter, and I am always wrong and everyone here are predators stalking me....Trust me, I am not ignoring my mom and dads point, you can never be to careful on the internet, but still, BZP is a seriously great place, and being here for a year, to me it feels safe, and I felt safe talking to some people on IM.
    Ugh and it makes me feel worse because I am not hiding anything from my parents, I want to be open, but if they get mad at everything I do on the internet and is always thinking I am doing something unsafe when really…BZP, Bionicle.com and another Bionicle message board is really the only places I go to. I’ve prayed about this, but I am still not sure what I should do.
    [/ends rant]
    If I don't do something soon, there might be a serious goodbye from me.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    I got in trouble for talking to LH yesterday, and I would like to tell him it wasn’t his fault. Dad asked who I was talking to and I said a friend of mine on BZP, he then asked what's his name/where he lives and I couldn't answer that because I forgot. >> Then dad said I shouldn't be talking to people I don't know because I cannot trust them.
    So I dunno what I will do, that means I am in trouble on MSN/Yahoo/AIM, and probably being on BZP too. ;_;
    Let me tell you though, that my mom doesn't really mind(Since she goes to Message Boards and stuff too), since she does know I occasionally talk to people on BZP, and that I am on here, I mean, how else did I get that *coughhorriblecough*poster to Bfest? She gave me the OKs if I didn't give out any personal information.
    So I am sad and unsure what I should be doing or if I can get on again. >>
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Lady K went to go see Indy 4 yesterday in her fedora and leather jacket.
    And Lady K thought it was awesome!
    Now, out of a third person view, I really thought it was made well. Especially considering this is a sequel, and the last Indy was made in the err...90s? Now as a big fan of Indiana Jones, I was kind of worried if they could pull it off.
    Boy did they pull it off. D:
    I loved the characters; Indiana was still as Indy as ever, and his age wasn’t an issue it felt. At some points I kept forgetting he was older until some character would come along and made fun of his age. (Quote: “What are you…Like 80?”)
    The story was really cool, but I must say unique. I do not think you could get more Steven Spielberg that that. XD But in my humble opinion, I think they did the storyline nicely considering it is not your typical Indy setting.
    There were some minor things here and there that seemed off, or some things were just insanely far fetched. But, it's supposed to be a crazy adventure.
    So if you like adventure, our daring archeologist, or funky looking crystal skulls, go see it. Also ignore the big shot reviewers and critics; they know NOTHING of what a good movie is or what people enjoy. I can’t voice this opinion for everyone, but I thought it was good and I know a lot of you guys should be happy with it.
    Now I need to find someway to see Iron Man...And Prince Caspien...and The Happening...*trails off*
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Why must it hates us so!? :angry:

    I actually like how Komas turned out, and the overall look is alright IMO... considering inking is evil (but fun, nevertheless) and first time to really ink semi-realism. I'm smad at Tachi though, she didn't come out like I wanted at all... so yeah, if I ever draw her in HB again, she'll look a bit different.
    I'll colour this maybe, and I'll update my art topic with more stuffs by Saturday. ^^
    EDIT: ...GitS readers/fans, you do know chapter 10 is up right? :3 *Is not really begging for reviews, she's just curious*
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Well the internet is now officially set up at our new house, so I can actually get on. Or well, kind of. I've fallen terribly, terribly behind in school and have been really busy with life stuff, and not to mention we only have one computer plugged up to the internet now. D; So I have no idea if I'll get active here again or be absent, I'll have to wait and see what happens.
    Thanks to everyone who voted for me in AC15 and congratulations to BCJ and VF. I admit, I really didn't feel like I deserved it at all, and I wished LZ0Z or Turakii coulda' won, but I don't mean to sound ungrateful or nudge it in anyone else. So thanks guys.
    I admit I haven’t really worked too much on art lately, frantic panic I say after I couldn’t find any paper and took me forever to find some (I FREAK out when I'm without a paper and pencil longer than an hour ), and then just obviously busy. I am though, furiously trying to improve my style and try to get back in the shape of Bionicle art. If you guys have any suggestions or critique, now would be the time I guess.
    So…*sighs* back to reality; but still trying to catch up with all you guys, being without internet for two weeks was a pain, so it’ll take me awhile…
  10. Lady Kopaka
    My fangirl side has taaaaakeeen over. 

    Love. This may be the first movie based after a game that will actually be dadgum good.
    My sister suggested I should do a Prince of Persia birthday--play the games all day, have a cake styled after it, go see the movie...oh lol, it is ironic how when I turn into a adult that I shall have a 'themed' birthday party for once in years.
    I wonder if they sell PoP party hats and all that too?
    and I still cannot get over how he reminds me so much of my HB Zaktan.
    (also on a random note, is the sandwich style of my blog bugging anyone, or is it okay?)
  11. Lady Kopaka
    It's really a blog! *PLOT-TWIST*
    Haha, look what I did to my title Nukaya! xD *hands a cookie*
    So, hopefully if we don't have any other interruptions or cancelations, I should be getting my license today. I'm getting ready and is currently freaking out, so to speak. So if you guys could wish me luck or pray I don't crash while taking the driving test, that'd be nice.

    Oh and one more thing...I miss Mardi Gras. Who wants to send me up a King Cake and a pound of beads?
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Oh man, after waiting like... forever, and after scrapping up $20 (okay... need to find $10 more to pay back mom), I ordered Prince of Persia back on Sunday, and it came today. =D
    Been playing it for the past hour or so, I haven't gotten much time or peace with it cause I have to play it in the living room on the family computer... but it's so pretty!
    It's like an artist painted the graphics. It's simply gorgeous. And then the new 'Prince' is such a hunk and is made up of so much awesome. Also the whole Elika-saving-you-from-death isn't as bad as I thought it be, she's a fun character to hang around with.
    ...Though, it's particularly eerie that the two are just like Komas and Tachi.
    I plan on writing a review on the game later, stay tuned.
    If I can, I shall spend the last of 2008 playing games, with some art and writing thrown in. Memorable huh?
  13. Lady Kopaka
    You know, it gets really old being one of six siblings sometimes, I don't like being ignored/laughed at. *Sighs* :[
    Aside from ranting, don't forget Chapter 9 is up in GitS. And on a lighter note, I and Rapi have learnt something quite interesting, if anyone will get it:
    Steampunk goggles + Daniel Craig + Frank Sinatra=Komas

    (Edit: Added images to the math )
  14. Lady Kopaka
    I now have a PS3! I thought I'd never get one! It's one of those awkward old ones that doesn't do backwards capability (agggh), but I bought it from a friend for a epic price. I'm just so thankful I was able to get one. Haven't had any problems with it yet.
    If any of you have one, my account on psn is Lady-Kaguya. I only own Mirror's Edge and Uncharted now, though. It honestly should have been the last thing for me to buy when I'm so busy with work and future plans, but meh, I needed to spoil myself. It's been a rough few years.
    Sorry about the commission stuff again...I swear, every time I promise to get that started I get sick. You guys are going to have to bear with me, my state is too unpredictable to make any promises. And it's driving me crazy because I worry about work and college...
    Anyhow, don't worry, isn't as bad as it sounds. I'm training myself to just worry about today, and not tomorrow. The tactic is surprisingly very helpful and stress-relieving.
    Haven't been on BZP much besides lurking...what's going on in the forums? How are all you guys doing? Anything my Dory-like self forgot to mention or anything?
    EDIT: put my content blocks all on one side again because of the larger banners effecting the comments.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    Well guys, after the somewhat minor Glitch in the System hiatus, a new chapter is up at last! It's slightly unedietd after my editor (gifboy) got busy, but it should all be okay and fully edited within a few days. This has to be one of the craziest chapters I ever written, probably the most climatic. Enjoy!
    And don't forget about my art/set trade guys. To peeps who are waiting patiently for the finished art trades, I'm slowly digging my way through all my art projects (school is such a distraction. ).
  16. Lady Kopaka
    November 1st! NaNoWriMo time!
    And I'm so completely braindead and tired and sick and ugh. BUT I'M GOING TO TRY SO HARD TO WIN THIS YEAR!
    Good news I trick-or-treated for the first time in my life tonight; it was fun and yay candy. Maybe that will help me a bit. <3
    It's so weird for me to finally return to Tachi and Komas...but I hope I have a blast! Good luck to you guys as well!
    ...so see y'all in December? :'D

  17. Lady Kopaka
    Thank you everyone who took their time to suggest what they would prefer. The majority would prefer the story about Tachi and Komas, which is understandable. So that will be shown instead of the Destiny story.
    But if any are interested about my Destiny story, you are more than welcome to PM me about it. Even though I have a lot written on both stories, I decided it's much easier to post one story at a time.
    Since I'm leaving back down to LA for stuff tomorrow, I'll see if I can post the first chapter today. B)
    Wait, wait, back to LA? D:
    Yeah, dad has work down there, so I am very excited to see all my good old friends. To be truthful I haven't had any sort of socialization since we've moved here, so yay I'll be seeing friends. Though I probably won’t have any internet connection and I'll be gone for...about a week, maybe less. It depends on my dads work.
    So hoorah, I guess I should go post that story soon and then pack.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    I got my tablet, I got my tablet!!
    Its sooo much better than I expected, this is probably the best thing I've bought all year, and this thing is worth $70. Awww man, it's so nice, and the size is just fine(I was worried about that), pressure sensitivity is ftw, it's nice and small...and the best part is I didn't spend any money on shipping and yet it came in like 3 days.

    I haven't tried colors yet but here's a drawing that I like a lot:

    (It's my friend’s character from an RPG^)
    But, OMG OMG OMG OMG! I love this thing! If any of you artists want a good tablet but don't want to spend too much, get this one, it is winnar. I am still not fully used to it, so it might take me a another week or so to get the full hang of it, but already this thing is great.
    Also, sorry that I've been slow with PMs. >< I'll get around to catching up soon....when I'm not playing with my tablet.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    The Blind Side >>>>>>> Avatar. If anyone objects so help me Lord, you won't get another invisible cookie from me again (that or I'll just beat you up). Why I saw that shallow blue kitteh movie instead of The Blind Side I will never know. Best movie of 2009, and that's a lot coming from me since I don't watch a lot of movies/tv.
    On a sadder (random) note, just warning people I probably will not make it to Brickfair this year. Not 100% sure yet, but it's leaning that way. Sorry.
    But jazz is the perfect remedy to lighten your mood. All I need now is chocolate, my inspiration for art/writing to come back, and the world shall be a better place. Somewhat.
    Okay, impromptu entry over, you guys stay cool.
    Oh? Commissions? Reviews? LtFB? Um..excuse me as I slip away to avoid those questions.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Colour, colour
    On the wall
    Slipping, dripping
    Cold and bold
    Dances just before the fall
    Dreary stare
    Lost behind a catalyst tear

    Black and white iris
    Has a foggy view
    In a foggy thank-you
    Alongside a heart reflection
    Rusted love collection
    Wistful smile
    All lost in the pile

    Sour notes and misused words
    Can’t be sung by birds
    In silver branches
    Over the moonlit steams
    Fairies all in dreams

    Colour, colour
    On the wall
    Dance just before the fall
    Just before the fall
    Lost behind a urban wall
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys, I don’t have too much time to make any nice entry, because I should be in bed now. D; But I shall point out a few random things:
    - Life is crazy with school and stuff, so I may be away more than I thought. The so called ‘break’ was kind of nice, but working straight until 5PM on school I’ve decided, is not worth it and overall was very stressing… not to mention PSAT is within a week or two, so I’m scrambling around trying to prepare.
    - I actually have furniture in my room! Well more simply, a bookcase, dresser and a soon-to-be built corner desk. Best of all an actual bed too, I’ve been sleeping on the floor with a mattress since we moved, so it’s all nice to have actual new furnishings than using ancient stuff since I was born (really, I don’t remember a time without that old bunk bed and dresser!)... The new stuff isn’t fancy authentic stuff, but I’m happy either way. :]
    - The concert was AWESOME. We got Switchfoot, Third Day, Red, Jars of Clay, and Robert Randolph and the Family Band. We had to leave early, which stunk… but the rest was amazing! I’ll see about showing a few cool pictures sometime.
    - I <3 downtown Nashville!
    - Yes, I am very behind in PMs. Sorry, I'll try to catch up soon.
    - Guys, Glitch in the System, Section 8 is edited (Thanks Jack). I just haven’t uploaded it. Quite a few people over the days PM’d me their own edited versions, and that’s very nice of all, but just for the record I knew BCJ was going to do it within a day or so-- he is after all my editor. So like I said, thank you everyone, but to save people the trouble please don’t worry about editing. I’m used to BCJ’s editing style and I’ll keep him unless I request another to assist.
    …Okay that did come out longer than expected… but alright, alright, off to bed. IN MY REALLLL BED FRAMMEE. *Crashes*
  22. Lady Kopaka
    I need to know something: how many of you are interested in commissioning me or buying previous art that I've done?
    Not trying to nag...I'm just currently reorganizing a lot of stuff in life, and I need to know what direction I'll be heading in this. If I have enough interest I'll post the info.
    I'll bump/edit this if I get enough interest. Either way, I want to thank everyone for their previous openness about this, whether you could commission or not. It's extremely appreciated.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    Whoot I am back, I am back!! And there might be a chance that my computer will stay in my room! Yay!
    Tennessee was wonderful, oh I just love my dads side of the family. Oh man, and the food, it was awesome. *dies*
    Though about art....Didn't get any Bionicle art done...I sorry, I really did try, but the pictures would always mess up or it didn't look good. I believe I am failing in my Bionicle artwork. I mean, I want to do more Bionicle art, but...
    Though, I did get a lot of art done for my comic.
    So yeah, I might be on a lot today. But we still need to do some cleaning today, unpack, you know. And then I will probably have to let my sister on...
    Yeah, I guess I should edit that to 'I might be on a little bit today'.
  24. Lady Kopaka
    I am a bit back or at least finally getting back on for a few minutes a day. Though today and other days have been desperately busy, I just wanted to come in and say hi and I'm doing ok. I think a lot of people were kind of getting worried about me, but I'm feeling better...He wouldn't want me to be depressed like this so I made a effort to move on; though I do admit I think I've changed a bit in some sense, but in a good way I think...I'm not going to be personal anymore on my blog so I wont go deep into that.
    So yeah, hi guys. Thank you so much for all the support and hugs, I'm doing fine.
    Oh yeah, that surprise?

  25. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah...Um...I did a stupid thing today.
    I was washing stuff that didn't fit into the dishwasher after lunch, and while washing, I forgot to do the huge knife last(The kind of knife that chops up a lot of food and whatnot), I threw it in the water, and when pulling it out, it slit my finger. OOhhh it hurt. And boy did it bleed a lot. It was weird. O.o
    And so I learnt a valuble lesson on doing the sharpy items last.
    So now I have a bandaid on, and my finger hurts awfully bad. So I probably wont be doing much drawing or typing until it feels better. I'll be lucky do write decently for school.
    And today, we have a lot of school. >> Mom's pushing us awfully hard lately.
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