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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Yus, hugs and chocolate for all! *Dances*

  2. Random, but his your avatar from Guild Wars?

  3. WHY DIDN'T YOU PM ME!? I've been on since 7:30 and just noticed your message. XD

  4. Jem is amazing.

  5. WHAT ARE YOU 0: FOR? That's no way to treat your elders. :/

  6. My own comics?

  7. LOL, really? I think it's rather cool...but yeah it is a bit creepy. It's from the Animatrix. ;)

  8. I'm sorry, your pinch was void. I was wearing green yesterday and I'm Irish. Hah.

  9. That's right! Fear and pity my personal photo, just try not to get hurt to much. =P I'm not paying for anyone's medical bills.

  10. Oh thank you very much; it's sort of an old drawing...I really need to repost some of my newer stuff sometime.

  11. hey, your banner is 300k large when the rules only permit 100k. I just wanted to throw that at you.

  12. Well, older than you. Any reason you need to know?

    (for some reason this comment sounds rude but I didn't know how else to say it; apologizes)

  13. You should actually stick with that profile picture; it's awesome.

  14. What's up in that thar north? =P

  15. Tifosi you better post that SSCE soon!

  16. Hey take it easy Nikira, ok? I'll be praying for you. *Gives more chocolate and hugs again*

  17. Well, duh. One of my favourite songs...do you want me to send you more like that?

  18. GET ON YIM. D=

    Oh wait, I'm not on yet either...and I should be working on my entry...uh, get on anyway. xD

  19. I got into it the second or third time I watched it, though I really need to catch up with all the episodes I missed.

  20. Wait, you read Brother Cadfael?

    You are the most awesomest person ever.

  21. Oh, I see. Just for the record I have never said my life is crazier than any other. Please don't take this the wrong way but that was slightly hurtful because bluntly, my life -is- a bit more on the harsh side than most.

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