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Status Updates posted by BZCoolness

  1. Sorry, Jackson Lake. I'm the Doctor, you're not. Sorry to ruin your day.

    I presume you get the joke...

  2. Get a life, Bob... OOPS! Sorry again!

  3. Iggy: He probably got it from 'The Shakespeare Code'.

  4. Hi Angel Bob, how's life? Sorry! Bad subject.

  5. Hello, Ten. You're a little behind, there.


  6. My rival... the other survivor of the Time War... I have found you at last.

  7. BLU team? That sucks...

  8. You should really change your name. The RED Heavy does not take losing well...

  9. I'll have the Soldier for BLU Team (my new name in 3 months). Until then, it's the RED Team.

  10. Next week: The Heavy takes over.

  11. Hey man. Just wanted to say that I'd like to help out with art. If I could join a team, that'd be cool, but if not, I could help out with concept art. I'm pretty good.

    Best of luck!

    --Billy Mays--

  12. I'm sorry, but I just can't take you seriously with that avatar. It's too funny.

  13. Hey man! Just decided to stop in and let you know that I'm playing in Mafia 23 now.

  14. ALKI, I'm actually not really into Half-Life. I haven't played Portal, to tell the truth. I've just seen videos of it, and I thought the game looked really cool, so...

  15. You shall never be forgotten, Rex. May the awesomeness of BZPower shine down on you.

  16. Hey man. Are you gonna restart the Starcraft RPG%3Pr

  17. Like bluefish said, we respect you, we like having you here. But what I feel alongside many guys here is that you got mad at us, basically, for respecting you, for liking you here.

    We like you here, Greg, but some of us feel like you went and ignored that. True, some people rubbed you the wrong way, but don't get mad and say basically that it's all of our faults, when really it

  18. He's alive! Yay!

  19. And Overlord, instead of saying 'Hello, how are you doing?' I'm gonna say "Yo, sup?" :P :P :P

  20. Yo, yo, Asterisk! :P

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