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Everything posted by DudeNuva

  1. *jumps back into the game*
  2. It doesn't really mean anything... more trading material for you.
  3. I need some new voice actors for my Lego Star Wars films, since there are too many parts for myself and my few other actors to completely cover!!! If you have a good microphone and would like to voice a character in one (or more!) of my films, please don't hesitate to PM me for more information, and a script, if on hand.
  4. Wow... ..I've never seen an attempt to create small-talk online. ~Konta~ Oh really? You don't say.
  5. What was with that server, eh?
  6. Oh noes, I'm falling behind! Hey! A comment!
  7. *thinks about adding another comment, adding a comment in the process*
  8. So if I posted this with no topic whatsoever, I could get away with it? *looks at post* Oh... nevermind. Oh yeah, and 20 = WIN
  9. Even though I already have a SS Book, I could use another for trading... *comments*
  10. It's gonna be twelve. It just is.
  11. Ah, I get this... clever... It'll require many comments, though.
  12. Yes, well, that's awesome. and I was actually thinking of something else... Rhen Var, I think. Now that would be sweet... Better than Hoth... OH SWEET! PUBLICITY! XD Thanks DN... Have I shown you this, by the way? ~Cap'n Rhen Var... that's a good one. Plus, I think I recall some major Rebel/Imperial stuff on that planet... care to refresh my memory? (And Hoth, with Echo Base, is still critical.) No, I haven't seen that! It's cool... where'd you get the awesome holochart stuff from? And am I correct in thinking that the back wall of that room was inspired by my Death Star set?
  13. Jack Nicholson really didn't shoot that many in the original... O_o Okay, so we have Mustafar here, Tantive IV above, and Raxus Prime below... hmm... all three? Thanks for the recommendations, I might rent a few of those. I'm not sure how well I'd be able to do Raxus Prime, actually... it's basically red sand and metal junk. BTW, have you noticed the Touchbrick content block over there?
  14. I know I haven't posted an entry in a long time, been very busy, and I'm likely to remain that way. (Limited internet time, that is.) But anyway, some fresh new thoughts: The four Batman films from the past two decades are fairly well-known, the first more so than the others. Jack Nicholson famously portrayed the Joker in the first film, a role that is now a large part of pop-culture. This summer, The Dark Knight is hitting theaters as the sequel to 2005's Batman Begins, and this time around, Heath Ledger plays the Joker as a completely different (but still psychopathic) villain. I'm wondering, which Joker is better? For those of you that have seen both the trailers of the new film, and actually seen the past one, what's your opinion? Will Ledger's portrayal of everyone's favorite villain live up to Nicholson? ---- Now venturing into the realm of Star Wars, I'm finally beginning to read the rest of Republic Commando: Hard Contact after a one-year hiatus. I surprisingly remembered most of the plot, so I just picked it back up again... I also might rent the video game to see how it plays. So who's a fan of the Commandos? Who's read the books, played the game, or both? Is the game good? (Torhuki, I know what your opinion will be. XD ) ---- Also kinda concerning Star Wars and kinda not, I'm going to attempt building more sets for my Lego movies; which of the following planets/locations would you like to see in a future movie? - Mustafar - Utapau - Tantive IV - Raxus Prime - The Jundland Wastes (I already have Mos Eisley I'm going to venture out of the world of strictly Imperial movies, and I'll try to get more Rebel involvement, or perhaps some Clone Wars-era films as well. ---- I'm finally going to get an XBox 360, along with Live, and I want to know which games to get. I'm already planning to buy Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, as well as The Force Unleashed when it comes out. Any other good ones? Also, with that $350 purchase, I'll hardly have money to get that incredible new Death Star set... gah... DudeNuva
  15. Good point. Well said. I now think that each performance is unique in its own way, actually.
  16. I must admit, that's the one that I favored most. I probably would've built that anyway.
  17. Any chance you could go to some LEGO piece production facility and create a couple hundred of these?
  18. I'm assuming, Dlakii, that you've never seen The Lord of the Rings. =P

  19. Either Aslan VS. Axonn or Indy VS. Lhikan.
  20. DudeNuva

    No Way!

    Actual content? Ever noticed how putting thoughtful and reflective content into your entry is basically reply suicide? (Although ToM seems to get away with it all the time, I wonder how he does it...) Anyway, here are some updates: I'm playing Lego Indy: TOA constantly... I just finished up Last Crusade last night, and after hearing the background music in those levels, I've decided that I'm getting the score. XD And I'm gathering up lots of bonuses and minifigures now, finally got a Treasure x2, it's all good... Finally making good progress with my movie. I recorded a lot of my own lines, and I'm still waiting on those of my three co-stars, then we need to go through and give it the special effects treatment as well, but at least I finished the first three minutes of it or so... for those who want an abstract sneak preview of Imperial Inspection, go check out the latest post in my Space Pirates topic. There be a link in one of them content blocks. My annoyance of past days subsided slightly, even though I didn't really accomplish what I was aiming for... I was able to get out with some friends today, which cheered me up somewhat. And finally, my job at a local recreational center has been confirmed and set in stone. Or paperwork. Or whatever. Anyway, it'll give a nice profit, I'm looking at about $550 by the end of it, only for 12 days of work. Not too shabby. That might pay for a UCS Milennium Falcon, or a large fleet of smaller LSW sets, or an Xbox 360 + Xbox Live, most likely the latter of these. Call of Duty 4 FTW. Let's end this entry on a survey. In my next movie (not the one I'm working on now, because it's already filmed and about halfway through post-pro), which of the following inter-dimensional visitors would you like to see walking the halls of the Death Star, or exploring the jungles of Kashyyyk, or perhaps braving the dangers of Mos Eisley? There are three choices: 1.) Indiana Jones (and Henry Jones, Sr. and a bunch of Nazis) -- This could work well if we brought Han Solo in as well 2.) Spiderman (and Doc Ock, and possibly Green Goblin) 3.) Batman (going solo here) I'm leaning towards Indy myself. DudeNuva
  21. 1.) I finished yesterday... so the 10th. 2.) Only once. Shhh. 3.) Ambidextrous 4.) Talented in? Lots of stuff. Yep. 5.) I have no idea, but I don't own a car, so whatever.
  22. Oh... Screenshots? Please? ~Cap'n Gah... The game's actually acting up right now, as you know; a screenie could possibly destroy the system. XD
  23. I couldn't really accomplish what I had planned, because half the school didn't even have Finals yesterday. >_< However, I got together with a bunch of friends, so that's a plus. Also, this summer, I actually might have more time around my community. Um... the game, not the sets.
  24. CAUTION: THIS ENTRY CONTAINS POTENTIALLY HARMFUL ANNOYANCE Friday was the "official" last day of school, but today and tomorrow are Finals days. Today, therefore, was the last time that I'm going to see a lot of people until next year... and then of course, there are some that I won't see at all next year, at least during classtime, and I hardly have any time otherwise. That's the issue that I'm quite upset about, and something that I'm going to try and change. There were some people in particular that I wanted to talk to/get contacts with before the year ended, but my English teacher decided to volunteer a friend and I to help some other teacher, which practically killed that period. And I never got time afterwards... so now I'm annoyed, both that I didn't manage my own time, and that most of it was taken from me. As a result, I have contact with five people from school, primarily on AIM. Three of them are never seen around there, one of them is too obsessed with some random game to get on that often (I think the game is World of Warcraft... bah), and the final one (a good friend of mine, actually) has a rather large job. And I'm never around during the summer, so I can't even hang out with him or anyone else anyway. :annoyed2: Later tonight, or tomorrow morning, I go in for two hours. Two hours. And I have a lot of things to do in that time. So I figure, I'll do what I can tomorrow, and after that, my only anchor to that community is my one friend who actually uses AIM. And since I'm at the shore all summer, and at a job when I'm not, that'll complicate things. Other than that, I'm also annoyed at petty things. For instance, several of my Finals had grades that were less than desirable... yes, they were graded not a day after I took them, much to my displeasure. Some issues with incompetent technology, particularly this computer and its stupidity in the gaming field... in fact, this is what I wish to do for this piece of junk: I'm just in a very bizarre, annoyance-type mood. ANNOYANCE THREAT CLEARED I got Chirox for my birthday, which was my very last present. Also got LEGO Indy, $75, The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, two soundtracks, and other random stuffs. DudeNuva
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