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Posts posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. KNI is correct. As the rules state: "Please take all personal disputes and conversations to PM, and if the situation cannot be resolved that way, talk to one of the Hosts or other BZPRPG staff members about the problem. These kinds of disputes are not to be had in the General Discussion topic." (Emphasis mine.) If what you are saying is directed only at a single person or is discussing something that is only relevant to two people, then it's a personal conversation and should be taken out of this topic.In addition, not to assume more than I should, it seems to be generally accepted by the game staff that I, as an experienced member and veteran, have some leeway when it comes to keeping order. I've never been chastised for it and on several occasions been encouraged to do it, so in a nutshell: no, I was not and am not being off topic. Your defense is null and void and my point still stands. :PPlus, seeing rules broken makes me cry and weep with sorrow, and you don't want to see EW cry. (Nuju and Tuck have seen me in that state in person before and can attest to its ugliness.)

  2. People are confusing this game with Minecraft -- you can't start out pounding fists into trees to make a bed and eventually make island-wide railroads and semiautomatic TNT launchers.Instead, this is... This is... Um... This is the BZPRPG, where you're stuck at the wooden pick stage. Period.

  3. Ooc: No, but it makes sense that since Stannis doesn't know about the true dangers outside, Hafu's friend should stay a little longer with Hafu. Plus, it means he still has an ally behind. No breaking the fourth wall here.Ic: "Lepidran, go fetch the others," Stannis said in a hushed tone. "I'll find a discreet place. Meet at the gate in the meantime."

  4. Ic: The two toa and the matoran collapsed to the ground, the gravity effects of the zamor fading as quickly as they began. The matoran landed evenly once again, Sucogu's body landing roughly on his side and Antrim more or less flopping on his back. He was tired of landing on his back. Then Hau came out of nowhere before Antrim's eyes, acrobatically dancing like a ballet swan in the air above the big toa, a finale to end the duel, and an odd one at that. For a split second, Antrim thought he was seeing things, but he would never fantasize about an effeminate dandy air dancing before him, and shook the feeling off.He quickly got up, yanked the sword out of the fallen toa and jumped in the water. His armorbearer, meanwhile, vanished in the crowd of matoran once more.

  5. Ic: "I think we are," Stannis said, nodding. "We'll get to work on this right away."Aurax..." he said, looking at Hafu's friend, "If you want to stay here a while longer, you may. I will gather the others and meet elsewhere to discuss what we have learned and what we will do next."May the Great Spirit guide you, Hafu," Stannis said before opening the door of the hut and stepping outside.

  6. Ic: Everything seemed to go in slow motion. Sucogu's words escaped his mouth with calm, and the massive sword's grinding noise against his armor and organs was a prolonged and irritating sound. The matoran behind him slowly hit the ground with feet together, the clap from the impact echoing in the small universe the three beings inhabited. The blood from the wounds spurted out in large doses, spraying outwards and down, a morbid sight for all who observed. And then the zamor struck.Antrim wasn't even able to pull the weapon out of Socugo's body. Had the toa been allowed to fall backwards in accordance with the laws of gravity, there would have been no problem and Antrim would have yanked it out cleanly, but suddenly all three beings were hoisted into the air. The blood turned to rivulets, rising like the end of a waterfall seen upside down as the toa of lightning's eyes rolled back and his heartlight faded. Antrim lost his grip with the weapon and slowly tumbled head over heels, out of control in the air. The villager was the only one who "stood" still, perfectly upright although he was he was floating.That blasted Skakdi, Antrim cursed as he looked down at the culprit with disdain, discontent with how he had meddled in something he shouldn't have.

  7. OOC:Merfolk physiology is different than Toa physiology. That's why the pressure point attack didn't do much. You weren't doing it in the right place to harm a Merfolk. Unless this guy knows about Merfolk physiology, and if that's the case, I'll edit.IC:PontusNoting that Senegal was about to stab him, Pontus attempted to fling him downwards, getting him out of stabbing reach as fast as possible. He then grinned at Senegal(who was hopefully below Pontus), if he tried the same trick he tried earlier, Pontus would be ready.

    Ooc: Valid point. I would assume he doesn't, or he would have recognized Pontus for what he was when he first saw him.Ic: Back to the drawing board. Senegal looked around, seeing no place for him to... bob to, and no weapons for him to use. He couldn't use the same tricks as before -- not on the same enemy, it wasn't his style. He saw two choices, two tactics he could employ. But that was it. One was meant to delay the inevitable, the other a final act of desperation.He chose the latter.As soon as he hit the seafloor, he crouched and lunged upwards, directly at Pontus. He wanted this enemy to come out and play like a man.

    IC - Sucogu - Dock"It's almost sad." the Toa's fingers crackled, preparing a bolt......A Kakama could hardly beat what was three feet away and literally lightning-fast. If he was correct, the Toa would be struck down from a bolt of this power. Dodging was also nullified as he could conduct it to wherever Antrim went."But you cannot continue." his voice stung with disdain.The bolt fired off, probably one of his most powerful in awhile.OOC: Well, he's using the power from that earlier bolt, combined with an already powerful bolt.

    Ooc: I wasn't going to pull this card, but if you're really so intent to fry me without leaving me any chance to evade or defend against it, you really leave me no choice... :shrugs: A bolt of that power wouldn't just strike me down, it would quite literally kill me. Ever wonder why Tahu Nuva never directly shot his enemies with fire? It'd be a smackdown. Some elements are just far more dangerous than others.Ic: Just as Sucogu prepared to shoot Antrim, the baron didn't look sad or dismayed, but rather smirked in gratitude and realization. Previously hidden among the other matoran of the village huddled in the shop behind the toa of lightning, Antrim's armorbearer stepped out. In his hand he held a short sword, just enough for what needed to be done. He ran up behind Sucogu and jumped, grabbing hold of his back and pulling him backwards. The bolt of lightning, previously intended for Antrim his beloved lord, was instead shot wildly at the sky. The matoran heaved his sword up and brought it down, aiming to shove it through his right shoulder as he jumped off, knowing what Antrim was going to do next.Antrim seized the moment, rapidly getting up and giving a hearty war cry as he tried to shove his sword through the toa.
  8. Ic: Stannis nodded in a combination of understanding and appreciation. If his detective talents were as great as he was trained to have them, with the combined efforts of his companions they were sure to figure out this part of the clue.But as Hafu finished his explanation, Stannis gave him an odd, almost sad look. This was a depressing time, and Hafu was clearly being affected by it. He knew that his hours were numbered, and while he was desperate to help, he was mentally preparing himself for the inevitable, whether it as his own death or the death of others. The sense of nobility Stannis sensed in Hafu at that moment unnerved him, reminding him just how uncertain the future was.He inhaled deeply, held the breath for a second, and finally exhaled slowly, looking down at the ground in thought. "Alright," he said in a sad tone, still caught in the moment. He perked up and looked at Hafu. "Thank you for your trust and help. We will be sure to make use of the information, and I assure you that so long as I and my friends live, there will be hope for our destinies. And don't worry, I don't plan on dying easily," he said in his characteristic, dry humor, the vague, tiny hints of a smile at the edges of his lips the only sign of it even being humor."But where might we find this Noran?" Stannis asked. "Finding you was easy -- you're one of a kind. Finding a single toa, however, is a bit more difficult. There... seems to be a lot of them popping out there days," not all of them heroic, he finished mentally. "And how will he know we are not pretenders?"

  9. Ooc: I was being serious, but trying to be silly at once as to not sound overbearing. Truth is Antrim's a truly great man, even morally, but few people see things they way he does. This perception also means that people will think him misguided, but he actually has a very good agenda and means well.Ic: Antrim's left knee buckled and he sprawled on the ground, but the chaotic fall meant that Sucogu's strike missed its mark, instead hammering his shoulder armor and giving Sucogu a bruise on his hand instead. But Antrim took advantage of the fall, using one of the basic skills he knew to put himself in an upright and ready position quickly.He looked around. A few possibilities here. A direct attack might not bode well -- while he was by far more heavily armed, he was also slower, and the toa was able to easily break his defenses if he wanted to. Putting the greatsword was the best idea, and he did so, easing it into its back scabbard. A knife fight was in order, and he flicked his confiscated knife out of the belt. But he formed a plan. Throwing Sucogu in the water wasn't an option, but pouring water on him... was.And he saw just the thing.

  10. IC - Sucogu - DocksThis guy was, undoubtably, totally insane. Not to mention a psychotic perfectionist with a warped view. He almost pitied Antrim- had he not been being attacked by said perfectionist.He jumped the sweep kick.....just in time to topple over, barely dodging the Zamor's effects. After all this, Antrim was running. With the same glint in his eye as before, he expertly threw the knife with much speed and velocity.

    Ooc: Now now, don't confuse insanity for someone who has an extremely black-and-white philosophy. Just because he sees things in a very different way doesn't mean he's wrong or mentally crippled. There's a difference! And it's going to be grand. *happydance*Ic: Antrim's running was fast -- very fast. Huts and villagers blurred by, just streaks of color in the blue and green area. But as fast as he was, the dagger caught up. It twirled behind him and then beside him as if in slow motion as their speeds cancelled each other out, and it finally embedded itself in his shoulder armor. He reached up and tore it away, sliding it into his belt as a keepsake of the duel.But what about Senegal? Although he had ruled out the possibility of the toa of electricity being an ally to Senegal, last he saw of him, the Toa of Iron was swimming beyond the docks of the village, alive. He had to go and take care of him.

    IC:PontusBut Senegal soon found his leg being pulled on. As Pontus had caught up. He yanked downwards, hoping to drag Senegal down to the bottom.OOC:How deep is this water?

    Ooc: But... Pontus was struck in vital areas. Such a thing would harm the nerves of a human... Bah. I'd say the water is maybe eighteen feet deep. Three toa tall, basically.Ic: Curses! Dragged back down again! At least he got a gulp of air. Senegal produced a pair of sharp blades in his hands and crouched in the water, then reached down to mutilate his adversary. He should be losing strength, and fast. The combined efforts of the two nails in his flesh and the pressure point attack should be taking effect now.Besides, Senegal wasn't going to just let his enemy win this one. He was Senegal, the Brutal Bard, after all. He was supposed to bash the man's face in and write a song about it later on.
  11. "I fight to end chaos by whatever means necessary. You were causing part of that chaos. I don't want to have to kill you- but I will." he informed Antrim grimly.He was like an assassin, the dark look about him, the dagger in a backhand grip. He had a feeling the real fight was just starting.

    Ic: "I will cleanse this island of all iniquity and prepare it for a new age," Antrim replied. "I may be like you, fighting chaos, but you are nothing like me. I fight for a higher power, for peace. You fight for simple beliefs, chasing the eidolons of evil but not the roots of it." His teeth clenched as he bit down in frustration, his words seething through his jaw. "No, you cannot live in the New World. You. Can. NOT!"To his right, the Skakdi prepared to shoot his sphere thingy. Time was of the essence. Thankfully, with his Kakama, time was something he could make the most of. His Kanohi glowed as he activated it, and in a swift move his strong legs swept the ground from under Sucogu -- he should have known better than to come closer if we was not going to make the killing stroke. This bought him time and he rolled away to the side, using his sword like a cane to get upright again. The sphere the Skakdi shot flew where he was before, and it burst with color as it activated. Antrim didn't expect a splash effect, but with his large frame, the few rolls he made put enough distance between the effect and himself. Sucogu, however, was not so fortunate.And then, sword in hand, he fled. He needed to even the odds.Ooc: Sorry to disappoint you, but it ain't so easy as having a Zamor with splash damage to bring down one of my characters. Muahaha.

    Pontus quickly surged above Senegal, dodging most of the nail blasts. A few hit, but only two managed to get through his armor. He noticed the many bubbles coming out of Senegal's mouth and grinned. Now all he had to do was stall.

    Senegal was running out of time, and his adversary was only wasting it. It was a battle of attrition, and it could not be won by standing his ground. Something drastic had to be done. He looked up at Pontus who floated above him, effectively blocking the way to the surface.Aiming his palm to the bottom, he fired a blunt projectile. With a resounding whump, the ingot struck the sediment, crushing a coral and lifting silt and sand upwards, completely blinding both the fighters. But Senegal was watching, and the sediment enveloped him first. He had the element of surprise.He kicked himself upwards with the dust, grappling Pontus and giving pressure at his vital places -- the neck, the small of the back, and his temples -- debilitating him and giving him immense pain, just as the silt completely blinded both of the fighters. And then, with the sudden brown-out, Senegal let go and finished his race to the surface, his face finally breaking through and popping up in the sea of gold liquid. The sun was almost done setting.
  12. Ic: Senegal said bubbles in response. But he had to get to the surface soon. Senegal was terribly out of his element, and he had a hunch that this being was very much in his.He fired small nail-like blasts of iron at Pontus, hoping to impale him and give him time to land himself.****Thankfully, the obsidian had absorbed the majority of voltage, and the beam that did strike Antrim was far weaker than what Sucogu fired in the beginning. He was struck, sending him reeling backwards and collapsing on his back on the ground just as the Skakdi's sphere flew past.

  13. Ic: Antrim replied with his own element, raising a barrier between the two toa, the crystalline volcanic glass meeting the electricity head on, absorbing it entirely since electricity could not flow through it. But as he did so, he finished his giant swing, and using the leverage from the greatsword, heaved himself into an aerial somersault over the short wall he erected, aiming to use the combined gravity of his sword and body to deliver a crushing blow to Socugo's spine. Interestingly, this tactic allowed Antrim to evade the Skakdi.

  14. Ic: Above Senegal, a Skakdi fired his vision power. Senegal barely noticed. Whatever it was, the red beams only created a small water crater and an dull, echoing thummm! sound ad they reflected off the surface of the water into the air beyond.****But Senegal's bar wasn't done yet, and as Pontus held on to it, it only served to push him away. Just as Antrim had used a pillar of crystal to shoot Senegal farther away, so was Senegal doing to Pontus.

  15. Ic: Antrim's mental gears whirred. Analysis: Toa who wants to fix things. Genuine. Doesn't care if he is attacking the right person. Misguided. Absolute. Status: gray morality. Resolution: Must be purified. Attack."I'm sorry, but your kind cannot exist in my world," Antrim said. "And the one who passes the judgement should swing the sword. I will be your death," he uttered, almost sorry that he had to do it. Before either toa could blink, Antrim was on him, swinging his mighty greatsword with great strength and speed to bash through the other toa's defenses.****Senegal reacted instinctively, a metal bar emerging from his hand like a spear from Wolverine's wrists, meant to shatter Pontus' chest cavity and render the fight null before it even started.

  16. Ic: Aw crud.Senegal took note of the being swimming quite swiftly after him and realized he was going to spend more than a few seconds below the surface. Making one last trip to the top and taking a huge breath, he floated down and prepared to face whoever was after him., rightfully assuming that the being wasn't there to rescue him.

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