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Posts posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. Senegal was cleverly bobbing up and down. He would sink to the bottom, and then use his pwoerful legs to propel himself upwards at an angle, which was oddly enough quite effective for the otherwise awful swimmer. Plus, while he took his time to get to a good position to fight, Antrim could struggle in his own way.****

    He flipped out his dagger and sped towards Antrim, who was out of the water.He reached into the sky, and called down lightning. A large bolt met his fingers and he was instantly energized. After this ostentatious and 'look at me!' decision, he ran all the faster.The dagger was curled in a back-hand grip, and he held it so that his fist held on to the tight leather. The Toa felt in a lapse of judgement as he slid past the closest one, stabbing back at his new opponent's neck.

    Ic: Antrim was immediately confused. Why was he suddenly being attacked from out of nowhere? Did Senegal have associates here in the Koro? It didn't make sense. What did, however, make sense was the distinct possibility that this man was confused, thinking Antrim to blame for the massacre in the docks. Understandable, but made more difficult to diffuse if he was already being attacked. The brash fool.Antrim quickly grabbed hold of the assailant's arm with his giant hand and roughly shoved him away. Had he pushed a little more, the toa would have been sent in the water. Antrim had considered the opportunity to completely fry Senegal, but the knowledge that he would also be killing this toa and whatever other life was in the water convinced him otherwise. He was Antrim, Baron of the Massive, and he was not going to stoop to the destructive level of his enemy."What do you want?" he bellowed, not wanting to attack further or try to explain himself, as both could have dire consequences. Cutting to the chase was a much more preferable option.
  2. And for the love of all that is good in the world, please don't quote more than you need to! It's so terribly annoying when I have to scroll down the equivalent to two whole computer screens just to be disappointed with a simple two-word post. Please be reasonable, people.

  3. For all vigilantes, marines, villagers, explorers and whathaveyous, there's a pretty epic duel in Ga-Koro that has claimed a few lives and decimated the docks. Look for my longish posts for more detail, and feel free to try and meddle in the affairs of dragons toa, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup welcome to take part in my little game.

  4. Ic: Antrim walked back to the city with a grim sense of accomplishment. He looked at the poster he took from before, reading the headlines of the famed 'Brutal Bard' and looking intensely at the portrait of the famed fighter. Antrim had defeated one of the best there was on Mata Nui, apparently, and this was testament of what he could do and what he would eventually accomplish. One down, many more to go.Suddenly, one of the matoran nearby was shot skyward as the pier he was standing up erupted. Literally. The others around him ran away as a couple Ga-Matoran guards leaned in to investigate. Just as they lifted their gaze towards Antrim, however, and opened their mouths to speak, they, too, were launched up and away. Splinters and debris fell down like toothpicks in a windstorm. Then it seemed like the eruotions were happening to anything that stood and cast a shadow. Piles of rigging violently were thrown apart, small cranes were decimated as if they were made of straw, and a flagpole was utterly crushed from underneath.Then Antrim realized that not only did he cast a shadow, but the bursts were coming closer each time. The most recent one, however, tore apart a pile of boxes, and in the midst of it, he could barely discern a torpedo-like projectile causing the ruckus. And that meant only one thing. Tossing the flyer away, he darted for the edge of the pier just in time, as the dock he was standing on blew up like a wooden volcano. Drawing his sword out again, he dived into the water, weapon pointing forward like that pointy sail thingy on a sailing ship that just, you know, points forward. Not the sail, the pointy mast thingy. Whatever.The needle guided him right into the water with elegance befitting a noble, and he opened his eyes as soon as he felt the bubbles recede. And there, several meters away in the water, was Senegal, the Brutal Bard, with a set of air bladders in hand and a pair of eyes ready to fight back as he held on to the hole in his chest that leaked red fluid. Antrim quickly seized the moment, launching a powerful stream of obsidian that powered through the water like a train, slamming into Senegal's chest with great force. The air bladders scattered and floated to the surface, and at the end of the ramrod was Senegal, quickly paddling himself up to get the air he was suddenly deprived of and in much need for.He was up for just a second, getting the oxygen and descending again to give Antrim the aquatic battle he asked for. They fired several volleys of torpedoes at each other, neither striking the other, but then a stream of iron met a line of crystal, and it was suddenly revealed who was going to reign superior there. The crystal was simply decimated, the iron easily crushing the brittle but deadly projectile, and Antrim took the clue, quickly evacuating, knowing he could not win a fight down here. His Kakama flared up and he paddled away with great speed, narrowly avoiding the sleek iron blasts that constantly dogged his rear. The wooden supports of the docks ahead of him turned murky, their beams destroyed by Senegal's weapons, and the water turned brown, flashes of shiny iron the only sign of Senegal as he left the toa if iron behind. Antrim didn't know if it was him losing sight of Antrim or a need for air, but the attacks ceased at last and the tired baron immediately made his way to the surface, surprising several villagers as his unremarkable face emerged from the water from the midst of the destruction.He looked around. Half the docks were gone, and boats either drifted loosely in the waves or slowly sank, their hulls pierced by stray torpedoes. Antrim eagerly swam to the edge and climbed up on the nearest lillypad.

  5. Ic: Senegal made the first move, a shiny mace appearing in his hand and swung down to parry the greatsword. It accomplished this feat, swinging it to the side. However, the rest was not so smooth. His punch to the face was rejected as Antrim met fist with fist, surprising Senegal and giving the fighter the same flavor he was going to serve. As Senegal reeled back from the unexpected punch to his jugular, Antrim advanced, swinging his sword to decimate the warrior's defenses.Senegal recovered just in time, however, blocking the heavy strike with his club, though the force from the collision knocked the weapon away into the water. This left Antrim wide open for an attack while he repositioned the giant blade for a follow up stroke, allowing Senegal to make a quick attack. He launched a flurry of iron sand at Antrim, the shiny confetti filling the gap between the two fighters.Antrim couldn't see, but he swung his weapon nonetheless, hoping for a direct hit. But just as his weapon sliced through the thick cloud, Senegal's laterally twirling body emerged from beyond the glitter, crashing onto Antrim like a spinning asteroid and knocking him down. However, Antrim wasn't out of it yet. Just as Senegal prepared to drop his anvil, Antrim's strong arm heaved the mighty sword up and struck Senegal on the arm, prematurely dropping the weight directly where Senegal stood, shattering the wood and sending Senegal through the hole and into the water.But Senegal wasn't wounded, and while he struggled, he was not completely unable to swim. He desperately trudged through the water, grabbing hold of the nearest pier and hefting himself up.Antrim, however, had more up his sleeve. Aiming his sword like a gun sight, he filed thin, lethal streams of obsidian, the needle-like weapons slicing through air and water just the same as they would Senegal's armor. Like a sniper, he shot the weapons at the struggling swimmer.They were nearly noiseless, and the only sign that they even existed was the fact that one found itself embedded neatly in the wood where Senegal was reaching for. He quickly redacted his grip, slipping under the water again. And then, as he disappeared beneath the glossy waves, he felt something akin to a breeze on his thigh. But there was no wind under the water. He looked down, spitting air bubbles as he suddenly noiselessly gasped out in pain, and the water was filled with blood.From above, all Antrim could see was Senegal disappearing, then the place where the warrior went under filling with air bubbles followed by a growing pool of red. As far as he was concerned, Senegal was dead.

  6. You guys are so immature, counting the minutes to a deadline that was never even set to begin with. :P Just kick back, relax, and rest assured that Andrew will get the polls up as soon as he can. Seriously, chill. It's not going to make any difference if you're there when they're up or not.

  7. Ic: "Well, this is a bummer," Senegal said to himself. He quickly looked around, gauging his chances and trying to predict the course of the battle to come. Senegal was between a rock and a wet place, both very sour prospects in and of themselves, made worse by the stack of realities against him. The man in front of him was an unknown, but based on his appearance and the fact that he was holding a very large greatsword seemed to indicate he wasn't one to be taken lightly. Furthermore, Senegal was standing on a wooden pier, and a single misstep could send him over the edge and into the water where he would surely drown, and he had come from a grueling fight earlier that same day. His advantages, however, were simple. His own confidence in his fighting skills, his strength and the fact that he could make his own weapons at his whim.He would charge up and parry the greatsword to the side with an iron club, then hammer Antrim in the forehead with his fist, followed by a solid kick to the chest as he held onto the handle of the sword, disarming the 'baron' and disabling him for a moment. He would toss the sword into the water, then brutally drop an anvil by Antrim's side, breaking the pier and sending him into the water. Senegal would then make a run for it. Strike fast, strike hard, strike without mercy.Meanwhile, Antrim was doing the same thing. His advantages: the sword in his hand, the wide open space with which to use it, and the fact that he was physically fresh. His disadvantages: the reliance on his sword, his lower skills and strengths and the fact that his element could be shattered by Senegal's. They were equal in mask powers, though, a Calix rendering his Kakama useless.He would stand his ground, using the length of his weapon to keep Senegal at bay. Since Toa of Iron were not good swimmers, all Antrim had to do was push him into the water, and he would use his Kakama to outflank and deliver a single solid slash at Senegal's back before embedding his dirk into Senegal's spine and shove him below the waves.The game was on.

  8. Ic: The doorbell chimed as Senegal walked into the inn's foyer. "Name's Senegal. Room for one.""Wonderful," the innkeeper said. "We have a vacancy in room eight. Er, how many nights?"Senegal signed the record book and answered, "Undecided.""Wonderful, wonderful," the keeper said, nodding. "Well, that would be a ten widget deposit, just as a formality.""Here, have this," Senegal said, tossing a handful of the gears on the counter without counting them. The keeper's face lit up in delight. "Keep the rest," he said before snatching the key and heading to the room.****Antrim hid safely from view in one of the currently unoccupied rooms. He saw the tenant leave earlier, which meant that he would be safe for the moment and didn't have to deal with Senegal walking in to an unpleasant surprise. He wasn't here to interrogate Senegal, he was here to kill or purify.He did hear the man say his name was Senegal, which he found curious. He somehow knew that name, though could not place it. It mattered little, though. He was certain this Senegal needed to be cleansed. As his target entered the hut next to the one Antrim was in, Antrim prepared to take action.****Senegal still hummed his tunes as he put his trinkets down and surveyed the room. He opened the shutters and admired the view. He sat for a moment, watching the sunset, before finally stepping outisde and wandering until he found a pier high above the water and sat there, legs dangling over the gentle waves that lapped he poles."You are a murderer," someone said behind him, and Senegal instinctively got up and crouched into fighting position, hoping this was just a heckling and nothing more."No, who are you?" he asked the man. He was a tall man, built ruggedly but not as muscled as his own. But his arms -- they were as big as Senegal's. Where was this man in the fighting ring? he wondered. He might have been a worthy adversary. But he quickly flushed those thoughts away, realizing that he was succumbing to who he was not trying to be now."My name s Antrim, Baron of the Massif, and I am your judge, jury and executioner," the man replied. "And I know your type. Evil, vile, filled with rage and unbridled power. I saw you walking about, but your hand speaks for itself and who you truly are," the man said, pointing at Senegal's bloody hand.Senegal looked down, suddenly realizing that he had not washed it with the rest of his body, and felt ashamed. But he was not going to give up so easily. "A work injury," he said. "I got it from my work.""And it is because of your work that I am here," Antrim said, showing a poster he had collected from the room he was hiding in. It was an ad for Senegal's latest fight. "You are a killer and a blight that must be cleansed. How can the matoran see us toa as heroes when the likes of you still survive? No, your type cannot live in this world. You all must die.""I think you're not seeing the full picture," Senegal protested, not wanting to fight on the first day of his holiday. "That's who I am as an entertainer. It's what the people want! ######! It's what they pay to see. Can I truly be so evil if all I do is satisfy their lusts?"Antrim slowly withdrew his huge sword from his back scabbard and pointed it squarely at Senegal before replying slowly and deliberately: "Yes."

  9. Ic: Antrim strolled up and down the docks, eyes darting from one person to the next. Nobody could tell, but he was silently judging each one. None of them were demanding his actions, however. Leaving the docks, the baron took to the town center and observed everyone there, too. Merchants passed by, fishermen came and went and guards strolled down the lanes. It was peaceful.But then someone caught Antrim's eye. Sticking out like a sore thumb was a big guy with bulging muscles and a few too many scars on his armor. He seemed casual, but Antrim's suspicions were aroused nonetheless. Deciding he wanted a closer look, he disappeared in the crowd.

    Ic: He could be described as a hunter in the midst of sheep, the hulking beast of a toa that Senegal was calmly walking among the matoran who he towered over. But despite his awe inspiring physique and frightening scars, he was rather docile, and the people reacted in turn. He hummed and sang a few tunes under his breath, reciting them like prayers in the back of his head. He wanted to go as far away from the bloody and messy life he lived in the veil the forest provided him with, escape from the fame and anger he had while standing in the fighting ring, and he hoped against all hope that he would not be recognized by a patron here. A lingering notion told him Ga-Koro was not where he wanted to be right now, but he quickly tried to dispel such notions, assuring himself it was just his old habits flaring up.He flitted in and out of small shops, giving banter with some of the streetside merchants and bartering a few trades. He was feeling more refreshed every moment, and he loved it. For once in a long while, he was actually living a real life.****Antrim was more curious by the moment, having mixed feelings about the huge toa who lingered in the market square. He observed the man talk with the locals and buy a small model ship, but he still seemed strangely brutal. He was certain there was a second face to this man, a face that matched the body.He stalked through the crowd and disappeared entirely when Senegal occasionally glanced in his direction. But while Senegal was admiring one of the items in a shop, Antrim caught note of something that flared a giant, flaming, red flag in his mind: the man's right hand -- it was dark red of blood!****"Thanks," Senegal said lightheartedly as he strolled out of the shop and back onto the streets. In his arms, he cradled a cowrie shell model ship, a lightstone lantern and an ornate dagger, all recent purchases. The sun was beginning to set, so he decided it was best to take his new toys to an inn room, where he could rest and enjoy the final view of the sun from a balcony. It would be a good life.As he headed down the path to the inn, however, he had no idea that his life was going to take a big turn before the sun could finish setting.
  10. Question, though: Is there going to be any way to get to the "Client Area" of the store other than making a purchase? Seems like a useful place to have access to (though, after the initial purchase, the page is rather broken, but clicking any of the tabs on the sides fixes it).

    I'm assuming you mean the client area you can access by clicking the dropdown menu with your username in the top-right corner of the page and then clicking "client area." If so, then yes. :P
  11. I want to be the best roleplayer and Judge evar. Here, I wrote a song about it.I wanna be the very bestLike no one ever was.To post in them is my real test;To play them is my cause.I will scour throughout all the plansSearching far and wide,Each roleplayer to understandThe power that's inside.RPGs! Its you and me.I know it's my destiny.RPGs! Oh, you're my best intent,In a land we must defend!RPGs! A heart so true,Our courage will pull us through.You play me and I'll play you.RPGs! Gotta play 'em all!Every challenge along the wayWith courage I will face.I will battle every dayTo claim my rightful place!Come with me, the time is right;There's no better team.Arm in arm we'll win the fight,It's always been our dream!

  12. I would suggest PMing Than the Moa, who is the forum leader of this forum, or his assistants Spink or Sisen, and finding out what the procedure is for creating a game here. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this, but I cannot imagine there not being some sort of way to get an RPG made here.Links: Than the Moa, Sisen, Spink .

  13. Ic: AchenoAcheno blinked. It felt like a large portion of time had suddenly passed; something like twenty days or so. He felt like saying something, but the look on Danerys' face said that she had felt it as well. Whatever they were doing seemed a little foggy, and whatever motivation had brought him here now seemed distant, like nothing more than a passing whim. He staggered backwards and sat down against the wall. The cold stone at his back reminded him how much time had passed and he idly wondered if any significant events had transpired in the gap.

    Ic: "NO!" Danerys shouted, leaping up and clamoring to Acheno, quickly slapping him across the face as she noticed the toa's fading resolve. "Now is not the time to suddenly start growing lethargic. Things are just starting to make sense! The adventure is just beginning!" she exclaimed, the energy of her discovery invigorating her into action, bordering on hyperacivity.She stared goggle-eyed at the walls again, finally revealing what made her so engrossed in it. "While I was asleep, I had a vision. From my mask or from the other dimension, I don't know, but I know this much for sure: It had a purpose."Acheno, I have a purpose! Now don't be a doubting Thomas about it. I know this was no coincidence because I remember the dream now. I remember meeting one of these beings," she said, gesturing at the painted winged figures on the walls," these... Valkyr." She said the last word with a sort of admiration, it was almost reverence. "And now, after that dream, I don't just see sigils and murals on the walls, I see words! I see legends spilling out like water in a bucket.She turned to her companion, eyes locked in his. "Acheno, my friend, there is a whole wide world waiting for us. Do you want to see it with me, or do you?"
  14. XD"Vacant" will transform into a real member if and when the game is voted into reality. I wanted the game to be completely mine because it is my first entry and, not to sound selfish or anything, wanted it to be totally my original. Even Swert, who is credited, had little to do with the process. But at the same time, the more qualified co-GMs entered stuff of their own, too, so my fellow moderator shall be selected from the pool of failures.Har har, I said a funny. ... What, you no likey dry humour? :(

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