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Posts posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. No, I got it from seeing ants around the rim of a sugar bowl... Lol, yes, I did derive his name from the Irish county. His full name that I used earlier this year is Antrim Glasglow (yes, derived from Glasgow, Scotland).Making the closing post in Le-Wahi now...

  2. Ic: Stannis expected Hafu to sleep more like the rocks the carver worked on and was pleased that he responded so quickly. "My name is Stannis, and I am here to protect you. There is reason to believe that you are in danger." He made a short dramatic pause, as if trying to make his words strike better strings. "Hafu, Tamaru is dead and I think whoever killed him is after you, too. So please open up."

  3. And that post was completely unnecessary.Anyway, last call to fight Senegal in Le-Wahi. If nobody takes the bait and tries it out by noon tomorrow, I'll make the closing post. Also, my character Antrim is on the Ga-Koro docks if anybody's interested. Just do a search for "Antrim" in the search feature in the Ga-Wahi topic to see the post.

  4. Ic: Cersei, Septimus and the silent Anavel left the restaurant and entered the cobblestone streets. Immediately, Cersei turned to the right, steering the matoran away from where she last left the poor Skakdi (who by all accounts was likely dead by now), not that it mattered at this point anymore. They walked down the path that was bustling with the activity the afternoon brought to the city of crime, the odd trio just another bunch of faces in the nameless horde. "Let's assume he went to the market area. That seems to be the most likely place to get lost in, anyway," Cersei said.

  5. Ic: Senegal's weapons clattered to the floor just the same, and he reached out and wrenched DJ to his feet like he did before. "Second thing I want you to remember: I'm brutal."He then let the toa back to the ground. Soon enough, the technicians came and dragged DJ out of the arena like they had several times already, leaving Senegal still standing, the unwavering victor of the afternoon.

  6. Ic: The ear splitting sound was nerve wracking, and Senegal repulsed, backing away from the powerful swipe and retaliating with his own attack, raining a blow from above that would bash DJ's grip on his sword. He held his other cudgel ready to defend himself from another attack.

  7. Ic: "Well, good. At least you have a goal to reach," Cersei said. "Too many of your sort that I've met are content with their daily jobs, making flax and string or pounding at the same rock for weeks on end to make a statue and repeat the process. So long as you want to reach your goal, there's little that can stop you."Unless you die, of course. But remember what I said: company is key." Hint hint.

  8. Ic: Senegal held his hands up as if in despair, praying to the heavens and whatever god listened to his bloody cries, but no smiting lightning came forth, no awesome energy reached down to relieve DJ of his attempt at redemption. Instead, twin bars emerged in Senegal's hands, bars just like the first one, long and straight, rounded to form a cylinder. So far, they were used only to bash and smash their way into the souls of enemies, but the truth was Senegal could employ them with the same grace he used his body with.The twin weapons snagged the fork-sword in a snare, and with a grating metal *shhiiiink!* the weapons slid on each other. If DJ still had fight left in him, Senegal was going to oblige even though he didn't finish his final monologue.

  9. Ic: "And what is your goal? Do you want to see the entire island, then?" Cersei prodded. "Do you want to witness the golden beaches of Ga-Wahi, the soaring peaks of Ko-Wahi, the flaming pits of Ta-Wahi, the mighty chasm of the Kini-Nui?"

  10. Ic: Senegal wasn't done yet, though, running up and slamming his club on DJ again, again, and again, not because he wanted to but because the audience demanded it. He was there to serve them. They wanted DJ stoned, and that's exactly what they got. Truth was, Senegal felt truly sorry for each strike and ended sooner than the people wanted him to, but he wouldn't hit him any more.Finally, he bent down and hefted DJ up with one arm and put his face close to the battered toa's blindfolded face. "You won't die today, Toa. Not here and not now. But I pray that you leave with two things in your head when you go back to what was once your home. First off, I want you to remember that the fighting ring is not the place for a romantic dandy like yourself. This is a place for men to pitch their muscles together and get the ladies' admiration from their tortured strikes. If you aren't prepared to spill blood and give winning a fair chance, don't even bother having nightmares about entering another ring battle."

  11. Ic: "You could say so," Cersei conceded. That was more easily taken than the honest truth, anyway, and she wanted to keep the trust of this Septimus at least for now, since he might be the key to getting to the next level with Salvinn. "Though I also set up events and such. Not a secretary, mind you; something more than that. But I also try and find time for my pastimes, like exploring the more secretive aspects of life. The arcane, old artifacts, etcetera. I keep my mind open to possibilities."How much have you explored?" she said, trying to skirt around the grittier stuff and direct the conversation back to Septimus.

  12. Ooc: It's not quite autohitting. DJ was right there, and the balance was set strongly against someone who can't even see. Plus, if you noticed, I may have said there was contact but didn't say what happened. Imagine my fights to be played out one frame at a time -- that's how I do, anyway. More detail, more freedom, and no autohitting.Ic: Senegal may have let go, but he still stood like an iron curtain, only an iron curtain with arms. Using a similar tactic to the one he devised on Kav'Den, he created a bat in his hand and swiped at DJ. He wasn't in range to hit him with his hands, but with a weapon -- easily.

  13. Ic: And so it began, Calix-user against Calix-user, bards and fighters. Senegal tried to do things subtly, but noooo, his opponent suddenly had a change of heart and wanted to dive right in.Woman.He deflected the first blow with his forearm, slid his other arm past DJ's second arm and snagged his upper arm from the inside in a vice grip. That's what you get for coming right up to me. "How does the funny man feel now, eh?"

  14. Ic: "Then I'm sorry that you placed a wager such as that on a fight you knew nothing about and can't hope to win," Senegal said, almost sorrowfully. As he walked, he slowly closed the gap between him and DJ, narrowing the spiral ever so slightly with each step.

  15. Ic: Ahh, the fateful question. "I'm an engineer," Cersei said with half-truth. "I'm also a communicator of sorts, and I get in touch with the right people to get information and protect assets of my investors. Something of a businesswoman, if you will, with some inventing on the side."

  16. Ic: Calix user. Gotta be. Wonderful. "Jaus-kE-rr, if people wanted to see a battle of prose, they would have come to see us at a library. Instead here we are in front of this crowd who are chanting with their change, demanding bloodshed." He walked around the circle, arms outstretched. "You come to me here, in my house, in their patronage, and insult them with words? My man, you are either extremely sick or extremely misguided. Stop this blasphemy and do what the people paid to see."

  17. Ic: Senegal smirked. "You're a funny man. A very funny man. I'm going to feel sorry when I push you into the ground in a moment. But didn't you already know? I'm a Toa of Gravity! Watch as I test my powers out. One moment you're standing--" Senegal produced a sphere of iron and hurtled it at the blind man. The impact was tasty. "The next, you're on your arse."

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