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Posts posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. EW, you do raise a good point. I have thought of this, however. Of course it would take a lot for most fortresses. But if one is rich enough (as the Sarusuma family probably is) then one can probably hire a team of 6-12 toa to construct a small castle (again in the Sarusuma case, those toa would only need be of Water, Stone, and perhaps Earth, which are all pretty common elements).

    Remember again, this is a small economy we're talking about on a paradise island. Strong yes, but not big. It is almost impossible for anyone to actually be genuinely rich and keep it that way for long.

    And besides, most of the gentry's homes can be just small manors by bigger ones, not true fortresses. The main reason the Sarusumas built one as a castle is because they decided that they should settle at Lake Pala in the middle of Le-Wahi jungle.

    This is not reflected by the discussion I was replying to.

    Considering how many deaths are taking place with Player Character killing things left and right EW, I don't think the canon number of inhabitants can withstand all the decimation and manage to repopulate enough for the next year, even with the influx of strangers. They seem to contribute more to the killing then the rebuilding. "Bullets are cheap, Bodies aren't." Therefore common sense actually dictates that the population is EXTREMELY higher than canon. 1,000 Matoran would probably be sliced in half at the current rate of decimation and it takes time for the next generation to grow. At the rate the killing is going that next generation won't even have time to grow up before they're cut down. A population of 1,000,000 Matoran however could withstand such damage and allow the next generation to survive and at least break even.

    Then the island should be a metropolis, not a paradise with some villages. And yet the in-game guides clearly indicate that the island is largely unchanged from how we saw it last in the MNOLG2. You might have a point, but in the end, I think you're making things and numbers up where none existed in the first place.

    I do agree that yes, the canon Matoran would band together. While the Marine Corps are tough and hardy, there are still a few weaknesses they rely on the other armed forces to cover for them. Namely being the youngest force and coming from the more peaceful people, they don't have the womanpower to be everywhere at once and can't fight in open pitched battles well. An alliance with the Ta-Koroan Guard who are less mobile then the Marines due to their large size works well as it gives the Marines a solid reliable source for reinforcements for such pitched battles. it works well for the Guard who can simply move in after the Marine's initial forceful assault and simply mop up and secure the area.

    You underestimate the power of Unity. These are matoran we're talking about; together they are fa stronger than what I think you're giving hem credit for. Besides, I said the villages would band together and defend each other, not talked about their strengths and weaknesses.

    Any such fortresses that exist on Mata-Nui now would be few and far between and only held by ether any of the Mata-Nui forces or Makuta's Servants. They've had well over 1100 years to build up such infrastructure. Keep in mind though like the castles of Medieval times(which were considered a type of fortress) was probably manned by less than 300 or so men. Manning it wouldn't be a problem. Building it however would be as that would require triple the amount of people to build.

    Actually, they've had less than a hundred years to build the places. Again, things were just as told in canon story up until the Toa Mata went underground. This means there were no castles then and no travelers from other places.

    Before the Toa came, travel was very limited. After their coming they helped make travel safer. It would be safe to assume that even with the Toa gone. The forces of Mata-Nui have had time to reclaim at least the main trade routes which allow for safer travel. Matoran like Kalama who travel off the beaten path may find a whole host of nastiness.

    Not sure what this has to do with anything we're talking about...

    As for development, remember Onu-Koro. As the mining capital they are very productive and inventive. If you listen to Nurapu in MNOLG II he talks about things like Power Conversion and Grids and such while examining Boxors. Most of the Ga-Koroan boats also seem to run on some sort powered system similar to the motor boat. Hence why I've got things like Fast Attack Cutters. Don't be so hasty to write off what technological age we live in. It's a mix of everything from Stone to Futuristic.

    I'm not writing anything off, I'm just helping make sure we know what we're doing and keeping things realistic from a matoran point of view.
  2. All this talk of landed gentry and fortresses piqued my interest, so here's a little tidbit to keep in mind, guys.Remember that we're still on Mata Nui. Good old protodermis-brick, tropical paradise, wood and brick, bamboo and harekake Mata Nui. You got a fortress? Cool, but it takes an army to build one in the first place, armies that can't exist in large numbers since the population isn't that high (common sense dictates that). They take time to build, and require an infrastructure to manage from conception (reality dictates this). It is logically impossible for there to be any large number of fortresses, bases and armies on Mata Nui, even with the influx of strangers.I wholeheartedly agree with the warnings that the Koro will band together. According to canon, the villages were orginally just economically allied, each village exporting and importing to the others, so alliances were needed. Then the Rahi came, and they created a more strong system. Presently, the village turaga have a system in which each will assist the other, since they realized the need for the virtue of Unity in the hard times. It's been a while since the original toa, but that only means they have become stronger. I will confess: I have one such minor village, but it is indeed very minor with only a few residents and a tiny keep as its stronghold, so it is legit.The only reason why the matoran in the villages are as calm as they are is because the incidents are isolated and can't reflect well on the other characters, both player and non-player. But theoretically, they are aware of the dangers, and it would only be right if we the players mirror that awareness in all our activities.Let's play this game realistically and equally. Let's build this universe together.

  3. Ic: "Hope? Just the mere presence of hope?" she asked. This 'Mark' can measure hope. If it is magic, then it means magic can detect things beyond our own senses. It can measure what we cannot. A realm of opportunities. "How do you know it is magic?"

  4. Ic: "Do you believe in hope, in ensuring the creation of greater good? Then you're an idealist," Cersei pointed out. "The skill to make it happen doesn't matter, it's just an added bonus."But this bow..." she said, hefting it and balancing it. It clinked as she drummed her gloved fingers on it. "Advanced compared to a normal bow? Yes. But from Xia? No, not necessarily. But as a Vortixx, I can only imagine you come from the same place as I. After all, we don't have colonies elsewhere, so there is little choice."

  5. Ic: "You came from Xia originally, though?" Cersei asked."Xia is a frothing metropolis, spouting the smoke of machinery and technology into the air like a belching dragon. We make the best that engineering can devise, and sell everything we make for the right price. The city rings around a Mountain, which we send our kind to summit as a rite of passage, though the mountain itself devours those unlucky enough not to meet the challenge. It's ruled by womankind, and your sort are left to do the most menial tasks unless they return from the mountain, so I suppose it is good you are here rather than there, as an idealist such as yourself would have little chance to ascend the social ladder with the unscrupulous competition you would have."Does that clear some memories for you?"

  6. Ic: Cersei was amused. This man, Salvinn, was an interesting one. She judged him as one of those morally straight sorts of people who do what it right, maybe even an idealist. She thought of that as a bit useless on its own. But with his virtuous actions was an attitude to see things through, a persona that could bite if needed and confront when called upon, and that is what she respected. Maybe Salvinn had a backbone and strength to back up his demeanor. She had no immediate use for his type, but like the silent Anavel by her side, allies can come from the most curious of beings."That's because you never asked for them," she said matter-of-factly but not threateningly. She made a weak attempt to smile and said, "I'm Cersei of Xia. And this here is Anavel." She didn't say that it was a pleasure.

  7. Ic: "It feels like I've been out for at least a day," Danerys said, scratching her head and struggling to sit straight. "The whole thing seems like such a blur... Ughhnnn... I can hardly remember anything from it." She looked around at the walls, at first with a blank face, but then it turned into confusion, then awkwardness, and finally euphoria. She stared with her mouth open and eyes wide with dumb fascination.

  8. Ic: "Shh, relax," Cersei said, trying to calm the agitated kohli lover. "This isn't the place to scream." And the faces of the other patrons confirmed that.But her real attention was at the Skakdi and the new owner of the slave. There was going to be a conflict somewhere and sometime, and she wanted to be there for it.

  9. Ic: "I'd like to see you try," challenged Jild. "If it is a law, I'll leave the girl on the ship.""I'd like to see you try and stop me," Cersei countered. She really wanted this Skakdi to bugger off. Biggest issue with the type: they thought they were the coolest tools in town. But they were still tools.Ooc: bugger, you beat me. Disregard this epic retort and post. Might edit soon.

  10. Ic: Cercei turned around casually. "I said there would be a time for your questions later. Now take your brutality elsewhere," she said, glancing at the matoran for a split second with eyes that could have been taken as sympathetic. "This is not the time or place for the barbarous likes of you."

  11. I was still thinking we were talking about using the resources as a personal reference. See, as far as I can tell, that's what you used the wiki for the most: personal reference. It seems that's the most relevant use for a wiki if I'm not mistaken, so naturally it is one of the more prominent issues to discuss. However, I was not arguing that a wiki article is not written as if it were fact. That's a no-brainer.Oh, I see. But I never said that the BZPRPG should have a wiki; to the contrary, I'm merely questioning the usefulness of it. Having game staff that support the wiki isn't a very valid point when the wiki languishes regardless. :shrugs:

  12. Newsflash: role playing is a form of literary fiction. Compiling exploits as a story does little to alter what is already fiction, especially if it's for personal reference with no need for fluff and extras. The community gathered in the wiki? Interesting, though I think we gathered better via instant messenger than a wiki. I did, at least, and I reckon I was not the only one. And, um, forgive me for this stupid question, but current one of what does Tuck and MZ condone?

  13. What you've just said is a bit like saying, "We don't need BS01, all the information is already in the books, films and on the BIONICLE website."

    Not a suitable comparison. The whole Bionicle story is not compiled in one source already, which is why BS01 exists. The BZPRPG, however, is self contained.

    And also, I personally find it very enjoyable to chronicle my characters' adventures. I can't remember everything that happens to each of my characters, and it can be incredibly helpful for reference (and also quite fun for light reading).

    Sure, in fact I've been tempted to do the same, but if it's for personal reference, it's far better in a short story or epic format. Still not reason enough for a wiki.
  14. Ic: Jasper gave Kav'den a scornful look but kept kept his anger in check. Senegal would pummel this insolent man soon enough. But now it was his turn to strike back through will; "Nobody ever said the prize was money," he said. And left it at that."We're getting close," he finally said.

  15. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought a wiki was meant to be a resource and lexicon for information. But in this new age of the BZPRPG, we have things like character profiles all in a topic and weekly updates in the front page, so the information is all self-contained in the RPG itself, thus defeating the need for a wiki. Maybe it's just the pessimist inside me, but I personally don't see the need for a wiki at all to begin with. I mean, I never had to refer to it at all. We have new members in this game in part because they can start anew completely; what's the use of divulging to them the intricacies of many years of RPing?I mean, maybe I'm mistaken entirely, but it all seems really moot to me...

  16. Ic: "Senegal is one of the most famous names in the fighting rings across the island. He's fought hundreds of fights and become a staple in all tournaments in the last hundred years. A master of the fist and prose, he's become known as a fighting poet, thus the pseudonym 'Brutal Bard,' so the he's renown among book clubs and reading circles, too. Some bill him as a tame figure, others view him as a warlord, but the truth is he's more of a renaissance man than anything. He can beat many people in both skills."Jasper became graver now. "So while you may be ignorant about Senegal and what he represents and may be only after the prize, remember that this is not going to be a piece of cake. You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

  17. It's spelled "haughty," not "hauty." To RP as a haughty individual, one is prideful and snobbish, but not overbearingly so or making claims of clear superiority over other people. In essence, it's arrogance in moderation.Unless you actually meant "hottie," in which case I cannot help you.

  18. Ic: "Yes, I get that, but we expected people to show up for the fight to have a chance at fighting Senegal rather than for the prize. That's how the rest came to us. You're the first to say otherwise," Jasper said.

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