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Posts posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. Ooc: Zeveno, I'd say yes since we're almost finished. Ic: The problem with what Sookus just did was he basically shot himself in the foot. Some molten metal hit Senegal's hand, but he quickly re-absorbed the stuff while the rest splattered on Sookus himself thanks to something called momentum. Quickly seizing the opportunity, Senegal willed the molten metal, but metal nonetheless, to spread and constrict on Sookus, and the liquid seeped into the crevices on the Skakdi's armor, searing flesh and armor alike with lethal devastation. The crippled Skakdi was suddenly struck again by Senegal's powerful fist as it hammered into Sookus's neck, nearly breaking it.

  2. Ooc: I thought we were in a clearing, as Cappy declared early on. *shrug* Ic: Branches moved somewhat slowly, especially when they were just breaking from their trees, and it didn't take too much effort for Senegal to quickly move out of the way of the branches. It did absolutely nothing to stop Senegal from fighting in the least. He held his hand out, and instantly a solid cudgel of iron appeared in his hand, and he swung it at the Skakdi to bash his brains once and for all.

  3. Ic: At first, nothing happened and nobody challenged him, but suddenly the ground erupted and the matoran and Skakdi continued the battle, and true to his form, Senegal added his heft to it as soon as he steadied himself after riding a rather unsteady clump of ground back down after being thrown in the air as if by catapult. Just before the Skakdi's foot was about to connect with Atiel, a plate of iron slid in the way and took the full brunt of the attack, snuck in by Senegal while the Skakdi focused on bringing the matoran down fast. He followed through with a full-forced punch into the side of the creature, hoping to cripple him good for a moment.

  4. The MarbleHornets guys were asked once how they made the Slenderman figure, and while they couldn't say, they did say that it wasn't exactly the best idea for a halloween costume and can get one in trouble with cops for it. This all but confirms that they do indeed use a human for it. Not CG by any means.

  5. Ic: "Yes, of course," Dany said, a hint of hurt pride in her voice. She was competitive but was still beaten to the bottom by Acheno. She wasn't a fan of that. She hit the bottom and quickly stepped aside from a small rockslide she started that occupied the space she was standing on a second earlier. Taking the lead again, she directed Acheno to a small stone bridge she had constructed across the stream and crossed it quickly, and wasted no time in getting to the digging site itself. It looked much like it was expected to look from above. It was a diagonal dig, a straight wall cutting right into the mountainside at an angle, its brown surface exposed. It disappeared around a sharp corner into darkness, and it is for this reason that Danerys picked up a lantern from a toolbox and gnited the wick with a small flame from her fingertip. "Come, you have to look at the mural itself," she said, waving Acheno to follow her in before vanshing around the corner. Acheno followed right behind her, apparently eager to see it. "There it is!" she said, making an excited gesture at the exposed wall. The lantern's flickering light danced on the surface, illuminating dozens of lines of text written in an alphabet unlike any other. The Matoran alphabet was all circles, making it all very uniform and identical, but this alphabet seemed almost militaristic in precision and organization. Angular, with squares and triangles struck through by lines both curvy and straight, they were laid out in what almost looked like a pattern of sorts. "Whoever wrote this clearly is not of Matoran origin, or anything we've seen. I've spoken to Skakdi and Vortixx alike and shown them the print, but they can't identify its language. As you can see, however, I have poked upwards and reached the roof, which is visible here," she said, pointing at a small place where one could see the exposed ceiling. "The builders were about our size, by estimation. I made the print as soon as possible and have exposed more since, which is why you saw only a small portion, but as you can tell, this is exciting stuff! This opens a really big possibility in our history: we are not the first inhabitants here!"

  6. Ic: The Calix saved his life again, allowing him to dodge the majority of the blades, though three struck him solidly, two in the chest and one narrowly striking his neck. He quickly pulled them out of their places, one of the ones in his chest giving him pain and a little blood, but overall his armor took most of the damage, thankfully. What's more was the fact that he was still alive. He looked around at the remaining people. The turaga left, two of the Skakdi fled, and that left the hammer-wielding matoran, a Skakdi and himself. (Ooc: Correct me if I'm wrong.) With one of them counted as an ally and the other an opportunist who was now outmatched, he proudly proclaimed victory. "Anyone else?" he said, more as to have a defnite moment to declare the end of the forest brawl than anything.

  7. Ic: Senegal's Calix activated in instinct and the burly Toa of Iron defied gravity with a garbage flip that put him in the air just as the turaga ran below him, and while doing so, dropped another 'bomb' of iron that would land right in the turaga's path. If the little guy didn't have the reflexes Senega had, which was unlikely, he'd slam right into the anvil that suddenly appeared in his path. Senegal's jump put him right where he was standing before, but he instantly allowed his momentum to send him to the ground and followed through with a tactical roll to the side. Within the second between his Calix activating and the end of the move, he had leaped in the air, dropped the chunk of metal and rolled to the side in one smooth motion and finally stood up without a scratch.

  8. EW... I'm sorry, but I really can't take anything you say seriously these days... that AV is just too distracting...

    Get used to it. I'm a jokester, but if there's one thing I can take seriously is RPing, and I challenge anyone to beg to differ. So I say: "Nyyyaahhhh!" :PSo far, true to form, Lloyd has contacted me. What about you, Kugs? You game?
  9. Much like people want to step into the boots of the Toa Olda, I'd like to step into the sandals of the Chronicler's Company. I'll be starting a band of matoran characters who are devoted to being true heroes and help solve the mystery before us. A band of intellectuals and warriors alike, this group demands attention and players who will be involved with some really cool roleplaying, problemsolving and storytelling. PM me if interested.

  10. Ic: "My bets are on the one toa of electricity," Cersei said, "assuming he plays his cards right. He's got the right element to do damage, and if he can use those weapons well, there's no stopping him. Then again, the thugs here are little more than bullies," she said analytically. "They feel safe in numbers because they are weak as a single man. Anyone can beat them if they wanted to." And then the fight began. "And it looks like our toa wants to," she finished. When the fight was all over, Cersei grinned narrowly and looked down at Anavel. "Told you!"

  11. Ic: Most of the walk from the charred forest to the Ga-Wahi reaches was done in silence. Danerys soon found that Acheno didn't really feel like wasting energy on conversation, so there wasn't much to say, and Dany was fine with that. Most of her trekking was done alone, anyway, mostly because of the fact that nobody wanted to go with her. So while the added company, if one could call it that, was welcome, Dany was already quite used to traveling without conversation, and to his credit, Archeno didn't slow her down any. Finally, they arrived at the top of a ridge that looked down into a lush, green gulch with flowers decorating the small meadows below. A narrow stream poured through it to the right, the blue ribbon barely seen as much as heard as the muted roar reached their promontory. The stream itself seemed as if miles down the hillside, but in truth it was a simple bouldering to the bottom of the gully and was not as difficult or as log as it seemed. She directed her gaze to what looked like a shallow grotto in the side of the hill on the other side of the stream. "That's where the digging is. The grotto is the result of my work, and you can barely see the tip of a wall jutting out. My bet is that whatever building is there was buried almost entirely by a landslide, and it was thanks to the tiny segment that wasn't buried that I found it. Quite a lucky thing, really."

  12. Ic: Senegal's attention was towards the egg. Strong and robust, it would be hard to penetrate it, though the two Skakdi seemed to be working together to do just that. But to Senegal, if the treasure was worth protecting with one's life, chances were it was illegitimately owned. Now Senegal didn't much care for the law, whatever laws here were about stolen treasure, but he'd want to see that gold distributed among the victors, not hoarded by a few. So, casting his concentration to it, he tried not to crack it open but to expand it. As if the egg were a seed, long spikes exuded from it, thick as branches with wicked tips, and the two longest ones were shot right at the two Skakdi trying to open it. The unanticipated attack would skewer them easily, putting them out of the fight or at least wounding them grievously. With that part done, he readied himself to fight the ninjalike turaga wherever it was and crouched into a fighting position.

  13. "No need for any help." Xeth said, taking a small step back towards the giant egg, the MPS still cocked and humming in his hands. "Now, I'll be on my way, unless anyone else has a big mouth."

    Ic: The distraction also allowed Senegal to rise without drawing attention, the magnetism having dissipated quickly after starting to fade. And best of all, the timing was perfect for him now. He quickly raised his hand and fired a bolt of iron, the bolt shaping into a teardop shape, a powerful battering ram. At first, the bolt seemed to be directed right at Xeth's chest, much like Xeth had shot Senegal, but suddenly it took a change in direction and slammed in the ground he was standing on. Dirt and debris was strewn into the air from the violent impact, and Senegal charged. "I have something to say about that!" he bellowed. Ooc: Rationale: Since there was nothing to continue giving Senegal's armor magnetism, it would make sense that the effects would go away relatively quickly. That and the fact that just lying on the grass wiggling my fingers is no fun.
  14. Ic: There was something mystically alluring about the whole scene with the toa and the snowglobe and the fight in the background, and the toa's curiously sinister but somehow adorable smile only helped refine the image as something Cersei would see in a horror painting. The shadows in the alley looked large and framed it all with gothic hues, a perfect spine-chilling moment for any normal being. But even as far as Vortixx went, Cersei wasn't normal and if anything she liked the sight. "Hey there," she said in response to the toa's greeting. A flash of memory -- of was it the future? -- danced before Cersei's mental eyes, as if she had a moment of deja vu, either recognizing the toa before her in some way or signaling that this meeting was destiny of some sort. Though her face remained unmoving, inwardly, she felt as if she had to make further contact with this toa, like there was a purpose somewhere here. This comforted her, and she revealed her full figure from around the corner and came closer to the toa, doing her best to not appear threatening, at least as much as she could -- a black Vortixx with a jacket and strange tools wasn't exactly the easiest thing to disguise as innocent looking. She hoped that this girl, being from this town and from the mere instant she had known her, wasn't the type to become nervous or afraid with a complete stranger. "I'm Cersei," she said gently. "Whatcha got there?"

  15. Ic: Cersei walked through the slums, if anything for the recreation from it and to witness some of the most hardy people live their lives. The islets were filled with outcasts, outlaws, miserable people tossed from the goodness of common society or chose to take the hard path of life. These were string people, the sort of folk who could always rise on top in any situation and live to see another day. These were the pragmatists, the life takers who would live and let die. If you wanted leaders, this was the place to find them, as everyone was a leader in their own way. She scraped a finger on the wall next to her as she walked, her nail scratching the stone and leaving a groove, and she watched as the displaced stone fell as dust to the ground like a waterfall. The sound of mad giggling caught her attention, however, the sound unusual in a place as glum and gritty as this was, and as she rounded a corner she saw a rather unremarkably-colored toa playing with a snowglobe. She stood there, fixated on the spectacle of it and the fight that she assumed was brewing beyond the toa, commonplace here but giving an unnatural contrast for her.

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