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Posts posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. Ooc: And I guess I should mention that Jasper really was talking to someone, too. Not that it really matters, though.Ic: Jasper paused midstep. "You've never heard of Senegal? Then why are you here?" he asked, profoundly confused.

  2. Ooc: Actually, Mef, that was Jasper waiting for Kav'den. :PIc: As soon as Kav'den came in view, the shrubbery rustled slightly and an unseen figure darted away deeper into the forest. "About time," Jasper said. "Now come. Senegal is waiting," he finished quietly and began walking down a path.

  3. Ic: The streets were lit by the flickering sparse light of torches mounted on buildings, and candles in the huts lit up the peephole windows to add an extra romantic light to the atmosphere. Long shadows danced across the muted brown and black village as the few late night people ambled about, but for the matoran in Stannis's entourage, their own figures were quick to swing in large arcs as they gave little chance for their own shadows to catch up with their scampering. Stannis himself was throwing caution to the wind on purpose, letting Atiel do the scampering in the shadows.Stannis led the way in silence, knowing which house was Hafu's from memorizing the signs on the way in. Hafu's house was clearly marked by carved stone signs, thanks to his own ego and pride, and it didn't take long for him to find the hut. He pulled out a spear and rapped the door. "Hafu! Open up!"

  4. Ic: Jasper strode at the base of Madrasa Tree, one hour after the previous encounter with the toa Kav'den. "He should be here any moment now," he said to apparently nobody in particular. He seemed alone.

  5. Ic: "It won't, but I believe it's doable," Cersei said, looking a bit more hopeful. "We can't be bringing this up with village elders or the like, since that's just going to get us branded as witches and give us a world of trouble. We have to do it quietly and search in the most secretive places, interrogate the most shadowy figures, if we are to succeed. I do have some theories about magic, but it takes more knowledge for me to connect a few dots and test it out for real."

  6. Yes. :)In all seriousness, though, I don't mind either way, but I don't see the need in prolonging these discussions about the wiki any more than needed. I don't start discussion of the wiki because I am neither qualified for it or have the need for it, but if others want to talk about the wiki, then more should be said than what to name a section.But I realize that this very dialogue violates the opinion I have, so with my thoughts known, I feel there is no more reason to discuss this.

  7. If it's for the wiki, then I wish there were more discussion about the wiki other than discussing what to call the RPG in the wiki. That seems to be the only reason and time when the wiki is even brought up at all in this topic.And I'd say it's up to the admins of the wiki to decide what to call the pages and sections. Anybody can edit the pages, but it's up to wiki staff to name stuff. Then we also don't have to deal with all the useless joke posts, like the ones immediately above this one, since discussion is null and void. Just sayin', though.

  8. Ic: Stannis took a close look at the toa of sonics. "Thank you, but I think we've got this one."Aurax, no, we'll use this incident to gain his trust, and we'll all ask him about the one place tomorrow," he said discreetly, not wanting everyone and their uncle to know about a group of matoran who wanted information on some mysterious edifice in the desert.

  9. Ic: "The Company is one of our few links to the past," Stannis remarked. "I hadn't expected our adversaries to react this drastically, but there are clearly other forces at work. Based on the time coincidence, it's fair to say that we didn't initiate this crackdown of theirs, but we can help stop it and we'll start with Hafu," he said, resolve in his eyes."We'll split up for now. Groups of two. Lepidran, you and I will go check on Hafu. Atiel and Dece, stay in the shadows behind us as backup. Aurax, since you are from this village, you'll go to Onewa with Nichou, and be sure to tell him you're in my company and what we know. Everyone else, stay here and keep an eye out for trouble. It's very unlikely, but if you get into any danger here, shoot a flare in the sky and we'll all reconvene as soon as possible at the city gate.""Why the gate?"someone asked."It's obvious: there are guards there," Stannis said bluntly. "Now, we have the advantage of the night, but we also are not sure what we're up against or if there is even an immediate danger to begin with. Our objectives are to, one, notify the turaga and two, bring Hafu into protection. At the very least, we can create a stir and raise awareness. When our separate missions succeed, regroup here. Remember, meet here unless something bad happens, in which case we meet at the gate. Now, does everybody know what to do?" Stannis said.

  10. IC: (Kav'den)"So you're Jasper," replied the Toa of Ice. "I hear you have a reward for a certain fight."Kav'den simply says that as he looks over the new being.

    Ic: "I don't," Jasper said. "I'm the middle man; you go through me to get a chance for the prize." He handed Kav a note that read Basement of the Madrasa Tree, 4th Branchlane. "Follow these directions and be at the location in one hour. I'll let Senegal know you're coming. And in case you're wondering, there's no pulling back now."
  11. IC: (Kav'den)The Toa of Ice nodded as he gets up from the bar. "Thanks any way," said Kav'den. Once he was a few feet away from the bar, he mutters,"Brakas."Kav'den starts to walk around the bar, asking random beings who Jasper was. Some said they didn't know, others said the name rang a bell, and some were a little more rude with their response. Either way, the Toa of Ice hadn't found him yet.He continues to ask around the bar, his hand resting on his Kanoka disk Launcher.

    Ic: Finally, Kav'den gave up. He had asked everybody in the bar, and none were this "Jasper" he was told to find. But as he left the bar, someone took notice. Almost as soon as he had walked out of sight of the bar entrance and anyone else in the vicinity, he was accosted by a man who he hadn't seen in the establishment. "I'm Jasper," he said bluntly.And left it at that.
  12. IC: As Dece searched the menu for any seaweed related meals, since he knew those were safe, he wondered again about their host. "So why did you decide to form this group?" the Fe-Matoran asked Stannis carefully, "What led you to this decision?"

    Ic: Stannis swallowed a pint in one gulp and answered after cracking his fingers. "I come from The Massif. Now, most of you probably don't know about it -- it's a large stone monolith between Le- and Ko-Wahis for those of ya who don't -- but what matters is the fact that it, or rather the settlement it has, is led by a man named Antrim. Lord Antrim, Baron of the Massif, King in the Massif, Warden of the East, Master of the Rock; the man's titles go on and on, and not without reason. Antrim, you see, is as strong and fine a leader as one can crave, honest, just, full of righteous fury and devout justice, and I'm proud to call him my ruler. But as great as he is, I gotta admit one thing: The town itself is a mighty sorry lot! I love The Massif. It'd be a great place for a monastery atop the rock, but it's an awful place for a village. I've always wanted some adventure, some action. And when I got the chance I was waiting for and learned about the true happenings outside the Massif..." he said, trailing off as the food they ordered came. When the waiter left, Stannis rushed to end his tale. "When I learned of the recent events, I flew the coop and sent out messages to the turaga for an adventure party."
  13. Ic: One instant, Danerys was reaching out to touch the wall that was right in front of her.The next instant, there was no wall, no cave, no floor. Dany was standing in nothing. White surrounded her on all sides, a cold, damp white. "Hello?" she said, suddenly unsure of everything. Her voice echoed like it did in the cave, which gave her a very small comfort. "Um, is anyone, uh, anywhere?"Nothing."BRING ME A SHRUBBERY!" a voice boomed from behind her, and she turned around quickly, a flame bursting in her hand to defend herself if needed. To her surprise, however, the infinite whiteness was replaced with a serene view of glacial valleys and green pastures. "AND CUT DOWN THE TALLEST BURRITO IN THE BOTTLE WITH A HERRING!" the voice said, apparently coming from all sides, reverberating off the cliffs and mountaintops."What in the world is going on!?" Dany yelled out in desperation, unable to comprehend what was happening. Was it her mask accessing the memories of the wall? Or was she just... dead? Was this was awaited people after they passed away? If so, she thought, it really sucked."Patience!" she heard from behind her, this voice tinny and frail."What?" she said, spinning again, facing a stand of tall, imposing purple trees."No, over here!" this voice coming from below her."Where?" she said, looking at the ground."You're eating me!" Dany looked at her hand and saw that she was holding an apple with a piece missing. "Boh," she said between bites. "Showwy...""No problem," the apple said, plopping to the ground. "You must have many questions. Well, too bad, cuz I ain't here to answer them! I'm here to tell you something totally different. I'm here to give you more questions than you came with.""Great," Dany sighed. "Just great. What sort of questions?""That's one of them," the apple said."What's tha--... ohhhh," she said, narrowing her eyes at the apple. "Clever. Now if you're not going to tell me what I want to know, then you're obviously no use for me.""Fine," the apple said, submitting to its fate before vanishing from existence, leaving Danerys alone. Again.She stood there for long moments, breaking her brain to try and find a pattern to things. Voices called for her name all around her, and erratic events happened, like water ripples in the sky. The landscape contorted, as if nature was unbalanced, and reality warped. Dany soon found that the more confused she was, the more the land shifted, and the more she concentrated, the more the reality changed to her own expectations. Upon this realization, the voices stopped. She didn't want them."I'm in a dream," she exclaimed under her breath. "This is all a dream!""Yes," someone said. She turned slowly, half expecting either another talking fruit or nothing at all, but was taken aback when she saw something very familiar standing next to her."You... you're...""One of the images on the wall, yes," the being said. "You may take me in.""You... what are you?""I am what some call an 'angel,'" the being said. "But to my kind, I am a Valkyr.""Valkyr," Dany repeated, first verbally and then mentally, echoing it into her mind until it was memorized. "Am I accessing the memories of the wall?" she asked the being."Yes. And no. More on that later. For now, let us fly!" The Valkyr leaped off the ledge and into the sky, its wings spreading out and blanketing the wind like a majestic blanket, full of color. The Valkyr's feathers shone in the light, and the polished armor seemed to give a surreal shine, an aura that immolated everything in holy energy."But I can't fly!" Dany protested."You already are!" the Valkyr replied cooly.Danerys looked down and realized that she was indeed flying. She felt no wings, but the whole world danced below her, and she believed that she was flying. She spend many moments simply taking it all in. It didn't matter if this was her mind or the wall; it was beautiful. As if on that note, she asked aloud which one it was, but received no answer. "Valkyr?" she said in confusion, looking for her companion and not knowing it by any other name. It was gone.Suddenly apprehensive and worried, she lost her flight and quickly found herself racing to the ground far below. "Um, 42!" she blurted out whimsically. "Minecraft! Tortilla chip! Holy chalupa! A Game of Thrones!Adam Sandler sucks! A rock! So long and thanks for all the fish!"BAM. Dany, meet ground.Only she wasn't flattened like a pancake, but rather sitting rather calmly as if nothing had happened. Only she knew something had to have happened, because sitting down was not the usual position for someone who had been falling thousands of feet mere milliseconds ago. Even more oddly, everything seemed to be so... small. The mountains, previously enormous, looked like they were about her height, and she was sitting. The trees were mere pinpricks on the ground far below, and she blew several pesky clouds away that got in her vision. Thinking this odd and her seat uncomfortable, she looked around and everything else was similarly miniscule. Choosing to get up, she took several steps forward before her Valkyr friend's voice came around and asked her what she was doing. "Good question," she said, turning to face her friend, but she could not see it. "Where are you?""On your shoulder." She looked carefully and noticed the Valkyr was very small and lying on her shoulder. "Check your mind. You're going wild," the companion said."What?" Dany said, and her friend mearly pointed down. "Oh." Her seated mass had flattened a mountain to nothing and her footsteps completely demolished a large swath of forest, and from the looks of the grey rubble and littered bodies and stains on her foot, a rather large city, too. "Um, oops?" she offered."Whatever. Remember, this is all a dream, so you do control every aspect of it. But you see that gully way over there?""Yeah.""Go to it."Dany shook the ground in her great steps, and behind her, more peaks were shattered and she reckoned she created one major volcano eruption a thousand deaths, though the fact that this was a dream disrupted all sorrow for her actions. She just didn't care, single-mindedly concentrating to arrive at the aforementioned gulch as directed. "Now shrink down." She did so, and found herself standing next to her Valkyr friend."This is my home," the Valkyr said. They were standing in front of a manor, and she was led inside. Soon, she found herself before the same murals and paintings she had seen in reality. "This is my life," the Valkyr said. The mural seemed alive with activity, literally. The characters were moving one dimensionally, acting out sequences previously inanimate."The wall...""The wall is a part of my house. I am a priest, a scholar. My home is a temple.""So I am excavating a temple!?" Dany exclaimed eagerly."Yes. The mural depicts my life on the island up until my death. Now there is not much more time, so I must tell now you what I must. You will find much more information in the place you are searching, information I scattered. But there is a danger to all this: you must beware The Shade at all costs. It was The Shade that destroyed me, and The Shade that can destroy you. In the temple, you will find the keys you've always yearned for, but you must beware. The Valkyr still exist, but so does The Shade, so when you find what you are looking for, you must choose carefully. The wrong choice will lead you to damnation. Here, take this," the Valkyr said, holding a book up.Suddenly, the world seemed to streak, as if someone was pulling a painting in front of her back and forth rapidly, horizontal lines taking over her field of vision. The reality was fracturing. The Valkyr's words became muted, and the book consumed her field of vision as the priest shoved it at her face and it disappeared as reality tore itself apart. One by one the things violently turned to ribbons, starting with the Valkyr, who fell into missions of strips, liquids spilling all over, and then the cave crumbled and shot away in millions of fragments. Matter burst away from Danerys.And then the world turned black.There was nothing.Nothing.Black.Then, Danerys heard something. Muffled. Distant."Danerys!" she heard. She felt herself shake. "Hey! What's going on?" Silence. She suddenly felt wet, and the voice became clearer, more focused.She gasped for breath and heaved upwards, and her eyes fluttered open. She was in a pool of water. Apparently her friend had dumped a bucket of water on her."Easy, easy now. Are you okay?" It was Acheno."Y-yes. I think so," Danerys said slowly, looking around. Suddenly, everything around her made sense. The wall made sense, and inscriptions made sense, the architecture made sense. "You're still here," she said dumbly, looking at Acheno awkwardly. "I'd expected you to be long gone after all this time."

  14. Ic: The matoran troupe entered Po-Koro's gates just as the long shadow of night reached it, and only instants after they passed through, the stone doors were shut behind them by the guards. The city was sealed for the night."First order of business: find the inn," Stannis declared. With a little help from Cyrax and a local, they found the inn and quickly registered. Stannis declared that he would pay for everybody's fee that night, stating that they would all have ample opportunities to pay in the future, but for now it was his honor for them."Righty then," the innkeeper said, giving them their keys. "If you'd like, we have a restaurant connected to us. Maybe you are all as hungry as you are weary?"It didn't take them long to decide to go and relax with a meal, and soon they were all seated at a corner booth, scanning the menu.Ooc: Now would be a perfect time for others to drill Stannis for answers.

  15. IC:"Sorcery?" Anavel leaned back in her chair, not really knowing much of it -- she had always figured it a myth at best, though her feelings were borne from never knowing one who could use it. "I figure it a myth, but..." Anavel looked thoughtful for a moment, "if it actually exists, it'd be... something I'd find fascinating," she added. "Buuuut um, why? Nobody's ever asked that question before, so I s'pose you have... sorcery thingies?"

    Ic: "Well... yes and no..." Cersei said slowly. "It is an interest of mine for years, and I've always wanted to tamper with reality with magic, but I can't do it on my own. The only things I have in sorcery are my weapons, but they are emulators and not true metaphysical tools. But sorcery is a gateway, a bridge that can connect the material I work with with the unnatural results I want. With sorcery, I could torture without contact, analyze without extracting, and mold fact with fiction. I could even swap powers and shatter souls, but as it stands, my knowledge is not enough. I yearn for more, but maybe it is someone else who will help me with that task."
  16. IC: (Kav'den)Kav'den looks toward the flier while he itches the "chin" on his Mask."See Jasper, huh..." He sighs to himself. "I guess I could use the trinkets."The Ko-Toa walks toward the leaf covered bar, hands ready to grab his ice picks just in case.Kav'den walks into the cold and musty bar. A thick cloud of smoke had collected over the top of the beings heads from the cigars, pipes, and "other things" being smoked inside. The Toa of Ice shakes his head in disgust as he takes a seat at the bar.He tugs on the bartender's sleeve as he says,"I'm looking for a 'Jasper.' You wouldn't happen to know where I could find him?"

    Ooc: Good god. Never use that color again. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/upsetw.gifIc: "Jasper, eh?" the tender growled as he wiped a mug with a towel and slid it in its drawer. "Can't say its the first time someone's looking for him. They all ask me about him, so I suppose people think he's in here. But if you want me to point at a guy and tell you he's the man you're looking for, you're just as wrong as the rest. I ain't got no clue who Jasper is. I serve drinks; I ain't a directory. So go ask around and get back to me when you find Jasper. Hn."Ooc: Not so easy. You don't just approach the ambassador and get a visa; there's a process first. :P
  17. Ic: "Well then," Stannis declared, "let's get going." With little shoulder nudging, Stannis led the others outside and squinted in the orange light of dusk. "With any luck, we can make it to the village or a ranching settlement before it gets dark and rest. Well deserved rest, too," he finished as he started walking in the direction the stone pillars in the sand directed him.

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