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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. So today I was interviewed for a staff position at Camp Baker, one of the best BSA summer camps on the west coast. We will see what they think of me later, but still... On the note of the internet, it has beed postponed slightly because of a tree location, but when it is done they will retry to set it up, hopefully by monday. ~EW~
  2. Again? How many times have you said that you will be on less but I see you even more? ~EW~
  3. EmperorWhenua


    Oh, well, that proves that Kavar is indeed more powerful than a half-dead slave-driving Sith lord! xD I guess I'll be seeing you when I see you. ~EW~
  4. Yup, he's dead...


  5. Oh, but then you will have no excuse as to why your head got shot off from the other side of the battlefield on Dagobah without you kowing what hit you. ~EW~
  6. It was hard enough to tell who was who in the first place. Now it's even worse! AHHHHHHHHHH!


  7. So Mom and I agreed to finally order the sattalite internet service! I made the order last friday! They delivery and service people will be here on wednesday! So soon I will have broadband! ~EW~
  8. Only one person on BZP makes images like this: bonesiii. ;D


  9. Wal*Mart is EVUL! I always knew something was up with those so-called 'greeters!' ~EW~
  10. So, what am I doing at this present time? Why, browsing through a library, of course! Truth is, I am a bookworm. I rarely have had time to read lately, being busy and all, but hopefully I will have some books to read soon-ish and the time to read them. Why have I been so busy lately? Well, tests, essays, and my addiction to a MMORPG called Tibia. So, as such, there has been little time for BZP. So PMs are on hold for the most part, the SWRPG is on hold also (though I'll try to get back on it soon) and BZP in general. So hold on tight (and yes, Omi, I will get back to you. ...lol). ~EW~
  11. Oop. Did I just call Gravi Gravy? Sorry, I meant Groovy.


  12. Gavy, you are not Greivious, you are a half-dead slavedriver who dun't know how to weild a lightsaber and is quick to react, through his selfishness and wanton greed for more lifeforce. You tell me who is going to win; an android, an undead or a ultra-powerful Jedi Master?


  13. Yes, Palpy was a loser of the highest degree.

    Just like... Greivous...


  14. Inrtoducing Apple's newest product, I am proud to present the iMoo! Your key to portable annoyance!


  15. ...And I care why?


  16. I have been told that I should update my blog. Well guess what. I just did. Happy now? ~EW~
  17. You lol'd?? HOW COULD YOU LOL!?!?!?! ... j/k Actually, the entire point of the smileys is to have a laught, lol. ~EW~
  18. See no evil, hear no evil, do no evil...


  19. What about boring lecturing powers?




  21. You, uh, WILL start returning soon-ish, right?


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