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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. *imagines a grafitti-studded train with hippie flowers on the sides*


  2. What? he is not psychotic yet? XD

    Groovy Train FTW!


  3. And guess what's inside it!


  4. I have a jar of dirt...

  5. I have a jar of dirt...

  6. Bones gets a peanut! He answered the riddle correctly! ~EW~
  7. It's called the Kanoka Club version, lolz. No gratz for ya', Trakii. I don't support cheaters. =P ~EW~
  8. I want proof. Where is his body? ~EW~
  9. Ah, but define 'beauty' for me. To an ecologist, a fern frond with a green frog is beautiful, not a killer cloud of acids. ~EW~
  10. Anything I say is a lie. ~EW~
  11. Dat ish all fake. You are boi. :P

    ...but then, everything I say is a lie, soo...


  12. Ah, true. But's I'll stick to my old fashioned pens for the sake of sheer simplicity and cost. Besides, I am hardly a full-time artist. ~EW~
  13. I was OK until you two changed avatars and sigs. Then I had to see who had the orange name. :P


  14. EmperorWhenua


    I'm leaning towards wrong Omi. If you don't use a dredit card, and I am sure you don't go around waving your driver's ID, then they cound have the wrong guy. Go ask people in your neighborhood if they are in debt or not. ~EW~
  15. Darnz was deleted once due to the server messup, so he likely was. =P

    Heyas, D~. =D


  16. Wow, wait-- when was the happy day? Did I miss it?

    Aw, dang.


  17. Indeed. Is bonesiii the good guy gone bad? :P


  18. Oh, right. You are undead.

    *uses Force crush to turn TtW into mush* (HAH! A pun! XD)


  19. Sorry, minions can't be all-powerful empies, Adv. :P

    *comes in and just uses life drain on everybody but his pweciouss minion*


  20. *thrown lightsaber at the running TtW*


  21. *high-fives you*


  22. Lol, anyone could have forgotten a small and dimunitive word like 'am' in a post when they are exhausted. Besides, don't feel bad; I have seen others older than us combined and have lived in the USA all their lives who have worse grammar than an elligal alien from Mexico. ~EW~
  23. Plus, pens are cheaper than a tablet OR a scanner. ~EW~
  24. :o Smeagy is bluuuuuue.

    How does it feel to be a boss now? xD


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