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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. EmperorWhenua
    Every year, on New Year's Eve, we will finish the dinner, listen to some waltzes, stay up a little late, and then
    power outage.
    I'm eager to see if this trend will continue in a few days.
  2. EmperorWhenua
    Black Six is Weird
    --------------By: EmperorWhenua, Faux BZPower spokesperson [source: Exo-Fat]
    Recently, I was meditating in my chamber when I felt a disturbance in the farce. The source of this proved difficult to discern, but I was eventually given the report by BZPower member Exo-Fat. I quote:

    This leads me to conclude that our dearest administrator, Black Six, has been corrupted beyond belief and is part of a global scandal to take over the Internet. This is a great shocker for all of us, since we are used to the benign front posed by this adorable, yet malicious, figurehead.
    Stay calm, fellow peeps. I advise all to simply send me all the macadamia nut cookies to me, and I will use these as currency to save the world.
    Thank you.
  3. EmperorWhenua
    Theory: Makuta in the BZPRPG are overrated, a simple tool for the unskilled RPing newbie to suddenly have an uber-powerful character with minimal imagination used on the character profile.

    Hey, dude, guess what! That's sooo cool!! You have a Makuta! So what! He's just a Makuta, just an overrated piece of gas in a carapace, just an overpowered and did I mention unoriginal character. And you think you're so kicktooshie with your Makuta, eh? Think again. Doesn't take much to teach you that your Makuta < my Ussal, if I use my crab well enough.
    I have nothing against having powerful characters, but it's when there's nothing special about it, nothing that sets it apart from the rest, nothing that makes your Makuta your Makuta, it makes me wanna slap ya.
    I have a Makuta character. Am I a hypocrite? Anything but. My Makuta is very much an original being, and... Well, take a look for yourself:

    What's special about this character? She 1. Is a girl, 2. Isn't made of antidermis, 3. Has a custom mask power, 4. Has a detailed appearance, 5. Has a nice personality summary, 6. Has some character development, and 7. Features a witty phrase at the end. And she has a mature person playing as her. I use my Makuta carefully, and I know she has limits. Not to mention I'm known for detailed and canonical playing. As such, she, the Makuta, was called one of the best Makuta created, which made me very pleased.
    And this doesn't just apply to Makuta. Not in the least. Everybody should learn three things:
    1. Make a unique character and spend some time on it. Make it detailed and make it unique.
    2. Make sure your character has limits. I have no qualms with an uber-powerful character. I have a friggin reality warper character that could probably kick Haruhi's butt in a fight, but I make sure even she has her limits.
    3. Pay attention to detail all over. Don't go over the top, listen to your RPing comrades, and if you have doubts about something, don't do it.
    I guess all three of these could be summed into one single, Golden Rule of RPing, one which we should all know, or at least know references to. Heck, we're on a site devoted to the stuff. Lego. Leg Godt. Play well.
    The Golden Rule of Role Playing is simply and eloquently put: Play Well.
    Follow that rule, and your gaming experience, as well as mine and everyone else's, will be a thousand times more enjoyable.
    Thanks for listening to this 3-AM rant. xD
  4. EmperorWhenua
    Dear slaves,
    The time has come. The future beckons like a fair lady at riverside, beguiling us forward to the ultimate tests of destiny, tests that will define who we are and what we can do. These tests will not be easy, and I must alert you that they will take their toll on you. Enemies may ravage your flocks, destroy your crops, burn your houses, kill your families, and even kill you, but I assure you, that I will be watching over you, ensuring that you deaths are not without purpose and will go down in the annals of my history book rough draft and be read by bored scholars for many hours to come. We are in this apart, and your sacrifices will be for the greater good.
    As such, to unify your bodies and gather your morale, I order you all to report to the Plains of Waste and bring with you your every belonging, from the toothpick to your pickax, from the pencil to the oak beam, and wait in the shadow of the Mountain of Doom at the edge of the Forest of Lawyers for mine divine arrival. Together, you will build a tower, a grand palace, a monstrous edifice in my glory to show our future enemies just how powerful I really am as the tower will radiate my omnipotence for light years around, and anyone who looks upon it shall be awed.
    Finally, as you collect your holdings, I urge you not to see the taxcollector who knocks at your door and asks to see your floor, for he will not lay a finger on you, only on the few coins you have buried under the living room dirt, and will soon leave. The soldiers who enter your house uninvited and take over your foodstuffs will only be there for your protection, and while they may slay the odd cow or ten, they will be able to listen to your every word.
    It pains me that such great measures needed to be taken, however I once again assure you, this is for my own good, and all shall benefit from my own happiness. This will be a hard journey, but it is always darkest before the dawn, and I have faith that if you work together at your fullest, at least I shall survive, and that is good enough.
    You're welcome.
    May my hands bless you as thine sweat blesses mine, Your Divine Monarch,
    EmperorWhenua the World-Smith, Judge, Jury and Executioner, Impeacher of Immutable Souls and Devourer of Iconoclastic Insinuators
  5. EmperorWhenua
    You ever cobbled together a fully fledged BRPG in less than four hours?
    We did.


    This is one awesome RPG, and it took a team to do it. Spink, Desu-chan, Assassino!, CJ, SK and I all put together an epic RPG. It would make all of us very happy if you were to vote for Requiem, and doing so will make you awesome, a true gentleman and a scholar.

    Edit: Requiem is in the finals now! Sheesh, some really good competition here. Now more than ever is your vote important! =D

  6. EmperorWhenua
    You know those days when nothing is going right and nothing cheers you up? This is one of them. Not even music is cheering me up.
    I feel worthless, useless, unimportant, and that the only person I really care about is myself and my philanthropic talks are just lies. It's warmed today, but that's about the only good thing so far today. I've accomplished nothing useful, and sometimes I just wanna end it all when I fail myself. Seriously, even my Scouting career, one of the biggest parts in my life, is at stake, and with adult leaders to appease and impress, I feel I've been letting myself, and them, down.
    Geez, I wish this would all just go away...
  7. EmperorWhenua
    So like, finally our heaters are starting to actually work.
    After all three of them have been working nonstop on high for the last 48 hours.
    Blargh. Oh, and it's supposed to thaw tomorrow. Yay, above freezing temperatures and rain. THAT's what Oregon's all about. =D
  8. EmperorWhenua
    Turned on the water in the shower, and nothing came out. Now, this is not a rare occurrence for us, since we live in the country and the water system always gives us problems, but this time I was more than worries cuz of the cold. We have a few areas where the pipes are exposed or just covered in foam, and that's not enough to have the pipes keep clear. I've seen what happens when ice freezes in pipes. It's not a pretty sight.
    So I ran down to the pump that's working and checked on the pipes. Sure enough, there was ice buildup in them and it was causing a lot of stress for the pump. It's like trying to suck a strawberry from a milkshake with a straw, really, and it can melt the pump. So I spent about an hour filling garbage bags with hay and insulating the hole with the exposed pipes, then sealed it off with plywood. As soon as I finished, I checked on the pump which I left constantly running to stimulate water flow (and thus, friction and heat) and sure enough, my plan worked. We have running water again.
    So yay me.
  9. EmperorWhenua
    Okay, it's cold. I admit it.
    Oregon gets rain rain rain. I'm not used to this cold. I checked and it's 21 degrees.
    This wouldn't be so bad if it were not for the fact that neither of our heaters can work properly, so when I wake up it's like a freezer up here.
  10. EmperorWhenua
    Chairman Laney:- "Parents, I want to take this moment to assure you we have the best, most highly trained, superbly qualified leaders of this [National Jamboree] troop."
    1st Assistant SM Hudson:- "So... where are these replacements?"
    3rd Assistant SM Schiller [me]:- "Patch trading is a very big thing at Jamborees, annnnd I jot got some more papers, thanks." (I was handed more sheets of info.)
    1st Assistant SM Hudson:- "Patch trading is not to be done between yoth and adults and vice versa."
    SM Lahey:- "And I assure you, this is to protect the adults more than the youth."
    National Jamboree troop 748 had its first troop meeting today. We don't have our entire contingent filled yet, and several kids couldn't make it, but we had a good showing. We covered things from out (impressive) tour summary, to our code of conduct and cell phone policies, medical forms and a day in the life of the Jamboree to uniforms and fees, with me talking about patches and path trading. Overall it went very well, and several of the kids I knew from past events and stuff. One of them was even in my World Jamboree troop back in '07, and I was very eager to welcome him into the crowd.
    So far, so good. Next month we'll be selecting our troop youth officers and dividing patrols up, so I'm very excited about that, cuz my friend from '07 may be the Senior patrol leader, which is super for me since he'd make a great lieutenant for me. *cackle* No, seriously, he's a great kid, and I'd love to see him as SPL. And the other officers, too. This looks like a great troop so far.
    So yeah. That was the event of the day for me, and it was fine. Well, except for the fact that I have not had much to eat at all, save for a burger a couple hours ago and a few fries. Nothing else.
    Blasdfgh. But still, at least the meeting went well.
  11. EmperorWhenua
    I got a haircut today. Feels sooooo strange to shake my head and not feel strands of hair whipping about. I think my mane was, like, five inches long or something, though it was more massive than anything since it is naturally curly/wavy.
    Also, Nukaya, just a reminder to bring hair dye for me at BrickFair.
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