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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. EmperorWhenua
    Don't ever take running water for granted until you've lived for at least a month without it. Kinda like what we went though. Showers once a week, stinky bathroom, sink full of dishes...
    But we have running water for now. Creek has enough water now and tanks are being filled up now. Woo.
  2. EmperorWhenua
    Squirrels mate for life. So, if you ran over one squirrel, it would only be right to run over the other one for the sake of honor, cuz you're putting the mate out of it's mourning.
  3. EmperorWhenua
    I'm so tempted to go to BrickCon.
    But, hypothetically speaking, if I were to go, anyone in the Oregon I-5 corridor interested in a ride in exchange for part of the gas bill?
  4. EmperorWhenua
    Costco is coming to Roseburg in the spring. I'm so happy about this, and mom and I will be applying for a job there when it is possible.
    In other news, cucumbers invaded the onion shelf and the squash lived up to their name. In the dining room, an army of cutlery took on a silverware resistance group and owneded their lives. The glasses stayed neutral as spies for all teams, since their transparency is better than any camouflage, but the dishes fled the warzone to the cabinet citadel, where they stay locked up and safe.
  5. EmperorWhenua
    She may be entry #3 now, but that does not mean she can't have first place! Vote for The Tree House!!
    Why? 1) She had her birthday a couple days ago and this could be considered your belated gift to her, 2) I met her and she has the EW Thinks This Person is Awesome and Stuff approval, and 3) I said so, 4) The ShamWow guy says so.

    Edit: Contest over, Nukaya places second; many thanks to all who voted for her. =D
  6. EmperorWhenua
    1) I went to Philmont in late June, was the Chaplain's Aide and second-in-command kid of the crew. Hiked 75-ish miles, climbed the second-highest mountain in New Mexico, etc. Came back a smelly, tired and messy kid, just to be sent off immediately to...
    2) Camp Alton F. Baker, being second-year camp staff.Added authority and privileges since I'm senior staff now, and again was in the ecology area. Put up with little brats, expelled a couple people, was troop guide for the council troop's National Jamboree scoutmaster, teased other junior staff, was teased in turn by the medic and dining hall steward, led maintenance projects, and made the world a better place (hah!).
    3) Got my driver's license! Woo! Now shopping for a car...
    4) Went back to Baker for Cub Scouts. Twice. Did one trip by myself in a solo drive. Yay!
    5) Back to normality. Finishing my Eagle project, prepping for school (senior year), and starting my quest for college scholarships. Also rebooting my BZP career.
  7. EmperorWhenua
    I have trabismus. The doc said twelve months; maybe more.
    Did I succeed in scaring you? And you, Nukaya? Scared?
    You may know the condition as 'lazy eye,' and it is not going to kill me. It should be fixed with a year or so of therapy.
    I've known that my right eye veers to the side sometimes for quite a while now. For at least a year, Mom has made comments about how hard it is to tell what I am looking at when we talk, and in recent history, my eye's curious movements have been the subject of much attention in my Boy Scout troop (it's a wonderful tactic to freak new guys out in staring contests).
    So, I came back from the optometrist (who just so happens to be my scoutmaster XD) an hour ago. Turns out BOTH my eyes are lazy. My brain only uses one eye at a time, and thus the other, non-used eye drifts off to the side as it is neglected by the brain. My left eye veers off a little less than the right eye, though, so it's a bit harder to recognize. As a result, I have a lack of depth perception and a difficulty focusing on things, but thankfully nothing that will make me any more a danger on the road than I already am.
    So now, I'll be doing some therapy on myself to get my eyes to work together, and make my brain use both eyes at once. Now I finally get why it is that I am prone to flinching and more reflexive actions when sparring, cuz I can never tell how close the opponent's staff is! >.<
    So yeah.
  8. EmperorWhenua
    Okay, so I have GIMP... And I may be able to do simple things with it, but anything beyond putting text on an image and inverting it and all is beyond me. Anyone a pro at GIMP and wanna tutor me a bit? xD (It's a few projects for the blog contest.)
    Edit: Nevermind, a friend helped me out. xP Thanks, though.
  9. EmperorWhenua
    Ever leave a comment in someone's profile, and then you wait for them to respond with a comment in your profile?
    And you wait...
    And you wait...
    Finally, you discover that they did indeed respond to your comment.
    On their page.
  10. EmperorWhenua
    Does anyone remember that old Lego.com game where you controlled a little Technic/robotic car in a nighttime European city, and you spied on people, eavesdropping on their conversations and stuff? Cuz, I can't find it, and I can't even remember the name of it. It's not on the site anymore, but if anyone has any information on it, like it's name, ifit was archived, or even better, if there is an offline, downloadable version, I'd really appreciate it.
    I just suddenly wanna plaaaaaaaaay iiiiiiit. T.T
    Update: Alright, it's called Robohunter2: Spy City. Thanks -Ig- for being a genius. Now, just to find the game itself...
  11. EmperorWhenua
    I would like to make several propositions for BZP, and wish to know how you, the people, would respond to this kind of change.
    First of all, I would have that all forum staff below the rank of Global Moderator give free muffins and snickerdoodle cookies, freshly baked by Tufi, to all members. This would increase the morale of the members and make the staff seem more like smile-brandishing buddies than ruler-wielding curmudgeons. I think this would be great for the community, mainly by making the staff more approachable and the members too hyper to care.
    Secondly, the proto bar should be replaced with a brownie bar. The larger your bar, the larger the brownie you get every day. The Blog staff would solely be the ones responsible for the handing out of the brownies, because blogs and brownies both start with the letter 'b'.
    I would also have being a (p)OBZPC a paid job, because, y'know, we get all this mockery because of our color and our minority status and it's hard to deal with it all. Monetary compensation would only seem fair.
    Do away with Comedies, and instead have Audio Comedies, where members leave voice recordings of skits and such for others to hear. This would solve the problem of not being able to read the self-professed comedy, and instead have trouble understanding the kid's squeaky voice through his/her nervous attitude of being broadcast on the Internet. And we could throw a steaming audio comedy channel in there, too, just for making more work for the Comedies staff. On that note, I do know that the Comedies staff would be very burdened by all this responsibility, but I'm sure Smeag and Niki can handle the copious load of handing cookies, muffins and listening to every single comedy to make sure there are no profanities or potty humor therein.
    It is to be made mandatory that any US citizen on BZP who is the age of 18 and above is to write 'Hapori Tohu' in as a candidate for any and all elections of pubic office.
    Administrators, of both site and forum species, are to be eye-searing yellow.
    Ninjo's account should be taken over by the Aflack duck. I mean, who would not want a multitasking duck-o-terror as an administrator?
    Finally, I think that all the BZP staff should make a band. Yes, a band. They can record music and make Bionicle music videos, and fund the site by touring the world. Sure, less time for doing their already-pressing chores and living their own lives, but hey, that's a small price to pay for woldwide fame and awesomeness.
    So, what do you think?
  12. EmperorWhenua
    Kahu did not actually do anything as of late, but it took two people to replace him? o.O Imagine how sedentary these nubs will be!
    Actually, since when have the bloggies ever done anything to begin with? I mean, take Val for an example. He seems to just sit there and looks pretty. Kame's a bouncer cuz he just stands there. DV apparently does something, but I have yet to figure out just what. Shine is awesome. Kohaku responded to a report and keeps tabs on Necro's blog, so I know he is active. But MigMak just cackles and guffaws and terrorizes people with the occasional gesture.
    So really, we could fire everyone but Shine and Kohaku and the blogs would still roll.
    Note: This is half observation, half rant and wholly a joke.
  13. EmperorWhenua
    My false ego was not actually false. I just tried to mask it with a smile to make myself look good. Naturally, I fell on my face several times and pretty much blew my chances of a dream come true, which I don't think I deserve now after all.
    So yeah, just a delayed announcement from ye olde EW. And if you see me acting all big and stuff, please don't hesitate to point out that I really am just a folly and slap me in the face. I don't like being a pretender anymore, and have honestly grown to hate myself for that and several other reasons, even though my seemingly good moods seem to indicate the opposite.
    People, please don't flatter me with things like "EW is wise," or "EW is a great member" because I'm not. Those long essays about social doctrine? I don't actually practice them. The lectures I post in the forums? Big jokes. Sure, they are true and completely correct (they have yet to be proven otherwise), but it's all just a bunch of sociological quackery. They exhibit the traits I wish I had instead of the traits I have. So really, I'm just a charlatan and a liar.
    Consider this a blanket apology.
    Nods go to Omi, Kraggh, and anyone I offended or lied flatly to.
  14. EmperorWhenua
    My mother has the most amusing experiences at restaurants. She once ordered the soup and salad combo and had a potato chowder and a sesame salad. The soup was good, but when she looked at the salad, there were no sesame seeds in sight and it was sprinkled with bleu cheese, which she hates. She had it replaced with a tossed greens salad after a fiasco with the waitress.
    My dad was a 'hospitality consultant' and an executive chef, even having his own restaurant for a time. He specialized in restaurants a lot, and while he could handle any aspect of business science, it was the food which he was most fanatical about. As such, it is only natural that some culinary and service practices be handed this way, so I learned what to expect and how to handle it at restaurants. My mom, however, lacks these skills.
    We were driving down the old town and decided that we were hungry and would go to a restaurant to eat. She liked to try new things out, so we went with a restaurant that we had not gone to yet. Right after we entered the establishment, however, I got the feeling that this was a greasy spoon. My mom, however, did not pick up on this and was led to the booth. Once the menus were placed on the table, the waitress directed our attention to the sign that usually reads 'welcome!' in bold blue test, but instead read something along the lines of "Due to the increased cost of living, we are charging an additional $.25 per item. Thank you for your understanding." In my mind, I read it more like "Yo we're stealing more money from ya cuz life sucks hahaha." She ordered a 'gourmet chicken breast, juicy and tasty, cooked on a skillet, with a side of tossed vegetables.' I think I had a egg melt sandwich. While my sandwich was satisfactory and had an ample side of mashed potatoes, that could not be said if my mother's dry piece of leather and fried broccoli.
    The story was told many times before and after the incident, where I would order a wonderful, filling dish and never have a problem, while my mother would get the minuscule and tasteless platter of goop and gravy. Half the time her meal was the more expensive of the two, too. Last night, as I giggled about her order of fried veal, I explained to her my method of never being hungry after eating at a restaurant.
    The way is simple. Providing I am not at an exquisite and extravagant place where a leftovers box is considered a vulgar concept and saying 'teabag' will get you kicked out, I will search out a meal with the most food, usually a large plate of pasta or a platter of meat, and usually have a soup or salad to boot. Additionally, if I do not think the meal is large enough yet, I will simply add another side order, like mashed potatoes. As a result, I have a superfluous meal with extra to take home for lunch the next day. I'm always full, I have diversity and I usually have a delicious entree, since I'm quite picky about what is in the food and make sure I know what I'm ordering. If, however, the place is indeed a pompous palatial paradise of pabulum, I simply order the most intriguing meal, providing I know it not to be a cream cheese cracker sandwich with uncooked spaghetti laid diagonally on it, chocolate sauce decorating the edges of the plate. Besides, chances are my mom will order that, too. I will usually go for something like lamb or pot roast or pasta, with the occasional bird, because I know what to expect, and every restaurant had a different recepie, so it's always new.
    Not all of our culinary adventures were fit for a chapter in a Don Quixote de la Mancha remake, however. One of the best meals I've ever had was in The Melting Pot up in Portland (yup, Nukaya =P). The Melting Pot is a fondue restaurant with an interesting ambiance of depressing surroundings with the vibrant life of people, and a seemingly endless table of food. It was money and time well spent, especially since I was able to down a bowl of strawberries and cookie pieces dipped melted chocolate. Yum. That was certainly a highlight for my mother, too, since, for once, she was not on the lower end of the deal. "Finally," I say-- with good reason.
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