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I Have A Medical Condition



I have trabismus. The doc said twelve months; maybe more.




Did I succeed in scaring you? And you, Nukaya? Scared?




You may know the condition as 'lazy eye,' and it is not going to kill me. :P It should be fixed with a year or so of therapy.



I've known that my right eye veers to the side sometimes for quite a while now. For at least a year, Mom has made comments about how hard it is to tell what I am looking at when we talk, and in recent history, my eye's curious movements have been the subject of much attention in my Boy Scout troop (it's a wonderful tactic to freak new guys out in staring contests).


So, I came back from the optometrist (who just so happens to be my scoutmaster XD) an hour ago. Turns out BOTH my eyes are lazy. My brain only uses one eye at a time, and thus the other, non-used eye drifts off to the side as it is neglected by the brain. My left eye veers off a little less than the right eye, though, so it's a bit harder to recognize. As a result, I have a lack of depth perception and a difficulty focusing on things, but thankfully nothing that will make me any more a danger on the road than I already am.


So now, I'll be doing some therapy on myself to get my eyes to work together, and make my brain use both eyes at once. Now I finally get why it is that I am prone to flinching and more reflexive actions when sparring, cuz I can never tell how close the opponent's staff is! >.<


So yeah.




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... cuz I can never tell how close the opponent's staff is! >.<

Now I get it! The only reason it happened was because you've been using the >.< emoticon too much!


...Nah, j/k, hope you'll get better! =D

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*shakes hand* Glad to see I'm not the only one with lazy eyes.


Actually, I have only one. Mine is unable to be fixed.


Glad yours can be. :D

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And you, Nukaya? Scared?


*throws rubber ducks at EW*


Hey, at least your mom was all "oh hey, something's going on here". When I told my mom in the eight grade that I couldn't see the chalk board in class anymore, she didn't believe me until I brought home an eye test from the nurse that was like "YOUR CHILD CANNOT SEE THINGS. GET THAT GIRL SOME GLASSES."


It was kind of not awesome.

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No, not really, just because of how you typed it. :P Well, I hope you get better soon.


I didn't know you were in Boy Scouts; so am I. My Troop meeting is tonight, actually. How close are you to Eagle?

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It seems like a lot of boy scouts have that. Or in my version, Cadets. There always seems to be a guy who has lazy eye.


Anyways, I'm glad to know that it can be treated. That's good.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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You scared the crud outta me for a moment there T_T



No, not really, just because of how you typed it. :P Well, I hope you get better soon.


I didn't know you were in Boy Scouts; so am I. My Troop meeting is tonight, actually. How close are you to Eagle?

For serious? It's a big thing to me and I talk about it a lot, lol. Anyways, Cool! And I'm working on my project right now. Well, sorta. Paperwork. I'll start work on my project in August, after I'm done with Philmont and camp staff. =D




It seems like a lot of boy scouts have that. Or in my version, Cadets. There always seems to be a guy who has lazy eye.


Anyways, I'm glad to know that it can be treated. That's good.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

What? *eyes wander...*



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For serious? It's a big thing to me and I talk about it a lot, lol. Anyways, Cool! And I'm working on my project right now. Well, sorta. Paperwork. I'll start work on my project in August, after I'm done with Philmont and camp staff. =D


Um, yes? :P Good, it's well worth it. I earned my Eagle about a year ago. I would help you out with it, but, well, California is just a bit too far away from Oregon. :D Good luck.


Maybe you should add what you did for your Merit Badges into your interests. :P

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:superfunny: Yeah, why did you think I was suggesting it for?


My Mom was, uh, pushing me to get it done, but I didn't resist too much. :P

One of my patrol members earned it when he was 14. :blink:


Oh, and you also like Tintin? So do I. It's one of my favorite series. I actually own the first and last books.

I've got a feeling there will be a lot for us to talk about the next time we see each other. :P Are you going to Brickfair next year? The one in Washington.

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