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EẈ Public Service Announcement



My false ego was not actually false. I just tried to mask it with a smile to make myself look good. Naturally, I fell on my face several times and pretty much blew my chances of a dream come true, which I don't think I deserve now after all.


So yeah, just a delayed announcement from ye olde EW. And if you see me acting all big and stuff, please don't hesitate to point out that I really am just a folly and slap me in the face. I don't like being a pretender anymore, and have honestly grown to hate myself for that and several other reasons, even though my seemingly good moods seem to indicate the opposite.


People, please don't flatter me with things like "EW is wise," or "EW is a great member" because I'm not. Those long essays about social doctrine? I don't actually practice them. The lectures I post in the forums? Big jokes. Sure, they are true and completely correct (they have yet to be proven otherwise), but it's all just a bunch of sociological quackery. They exhibit the traits I wish I had instead of the traits I have. So really, I'm just a charlatan and a liar.


Consider this a blanket apology.




Nods go to Omi, Kraggh, and anyone I offended or lied flatly to.




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EW is a wise, great member who inspired me in so many ways. He deserves a cape and a reward....perhaps a golden crown.

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It takes a wise person to admit when they are wrong. ;)

And it takes an even wiser person to apologize for it. :)



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Whenever it is the next time I see you, be it a month, six months, a year, whenever, I'm hugging you silly.

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I am crying tears of empathy for you. I've so been there myself. -_-


Like you say, there's no point in trying to cheer you up by saying "Oh no, don't say that, you're awesome, you're this, you're that." This is so much deeper than ego.


I hope you can accept that you (the "self" of which you are temporally aware) are not as perfect as you would like to be. Forgive yourself. We're all works in progress here.


You have a right to be what you are. Don't let your faults and mistakes define you. Become honestly and non-judgementally aware of them, be thankful for the awareness and the lessons they have brought you, and then just release them. Move on. Be glad to be alive. Don't sweat the small stuff, 'cause there's no guarantee that any of us will even be here tomorrow.


And please, don't hate on your ego. It's as legitimate and necessary a part of you as any other. :) Acceptance is key.


You're in my prayers, E-dub. Do what you need to do, and come back better and stronger than before. <3




EDIT: Don't take this as an ego stroke... :psychotwitch:


For honesty and courage.



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Oh c'mon, everyone knows this is because I haven't approved your blog. :P


But you're still awesome, EW. Not many people can actually, truthfully admit all this stuff. ^_^

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My liege has no need to apologize. It is I, the lowly servant of a noble and wise Emperor who must beg for forgiveness. It was I who stole the cookie from the cookie jar.. Forgive me, my liege!


In all seriousness, you're still a good person EW. Heaven knows you're a better boy scout than me, at the very least. :P

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