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Element Lord of Milk

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Everything posted by Element Lord of Milk

  1. Yup, it's the 2011 version, they've already been released in places and reviews have been done of some of the sets, so don't worry about it being leaked.

  2. So today's gift was the toy firetruck, it was a nice build, and it came in a regular polybag, surprisingly, it didn't have any extras, I was expecting at least an extra set of wheels, since those are extras very often, buit no, quite interesting. ~ELM~
  3. So the canadian TRU website now has all the stuff in my last entry on the matter minus Vastus. THIS IS GETTIN' FREEEEAKY. ~ELM~
  4. I'm beginning to grow one . It's actually visible in my mirror . ~ELM~
  5. So I lost one of Vapour's Zamors when somebody knocked him and Bulk off of the stool they were on. I found it, though, so all's well. *Pulls out shotgun and points it at the mob who attacked me during my Blog post about finding XPlode's zamor* ~ELM~
  6. Once again, sorry for the lateness, same situation. Today'd minimodel was a lackluster sled and wood and axe, it was kinda bleh. Came in a regular polybag, and extra pieces were a straight black droid arm and a T-piece. ~ELM~
  7. That a rather narrow view of the people who want BIONICLE sets back. Wanting BIONICLE sets back doesn't necessitate that you dislike Hero Factory. Wanting BIONICLE sets back doesn't really have to have anything to do with Hero Factory (it can if you want, but it doesn't have to). A great many people who like Hero Factory still want BIONICLE sets back. There aren't a whole lot of people who like both. *Coughcough* Anyway, I'd like to join whatever this is supposed to be. ~ELM~
  8. Sorry for doing this so late, but I didn't get on the computer at all until about five today. Anyway, the gift for today was the fireplace, it was a nice build, and there was an interesting technique used for the fire. It also came in a regular polybag, wich was nice, extra pieces were a Trans-yellow stud and an extra fire Piece. ~ELM~
  9. So guess what my dad found while digging around in the Christmas decorations? Dalu! Dalu, who has been missing for the past year or two, has finall been found, this time she'll be put away with my sets and not the decorations. Dalu is a very special set to me, as she has never been taken apart, this makes her the longest-owned set of mine to have not been taken apart. ~ELM~
  10. So the Christmas tree has been decorated, and I got to open one of my presents early . It was Bulk and Vapour, from my parents. Bulk came in the lovely new Silver Color, wich he looks very pretty in, Vapour is very awesome, his recolors are nice, and his design is as well, his left hand even looks a bit like an actual hand(Chirox blade is the finger, Twin Cutter is thumb). I was very happy, and Bulk and Vapour is a great set that every fan of HF should at least consider getting. I've heard complaints about the price being more than that of a single Hero and Villian, but the price is justified since both Bulk and Vapour have more to them than the other sets. ~ELM~
  11. Wow, we're already ten days into december! Anyway, today's gift was the Dad minifig, he had a new torso and head, and more briefcases are cool, he came in a regular polybag, much to my delight, and the only extra piece was extra hair. YES. EXTRA. HAIR. ~ELM~
  12. I went on the TRu Canadian site just now, and guess what they had in their HF/Bionicle section? Bulk and Vapour Vastus Gresh Stars Skrall Stars Von Nebula and Stars Takanuva THAT WAS ALL. ~ELM~
  13. No idea, it was like that with the 09 calendar as well, from what I can remember. ~ELM~
  14. So today's minimodel was the toy Jet plane, nothing special, but it was a fun little build, and YAY! it came in a regular polybag! ~ELM~
  15. Yeah, I had a feeling it wasn't allowed. ~ELM~
  16. Son today's door-thingy had the dog and food dish in it, unfortunately, it came in an evil bag(Wich disproves my theory, harumph). But the actual thing was actually okay, just a plain food dish, a Dog, and best of all: SAAAAAAAAUSAGES. My first . Extra pieces were just an extra sausage, wich I put in the food bowl alongside the non-extra sausage . ~ELM~
  17. So thanks to Brickeens, I found out that I apparently hasd set my blog to approve comments, so I got help from him regarding how to find and approve unapproved posts, and now all the dusty comments that were never approved are now so, and I have switched back to no approval. ~ELM~
  18. Today I noticed that my hair is curling up at the back and front, I honestly don't mind, actually, I'm kinda fond of it, to be honest . ~ELM~
  19. So today's minimodel was some kind of wierd Piano-thing, it was airly simple, but it had a cool design, it came in an evcil bag(EEEEEEEEEEEEEVIIIIIIIIIIL)and it's extra pieces were a Blue stud and a white grill. Also, I apparently made a mistake on the drumset, so the actual extras are the previously mentioned dish, a Blue Stud, and a black telescope piece. ~ELM~
  20. If I had three wishes, I'd wish for Immortality and Invincibility for everyone I like, Unlimited Money, and a Lightsaber. ~ELM~
  21. So I've decided that with my $150(Since I have fifty dollars allowance this month instead of the regular $40 ), I'll buy NitroBlast, Jetbug, Fire Lord, Furno 2.0, Surge 2.0, and Stormer 2.0, as well as Sonic Colors Wii. This is gonna be the best Christmas EVAH. ~ELM~
  22. Today's door-thing contained the second minifig, the small Girl with a Cat, not much to say, except that se has a Black Ponytail and Dark Blue short legs, so those were kinda interesting, and I love more cats. No extra pieces, and she camne in a regular Polybag, further proving my theory about the bags. ~ELM~
  23. So today's minimodel was the Drum set, wich was pretty underwhelming, it was an okay design and build, but the instructions provided on the door-thing wewre very unclear, there were two Blue studs that didn't seem to go anywhere, I don't know if one of them is an extra, but there was definitely at least one extra, just a regular Light grey small dish. Also, it came in one of the evil bgs, it seems that every odd numbered day is in an evil bag, while every even one has a regular polybag, interesting. . . . . . . . ~ELM~
  24. So today's minimodel was the toy Crawler Crane, it was a nice build, and I really like the design, aside from being top-heavy, it's a very nice model, the only extras were a Trans-black Cheese slope and a Technic pin. Luckily, it came in a regular polybag, wich made me happy . ~ELM~
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