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Element Lord of Milk

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Everything posted by Element Lord of Milk

  1. I think I'll instead get Sonic Colours Wii + Jetbug, Nitroblast, Fire Lord, and three of the new heroes, I'll probably get Furno and Surge(Since they were my first of the original heroes)and I was thinking Breez or Stoormer as the third, opinions? ~ELM~
  2. I'll have around $140 at the start of January. I think I'll get the Scorpion Pyramid and if I can get some more money Sonic Colours DS. They'll be my Christmas presents to myself . ~ELM~
  3. So today's mini-model was the SkateBoard and ramp and Helmet. It's a fun build, although I think the 2 X 6 green plate should have been white, like snow. The Skateboard is nothing special, just the regular Blue Skateboard. The parts were interesting, most notable the 2X4 Light Grey tile, I just love the shape of 2X4 tiles, although I unfortunately don't have very many. And it came in the same type of bag as the Snowman RARGH. I also thought I'd mention the little Playmat thing, I think it fits Christmas better than last year's where I thought it was more wintery than Chistmasey. This year's Mat is basically a living room with a little sliver of outside. Oh yeah, extra pieces were just an extra set of wheels. ~ELM~
  4. I was gonna start this yesterday but BZP was down so yeah. First off is the freaky snowman(Don't worry, I promise I'll take pictures at the end of this month-long review ), that's what it was for the first day, I thought it was an. . . . . . .Interesting design, it looks kind of strange, and I definitely prefer last year's Snowman better, this one looks kinda evil with his droopy nose. He also was in that evil kind of bag that's made out of stretchy stuff that's hard to open, it plagued last year's Advent Calendar too. There was also a strange abundance of extra pieces, THREE. Some whole sets don't even get that much! Anyway, today was the young boy wearing the sweatshirt(First seen in the Small Car earlier this year)and holding a. . . . .SWORD?!? Yes, he came with a sword, three, actually, yes, he came with TWO extra swords, plus an extra Red Cap. Last Year's AC had an abnormal amount of extras too, but this is ridiculous! Thankfully, he came in a regular polybag, much to my relief. ~ELM~
  5. I was gona do this too =D . Thanks for reminding me . ~ELM~
  6. On a scale of worst to best story-wise: Bionicle 4 HF TV series/The adventures of Clutch Powers Bionicle 1 Bionicle 3 Bionicle 2 Worst to best Animation-wise: Bionicle 1/2/3 Bionicle 4/HF TV series/TAOCP ~ELM~
  7. And for that matter, how has THIS gone unnoticed?! It names the unnameable site!(This is another of the most famous BZP rules, wich is: No naming or linking of "that Video Site") I know the MODs are only human, but GATANUI HIMSELF posted in the topic linked to in my last entry, shouldn't he have done something? I just hope that this doesn't lead to a politics topic going free. ~ELM~
  8. OKAY, HOW IS THIS TOPIC STILL OPEN?! It violates one of the most famous BZP rules!(Fo the uninformed, this rule is: No religious discussion(At least in the forums, I don't know if it counts for the blogs)) I feel like dropping dead after reading it. And this is ignoring the fact I'm a rationalist. -I found the power, I lived the legend.
  9. So we bought my Nephew a huge Rudolph stuffed toy, and it's REALLY soft. And now I want one D: . ~ELM~
  10. Before I came here, my typing was like this: Those were my first five posts here. Now, after getting some tips and seeing how others wrote, my posts are like this: Those are my five most recent posts. As you can see, I've come a long way in five years. ~ELM~
  11. My lower back really hurt when I woke up today. PAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIINNNN ~ELM~
  12. I have just made my 1400th post on BZP, hooray . ~ELM~
  13. I recently realized that two of my biggest interests currently(Sonic and Pokemon)were both introduced to me in my early childhood. Quite interesting, if I do say so myself. ~ELM~
  14. Yeah, that Sonic MOC has been around for a while, I first saw it on anothe Lego Forum around half a year ago I think, and it was an old topic even then. Anyway, I might whip something up for this, just for fun, since I already have lifetime PMship. I wonder whi I would give it to if I win though. . . . . . . ~ELM~
  15. I dug out a bunch of my old Bionicle canisters and put some sets in them, now all my Stars and almost all my 09 sets are in boxes, I then put the full boxes back in the drawer, hopefully this will increase the lifespan of my sets by not having them all crushed together. ~ELM~
  16. I forgot to mention that my light got fixed, didn't I? well, it's fixed. In other news: I finally got around to washing my quite neglected Castle sets, there was so much dust that I could see it in the sink after I washed the sets >_< . I'll let them dry for a few days, then put them back in their display. ~ELM~
  17. I put my HF stuff and some of my 09/10 Bionicle Sets in some of their boxes, the HF sets are all in their specific ones, but thew Thornatus, Baranus, and Kaxium couldn't fit in their own boxes when built, so I put some Glatorian, Agori, and Stars in them instead. ~ELM~
  18. This is my final tally of presents for my birthday: Indiana Jones Omnibus Volume 2 Von Nebula The Furno Bike Corroder and Thunder(Bought with Birthday money) Lupin the 3rd action figures Sonic Adventure DX Directors' cut Chapters/Indigo/Coles' $30 gift card Plus I also did Laser tag, so it was a really good birthday . And I'm really thankful that Zarayna made a B-day topic for me! ~ELM~
  19. Heheh, thanks :D .

    although it technically isn't my birthday where I live yet, my BZP time is three hours ahead of my real time. I got one of my presents though, it was Indiana jones Omnibus Volume 2 :D .

  20. Time Travel and/or Cryogenic Foot Lockers. ~ELM~
  21. So, why are you making assumptions that everyone who has told you that you're breaking countless rules is fat?

  22. OH. MY. GOD. Someone else saw that split-second flash in the most recent dummy-room pic, right? Marie and the dummies positions were reversed =O! ~ELM~
  23. Somehow, I don't think the banning of a member who evidently has no respect for the rules is a loss.

    Also, you shouldn't automatically think a person is mature or immature because of their age, you're an example of this flawed thinking.

  24. (Continued from my last comment)

    t your content, wether you like it or not, that's why they're called Staff.

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