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Element Lord of Milk

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Everything posted by Element Lord of Milk

  1. 1: You see old comments by clicking the bit on the big blue bar in this profile that says Coments.

    2:It seems to me that you are destined to go the way of the monkey of despair. (Look him up on the members search, while his escapades were quite lulzy and fairly harmless, it still got him banned, unfortunately for you your escapades are much less harmless)

    3: The staff have a right to edi

  2. The light in my room died :/ . Although I went to sleep at lik, 11:00 last night, and I would have gotten a good night's sleep, but I kept waking up for a few seconds, shifting my position, and falling back to sleep. Buuuuuuuuuuut: IT'S MY BIRTHDAY IN THREE DAYS!!!! WOOOOT!!! ~ELM~
  3. If you remember back in April, I said I was going to get the Grand Emporium, well, if you were wondering why that hasn't happened: I saw some Cendox V1s in a store before I was going to get the GE, and I had to make a choice: Get the GE, or get the Cendox V1 and have lots more money left over to buy other stuff. The Cendox won. And so I found myself with alot of extra money, I spent most of it on some Sonic Comics, and with the rest I bought the Kaxium and those other sets I blogged about a while ago. And I am happy with the choice I made . Fun fact: I now own all but two 2009 Bionicle sets, the Skopio and Click. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! ~ELM~
  4. Thornatus and Baranus got here at 2:30 style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/biggrin.gif . In two hours I had time to open the shipping box, open the boxes and the bags, and build them, with some time for breaks. Yes I am amazing style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/biggrin.gif . Sahmad is officially the best Vehicle rider EVAH. The Chariot is meh, but the Spikit is awesome. And beefier then it looks in the pics. The Thornatus: it's awesomeness cannot be captured in words. Overall, get both these sets while you can, especially since they are half-price on S@H. ~ELM~
  5. Apparently the "Remember me" box was automatically checked, so I DIDN'T need to log out and back in again. Hrmph. Anywho, the Baranus and Thornatus should be getting here today, so I'll possibly do some reviews of them sometime. In the future. . . . . . . . . ~ELM~
  6. Today when I came here, I was logged out, wich is strange, considering that I always check the- Oh, forgot, be back in a minute! ~ELM~
  7. I'm Bored. (This space used to be occupied by a million Os, I think I temporarily broke something by doing that) ~ELM~
  8. JUSTIN BEIBER is playing a villian on CSI. WAT IZ DIS AI DONT EVUN. ~ELM~
  9. My mom bought me the Thornatus and Baranus off S@H today =D . Although we missed the free shipping, but we got 5 dollars off thanks to the VIP thing. ~ELM~
  10. @Makuta of Xhini-nui(How is that even pronounced?):Yes, I'm proud to be one, my sister is too =D .

    @Protodermis:Yeah, it is quite fun. You can get your own, y'know.

  11. I started on a new MOC last night =D . It's green, and it has a custom head that's built around a Metru head. Once it's finished I'll post it. I'm making this for an HF contest on another Lego Forum(Wich neglects Bionicle/HF, so this was a pleasant surprise) ~ELM~
  12. I have a suspiscion(Sp?)that I'm reproting stuff wrong. I've also been kinda sloppy today with my typing. -I found the power, I lived the legend.
  13. When I went to S@H today, the little pic of the Hogwarts Castle set's words were in Japanese or Chinese or something o_O . WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHT?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? ~ELM~
  14. I ripped my Revampish Rotor apart since I couldn't bear to have my HF sets dissassembled any longer. Fear not, though, I took a couple pictures of it, so I will rebuild it someday. . . . . . ~ELM~
  15. I FINALLY tweaked my Revampish Rotor, I gave the color scheme more Orange, and I gave him a wider range of motion in his waist, but every single method I've tried of giving it supports has failed. Maybe I'll stick a couple Hordika necks on it so that he doesn't turn into an L all the time. ~ELM~
  16. I built a revampish MOC of Rotor, using only my HF sets peices(The Rookies survived intact, though). My Story for it is going to be: Since it comes from the anti-universe, it is organic, female, and a good people . ~ELM~
  17. Gragh, what's up with that Scientology ad that I've seen at least twice, it seems strange to me for whatever reason. . . . . . . . ~ELM~
  18. I honestly did not know that Please, again, do not bypass the word filter. Unless you are using that word to specifically talk about that animal, do not use it to imply any other word.-Nukaya and Idiocy were filtered, or was it just the way I used them before? Ooooor, do the Blogs not have a built-in word filter? i haz a cunfusd. ~ELM~ Ahhhhh, I had a feeling it might have been the context.
  19. Tried a Crab Apple today, didn't like it. (It like twitter!) ~ELM~
  21. I got a new dresser . I've been building it woth my dad all day, when we got home from buying it we made the frame, and we just now finished the drawers. Where did I get it, you ask? Ikea, of course! Also, since it is considerably bigger thanm my old one, I'll only need to use three drawers for my clothes and the others I can use for stuff! ~ELM~
  22. Good news first:I've mostly recovered from the KH incident. Bad news:My sanity is kind of damaged. ~ELM~
  23. Skopio is sold out on S@H . I better pick up the pace with the money if I want to get Baranus and Thornatus before they are sold out. . . . .. ~ELM~
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