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Everything posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan

    Grey Knights.

    Keep boasting, keep on boasting. We'll see who's bragging was justified one day >;3
  2. Ka-Chan

    Two Face

    What were you expecting- Harvey Dent? Man, this one had to be the most fun I've had with drawing something in ages. *drew this one less then 4 hours ago after suddenly imagining it during a chair-spinning session*
  3. >m


    The one time I'm confident about being knowledgable and I stuff it up. I suck at learning >,

  4. You should get on more 8s

  5. Ka-Chan


    XD I hate Bionicle names.
  6. Uh, no, it isn't. There are at least half a dozen different sentence particles related to honorifics and politeness levels for both past and present.

  7. "Yes to do"


    That is a broken way to say "Yes." XD

  8. Ka-Chan


    This was the first thing I got when I googled his name in hope to find set pictures. No comment .-.
  9. Ka-Chan

    Grey Knights.

    You're talking like I have a static Tau army =] I'd snake around the battlefield until you threw up from motion sickness >D Or he could just catch on to your movement patterns and array his forces to cover all sides, then hit you with meltas and missiles and lascannons until your transports asplode. Man, you gotta realize I'm not being over the top serious XP I'm being really casual about the Tau. I'm not seriously saying "THE TAU CAN AVOID ALL AND SHOOT ALL" . I'm more then wise enough to know that I can't just win using a different army. So you can stop trying to go to the trouble of popping the imaginary ego bubble, thank you. XD
  10. I hope you are aware that the way you just used Desu is completely broken XP

  11. Uh... So you're telling me that I have my very own Guardian Angel that carries out her work by annoying the snot out of me?

  12. Wracky, come on Wracky. Must you post in my blog only to be bothersome?

  13. Ka-Chan

    Grey Knights.

    You're talking like I have a static Tau army =] I'd snake around the battlefield until you threw up from motion sickness >D
  14. Ka-Chan

    Grey Knights.

    Lost? No. Lost a squad of Warriors to the Grey Knight Terminators before I put them down with my Nightbringer and his Flayed Ones? Yes. I didn't lose. I just got bullied for a few turns >,x
  15. Ka-Chan

    Grey Knights.

    You guys should be banned for those 2+ saves. I swear, I'll be able to grind all you Space Marines into the dust once I get my Monolith up and running. That is, I have to either repair my current Monolith by buying an individual green bitz sprue pack or just buy a whole new one altogether. Soon I will have the key to awaken the true potential of my army. Soon. That or I'll switch to my Tau and have a fun time shooting your screaming tin cans at a lovely distance. Yeah, I'm talking to you, Sean ಠMಠ
  16. Ka-Chan


    Feeling better now. I guess everyone just has to let it all out once in awhile, amirite? Anyways, much win today. Manga club AND Warhammer night- which will be quite awesome since now I have a fresh platoon of Immortals *I will be posting an entry of how I painted them when I get the chance* and an additional two Pariahs bolstering my elite. So yeah, back to normal!
  17. Don't. You can attack my opinions, you can attack my actions. But don't attack me. It was a harmless rant, people. It's my blog and I think I'm allowed to let off some steam at the end of the day within it's boundaries. After all, there is nobody else in this house or any friend I could call up that could listen to me ease an irritation about an online children's site without being laughed at. I just wanted to blow off a bit of anger that had built up over the course of a long time. And suddenly I'm finding somebody I don't even remotely know sticking my faults in my face with harsh words in front of everyone else to see. You guys think I don't know? You guys think that I'm some egomaniacal airhead who thinks that I'm some sort of God who thinks his words fall on the ears of the deaf? No, I'm not. A jealous God, maybe. Do you think I am blissfully unaware of myself? Of course not. In fact, I'm so self-concious that I can't stand it. This wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that someone had to take it to a higher level and attack the very flawed traits that unfortunately make up my foundations as a person. You don't even know me. Being told that I'm being unreasonable is one thing. But having a personality mirror shoved in my face in front of others when I already know what the ugly thing looking back at me is just humiliating. I've looked into that mirror before and hated what I saw- please, don't make me have to see it again in front of others. Trust me, I wouldn't be making such a big deal of this right now if it hadn't seriously hurt my feelings. I know it's the internet and it shouldn't be taken seriously. But when the only people I get to talk to and community I get to be a part of on a daily basis are over the internet because of circumstances in real life, it can become serious. Serious enough that when someone just starts rattling off a list of faults about you -that you already do your best to try and avoid and work around them- out of the blue, it can really upset me. I know you might not have been trying to do harm, but guess what- you did. Trust me on the fact that I know you were right- but to do that so blunty in front of others is just unbearable for someone like me. If you have to do it so badly, do it over PM. Otherwise, just leave me alone. Thanks for anyone who bothered listening or tried to understand. I feel a tiny bit better now that I talked that off. I'm getting off now.
  18. I know you're not trying to do harm, but your bluntness is only going to upset me further. Please, don't pretend to know me when you don't. Get to know me better and then you can critisize me so harshly.

  19. Ka-Chan

    Okay, Seriously.

    Yes, but there is blunt and there is "So blunt that it comes across as offensive and this I refuse to go over something that felt like an attack to learn from it" =/
  20. I gotta find better timing to post RPGs >,o

  21. Ka-Chan

    Okay, Seriously.

    That's where we hit the serious problem. I feel like I haven't been spending enough time living in the real world and thus have been trying to cut BACK on time I spend on the computer and this includes Bzp. I'm at a pinch-point, really. That's what makes this so over-the-top frustrating. And I can't tell if what Smeagol said was just general or an insult of sorts, so I won't bother answering.
  22. You are absolutely correct 8D

  23. Long story short.


    I enjoy talking to you while I get to over IM.


    But you make me want to explode on Bzp.


    Had to get that out. Sorry XP

  24. Ka-Chan

    Okay, Seriously.

    Figured that out already XD But still. C'mon. Screw the system and screw what they want. People on Bzp are either going to respond to the stuff I post or I'm just gonna pack up and blow this junkwad.
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