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Everything posted by Ka-Chan

  1. Ka-Chan

    The Manga Club

    I've been going there every thursday for the past month. I really like the place because it's a small group of folks my age getting to discuss similiar interests and read over manga much like a book club. I'm making friends with everyone there and I'm happy to be getting out again. Alas, out of the things I never saw coming.... - I cannot understand the Naruto/Bleach/One Piece jargon they will occasional talk on about.They keep saying I should cosplay as guys I've never heard of @_@ -The Manga series we were supposed to get at the beginning got back-logged on Amazon and we would only get it a WEEK before the club ended for 2 months. - THE 4 MANGAS WE HAVE TO CRAM DOWN OUR THROATS IN 7 DAYS IS A CUTESY GIRL COMEDY/ADVENTURE MANGA. IT LITERALLY SAYS ON THE BACK OF ISSUE 2 "More supernatural mayehm and hot pretty boys are in this volume!" SOMEBODY HELP MEEEEE~ I'm gonna go dig up Tetragrammaton Labyrinth now and re-read all the gory-as-###### fight scenes...
  2. Ka-Boom is not pleased by Lucky Star. Ka-Boom is also not interested in Awesomeface. You just lost. *Ppffft* Go back about your anime derping, boy >3
  3. Ka-Boom is not pleased by Lucky Star. Ka-Boom is also not interested in Awesomeface.
  4. Naw- she just moved into my signature.

  5. You mean Clone Troopers, not Star Wars XP
  6. THE WINNER IS YOU And trust me, Taka, I would have by now if my control panel wasn't so screwed up >,<
  7. Ding ding ding~ You sir, are correct. But that's hardly all of them XP
  8. Since BZP's name change option in the control panel has been tarding out on me for so long... I hereby unnofficially declare my name no longer "Ka-Chan" , but "Ka-Boom" . Thank you for your cooperation!
  9. Time+ boredom= this. Wow, there's a whole lot of Epic Winnage in there. Ka-Boom has managed to stuff so much of his favorite stuff into one image that he can no longer remember what that stuff is in there. What is missing? Should anything not belong in there? First person to succesfully list off EVERYTHING AND what is missing in that mess of an epic collage gets... Uh, yeah. A reward that at the moment is a stickynote that says "I O U"
  10. Ka-Chan

    Lotr: Conquest

    It's not THAT bad. Not great, but not ghastly either. But hey, if it eats the cat, I'll be in love with the game.
  11. Eh, trust me, I know how that is.

  12. *pokes*


    I didn't buy LotR:Conquest. Next time, read the blog entry before going to the copy/pasting =3=

  13. Ka-Chan

    Lotr: Conquest

    You obviously didn't read my entry, silly- my dad BOUGHT IT for me and my brother without warning. Seriously, you should know me better then to go and buy a game without doing research on it XD
  14. But I never expected you to be able to, now did I x3 ?

  15. Ka-Chan

    Lotr: Conquest

    And what is the point of showing me what I already know XD ?
  16. Not much. Things have been going smoothly- but that also means uneventful.


    But hey, I started playing Disgaea for the DS and it's freaking addictive. I got it ages ago, I don't know why I didn't start playing earlier.

  17. Ka-Chan

    Lotr: Conquest

    We actually got it two days ago. First off, I will honestly say I didn't even know of the game's existence until dad came in on Monday and just suddenly popped it in to suprise us XP I haven't gotten to play it too much, so I'll be brief. Pros: - Batttlefront formula works really well with LotR - The controls are very well done and are fairly streamlined. -Scouts are freaking awesome. -Wonderfully detailed models. -Definitely fun to play and a blast in co-op mode. Inbetweens: -A lot of characters from the books/movies, but voice acting in imitation of the movie characters is pretty mediocre. Not horrifyingly bad, but it might make you wrinkle your nose the first time. - Campaign mode has a very oddly distorted take on the story. - More vehicle/beasts and classes, please? - Feels exactly like Battlefront with the interface- a little too much, honestly. - Why do some of the controls for basic moves change with each class? It's not too horrible, but it will be certainly disorientating if you switch between the classes alot. - I seriously hope they stop milking the LotR franchise soon. I don't think J.R Tolkien would be happy to see a generation growing with LotR not as his book, but as Peter Jackson's movies and whatnot. -I have enough video games distracting me from reality already, man D8 Cons: -Needs more maps. I've already played half of them through instant action and I've only had the game for 2 days. - More DETAIL on the maps. Pelenor Fields feels more like a flat, orange rug with dead Mumakil peppered across it. Minas Tirith feels halfway like Kamino with daylight inside roofed buildings. I really like some of the maps, but others feel rushed in and painfully dull. AT LEAST THROW IN SOME CRATERS OR SOMETHING - A bit more original gameplay could have been put into this. Asides from the fighting style and LotR theme, I feel like I'm playing Star Wars Battlefront II all over again. Personal thoughts: Conquest is a fun game to play- but it's hardly going to stand amongst many of the games now released. Dad got it for me and my brother for some reason * and I mean that in the sense that I don't know why he suddenly felt compelled to buy us a 60$ game* , and so I am satisfied with it. But I say to certainly not buy it with your own money until it drops in price. You will find much more enjoyment in it if you buy it with multiplayer in mind, because otherwise you will breeze through the game. It's fun to play and thus you will probably get a whole lot of fun out of it over and over again between the release of awesome games. But compaired to some of the great games on the epic scale that are out at the moment, it's not worth the price. Basically, save your money and buy it when it drops to around 40$ or something. It's obviously an entertaining installment in the LotR games, but it's not like you're missing out on an expierence of a gamer's lifetime. I hope putting my voice out there has helped!
  18. I did. Many times. Any further and I might have risked ruining the paper.
  19. Well, I COULD post it, but the question is if that is good or not. And yeah, let's not. I like existing.
  20. But her eyes sucked so bad that I died and got revived by Ted Danson.
  21. *spins Vakama mask around* 3 years of Bzp, boy ;D
  22. Once again, I know- but urgh. I'm not satisified with my "manga" . It's weird, really. *The predicament, not my art*

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