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Everything posted by Ka-Chan

  1. TF2 AND Pennsylvania? We're gonna get along just fine blowing stuff up in Arena, I bethca.

  2. Rex stepped down? Nope, never heard of that. Yeah, I've been busy with schooling, getting ready for my upcoming senior year *and grappling with the idea of going to a private school instead of continued homeschooling* and college. Also found quite a few new things to do and have been getting about, and I've been happy since that. So yeah, just dropped by here to see how you guys were all doing!
  3. Holy ######, I think I'm alive on the internet again.

  4. *pokes with stick despite the fact that he should really be the one getting poked with a stick*


  6. *Comes out of haze, coughing and hacking* Okay, no need for these theatrics. And yes, I still like Teal despite purple and green being cooler, but it's not my trademark so teal it is. Well, I haven't been around in ages and I thought I might as well pop back in. I'm not saying I plan on staying, but I figured I might as well drop by to say Hi and see what's been going on, you know? Looks kinda like the same ol' Bzp to me *the whole "Hewkii <3 Maku" thing on the hot topics list was the dead ringer* but hey, I'd be interested to hear about anything peculiar going on around these ol' stomping grounds. I'm happy to say that while *maybe* a handfull of people were bummed to see me leave, leaving Bzp has been a great step in me severing my old ways and help me get into the thick of the real world. Honestly the only thing that really keeps me coming back to the computer each day are my few friends who have stuck with me like glue on Yahoo. I've been getting more active in the community, now undoubtedly within grasping region of getting a job at the wargames retailer *yes, I am still as much into Warhammer as I always have been, although in a more lighthearted, less obsessive sense* , I've started prepping for summer drivings lessons and a few courses in 3D computer modeling, been seeing and making new friends in manga clubs and Airsoft games. Oh, especially airsoft. Between re-establishing bridges with old Middle School friends and making some new ones. altogether, I can say Airsoft is one of my new hobbies. Sure, it's really expensive, but between working hard and a little help from my folks, I've managed to get a hold of quite a few supplies and a rather lovely p-90 rifle. Not to mention I'm getting serviced into my friend's team, which means tournaments . Nothing makes one feel so alive and well as getting shot at. It's a good, fun pain. Especially the one time I took point-blank machine gun fire to the neck. I was laughing in joy and pain the whole day =//w//= I'm the camo/ambush expert among my team, seeing as I've got the decent painting and art skills. I've painted a few of their helmets to look like various camo patterns for like, 20$ each. It's actually quite fun X3 Currently waiting for my own mask to come in the mail. Gonna paint it over camo and if possible maybe even give it a sort of ghillie suit texture, carve out some more space in the eye sockets if I need a wider visual range. The only reason I can afford to keep this hobby and my 40K hobby up is by giving up my childhood, so to speak. No- I haven't sold any of my Bionicles, Transformers or the like. But I have lost interest in them *although I still want to see Revenge of the Fallen, of course* , have stopped buying them and have even started to pack most of them away. And even then it's hard to keep up with both of my major hobbies since both are as bloody expensive as always- but I find much enjoyment in Airsoft so there's no way I'm giving it up. I've spent more money on it, too. While 40K is just as *if not technically more expensive*, I've gone from excessively collecting to more of conversion and simply gaming. My chaos army has been quite a fun project, since you can essentially go crazy with the customization. See a few of these custom Plague Marines and my Land Raider, for example. " target="_blank">Land Raider *tank* Onomnomnom Pimp My Ghost Rider *speaking of Ghost Rider, Nicholas Cage's movie "Knowning" sucked =3=* Sargeant Stank Missile Man knew how to get ahead in life You do know I made all these guys from scratch using old, unused Space Marine miniatures I had lying around, right? Been too busy with other things in life to paint any of them, though. A big part of this has been me and my close friend Dylan searching for an art college we can both go to, although it needs to be flexible since he's interested in the art of animation while I'd rather be something of a designer for things like movie props. I dunno about you, but the levels of detail I can stuff into my art would make animation a living ######- even one of my favored robot concept arts with rather low detailing *by my standards, at least << >>* would be a nightmare to animate by hand: It looks like something outta Portal, I know. I blame the one eye and the fact that it's a mere maintanence robot and not something explodey and Transformer'y. *forces self to shut mouth for a moment* Sorry, it's just that there's been so much to cover ^^; Anyways, I'll get going now, although I'll hang around the forums for another day or two if you want to talk for a bit. And by the way, Internets is no longer serious buisness for me, so hah. Improvement thanks to regaining faith in reality 8D In the meantime, please enjoy being reaquainted with my dear ol pal and mentor by looking at him while he stares into your soul. Good to see some of you guys again!
  7. It all started when I got him for Valentines Day. Harmless, right? I thought so, until I looked closer at his box out of boredom, and then it struck me... Something was teeming beneath the surface of this tricky little deception, and I would be to uncover it. Minutes and minutes of toiling and researching the bowels of the library's history section, I discovered a disturbing truth that will shake the foundations of the Bzp community. Raanu. A matoran leader guiding his people through horrid times... ALL LIES BEHOLD, HIS TRUE NATURE Ladies and gentlemen, I shall leave you to your shock and awe.
  8. Ka-Chan


    Between my computer being a virus hive where now going anywhere on the internet leaves me vulnerable to more trojan attacks and becoming even busier with life *now I'm working twice a week because Bossman had brain surgery and so on* , I now officially have almost zip time for this place. Again, this doesn't mean I'm dissapearing from the world of the internets. Contact me on YIM *Don't have one? Get one, silly*.
  9. Ka-Chan

    << >>

    *hand slips out of space/time continuim, drops note* "Feel free to drop a message by me on Yahoo Messenger. Look for giantsquid1992 or 'Carl The Kahn' . Now seriously- BAAAIII"
  10. Gentlemen... I just really don't even care about any of this anymore. No whinning, no regrets, no bitter feelings. I've just...Lost interest. In Bionicle, in the community, even my Transformer RPG *Yes, not even the RotF trailer could revive my interest* . So yeah. It's been a time and a half, guys. I will visit, of course, but I'm done here. Baaai~
  11. ...Wow. o,O; That had to be some heckuva father. What exactly was happening? I get the jist of it, but is there a story behind it or is it just left for us to fill in the blanks?
  12. Alright, so the battle was forced to end at the beginning of turn 4 because I had to go, but oh wow this was a good game. It was a "Capture And Control" objective, and neither I nor Sean's Space Marines backing down. Necron Monolith > 2 Land Raiders <3
  13. DENNIS BERGKAMP DENNIS BERGKAMPASJSDF:OFJDCLI*endless stream of every meme possible mashed together*
  14. What did you do to Miku @_@

  15. Your personal photo. A 501rst legion Clone Trooper, no?

  16. Ka-Chan

    The Manga Club

    Doesn't mean I understand any of what they're talking about XD And T-Labyrinth? YURI NUNS WITH GUNS KILLING DEMONS IN EXPLOSIONS OF GORE WITH EPIC PLOTTWISTS AND EPICNESS~~
  17. SPOTTED -Gman - Phantom/Photoshopped Barricade - Billy Mays -Ted Danson *PRAISE DA LAWD* -Briareos and Deunan/Appleseed combo breaker -Necron Warrior -Tau Pathfinder -Spawn -Miku -Etna -Flonne -Spawn -Evangelion/Asuka/Eva02 -Serj~ -Isaac Clarke in the Military Suit - Clone Trooper/ ARC Captain Rex MISSED -Zombie Powder Logo *since I couldn't get a good image of Gamma Akabuti* -The Alien *seriously people, how did you miss THAT? Even Chane didn't point it out o,o* -Laharl *nobody appreciates XYs anymore in Anime, I suppose* -The Double-Iris Eye from Tool *which was essentially the background* - My girlfriend Romina <3 Things That Are Missing - Fallout 3 Brotherhood Outcast - Oblivion Deadric Paladin -Squids -Lewa Olda -Ray Bradbury - The Joker *Heath Ledger edition* -MUDSKIPPERS -Megas XLR -The Monty Python troupe Overall, you guys did very good! The spotted dwarf the missed, and the missing ones really don't deduct since they're more based on guesswork or knowledge of me. But the winner is HUNTER KIRAX for knocking up the most spots in one single combo string Makuta's Black Heart is the runner up for spotting Ted Danson- being the only one to spot him, might I add-
  18. Skull men with bandanas come for your locomotives?
  19. Yes, sorry Ina, but MIKU>RIN

  20. Ka-Chan

    The Manga Club

    DO I LOOK LIKE A GIRL WHO SOLD HER SOUL TO GUNDAM And the manga is Tactics. Think Ghost Busters meets fangirl otaku squeal or something.
  21. With only an upainted Destroyer Lord and secondary Monolith both lying dormant far away in the depths of my 40K hobby cabinet, my Ulacant army is essentially -and FINALLY- completed. I might throw in a few more Immortals later on, but in the meantime I am more then satisfied with it. MONOLITH I plan to "polish up" the Monolith later by thinning out the trimming *green lining* with chaos black. IMMORTALS I was originally going to do an entire blog entry showing pictures of how I paint these guys from start to finish, but Photobucket takes so painfully long to upload these photos that I decided against it. For now. =TAU= Alas, my Tau army is still not ready to be "fielded" so I'm only showing fragments of the mostly unpainted force. Seriously, painting these guys takes a huge chunk of time out of your days and half the time I don't want to do it. I need to take a break from painting so I can tweak my drawing skills *which I'm going to post the drawing of Miku with the faileyes soon just for input* FIRE WARRIORS The Shas'Ui *helmetless dude* is my favorite of that batch, simply because I think I did a great job on his face- which I will still say to this very day I cannot paint human faces. The 'Eavy Metal team paints the Tau with red eyes, but I don't do that because I think it leaves the impression that they are evil due to the notion long burned into our minds that red eyes=evil. DEVILFISH APC Without these floating fishies, your Tau would be like turkeys with the best guns you could imagine- great at shooting and dangerous, but would drop like flies as you shot at them. The funny fact that remains is that this is the only one of three Tau vehicles that I own, the other two being unpainted simply because I almost NEVER eagerly jump into painting the vehicles- which is funny because I always find them the centerpieces for the army after I do so. STEALTHSUITS I've got 6 of these hombres in my force, and they are wicked- take those Fire Warriors from earlier, give them better armor, jump packs, burst cannons AND the ability to become stealthy/deduct enemy charging bonuses and you've got a tough squad of Flying Fire Warriors. I plan to eventually get another pack and bring the group up to nine. But in the meantime I think this does it well. BATTLE SUITS Man, if there is one thing people hate/envy the Tau for more then anything else, it's the Battlesuits. These guys can be souped up with a huge variety of weapons and have the awesome ability to jump and zip around the battlefield like a playground while still being able to fire and then take cover. I have two of these guys painted at the moment while I have another two *not including commanders and Broadsides* waiting to be prepped for the tabletop. BROADSIDES I actually finished these guys *conversion wise, of course* ages ago but only got to posting them now. If these guys could move and fly around like the normal battlesuits, then everyone not pledging alliegance to the Greater Good would be running screaming for cover. These bipedal tanks just blow the snot out of anything they can get a lock on. I didn't do too much over the top conversion work for these guys, more along the lines of personalizing then conversion. For one, I made their legs look a whole more stable for something striding around with weapons that friggin' big. Second- custom basework. I also gave them some half-cool-half-silly "beret antennae" *aka I slapped a Battlesuit foot onto the side of their heads*...Why? 'Cuz I like soldiers with berets. Basically, I just slapped on bitz here and there to make them look as mechy and heavy as they should be while keeping them akin to the original designs of the Battlesuits to keep a "canon feel" to it *no, I did not mean "cannon"*. So yeah, that's all for the time being! My Tau army is almost complete collection-wise, at least. What you're not seeing are the unpainted tanks, Kroot, Gun Drones, Pathfinders and Converted Guardsmen stored away in the "PAINT IT FGS" box.
  22. Ka-Chan

    The Manga Club

    *Dies ten times over* You may clean up my brains that are now splattered on the wall. Hey, they're your brains- you're the one who needs them, not me =/
  23. Yes I am. *makes Hoss explode*
  25. Ka-Chan

    The Manga Club

    I concur. SAY NO TO COSPLAY
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