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Roa McToa

Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Comments posted by Roa McToa

  1. Glad you like the clip Lyger.


    For that little clip, I took the pictures in a quick manner. The jumps are from the camera being on a tablecloth. It moved a few times because its really slick on the table. I sent the pictures to my Boyfriend and he used adobe imageready to edite the blast in. I was curious to see what his take on the animation would be. Turned out pretty good I think. Sure made me laugh! :lol:

    To make Avak fly off, I just used my hand, making sure I wasnt in the picture. Theres one frame where my arm is exposed a little at the end, but for an animation that took me 5 minutes to make, it's not that bad. The next one should be pretty funny!


    Oh, and its 48F today! REALLY warm!

  2. I wasn't born with straight teeth.....


    I had braces for about 4 and a half years through jr. high and high school. You kinda learn a whole new way to eat, talk, laugh etc so you dont get stuff caught in them, like your lip or your cheek O.o I've accidentally cut myself in the mouth several times on my braces when I had them. Granted, yes the are uncomfortable, downright painful at times, but in the end you will have a great straight toothed smile. So while you got em, keep em clean. You'll learn a whole new brushing and flossing regiment with those puppies LOL



    Best thing about braces other than them straightening your teeth, is you can get any color of bands you want when they change the wire! I used to get my school colors every now and then ;)

  3. It sounds like that awful head cold that was going around. I had it in full force for about 2 weeks last month before it started easing up at all. It was awful, so I know exactly how you are feeling Omi. Go to the store and get some Celestial Seasonings Echinacea Complete care tea. That'll help cure what ails ya, and it tastes especially nice with honey.


    Get well soon buddy!

  4. Kokatas rahi -Good, but the head looks more like a fist than a head.

    Vakatus rahi - The head looks too detailed for the rest of the body.

    Paruvaks rahi - Perfect, no complaints.



    I just whipped these drawings up in about 5 minutes. I could do more detailed drawings, but both vakatu and kokatas rahi are not built yet, so they are still not official. The large chunky shapes in the drawings are what I'm going to try and acheive in large scale to look like realistic animal limbs. This time around I'm really going to take a good look at building lightweight, durable models.

    I am not really satisfeid with Rayzaurak either. There are a lot of elements I will keep on it, but I am going to try a new style of torso building, as the model is too heavy. The legs have to go too. I am not really liking them much at all. I may even work on Mirkatuvas legs a little, to give them better movement so he can run realistically. The model is still a bit difficult to animate due to leg restrictions.


  5. I sure wish I had great sales here :rolleyes: The only set I've seen on sale was Vezon and Fenny for 25$


    They have great after season toy sales at Target too. I know that there are Target stores in california. Maybe you will get lucky and find a kardas for $15! Go check it out sometime, you never know......





    wish there were target stores here..........


  6. Yeah, we have no sales tax up here. Only smaller towns charge it for maintaining roads and such. Evey year we get a dividend check. Right around october, it sure is nice to get that $1000 or more check! It should be going up soon because of these insane gas prices. Currently $2.17 per gallon for unleaded.


    The driving conditions are hazardous on the Seward Highway, so I may be waiting a few days to go back home.


    Beleive it or not, it really doesn't cost all that much more to live up here than it does in the lower 48. Granted some things are spendy, but its worth it considering all the fresh air and beautiful scenery you get! I was born and raised here in Anchorage, and have traveled out of state. After vacations I can always say I feel relieved when I get home after taking that first breath of fresh outside air!


    Living in Seward is great too! Its a pretty small town, 120 miles from anchorage, about a mile long and built on the feet of mountains by the ocean. It a major tourist stop for cruise ships in the summer. Every day, enormous cruise ships dock at the harbor and the tourists get to shop around town. Seward still retains a lot of its history in buildings, stores and more. I may make a photo entry blog of a trip around town. I'll show y'all pictures of historic buildings, and places that were almost buried by the flood that happened in october. Theres a gigantic motor that sits in the water by an old mooring dock that was there before the 64 earthquake. Theres a bunch of great sights. Seeing the shipyard is especially interesting, as there are boats drydocked there that make my big old suburban look like a micro machine! :lol: The machine that lifts those boats is pretty incredible too!


    Keep an eye out for another entry soon!

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