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Bio D

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Status Updates posted by Bio D

  1. Final verdict:

    Surprisingly AZUSA is the only one who seems to have improved.

    All the others are either a little worse or just meh now.

    There aren't any songs like Dear My Keys or Oui! Ai Kotoba that I can listen to several times in a row without getting bored.

    Little dissapointed.

  2. Fine thank you.

    Still haven't quite finished any of my CoT poems yet

  3. First of all, I have yet to cope with the idea that someone I have never physically met thinks of me outside of the sites I dwell.

    Secondly, lol Mass Effect is my vehicle for evil.

  4. Gone,deleted, never existed. Moderaters most likely

  5. Great. Gato's been gone so long he can be declared legally dead, and he still has more profile views than I do!

    You can now start to pity me

  6. Guess I haven't really noticed. :D

  7. Half the Bacholorettes topic has been anhialated :P

  8. Howdy as always TPTI :P

  9. Howdy Ho little misses!

    Welcome to this parts, and if you don't want to end up like Turakii, don''t eat the cookie... take the milkshake

  10. I defeated the ice warrior so long ago that not even dust remains :P

    Me and my abberant posting habbits.

  11. I defeated the ice warrior so long ago that not even dust remains :P

    Me and my abberant posting habbits.

  12. I haven't listened to them all yet, so Nodoka's and Mugi's are my favorite so far.

    I liked the first batch more to be honest.

  13. I just reread your blog.

    ALL OF IT.

  14. I just saw your views and compaed them to mine.


    You have more then 2000 views then me :D

  15. I love your new banner so much.

  16. I'm not sure you'll like Itachi as much one you see the crazy stuff he pulls in the latest two chapters...

    Seriously. He's lost it.

  17. Ignorance and Hypocracy, partners in crime!

  18. In the exact same style and coloring as the series?

    That's stretching it.

  19. It only took you a year-and-a-half :P

    I might join, but I'm a bit busy with school and handeling Mata-nui in BK

  20. It's probably a lot more than that, but I gave a very conservative number.

  21. Just noticed my Olmak.

    I've been here FIVE YEARS.

  22. Just three?

  23. Kampfer?

    Guilty pleasure, or just pleasure.

  24. Maybe It's my computor. Meh...

    Happy holidays

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