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Bio D

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Status Updates posted by Bio D

  1. I love your new banner so much.

  2. Ignorance and Hypocracy, partners in crime!

  3. Alright, I love Jun's songs, especially the fact that they made an awesome Jazz song for the Jazz Club member, but I'm on the fence about her singing.

    At least it's better than Azusa's.

  4. Awesome Picture is awesome

  5. So are you really marrying Gato, or was that just a nice way to end a giant ask entry? Has the epic Bromance turned into an epic romance?Didn't he get married already?

  6. I just reread your blog.

    ALL OF IT.

  7. Just three?

  8. Maybe It's my computor. Meh...

    Happy holidays

  9. Yes, you too.

    I'm hugging everyone.


  10. 700 actually.

    Good to be back

    (Wall-E was awesome)

  11. Guess I haven't really noticed. :D

  12. You're the real one right?

  13. Fine thank you.

    Still haven't quite finished any of my CoT poems yet

  14. What? I thinlk I was on of the first. I just don't show it as much :P

  15. My heart, it hurts me so!

  16. Your coyness fills me with burning curiosity!

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