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Blog Comments posted by Javi

  1. well, up until yesterday, when it was confirmed it actually does...


    Did I miss that? :P


    Eh, it's hard unless you can get one of your lovers to have a good laid-back personality to clash with a more passionate/sappy personality for the other. That way, you can sorta balance the sappiness...

  2. i have one name and its got killer robots




    What went wrong with the Vahki?



    I was just about to ask.


    Eh, from what I still remember, there was a huge debate about whether what we were doing was "side-staffing" (for lack of better words, I really can't think of what people called it then). It was just a lot of controversy and fighting, I think.

  3. I might change mine to "Javi - I Am Legend". Because I don't want to sacrifice my name...but awesome fad, and I Am Legend was a great movie.


    Yeh, I'ma do it.


    Great. :)


    You gonna make the banner/av, or do you want me to?


    I'll take a bit of the load off your shoulders and make them myself tomorrow. :P

  4. You got a 5-star rating from me!


    -=< :s: >=-


    Yay. :D


    I read in the paper about a guy who was giving free hugs out, he shanked a guy who fell for it in the back.


    Ooh, next time I'm in town with my friends I'll have to try that. xD


    "Free hugs" would be a great way to pickpocket people.




    And that. >:]




    *hugs back*


    It went down to three stars. I have a hater. :P

  5. $65? Wow. Well, enjoy. :P

    Is that a good "Wow" or a bad "Wow"?


    I'm not sure. You're lucky you have that much money for a Bionicle set. :o Most I've ever been able to spend on a set was...maybe $40? No, wait, that was my friend's mother's money...:]

    Well, there's not much else possession-wise that I really want. You said in your blog that you want a MacBook and camera and such, so I would guess that you have other things to spend money on. I don't, at the moment.


    True, true. I'd probably be able to have a whole lot more Bionicle stuff if I didn't blow so much on music and all my other junk...:P

  6. Actually, I didn't mean it to be depressing. XD Personally, I find it highly encouraging that no matter how stupid-looking or crummy my drawing is... if I died, my parents would (hopefully) still treasure it just because it was made by me.


    ...I suppose that a rather morbid encouragement...


    You may carry on with your cheerful lives now. :P





    We have cheerful lives? boomface.png YOU DONT KNOW MEEEEE


    quickedit: Ooh, but if everything's limited edition/unique, that means that my songs might not be too amazing, but they're special. :D

  7. Touches are the best, aren't they? I've had one for a while now (and apparently so have you, judging by the date) and it's still awesome. I do recommend some quality screen protectors - I saw some military-grade clear covers over at Best Buy. Name's slipped my mind right now, but you should go check that out. It's $20, but it's got a lifetime guarantee. It sounds like you should let Best Buy put them on, though, because they leave bubbles easy.
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