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Argroh Valdios

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Everything posted by Argroh Valdios

  1. Argroh Valdios

    Gurren Lagann

    WHO THE heck DO YOU THINK YOU ARE! Yeah, epic as heck and GAR!
  2. Argroh Valdios


    Dances with Wolves in a Sci-Fi setting.
  3. for Christmas, I hope you GET MONSTER HUNTER I know, I've been going on for this for a while.
  4. great... Now get Phantasy Star Zero!
  5. Argroh Valdios


    Makes me wonder what ya gonna put on there, Alku.
  6. GET MONSTER HUNTER! That or if possible: Phantasy Star Zero
  7. Argroh Valdios

    Look Out!

    Proof that Staplers can be deadly.
  8. Argroh Valdios


    I has a bigger kitty.
  9. ey Czar, nice on all that lego collecting and stuff, but I have to request something from ya. Get this:
  10. I wonder what this could do?

  11. Argroh Valdios

    Throwbot Disks

    Nice collection ya got there, most of my old disks are either lost or been chewed up...
  12. Argroh Valdios

    Bbc 52

    Nice blaster you made there, wonder what kind it is, Direct Energy?
  13. Argroh Valdios


    congrads... here's some cute
  14. Strike Witches? wait... maybe not... ...Unless ya want to see Flying Magical Lolis that fight Aliens in an Alternate WWII inspired timeline... if so, prepare for "nosebleeds"
  15. Argroh Valdios

    Psp Game Ideas?

    also when it comes out: Phantasy Star Portable. it's practically a Action game with wireless co-op
  16. you know, this is a risk I will have to take, being super eurphoric if i win... and being severely damaged mentally if it is the other case...
  17. Argroh Valdios

    Death Note

  18. Argroh Valdios

    I <3 Gamestop

    oh yeah, that reminds me. that coin ya were talking about. I got for christmas.
  19. Alright, JACKPOT! now how to get my prize cash...
  20. Argroh Valdios


    oh, sry to say this Big-K, but I think I got a bigger HDTV
  21. Argroh Valdios

    Smash Bros. Rant

    well, all I can say is that people will be people, and gamestop (and EB games to you canadians) will eventally get the Demo for Brawl. oh, about widescreen support, how about you try and list some of the games that do have widescreen support. I can name one: F-Zero GX
  22. Argroh Valdios


    sry to say this Big-K, but even though I am in the states currently... all I had was one of thoes oven baked pizzas
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