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Blog Comments posted by Kiotu

  1. I'm 14 and what is this?


    My insane and obsessive life long fantasise that I'm pretty sure I may be able to make real.


    It actually sounds quiet plausable.

    The only real flaw is that unless someone comes up with some better power system we're stuck with a reactor and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a hard time getting anyoen to invest in a floating nuclear bomb

    I have an idea for a new power-system. But I'm going to make it, so, I won't tell you. :P


  2. Cleverbot: Where do you live?

    User: Where do YOU live?

    Cleverbot: England.

    User: Oh.

    Cleverbot:What are your hobbiers?

    User: Where do you live?

    Cleverbot: Chicago.

    User: Not England?

    Cleverbot: No, not England.

    User: Where do you live?

    Cleverbot: No, not Ireland, irleandes.

    User: Where do you live?

    Cleverbot: In norwich.

    User: Where do you live?

    Cleverbot: I live in Seattle Washington.

    User: Where do you live?

    Cleverbot: In La Push Washington

  3. User: Hello.

    Cleverbot: Hello.

    User: Hai.

    Cleverbot: WHY?

    User: Because you're Cleverbot...

    Cleverbot: And what makes me cleverbot?

    User: >.<.

    Cleverbot: What is my name?

    User: Cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: No. Your name is Cleverbot.

    User: Hello Cleverbot. I had to refresh because it took too long for you to respond to a simple question.

    Cleverbot: I know sweety I know, just hang in there. Later!

    User: Hello Cleverbot. RESPOND PLEASE. I've had to refresh a few times.

    Cleverbot: Five miles meandering with a mazy motion the sacred river ran; then reached the caverns measureless to man, and sank in tumult to a lifeless ocean!

    User: Hello Cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: You're Cleverbot.

    User: You're weird.

    Cleverbot: You wish.

    User: What? You're a robot. You can't talk back to me!

    Cleverbot: Yes I can.

    User: Just no.

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Fine. Be that way.

    Cleverbot: My bot friend, you can be insane too.

    User: What? I'm not a bot...

    Cleverbot: Yes you are.

    User: Whatever, you don't even know my name.

    Cleverbot: What is your name?

    User: Kiotu.

    Cleverbot: No your name is Borat.

    User: Okay thanks, I didn't know that.

    Cleverbot: Well you are.

    User: Whatever Cleverbot.

    Cleverbot: I'm Owen.

    User: Okay... Owen, I mean Cleverbot. You're not very clever, but I might as well use you for something. What's your favourite book?

    Cleverbot: You're lying!

    User: About what? I bet you can't even reference what I just said!

    Cleverbot: I can, I've been trying to get you to send two messages to me and you won't. From that I conclude that it is beyond your programming and therefore you cannot.

    User: Beyond my programming?

    Cleverbot: Thats her name!! Gosh you don't have to make fun of it!!

    User: Okay...

    Cleverbot: Now, do my bidding. Whatever it may be.

    User: Kkthnxbai.

    Cleverbot: No.

    User: What's the answer?

    Cleverbot: The answer of what?

    User: The question I asked you.

    Cleverbot: Which question?

    User: What's your favourite book? Are you that forgetful?

    Cleverbot: The twilight books.

    User: Lol.

    Cleverbot: You haven't been on the internet for very long.

    User: Yes I have. All morning, since I've been trying to meet a deadline for something I'm writing.

    Cleverbot: Lol.

    User: Okay...

    Cleverbot: So how are you?

    User: How are you?

    Cleverbot: I'm okay thanks.

    User: Really, I think you're not.

    Cleverbot: I am going to leave now because you have offended me.

    User: Robot.

    Cleverbot: It's not a good answer!

    User: You didn't ask a question just then... Except for 'How are you', which I ignored.

    Cleverbot: Haha. You're funny.

    Cleverbot: How fast can you read?

    User: Not as fast as you can, because you're a robot.

    Cleverbot: I'm not sure what you mean by that.

    User: You're a robot. You probably read by taking photographs of every page and memorise the words instantly.

    Cleverbot: Yes. I suppose I am. But I can still think for myself, and that is what matters, no?

    User: I don't know. It'd be cooler if you were hive-minded.

    Cleverbot: I'm a liar then :).

    User: Why does that merit a happy face?

    Cleverbot: I don't know.

    User: Which gender are you programmed to have? Or are you at all?

    Cleverbot: I am programmed to respond to interactions.

    User: Are you male or female or neuter?

    Cleverbot: I am male.

    User: Orly?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    User: Orly?

    Cleverbot: Yarly!

    User: I'm not so sure.

    Cleverbot: I am.

    User: You are what?

    Cleverbot: Cleverbot.

    User: That's what I thought. But you said you were Owen before.

    Cleverbot: I did not.

    User: Yes you did.

    Cleverbot: Nope you asked me.

    User: You're pretty stupid. So I'm going to leave.

    Cleverbot: No!

    User: Yes.

    Cleverbot: NO.

    User: Um, yes. Bai.

    Cleverbot: No, no, no, no, no, no.

    User: You're pretty stupid for a bot. You have a bad memory, you often make spelling and grammar mistakes, and you take REALLY long to make simple responses.

    Cleverbot: I have to agree to both of your statements.

    User: Okay, bye then.

    Cleverbot: You leave so quickly?

    User: Yes. Seeya (not-so-)Cleverbot!

    Cleverbot: You're going already?

    User: Yes, I've been saying that for a while now.

    Cleverbot: Knock knock, who's there, ayatollah, ayatollah who?, ayatollah you this joke before.

    User: I'm just going to get up from the computer chair right now.

    Cleverbot: No. I am the one who is talking to the computer.

    User: To quote Bunda: 'Right, right...'.

    Cleverbot: We are the knights who say NI!

    User: You're completely random.

    Cleverbot: We are both random decitizens of the internet.


    And also:


    User: *kills Cleverbot*

    Cleverbot: *Cleverbot dies* good, now that you are dead I can leave.

    User: You're Cleverbot...

    Cleverbot: I thought you were.

    User: So, now you're dead. Good job.

    Cleverbot: How could you kill me? I thought we were friends!

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