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The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf

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Everything posted by The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf

  1. I'd say you are about my age: 14-16.

    The Disousa

  2. Me too... Hmm... Why Pms, why... WRYYYYY! WRYYYYYYYYYYYY! The Disousa
  3. Klingon-English Oxford Dictionary: Live long and Prosper-I'm a Major Dork. Ok, that's from "Garfield at the Movies". Sue me. The Disousa You know, that could be true...
  4. Thanks for the wishes Turakii!

    The Disousa

  5. Thanks there, Macku! I appreciate what you commented in my page! ^_^

    The Disousa

  6. Thanks People!


    The Disousa

  7. Hey! I can read it! Except in between the first and the last words. Those are hard. The Disousa
  8. If I had a heart, I would agree. Since I fed it to the dog... Nah. Now to go find my brain... Here Fluffy... The Disousa
  9. I guess you know who I am... By tomorrow, I guess I'll be rank 2! The Disousa
  10. Ah, the play...

    The Play... I didn't do it yet. Not just yet. About in a week or two. I dunno.

    The Disousa

  11. Something weird just happened to me. I can't even Access the PM box... The Disousa
  12. I gotta love Kopaka's mask. He walks a Snow path full of rahi, and shoots them down with his gun. How fun. And Tanma: Freakin' Awesome. So does Kirop. And Antroz. The Soluk's mask is weird... I don't like it. The Disousa
  13. 15 reasons not to Post in a Blog. And a lot more to actually do it. And you could even get a blog entry with that! The Disousa
  14. If I could change my name, what would it be? Mr. Makuta If I had a pet squid, what would I name it? Bibbles. Or Bubbles. Or Burble. What's my catch phrase? Slap me in the Face and Call me Berlingo! What are my feelings right now? Wacky. What do I remind people of? Some kind of Alien Freak. What do I want to eat right now? Good Question. I'd say... Meat. What's my dream job? Graphic Designer. What do I think should be added to Bionicle? More Original Sets. And Mask Packs. What do I look for in a friend? Wackiness, Humor and Like what I like...ness.. If I made a speech before ten thousand people, what would it be about? Depends on what I was supposed to do. I wouldn't talk about Milk in a Anti-Milk Academy speech would I? What do I want to do next? What I want: Flash. What I have: Work. The Disousa
  15. Sure! As long as you give credit (I'm sure you would, I just have to say it ). In what capacity? I'm not planning on really revising this anymore, but I suppose that would be cool, about the pilgrim thing. Although 6 billion is a bit much, given that it's roughly the current population of the Earth and this takes place long before now, eh? That's the fun part. Load's'a people! And if this is a long time ago... How come there is Climbing Gear, drinking problems and Mountaoin Gear Books?! Just a thought... True, lol. But comics do that all the time -- I still say 6 million is too many... Six thousand? Times Yotta. Now go Figure that one out! Man, now I'm nervous. Go ahead -- and lemme know what parts draw laughs. If any. Wow... Short conversation... Just kidding! Sure, as long as you send me or post the changes (you can just email it to bonesiii@gmail.com or PM it to me). Just 'cuz I'm curious what you'd change. I will. I'll add the 6 billion people though! Ok, maybe thousand... *Grumble, Grumble...* The Disousa
  16. Wow... Weird Al is getting famous around here, in the depths of Turakki's profile and Blog... And it is all my fault.


    Oh, if you wonder what I mean, Turakki got to know Weirdy Alybuns because I told her. Hail me!


    The Disousa

  17. Sure! As long as you give credit (I'm sure you would, I just have to say it ). In what capacity? I'm not planning on really revising this anymore, but I suppose that would be cool, about the pilgrim thing. Although 6 billion is a bit much, given that it's roughly the current population of the Earth and this takes place long before now, eh? That's the fun part. Load's'a people! And if this is a long time ago... How come there is Climbing Gear, drinking problems and Mountaoin Gear Books?! Just a thought... On Assembly. In front of the whole school... He... I'll give credit, don't worry. And can I change it to have slight differences? Yeah, I'm probably asking a lot... He... So can I? The Disousa
  18. Awesome. Just Awesome. One thing that would be nice though, is when the many pilgrims thing comes in you should make him count: Pilgrim: 1, 2, 3... Oh! 6 Billion People!... And... May I actually ask my teacher to present this to the school? The Disousa
  19. Alien? Was that my great-great-great-Grandfather's uncle's neighbor's room mate's doctor's, friend's Pet's Alien? The Disousa
  20. Oh my god! NO DIET! I can finally melt my fat! Now, how do I melt my body's fat? The Disousa
  21. I'm Turakii's Friend...

    I'm Turakii's Friend...

    I'm Turakii's Friend uh, uh!

    I'm Turakii's Friend! Oh Yeah, oh Yeah!


    The Disousa

  22. Yay! A Comment!


    Yay! a Friend!

  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/Custom-Transformers-mo...1QQcmdZViewItem Now You can have your own Dewbot of mass destruction! Sold to the highest bid... And a 1... And a 2... And a 3, sold to the Shadow Titan named Makuta! The Disousa
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