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The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf

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Everything posted by The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf

  1. Oh... My... Grandma... I mean, you said you were around my age. You lied. You're not 169. Years old. You're 13. Or 14. Or [Etc...]. The Disousa
  2. Actually, I like to think of Toast as a Sunburned slice of bread. With butter. Or Jelly. But that's fine too. The Disousa
  3. Yoda you speaking are. Speaking Yoda am I. You so are. Seriously now: Uh? The Disousa
  4. NO you didn't, Norik's Prophecy. My sig is also Invisible, and the colour is also different. Ha! H- *Punch´d!!* The Disousa -------------------- <<Credit to Syn My Adoptable Kit|The Red Star|My One Year Celebration|My Entry in BBC #42 If you eat a Plant, you eat a Vegetable, Let it dry first and you'll become a horse.
  5. I managed it! Or... Not... You can't see me! Ha! Ha! Ha! H- Yeah. So you can't see me. How convenient. You know I could stay here doing bad stuff, throwing rotten apples at you and you wouldn't see me. Ha! Ha! H- Dang, this is annoying. To answer to you my fellow Invisible colleague Turakki, My most annoying song is... "Yoda". Weird Al Yankovik. THAT GUYE ROCKS! Whoot! Go Weird Al! And to your seccond question: Logic. Look: Eye of the Turkey > Turkey Eye [One of your nicknames, so says your site] > Turakki [Your Name] Ha! Ha! H- SOMEBODY STOP ME! So I solved it. Ha! H- SOMEBODY PUNCH ME! H- *PUNCH!* Ouch... H- *PUNCH´D!* I WAS GONNA SAY "HOW"! Oh, Forget it. Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy Scruffy... EDIT: Whoops, Wrong colour... The Disousa -------------------- <<Credit to Syn My Adoptable Kit|The Red Star|My One Year Celebration|My Entry in BBC #42 If you eat a Plant, you eat a Vegetable, Let it dry first and you'll become a horse.
  6. Wow... I-I-- I have no words to describe such kind words. I'm speechless... You make me feel honored, Greg. Real Honored. You make feel guilty of the... Vahi Incident... On that other Forum. Thank you. Greg. The Disousa
  7. You play WoW? Wow... I prefer Strarcraft though. It's got cooler stuff. I might be getting Heroes of Might and Magic though. One week of Vacation? You diserve much more Greg! You really do. Like... 2 Weeks. Ok, that's not MUCH more, but still... And... Stuff. Can't think of a closing note. Bah. The Disousa
  8. Hey! That's copying! Sporky, Atack! The Disousa PS: The geography is not correct. You should always Subtract the country, not equal it!
  9. No... No... NO!!! It can't be, my buddy, my best buddy... LIVES! Why! Why her! Tell me wh-y-y-y! *Cries* Why-y-y... Why didn't you tell me? why? How could you! You... You... Living! --- *Gets Idea* Eureca! Uh... Eureqa... Ugh... Eureeka... Eu-Eurek-no, Youre-No... *Mumbles, mumbles* I know! Try not to find wood, so that you freeze to death! I helped! The Disousa
  10. Olá Amigos! [That's... Portuguese.] Well... Uh? Um... Nh... Mh... What? Oh! I get it! ... No I don't... Why am I writing in Paragraphs? ...And stuff? As for your second question... ...I believe that he drank gasoline... ...Which caused him to jump. ...And burn to death. And I'm still talking in paragraphs. And when you tap-dance on the stove, you should always wear protection goggles and fake nails... ...It helps... ...And stuff. How many times have I said "And Stuff"?... ...2... ...And stuff... ...3. I should stop. And S-- The Disousa
  11. 1. The whole works of Bethoven in descending order, inverted, remixed with "Caught in a Dream". 2. The same thing, although you add the whole of Bach's works. 3. The "Don't click here or the Computer will A-Splode" one. Everytime I click it my computer coes boom, and I haven't figured out why... 4. Yes! Most definetelly. 5. Good question... You have to get some maths for that one. BOOK = SPORKY *Therefore:* KOOB = YKROPS *Therefore:* OBKO = OPSYRK *Therefore:* (B - O)^O x (K^S) = P + O^RK x Y *Therefore:* BOOKS = PORKY *Therefore:* I have no Idea. *Skipping to Solution:* 3^X The Disousa
  12. Why... That's brilliant! You have found out a secret greater than Where Matoran Conme from! Greater than how to mix pizza and an Elephant in a pleasant smelling TV! Congratulations! The Disousa
  13. First of all, remember I had a few accidents last time I tried to contact my inner bionicle. *Is it really a proble if my heart is not beating? Seriously? Cuz mine is not. Never. What? I'm dead for god's sake!* *Wich one will I choose? Oh, I like the one with the Mata Nui carvings on... Maybe I'll buy that one... Oh, look! this one has a promotion! "Buy one Get none free! For double the Price!" I'm definetly buying this one. "If you're not totally satisied, buy a new one!" Yup, I'm buyin' it.* *Ok, steady... Steady, AAAGH!!! AAAGH!!! AAAGH!!! AAA-- *Thunk!* Outsh... Oh, wook! A Quawwy!* *A hand full of sand... *Throws* *Inhal---* Aagh! the pain the Pain! I can't breathe I can't bre-- Wait... I Don't breathe...* *I'll get a sharpy and pointy rock. I got cut and scratched in the thorn bush, so It won't Hu-- AAGH! AA! AAH!* * *Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Catch**Throw* *Catch* *Throw* *Fall on Toes* WAAAAAAAGH WAAH! AGH! MY TOES HAVE BEEN CUT OFF! AAGH!* *Old Godzilla was hoppin' around, Tokio city like a big Playground when suddenly batman burst -- Oh, it isn't appropriate? Ok then. But how in the world can I dance with broken legs?* *I feel brown allright... FROM ALL THE DIRT! But yellow... Only if I got sick from the dust inhaling...* * *Takes shoes* *Kicks R--* Yeeouch! Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch... *Falls* WaaaAAGH! AAAAAAAGH! AAA-- *Thunk!* * * *Gets Rock* *Thunk* Yowch! *Thunk* Yowch! I ROCKS! BUT I HURTS!* And now, since I'm a Toa of Air ad Stone: GLADHAPPY MUCHTIME GRASSPLANT AND BOULDERROCK TOAGUY! BUT IT PAINHURTS MY HURTBODY! IT REALLYSERIOUSLY BADHURTS MY PAINBODY! A LOTMUCH! AAGH! And now, I'm a true Toa of air and Stone. Back at the hospital, but still a Toa Of Air and Stone. The Disousa
  14. Ka-Ching! It's Back! And you still have your 1003 posts in CoT! The Disousa PS: Dang, I can't stop listening to Weird Al's White and Nerdy...
  15. WHAT?!??!? Did you just call me a real, living, flesh-and-blood person, who is still breathing and thinking on a reasonably sane note!??!?!? How dare you? 1. I'm not real. 2. I'm not living. 3. I almost have no flesh, and because I'm dead I have no pulse, therefore NO BLOOD! 4. I also don't breathe! 5. A REASONABLY SANE NOTE? HOW DARE YOU! You- You-- *Insert rudeness* *Or not* *Really, don't* *It would be bad for you* *Stop* 6. I have nothing to add. Hey, nurse! Bring me a Brain! this one's rotting away already, AND IT SMELLS! *Nurse Faints* The Disousa
  16. Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa is Portuguese. Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa isn't alive. Little Known Member Fact: Turakki sometimes has no inspiration! Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa is not really a Werewolf. Little Known Member Fact: The Disousa knows most of the Star Wars Alien Species' Names. The Disousa
  17. Hm... I dunno. maybe my brother has it, I'll ask when he comes back. The Disousa
  18. *Thinks* *Ouch! My feet!* *Hug* *Hug* *Dance* *OUCH! AAH! OOH! WAAGH! SAVE ME!* *Aah... Whoa, WHOA! *Thunk!!* Ouch...* *Yes, I'm turning green... FROM FALLING HEAD FIRST ON THE GRASS 5 AND A HALF TIMES BECAUSE I FAINTED!* *Ouch, my head... Why am I doing this anyway? I'm already totally covered with green!* *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *cough* AAAAAGH! Ack, Aack! AAACK!* *Kowabunga! *Crack* MY LEGS! MY POOR LEGS! THEY HUUURT! AAGH! MY LEEEEGS!* *GLADHAPPY MUCHTIME GRASSPLANT TOAGUY! BUT IT PAINHURTS MY BREAKLEGS! IT REALLYBAD PAINHURTS my BREAKLEGS!* Ok, I now feel like a true Toa of Air. In the hospital, but still a Toa of Air. The Disousa
  19. That's "Gibberish" by Relient K. I win a trophy! The Disousa Yours is Mountain Dew flavored. Mountain Dew? Lemme tas- Oh, the terror! It tastes horrible! I'm gonna die, I'm gonna dieee... Tell my Dog I like *Cough* Ch- Cheese... Can I have some more? Oh the terror! It tastes horrible! I'm gonna die, I'm gonna dieee... Tell my Dog I like *Cough* Ch- Cheese... Whoo! A Mountain Dew Flavoure trophy... Oh the terror! It tastes horr- Have I said this already? The Disousa
  20. Wel, I guess I'll join. The Disousa
  21. Hic... Hic... Hickitty Huc Huc, Hickitty Hic, Huc, Hickey, Huc, Hic-hic Huckitty, Huckitty, Huc... Huc... Huc... Hic-Huc, Hucky Huc Huck. Hickey, Hickey, Hickey Huc Huc. Hic, Hickins, Huc-Huck Hickitty Hick-Huc Hoick-a-Hoickitty Hoic-Huc Hockinns... Freestile hiccupping! That's my way of showing happyness. And Crapar's my favourite too! The Disousa
  22. I'm not sure... *Smack* Hey! No, No, don't do that! [read backwards]*Smackitty, Smack, Smack* Would you mind not doing that? *Smack* Carapar! You obnoxious little creature! Come back he... *Smack*... Ouch. Can't... Hold... On... No... More... *Smack, Smack, Dies* Ahg. I'm not alive anyways. *Smack* WOULD YOU CUT IT WITH THE SQUID THROWING!? Carapar: So... I believe I am. Now... *Smack* AAHRGH!!!! *Carapar get's ripped to shreds, and there's plastic bits all over the room* Me: Yummy. Crab. So, yes. I am ready for the Ellipses. Only... *Smack* Uh... How come? *Carapar Corpse raises behind me...* OK! Let's cut it with the storytelling. Yes, I'm ready. The Disousa
  23. It's all preety ingenious untill you look at the tail: A piece ruiner. It ruins the pieces too much for me. They then break easier. But the MoC it's self is preety cool! Specially the wings. The Disousa
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