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The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf

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Everything posted by The Disousa: The Undead Werewolf

  1. Why am I not on your Friends list? You ARE my best buddy anyway...

    The Disousa

  2. 15 Hours and 06 Minutes? Man, I wish I had a Vahi... I hate Chainmail. Once my art teacher sent me mone... The Disousa
  3. Is it me, or is Alexander looking at Jane? lovely cordak couple. It's the first time I see a homicidal suicide Missile couple. Maybe there will be Cordak babies! The Disousa PS: And Baby Cordak Launchers!
  4. IT IS ME! I steal all those Vahi and replace them with shiny-new-spiky-and-awesomely-looking-golden-mostly-powerless-big-mouthed-Masks called Avohkii! I now have... 36746 masks. Some Lost, some I'll get soon, but at least 25346 I have in my possession right now! And yours Turkey, is right next to... Omicron's I guess. So I have these organized in Betaalphical Order. Maybe you are wondering how I get all those Avohkii... I steal them again! And replace them with Huna! And the cycle repeats with Rahkshi Heads and then with Olmak, followed by a Faxon. Phear mee! So pay attention to your masks, the minute you blink... Puff! It's gone! EDIT: Don't believe Takatu! He is just pretending to be me! Do not listen to him! [thought]No... wait... He might be a good distraction...[/thought] No! Wait! DO beieve him! Really! I'm an Imposter! The Silencer, Signing off! PS: Muahahaha!
  5. Gadunka flew onto a hot railway, ending up in an underwater fireplace, so it slept and dug into a rtock, ending up in Macku's pie. It makes a lot of sence if you look at it this way. The Disousa
  6. [Zombie]Chinchilas are your Friends... Must Make Chinchilas Implode... Must be a Chinchila... *Implodes*[/Zombie] So... Zomie Monkeys and Imploding chinchilas. That's... weird. Just like that flying Elephant over there. The Disousa
  7. ComWHAT? At last! Old BIONICLE is coming back! thanks *Person taking care of us in heaven. Or Lego people. Or People that work at Lego.* Yes! The Disousa
  8. *Snoooooore...* *Snoooooore...* *Snoooooort...* The Dis-ou... *Snoooore...*
  9. Napkins: The paper of love to Barakki. And these are Patriotic Papers. The Disousa
  10. Nay! Use ay Pirate accent old matey! Pirate accent beats yer scurvy dog English accent! Arrg... The Disousa
  11. Yay! Your Premier...i...ty Is back! And that's good. And recently I myself wrote a love letter. Or E-Mail actually... But a true one. How romantic... Writing in Napkins... The Disousa
  12. I'm trying to keep calm here. I almost can't. Really. If you consider this toy stupid and dumb don't buy it. But blaming Greg, an outstang person, a jolly guy, an excelent writer for... Working with bionicle, then blame all of us. Every single puny little living creature that likes or works for Bionicle. If you hate it, go ahead, don't buy it. But don't blame Greg for the actions of Bullies. Blame them. Not liking Bionicle and saying it is stupid would be as bad as being the bullies themselves. What would your brother say if he saw this? He would see you blaming Greg. He'd hate you for it. He really would. You have no Idea who he is, you never heard from him and you've not even tried to. So if you are going to keep blaming Lego and specially Greg: Think twice. You're as bad as the bully that beat the (Sorry for the use of the following word) ###### out of your brother. You are hurting your and millions of people's feelings. Your brother's too. So think twice. And DON'T YOU DARE EVER, BLAME ANYTHING RELATED TO THIS ON GREG YOU UNDERSTAND ME? UH? Sorry, couldn't contain myself. Do you even know what Bionicle is about? Do you even know who... Tahu is? Or Karzahni? Or the most famous character of all, Mata Nui? Have you tried to understand what the story is about? Have you? Tried to understand how Takua got the Avohkii, how the MAsk of Life can save Mata Nui, or how Greg writes the story? No. Then TRY! Try to see OUR point of view for once. OUR way of thinking, and stop being such a #####! Such a single minded #####! I really envy your brother's courage. He is a swell guye, and I'd like to meet him. To have the guts to confront someone in that way, saying "I like Bionicle!", to admit he likes 6 year old toys. He is trully brave. Now, I don't normally like to have arguments like this, but I couldn't stop it. I can't take people like that. So single minded, they don't think! THINK YOU DUMB CREATURE! THINK! Do you think it is GREG'S Fault? Then it is your fault the A-Bomb fell on Hiroshyma and Nagasaki because you live on the Earth. Just like the people that launched them did. Did you want it to happen? No. But it did. Did Greg want your brother scarred and with a broken collar bone? No. It's the same thing. Exact same thing. *Deep Breath* The Disousa
  13. P'Theros The Slayer Dead Person The Slayed ( ) The Disousa, The Undead Werewolf ( ) Rhath The Phantom Jabba The Hutt ( ) K-Har Mnemmamoth G'tan The Disousa (The Undead Werewolf)
  14. Someone died in my house Too! ... ... *Suspense... Whoo!* ... ... ... ... ... *Again... Whoo!* ... ... ... ENOUGH ALREADY! ... ...Me. The Disousa
  15. Boom Boom Boomm Boom! It's time to Play the drums!! It's time to Row the Boat! It's time to get things ready, The Muppets are going afloat! It's time to put on Sunscreen! It's time to dress up right! It's time to get things ready, The Muppets are leaving tonight. Why did we have to come here? I guess we are afloat! It's like a kind of torture, To have to row the boat! Boom Boom Boom Boom! *Restarts* The Disousa
  16. Hey! That's today! NOOOOOOO! I thought you had a permanent Premier Membership... The Disousa
  17. I'll buy three! Whoo... A Pop-Up Window! "It's bouncy! It's zany! It fits in the palm of your hand? Yes! It's the new Bouncee-Ball! Just throw it--- and it comes right back! Amazing! No batteries! No cords! No frustrating recharging! Just throw--- and catch! A worldwide wonder, sure to keep the kids entertained for hours, and yours for only 22.93! But wait--- call now and receive a second, slightly smaller Bouncee-Ball, free! That's right! Two Bouncee-Balls, and for only three easy payments of 11.99 plus shipping and handling! Wow! But that's not all! Order this minute, and we'll include a handy carrying case to take entertainment wherever you go! So you get two Bouncee-Balls, and the carrying case absolutely free! Bouncee-Ball, a novelty no kid can resist--- call now!" I'd never heard of this! I'll buy 4! Hey ANOTHER Pop-Up window... "It's bouncy! It's zany! It fits in the palm of your hand? Yes! It's the new Bouncee-Ball! Just throw it--- and it comes right back! Amazing! No batteries! No cords! No frustrating recharging! Just throw--- and catch! A worldwide wonder, sure to keep the kids entertained for hours, and yours for only 22.93! But wait--- call now and receive a second, slightly smaller Bouncee-Ball, free! That's right! Two Bouncee-Balls, and for only three easy payments of 11.99 plus shipping and handling! Wow! But that's not all! Order this minute, and we'll include a handy carrying case to take entertainment wherever you go! So you get two Bouncee-Balls, and the carrying case absolutely free! Bouncee-Ball, a novelty no kid can resist--- call now!" Oh! Brilliant! I'd never have thought of thaat! I'll buy 5! The Disousa
  18. *Devours Chtulu... Clchulu... Cltuchlo... OH YOU GET THE POINT! I devour Cht... That guy from his insides.* You know, devouring people is very rude. You should ask first. I'd say yes anyway. The Disousa
  19. "Die fould Mortal Ads! Crumble into the shadows that bind Chaos and Evil! Crumble before the mightyness of Browser-Page-Blocker-Thigy-Like-Things! Rest in Chaos, rest in an Eternal and Dark Nightmare! DIE!" The Book of Browsers, 7:15 Ahem. The Disousa
  20. My dad can go get my slippers when I ask, and can play fetch already. Dad, SIT! *Dad waves paw* Dad, Stay! *Dad waves paw* Dad, Play dead! *Dad waves paw* Dad, Bite! *Dad bites* Yeeowch! The Disousa
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