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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Nice AC entry ^^ Hows it going?

  2. Nice to see you dropping by my profile again ^^ Sup?

  3. Nice...I dont pay attention to that anymore though. XD

  4. No Alpha, you are weird. With W. ^^ Not creepy.

  5. No, the OTHER left! Quick, turn, turn that machine round, are you trying to kill us all!?


  6. No! You shall not feast on me! Away foul demon!

  7. Nö. bin ich nicht.

  8. Nono, I mean Killzone 2 ^^

  9. Nono! I just meant to say :) There is nothing wrong with your timing JMJ :) Do not worry.

  10. Nope the otherone, concerning, uncontrollable, passionate craving for somebody. Hint: 4 letters.

  11. Nope, same in every style ^^

  12. Nope...already through with that. Darn we haven't talked in a long time, haven't we? ^^

  13. Not everybody knows humility when people apollogize. Learned that the hard way when I was younger.

  14. Not too much fun, but yes, it keeps me busy...-.-

  15. Nothing much, but I am starting to form and shape the ideas for BK right now to get the first story arc to a conclusion before the next step.

  16. Nothing much. Fighting boredom ^^

  17. Now what goggleman might that be? ^^

  18. Nürburgring? :P

    Gosh I love my keyboard!

  19. nuthin Anna....I have been ot my grannies place! And I missed AHC end...

    ah well

    I have two Mahri and Gadunka. They are really worth it

  20. Nuthin' much, how bout'ya?

  21. obviously not here. stupid busyness....

  22. Of course I mean you, though i dont know where Toa of Kenn is from. I sure hope to win too...that would be way to awesome!

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