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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. "in a galaxy not so very far away."
  2. I can't shoot them anymore.
  3. It's getting dark, too dark to see
  4. Well then it is cool, I agree :)

  5. Too true. Things start to get realy complicated though when I don't even know what's wrong.

  6. Twice. Sucks big time.

  7. It depends on the others, really. Some just are not interested in forgiving and showing humility. But mostly that applies to non-friends.

  8. 9 days of School left. Then I am out and only need to study for the finals. Finally! Finally! Freedom! Plus Summer is supposedly coming... Plus I found out something interesting today.
  9. Not everybody knows humility when people apollogize. Learned that the hard way when I was younger.

  10. Wait and see what happens. Maybe the girl that likes you turns out to be better then one you have crush on. Propably you will realize whom you really feel for one morning when you wake up or something like that.
  11. Your new Av is scaring me...

  12. Yuuuuuck....but for that, look at my entry a little time back.
  13. Other times I had to learn though that our ego is sometimes a fortress that can prevent further damage if the humility doesn't work.

  14. Vezok's Friend


    And once again I am amazed that just because we like Bionicle some people insist on calling us childish. I met more mature people here then out there.
  15. I try to, normally...sometimes I fail though...>_

  16. Vezok's Friend


    My parents carved that message into my 4 walls. That comment propably sounded a little more bragging then I wanted it to. My apollogy.
  17. I am not very good at this humility thing, I know.

  18. Vezok's Friend


    Written truth. Do I have permission to spray that on every wall from here to the Côte D'azur?
  19. No. Not an actual saying, just a songtitle by R.E.M. Anyway. I was looking through the basement a few days ago and found my dads old guitar. Or not his guitar, just a guitar we owned. Anyway, I tuned it with some help and maybe if I invest enough time I can actually learn to strum a little. It's just more difficult to switch chords then I initially thought. And before any of those of you who actually play guitar for real feel inclined to give me tips: I've really just barely started. ^^ Anyway, keep save everyone (yes. Everyone.)
  20. Well at least Boba and Jango are seen together in the second movie. ^^
  21. Breath in...breath ou...breath in...breath out...and then step onto the stage ^^
  22. Pity that side of them is never shown in any of the movies.
  23. Like Ordo found out in the cantina, yes it hurts ^^
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