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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. I know what that's like, espescially between 8pm and midnight my time, cause that's when all the european kids go offline here and all the american ones are still in the middle of the day, so not many people are online.
  2. Vezok's Friend


    Hey, I'm nobody too!
  3. Hmmm...Isn't is supposed to be warmer outside? More friendly, open? Sun shining, couples walking in the park? Instead it has been raining more or less constantly since Monday evening. Thank goodness I have my moms car right now. Otherwise I propably would have caught another cold already if I had to ride my bike now. 6 days left in school...I still haven't really realized that it'll be over...
  4. Glad to see some things turn out good for a change
  5. Vezok's Friend


    Since we are the grad-students in our school at the moment, we get to do all sorts of crazy things. Highly distrubing at times ( like today, boy dressed up as girls and vice versa) but darn entertaining. We get to play music over the speakers too sometimes ^^ Very awesome.
  6. Phew....that seems like an intense game
  7. I didn't have time to read through the whole thing, but I gave it a quick scan and I am impressed how thorough you covered everything ^^ That is a very good basic "how-to" guide and will propably help a lot of people. I think I'll add a link to my sig ^^
  8. Once upon a time you dressed so fine You threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you? People'd call, say, "Beware doll, you're bound to fall" You thought they were all kiddin' you You used to laugh about Everybody that was hangin' out Now you don't talk so loud Now you don't seem so proud About having to be scrounging for your next meal. How does it feel How does it feel To be without a home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone? You've gone to the finest school all right, Miss Lonely But you know you only used to get juiced in it And nobody has ever taught you how to live on the street And now you find out you're gonna have to get used to it You said you'd never compromise With the mystery tramp, but now you realize He's not selling any alibis As you stare into the vacuum of his eyes And ask him do you want to make a deal? How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone? You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns When they all come down and did tricks for you You never understood that it ain't no good You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat Ain't it hard when you discover that He really wasn't where it's at After he took from you everything he could steal. How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone? Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made Exchanging all kinds of precious gifts and things But you'd better lift your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe You used to be so amused At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal. How does it feel How does it feel To be on your own With no direction home Like a complete unknown Like a rolling stone? "Like A Rolling Stone"-Bob Dylan
  9. GN'R? ok. How 'bout: Oooooohhhhh, yeeeaaahh, hey, hey, heyhey, yeah!
  10. ^^ Show me somebody who doesn't do that from time to time.
  11. True. But how did we end up talking about dystopian societies when my entry was more about dealing with current real life ?^^
  12. Vezok's Friend


    Done before, will do it again.
  13. Danke, DUMMKOPF Naaaaaah. Wrong. Sing: DUMMKOPF Plrl: DUMMKÖPFE
  14. Whoa...awesome! ^^ I wil have something to read then over my springbreak (we start late here with that)
  15. Usually I am not the jealous type but...GAAAAAHAHHHHHHH, take me as your onboard luggage! I can fit in the overhead compartment!
  16. I start to think the internet can transmit more then just bugs for computers...oO
  17. Actually quite the paradoxon if you think about it...if we're all dead, how will we know?
  18. I feel I'm knockin' on heavens door
  19. After...thousands of years bashing each others heads in, I am sure people wouldn't buy a suddenly perfect world.
  20. Isn't that what Agent Smith explained in the Matrix? That the first one was a perfect happy place, but that the people wouldn't buy it?
  21. Definately dystopian. And I wouldn't want soma in any future scenario.
  22. That...that's deep, very deep stuff right there my friend And true. I am just a little scared that we might end up in a utopian society like the ones we talk about in english major classes here...
  23. Is there a way to turn back time? Or to teleport? I am in desperate need of a Vahi right now. Or an Olmak. Ignika wouldn't be bad either. I'd right a lot of wrongs. (Mine included) Seems life just doesn't work that way, does it, eh? I recall a time where I was pretty blue-eyed, but I was taught better. I guess in the end it all just comes down to how you deal with it. One can dwell in self-pity (or sadness or whatever it is you feel when you fail big-time) or suck it up and move on. And as a quick word of advice: The first option ranks right along emotional suicide. So better get all stuff together and start walking again. Because bad things happen no matter what. And sometimes your best just isn't good enough. And for those of you who think it is: Do not put yourselves on a pedestal just because you are convinced for some reason you are better. Because one day, sooner or later, your little tower of ego will crack. And then it's all about how you handle beeing no better then the rest, having the same flaws when you fall down back into the puddle. And do not blame or judge people only because they are human. And try not to give advice that you yourself can't follow. Or at least, try to follow it yourself if you give it. And no, I am not upset, depressed, angry, vengeful, spiteful, jealous, sad or anything right now. I've just done a lot of thinking lately. I suggest you do the same from time to time. Take an hour and reflect on where you are, where you want to be, what you got to do to get there, and where you need to improve and then do it. I am pretty sure everyone has an area where he/she can improve.
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