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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Vezok's Friend
    Hey everybody,
    I know it's been quiet again for a few days. Which has mostly to do with the fact that I'm working on the usual secret stuff. BUT, today I can give you a heads up for something, if you have access to British television!

    When I applied for the job, the Channel 4 TV crew were with us at the recruitment workshop, documenting the journey of my colleague Justin from application to starting the job. Normally these recruitment workshops are not open to the public, so if you want to see more of what goes on at one, check this out on Sunday. There is also a bit of footage of yours truly.
    Hope this satisfies the curiosity a little!
  2. Vezok's Friend
    Yay ^^ My very very last exams in Maths and German have come and passed and I think I did a decent job. 
    So now there only remain 5 subjects to study for from now on, and two of them I can do single-handedly.
    No news on Art however. I've been drawing stuff, but not colouring. Might take till the weekend before I decide to do that.
    Just little updates. I'll see you guys around
  3. Vezok's Friend
    You may talk like yer part'o some cut-throat blackhearts-crew, but let me tell all you landlubbers a lil' secret: 
    I could actually set sail!
    For now, enjoy yer Pirate-talkin' day. May the wind be in your sails and no Jolly Roger on the horizon. Except for yours!
  4. Vezok's Friend
    Hey y'all! It's VF, reporting from CJ's Basement! I would love to write more, but I am dead tired. But since today was the season finale of Supernatural I thought I'd leave you a little treat. Because this is what happens when two crazy BZPers stick their heads together:

  5. Vezok's Friend
    So today I went to take my physical examination for the german army (aka, "Bundeswehr"). Rather, I was ordered there. Some people decide not to show up and the MP picks them up at home, so it's better to follow the "invitation". The people (except for the doctor) were all nice there.
    Anyway. The examination turned out to classify me as "T2" which is the second best result one can get there. Means I am physically fit and intelligent enough so they want me as a soldier for the reserve army. I still have a choice to do civil service, I haven't decided yet though. Old peoples homes or youth hostels are not something i want to do...
    Service would be 9 months (3 months for the grunts, then 6 months in either the airforce, navy or army).
    I can voluntarily extend my service, but apparently that is connected to the duty to be in an abroad mission, which means if I stayed in the armed forces longer then 9 months I'd be so lucky to go to Afghanistan, Kosovo or some other nice warzone -.- Currently that's not really something I fancy.
    I got some suggestions where they might put me into service if I join: Artillery, Parachute, MP, truckdriver, aircraft maintenance, some office or a plain grunt soldier.
    Anyway, so this is the result of today...
  6. Vezok's Friend
    Our current project until January is plastilin modelling a creature. We're only into the second week of it and the things each of us is working on are coming along nicely. Of course the tables are only filled with conversations about wonky proportions, internet meme's and geeky game-talk  
    And here's my pet for the project. Ain't he cute!? ^^
    Oh and it is snowing again! <3
    Drive safely everyone!
  7. Vezok's Friend
    HAL, my trusty Laptop is injured. Injured, because it is not a software but a hardware problem. He doesn't like lateral movement much these days. To make it short: Something is up with the display connection to the boards inside, either with the connection to the graphiccard or with the cable itself. There is no data-loss and everything is still performing well but it quite frustrating to have your screen fail on you just because you lifted the Laptop up so the SD-slot was easier to access.
    So I called the company, I'm still in the warranty period and just traveling a lot is not a good argument for bad treatment of a laptop because...well, because that is what you do with Laptops, you take them with you.
    Today they are going to come to pick it up. Shipping and repair is usually taking up to a week, according to the guy from support.
    Which means this: This week, my ability to be online and to work on my art is severely compromised. I will try to keep up here and in other places but I'll be rare.
    The week after, I'll be on holiday. I do not know wether or not I will have the laptop then but I prolly won't take it with me.
    Long story short: Don't expect to see me much the next two weeks. Though I will try to be around.

  8. Vezok's Friend
    I really hate starting this blog-entry with "I". I noticed a while back I often fall back to comparing things people blog, post and such with things that have happened or are happening to me or with myself personally. I don't know why I'm doing it and I feel it just comes across as egotistical.
    That is completely unintentional and a stupid habit and I'm working on that issue.
    Enough personal drama for the night. Back to RPing, working on a shirt-design and a banner, a painting, a webcomic...
  9. Vezok's Friend
    Today was interesting...especially the frontpage news on the possibility of Bionicle returning sometime in the future. What struck me funny though is the attitude some people have developed on the topic. I get it that some people say the main-story is done and so is the whole thing, I also understand why some want to see it return or continue. (Obviously because it's one of the coolest things Lego has come up with.)
    I also can understand why people dislike HF. It's a replacement as far as Lego-action-figures go, but not in story. Personally I think it has some cool aspects.
    But one opinion that stood out to me was the one that says those wanting Bionicle to come back are too concerned with a simple toyline and should move on and that Bionicle should in fact not return, ever.
    So let me get this straight: You say that the members of a Bionicle fansite are too concerned with Bionicle?
    Great job Sherlock! If that is your stand on things why are you still here?
    I would go into picking this apart in-depth but It'd get kind of mean and I don't want to rant. So let me make this short:
    Different people will have different opinions. It is ok to voice your opinion on something.
    Wanting everybody else to share that opinion of yours is not.
    And to throw in some extra wisdom:
    Bionicle is over now. Get over it.
    Bionicle might come back. Get over it.
  10. Vezok's Friend
    It's the time of the year where I am part of the small marching group responsible for entertaining little kids with well-known songs about the roman soldier who gave a poor man half of his cloak.
    Quite a nice time to have ^^
    On the more serious side of life, with the last exams JUST beeing over since a week, the next phase starts again NEXT week -.- Because they shortened the schedule and crammed the stuff of a full year into 3/5 of it. It'll be stressfull until April 4th, then the stud and final period will begin. And around June I will finaly be done with school...it's time for a long holiday after that.
  11. Vezok's Friend
    Whoever thought of calling the "Brotherhood assist move" in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood that is genious! 
    I should seriously drop by Ubisoft Montreal while I am here and thank them personally or something
  12. Vezok's Friend
    Arnie is getting his own Cartoon now? Nice! The world kinda needs a classic action hero these days, even if he is out of his prime and animated. XD
    Back on topic: I have returned from my vacation. In fact it has been over for a week now but I simply haven't found the time to talk about what's going on at the moment. Up until now.
    March is one of the coolest months of the year, traditionally. It used to be the month when the new Bionicle sets would be available everywhere over here too. But it is also the months new Videogames hit the market, here and internationally.
    And when Crysis2 and Assassin's Creed Brotherhood both arrive within the same week and both in the form of pre-ordered special editions, you can bet there are bound to be some sleepless nights.
    I already have a reputation as a Crysis/AC/ME fanboy in my college. And Crysis 2 did nothing to ease that. Meaning it is a darn good game!
    There are some downsides, as there are to anything.
    As for AC:B, I haven't played it yet, though it is just waiting. I decided to go back to the start and replay the whole AC story, starting with the first game again and then working my way up to Brotherhood. Just like we're all prolly going to reread Harry Potter before Summer, eh?
    College has picked up speed after the first semester went by relatively easily, except for that one paper we had to write near the end. (Still don't have the grade for that, but our profs tend to take things slow.)
    But the thing is, after we've successfully put together a point&click adventure last semester which earned the whole course a straight A, we've moved on to smaller teams that will work on a 2D game this semester.
    I am involved in a very motivated and quite funky group and we're making good progress. My job is to design the villains for our game and I have come up with a few nice concepts too.
    This also means I now have some experience concerning the process of designing a game. And it is a complex one.
    So the next time you feel like the Designers of a game we're deliberately messing up a game you like or you were unhappy about something, remember that it is a HUGE workload done by a limited number of people working very close to a schedule and as much as they want to make the best game possible, not every idea works out.
    Now this project is mostly done in the afternoon and our free time. But classes are fun too. We've begun with small-time programming and we've been taught how to make a small ball bounce around in a window. It was fun and I can see how some people love putting objects into motion with the power of math and words.
    In addition to all the game-playing and game-designing I am still working on my personal art and I am happy to announce that with my return I have decided to start drawing a small web-comic with hopefully one issue a week. So far five of them are sketched out, but without a website I can not really release them yet. However I might upload them on maj until that gets resolved.
    I will not, however, link to it anywhere here on BZP as it will deal with topics that go beyond what is allowed here. It is not an adult comic though and the cast will feature a man-shark and LK's cat.
    As for my serious art, I have done a few sketches the last few weeks but most of my time has gone into a painting that was supposed to be done before the holiday.
    Where I've been? I was off skiing in Austria with my parents and their friends. We've had the most amazing weather and I will definitely post a picture or two once I find time to upload them.
    So, now that I am back I'll take up the usual business. Most likely I'll hang around Artwork I and of course the BZPRPG. I wouldn't want EW, Friar and the others have all the fun by themselves now, right?
    So, I'll see you around and I hope you are all safe, the world's quite busy these days.
    Keep cool everybody!
  13. Vezok's Friend
    This is for you peeps who know my BZPRPG characters.
    After the great success of the Agni piece, I took the project to the next step. All the characters currently in existance have been sketched and Kohra should be
    done tonight or tomorrow, not sure how much time It'll take to finish completely.
    On top of that, I've got some other sketches and new characters that I will work on as soon as I can get to them.
    Stay tuned and keep an eye on Artwork I =)
  14. Vezok's Friend
    I finally decided to enter the Blog-Contest after coming back from a short weekend trip to pick up my grandparents who wanted to visit the family for a couple of days. 
    The images you see here are about 50% taken by me and 50% found on the Internet, but they all show places I've been to in my life.
    I've seen many beautiful places and I have fond memories of many of them, which is why I pimped my Blog with them.
    If you have ideas on how to improve the design, I'd like to hear them ^^
    Until then, enjoy!

  15. Vezok's Friend
    Here are some pictures from my Holiday on the Maldives this year. I know it's a little late, but meh, I got eyecandy for you after all ^^


    <<That's me btw.






    <<c'est moi aussi ^^






    <<You know the guy...
    <<Vezon, you'll never be as crazy as this!





  16. Vezok's Friend
    I will be on Autumn holidays from September 29th to October 11th. You won't be hearing from me that time at all, because the place I am going has no internet connection. You want to know where I am going?

    I thought I'd tell you early so nobody wonders when I am gone.
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