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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. Which works really well while still beeing able to read. To be an internet deaf-mute would require no fingers and beeing blind.

  2. *quickly checks out profile* Hi ^^

  3. Your profile pic is the mos hilarious I've seen so far :D

    An wait...you're a staffie? :P

  4. On a random note I want to mention I am gonna see Bruce springsteen on June 16th ^^

  5. Wanna know something Shadrahk? So is he.

  6. Ah, I only know those baddie from the back of my KZ2 box ^^

  7. I could make a mean joke on the cost of both your abs now..but I'll resist, I'm civilized after all.

  8. That isn't the kings head! That ios a pumpkin with a mustache drawn on it!

  9. Wait...how'd I'd wind up on your profile page...seems, Bilbo was right, if you don't keep your feet you never know where you might be swept off to ^^

  10. Your big sis asked me to say hi, so I did ^^

  11. Happy Birthday ^^

    I know I am apparently early, but thats the good thing about timezones :P

  12. "Suddenly a flash of light appears in the sky and a flaming meteor plummets to the earth!"

  13. Happy newyear to you too ^^

  14. He is cool looking, no doubt. ^^

  15. It depends on the others, really. Some just are not interested in forgiving and showing humility. But mostly that applies to non-friends.

  16. Weeeeird lower Jaw there, vampire king. ;)

  17. Well then it is cool, I agree :)

  18. You listen to the same music I listen to! Instant win!^^

  19. If you ask nicely she'll propably hug you too.


  20. Depending on the effort...If I do a full digital pic ,even more detailed then my AC winning entry it'll be...well, I guess it depends on the individual offer

  21. Munki goes masked revolutionary?

  22. I just read your blog an never noticed you liked arguments in German :P

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