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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Someone bought me Guildwars Trilogy for some reason, and so I decided to install it and have yet to actually play it.
    It has... a lot of choices ._.
  2. Noxryn
    We watch I Robot (I spell it that way cuz it's easier for me for some reason)
    And we talk about the fifty year old book written by Isaac Asimov, and somehow it actually all does tie in to what we're learning so Math Class is at the moment, awesome.
  3. Noxryn
    The recent deletion of pretty much everything of late has really, really helped me out XP.
    I can't believe that it actually makes me happy.
  4. Noxryn
    So liek, when BeeZeePee was down, I got to doing stuff. What kind of stuff? The very stuff that I should have done a while ago, that kinda stuff. I decided to put my hand in DB's post, working on making it more... well, less complicated to go through, since it appeared to me that people were getting lost in the info. I will now add a Table of Contents, so that when you want to know something, just look for the number that corresponds with the subject.
    -However, I no want map. Or images... besides for maybe a graphic... if anyone wants to make one (Demonic Beginnings) just PM me/IM me.
    - I bought a new comp, keyboard sucks.
    -Stole a newspaper from a classmate and did my homework in class <<
    -I bought a 40$ 292 FPS airsoft handgun, cuz it looked awezum.
    -I signed up for Firearm lessons in May... wheeeee
    -PE SUCKS.
    -New Quarter of school... yippee...
    -Houston trip next week sometime late.
    -Shot a wall, hit me in da eye ;_;
    -Went to the National or State, or whatever park of Colorado, walked a lot and ate too much.
    -Watched as parent yelled at Best Buy peoples, twas funny.
    - Pi day in Math, I GOT COOOOKIIIIEEESSS
    - Watched the "Goonies" in Language, I luv dat class nao.
    -Watched Mythbusters in Math.
    -Played comp games in Science.
    -Did whatever in Comp II
    -Found the forums back online, and I use Google to look at the old shtuffies.
  5. Noxryn
    I got a new laptop that was actually paid for and that I'm not leeching off of people I know B)
    It can play Gears of War cuz that's what the Best Buy dude said.
    And it has lights... sooo many liiiiights...
  6. Noxryn
    I am quoting this from another site, since the Moderator there put it in better words than I could think of, and some things were edited out (Just small thingies, like "People-Deeples" =P)
    Yes, I do see tons of posts that are incomplete paragraphs, or half of one.

    -TeslaCoil (Author of this quote)
  7. Noxryn
    I started typing up something that hit my mind, then lost interest in it too fast D=
    I want a longer attention span now.
  8. Noxryn
    Really =O
    Actually, a few good things happened lately. Apparently I don't have any work in school that is missing, despite having thought that, and my lowest grade is a B in an overall type of thing, with generally As in Content Knowledge, which is all I'm going to be graded on next year. Another good thing is that my testing is done, and I have a three day weekend, and a three day work week next week.
    After that three day weekend, I have a week of schoolstuff, and then an entire week off after that. So, basically good things. The only negative based things is that there's... like nothing to do now, besides to go see Watchmen tomorrow or Sunday.
    I'm still constantly editing my series that I've been working hard on, trying to find different ways to do things and trying to make it interesting. It is one of the contributing factors as to why I hadn't updated my Epic in forever, but at least now the epic was updated, and free to be commented on if anyone wants. Just throwing that out there.
  9. Noxryn
    I put up (FINALLY) a new chapter in War. Sorry Robo for not using those two paragraphs, I just losted them D=
    And... well, I finished with Testing and have a three day weekend after Friday, then a three day work week cuz I also has Friday of next week off, then I have a vacation, but will probably be absent from BZP two Fridays from now, two Saturdays from now, and two Sundays from now.
  10. Noxryn
    If you're going to bash someone, or end up causing more harm than good in a situation, I'd prefer it if I weren't to be dragged into it. I don't like reading insults, or crude comments about individuals, them being true or not. It does ruin my day, as well as put me in many complicated situations that I do not wish to partake in. If you're wanting to deal with the person, and want to go about it with a more positive mindset and attitude, then I don't mind being dragged in, since then I won't have to watch two sides end up throwing insults back and forth.
    I've been in too many things that involve forms of bashing of others, and currently, I just wish to be left out of it if it is possible. I don't care if you bash about it to yourselves, I'm just letting you know that I do not want to be a part of it. Bashing doesn't get things done, reasonable talking as well as acting in a more positive stature and manner is what gets things done, as well as being mature about the subject, rather than going to the elementary level of insults, which just get people angry and end up worse in the end.
    Future reference.
  11. Noxryn
    When I say "Hi" I would really like it if you don't comment on the food item that had been stolen from me kthx.
    I say "Hi"
    she goes "He's stealing your sandwich..."
    Then I kill the thief. =D
  12. Noxryn
    I have some goals, both internet wise and life wise. I'll separate the two for convenience =P
    Internet Wise:
    - So far, I believe that I am already living my goal, which is to just be helpful and kind to others online. As well as the fact that I staff two other sites anyway, even if they're member made (One by Exo and CJ, other by Robo) they're still fun to be a part of.
    I really didn't have many goals for the internet based life =P
    Real Life:
    - Get that darned manuscript done
    - Get it to a publisher
    - Then eventually get the thing published
    - Make it past HS, and into a nice college
    - If, for some reason I feel like having a job, probably shoot for something in Lego. Don't know quite what yet, but if I wrote up that series, and wanted to be a part of Lego, probably as a writer of some sort. It'd be fun.
    - Don't end up bankrupt, that'd suck.
    - And not make a fool out of myself trying =P
    - Another goal is the same as my online one, to be helpful and kind in real life, though I wish I was more outgoing and talkative when around people I don't know all too well. It'll probably bring me down at BFair, buuut... I dunno.
    And those are my current goals. If you wish, you can go ahead and post your own, if you feel like it =P
  13. Noxryn
    Is definitely not going to be left undone, I'm just having some trouble with the new chapter to it, along with balancing out homework, as well as studying for the tests next week ><
    So no, I haven't left it to die, I merely left it in order to get some RL stuff done, and wait for these upcoming tests to get here and go away <<
  14. Noxryn
    I was at the store, and decided to buy a Clone Trooper Battle Pack, and messed around with that for a bit, then I bought that blue Glatorian whose name escpaes my mind, and I like the gold pieces ^^.
    Oh, and I bought season 1 of FMA cuz I like that show.
  15. Noxryn
    I presented my project, and actually didn't do horrible, I normally get very nervous when speaking about stuff in front of a load of people, I dunno why this time I could actually pull it off talking loud enough, and showing emotion XP
  16. Noxryn
    I was hoping Farenzic Sciences would be one of them... oh well, some other time down the line then.
    And... I has no idea what classes to take for High School
    Too. Many. CHOICES. @_@
  17. Noxryn
    So I was finally doing my Presidential History project when something funny came across my eyes, in a simple coincidence that I felt like blogging about would be fun to.
    Apparently, Andrew Jackson (President number 7 of the US) joined this planet and gained a life the same day [Not the same year =P] I joined BZP and lost my own.
  18. Noxryn
    I drank, three energy drinks, ate twenty four reeses... had a bunch of cinnamon sticks, and chocolate... and now I wish I never did any of that...
    Cuz, now I'm barely awake during the day, annnnd that means I won't be incredibly active today in stuff, and prolly not tomorrow either due to having some stuff I need to get down before Tuesday/Thursday.
  19. Noxryn
    Well, in the last class of the day which is what we people call "7th Period" or the period where I get to sit on a computer and listen to a teacher tell me how to do all these fun little formulas of which I really, really hate. Anyways, yeah, I do happen to have a small crush on someone within my 1st, and 7th period class.
    For first period, it just so happens that the Language Teacher wishes to see how much of a fool I can make myself out to be by pairing me up with the person above of whom will be called something later cuz I'm A) Not allowed to use their names on the internet without permission, nor would I anyway and B ) because I has nothing on my mind that sounds appropriate enough.
    So, I end up having to read my introduction to my anthology to her, of course, I actually did my homework this time and so actually had it and couldn't worm my way out of it. (Though, she had to read hers anyway XP), and, I admit... I didn't really hand over any praise, or really any comment... I'm a nervous wreck IRL in front of people of whom I either don't know, or just don't want to look stupid in front of. (Dunno why I'm like that).
    So, after I read mine I feel bad. She pretty much loved it, and said that I used word choices well, along with my only two spelling errors (I didn't use spell check, nor did I read it before this XP) and she also liked my ability at figurative language. Now, why does this make me feel bad? Well, because I didn't really comment on hers... I just had a blank mind and all, but I should have thought of something.
    Gah, it was the morning anyway. I can blame being tired.
    In 7th period, I have the same class as that person, which is Comp II. I don't care for that class personally, but I have to live with it cuz I forgot what it was. Sooooo... at the end of the period, we're all standing wanting to go (Would have gotten out five minutes early, but someone had to say something <<) and I somewhat looked around the room, trying to find something to kill my time.
    She was looking at me... why? I dunno, maybe I looked like a moron standing around and she was the only person to pay attention, maybe I had something behind my head, or maybe it was just cuz some other reason I dunno about.
    The fact of the matter is: I dunno. Buuuuuuttttttt
    Nope, no idea.
    Soooo... ummm... yeah, that's about it.
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