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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Cut myself while shaving, I know, you all wanted to know that =P
    But... I am so bored... and... I know, I need to find a good book and read it. I think I have a bunch of Stephen King's works downstairs now that I think about it, just move a few boxes here and dig through some more there. That should probably inspire something to adapt into a Short Story or at least inspire me to work some more on DB rather than kinda stare at it and be like "..." for a bit.
    Rained and hailed again today... whoopee....
  2. Noxryn
    When I went to the movie theatre I met some classmates from before Summer and he was all liek "Can I have a dollar?" and I was liek "Sure" and then he started praising me for having a dollar on me o.O
    I just remembered that out of nowhere and felt like sharing.
  3. Noxryn
    It's somewhat crazy when it comes to how "enthusiastic" some people can be of some of the entries in there. What scares me the most is the use of caps and the... textual cheerleading some people are... typing. o.O
    It's a weird contest. Well, weirder than the last one; at least.
  4. Noxryn
    I actually reviewed things in the SSCC. I feel good now.
    Though, I did review 8 things at once, but all that was deleted which makes me sad ;-;
  5. Noxryn
    All 4876 words typed for that unfinished SS... all... goooone... ;_;
    This is why I hate having a little sister sometimes. Soooo mean T.T
  6. Noxryn
    Been working on it for hours... about eight, maybe nine and it's at 4856 words. I'm not stuck, just taking a break... but it's taking forever to complete. Not much else to say ^^;;;
  7. Noxryn
    I need some ideas for short stories. I have some unfinished stuff laying around, but... well, they're kinda meh-ish and I never feel like finishing them =/
    So if anyone has any ideas, just post one or something. Anything... really.

  8. Noxryn
    I really hate the location of our mailbox. It's down the road, all small and crammed in with everyone else's mailboxes... and it's annoying to keep around that little key and walk down there, open it up and try to not step on the lawn of the person's home that's right in front of it. And I have yet to figure out how to get the mailman to send stuff from the mailbox to elsewhere cuz it doesn't have a small little flag thing.
    It's a real pain most of the time... I liked it more when it was just out on our front lawn, with the flag thing and no key needed. We lost the key once, and I spent four hours outside, in the dark trying to find the little thing. <<
  9. Noxryn
    I hate it when I try to get a song stuck in my head, it doesn't work. But when I don't want one in there... it just keeps on going in some infinite loop of annoying sounds.
    But, oh well.
  10. Noxryn
    Due to getting 10 hours of sleep in the middle of the day, I stayed up all night... again, but I watched a show. The show itself lasted 13 episodes, but the ending was just... wow. Three perspectives are handed over at the end of how things could have happened, but they tied in realistically so it wasn't like "What the bamboozles?".
    I don't think I should really mention the name of the show, since it's really not all too appropriate for the audience BZP is aimed at... but I dunno. Just playing it safe.
    I loved the opening theme... I have no idea what it's actually called and will probably look it up.
    And guess what? I now have another thing to save up for: the manga for this series. [i don't normally purchase manga since I get intimidated by the number of volumes some shows have ._. -- but with this, it shouldn't be too much.]
    The reason why I enjoyed it was because it had the amount of blood and gore that makes things fun, and those really touching moments that would make people tear up a bit... or not at all, since such things don't effect some. But... it was probably one of the best anime series I've seen: well if you take out some of the Gundam things.
    So yeah, that's how I spent my night... since TV sucked and no one was around to talk to. I do not regret it, but my wallet will eventually.
    Inspired soooooooooo many things though; music and show included. [As in; the opening/ending theme and the show, not that it inspired more music and shows ><].
    -As a last statement: I liked the opening theme much, much, much more than the ending one. But that's just me. Oh, and the ending was definitely something I had never seen done before... with the different views and such.
    So yeah, it was awesome and... yeah.
    I know what I could do... just buy one issue of the manga a year... well... maybe reading one a year... since it might not be so easy to get later on; and I say this more because rushing to the end of something good sucks when you get there. I like to take my time and enjoy things... well, I blame the show for making me go "Zomg... what's next?" and thinking... made me think a lot.
    Like with the recurring melody thing, hummed in the beginning by the killer [split personalities are awesome too ^^] and with the music box [Pops up a lot... but is kewl ^^, and the opening theme. They're all the same melody, just sound a bit different due to the fact that the opening had instruments and a voice; the music box had its thing [i don't know how they operate fully, kay?] and going "Na, na, na..." is different.
    And above is probably a really long run-on sentence, but I don't care enough to fix it.
    Or proofread this entry.
    EDIT: Wow I'm stupid, the name of the song was written on the box... and I should have remembered what it was called from a whiiiiile ago ><
  11. Noxryn
    We had another tornado warning, one in the county. Ten minutes after the warning, it hailed hail the size of golf balls in such a great amount that I couldn't see out of my backyard. So that was when I fell asleep, ten hours later I wake up and it's raining.
    So yeah.
  12. Noxryn
    I should get another haircut... been less than a month, but it's already all long and I don't like how it looks when it gets all long and stuff. Just... looks... weird.
    So, we got ourselves a weed whacker thing, of which I get to put together and use once a week on the yard. The lawn people charge $400 to do that and it really isn't that hard. Oh, and we're also getting a new grill of which I'll probably be putting together and moving out onto the deck, as well as cooking on it at some point.
    I need new earbuds, these things really don't give off much sound... but oh well.
  13. Noxryn
    Reading some posted information on my school's website, I was apparently supposed to request a locker weeks ago... during my lunch period. I know that they were shouting about something, but in the lunchroom you can barely hear yourself think. So now I think I should get this all straightened out so I'm not like "Umm... what do I do now?" on the first day of school ><
    And I also get all the new teachers for classes... I hope they are nice ._.
    Oh, and I really am begging that the ten page essay is a creative writing thing... I mean, I can't write another essay about "The Wonders of Paper".
    You sit down for two hours trying to write a five page report on paper [Paper being the topic]. It... was the most boring and dull two hours of my life. That was sixth grade too ><
    Oh, and looking back in sixth grade to my current handwriting... it's just... wow. I wrote normal sized in sixth, but now I write so small that I've had a few complaints from teachers about it. I don't get it, I can read it fine, from a distance, but no one else can. Gah, you people should have heard how my group stumbled with words when trying to read the article I hand wrote. I had to get up there and read it out loud myself, and I hate doing that.
    My excuse is that I save paper.
  14. Noxryn
    They are daily, they are short.
    And somehow I get easily bored, but I never feel like going on the internet [And when I do, it's more to look something up than to stick around; so that's why I haven't been on BZP... or any forum board... or IM for that matter... or even in my email...]
    But, I need to finish the first chapter in DB at some point... even though I've been working on it daily for the past week or so, it's still about half done, and that's probably because it's not as much fun as writing all the more action-y and more multi-character stuff.
    And I forgot that today was June 1st o__O
  15. Noxryn
    I hate being all alone at home sometimes because:
    -No food
    -The milk went bad which didn't help the food problem
    -I'm not drinking an energy drink in the middle of the afternoon [Water works at least]
    I couldn't eat breakfast, or lunch due to lack of food to make something with. And I am really hungry ><
    And I may or may not be on BZP as frequent as before, more cuz I'm busy with reading stuff, and trying to get back to the [technically sixth... I think ><] draft of the rest of the first and second chapters for DB.
    Doesn't sound like a lot, but they really eat at my time. So that would be why I probably won't jump immediately back into RPGs and such.
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