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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I will never understand online quizzes. Half the time I end up with the result of a female character whenever I do those things... besides for maybe... ten or so out of probably a hundredish .-.
    Then again, I am not some scary huge person who thinks he can bust through walls either o____________O
    Online stuff is weird.
  2. Noxryn
    I should really start drawing stuff with an actual process behind it all again. Cuz mini five minute in class doodles have taken over my notebook.
    Oh and we need a better scanner. The one we have currently sucks.
  3. Noxryn
    Is awesome. Cuz who doesn't like a bunch of bloody red guys grown out of a river of blood who all share a single mind/purpose like an ants' nest?
    And its a "baby" god =3
    -Needs to get over this awesome thing sometime in the near future-
    Oh and I'm gonna do oooone more name change before reverting back to "Spink".
  4. Noxryn
    I've been doing it a lot lately. And it hinders my volume of speech and makes my voice sound all sickly cuz it hurts my throat and stuff ;_;
    Oh, and I got bored and completely wrote out three out of four realms in Demonic Beginnings which was fun. I skipped the boring old Mortal one. I did the other three though ^^
  5. Noxryn
    This entry is an "Update" entry which I don't feel like explaining at the moment.
    Current updates in my life/internet life/writing world/imagination land are the following, all in a basic list form... kinda basic XP
    Real Life Stuff:
    -Was a part of the eighth grade class picture. The short man who took the picture wouldn't stop talking though, he'd probably be better as an entertainer on some show rather than a photographer to tell the truth. I got to sit through eight pictures... and I didn't even get a seat, I got to sit on the steps to the bleachers which really left me sore afterwords ;_;
    -Other things that day was our normal schedule. I like the Wednesday schedule, though I hate that P.E and French are a part of it. I'd rather have it; Advisement, Math, Science, and then Social Studies, oh and the end of the day Advisement. Advisement is a period of time before and after school where we all get to do some last minute work, make-up, or just read/draw. The last one is only about thirty minutes long, but the first is a full hour.
    -I loved the fact that our "Test" in Math class was easy, short and to the point. I think I completely aced it, since word problems in the current lesson have become one of my strong points. I'm no mathematician, nor will I ever be, so even the smallest achievements are big ones when it comes to me XP
    -I took the bus again, that was actually fun. Got into a long discussion about some of the most random stuff. It's also fun when your name is the same name as the person you're talking to. So the end of the convo was all liek "Bye Josh", "Bye Josh" and we did that repeatedly [Different contexts] just to annoy everyone around us. Quite fun, actually.
    Internet Life Stuff:
    -I talk to lots of people. Disky always... somehow gets me inspired to write something with our discussions which is a plus. Other people I talk to generally repeat the same thing "Hi." and when it gets to typing "Hai" five times after, things start to go fast.
    -No COT RPGs have been submitted. Less work for me... YAY
    -Was promoted to Forum Moderator on a site who shan't be named. My name looks funkeh in their weird color though.
    -Bothered some people.
    -Updated my offsite blog I just got a few days ago again. That was fun.
    -And nothing more!
    Writing World:
    -I came up with my favorite concept for something ever. The word is filtered and can lead to religious shtuff so I won't even hint to what the concept is. If you really wanna know, just IM me or something. Cuz at least there the whole thing would be understood than just "Wha?".
    -Still in the middle of the sixth draft to DB Ch 2
    -Reading some awesome books is awesome. Finishing awesome books sucks.
    Imagination Land:
    -Dreams are weird. Very. Weird.
  6. Noxryn
    So, I've decided to take a larger gander into the world of "Publishing" and what I did first was read one of my parents' oldish book on the matter. So far it's been incredibly helpful, both giving me an insight into the world of publishing as well as how writing works off the internet. I am proud to say that what I have basically follows everything so far, though I do have to polish it far more than I already have. My last step is to reformat it all into manuscript form. I learned the proper format of that on a nice website, but I won't quote unless someone really wants to see the information. I won't post the site address, since I don't know if it'd be something BZP-linkable. Better to be safe than sorry, eh?
  7. Noxryn
    Yesterday was "Semi-Fun" we saw a movie [i saw Knowing] and then went to a restraunt called the "Cheesecake Factory" but since it was Prom Night for one of the local High Schools, they were packed with a waiting list to get seated... three hours later I got my burnt tasting food ><
  8. Noxryn
    I got into finally returning my attention to that novel I've been working on, and so far so good [again] XP
    I need to get done with it all the way through this time, before trashing half of it ><
  9. Noxryn
    God of Clocks is an amazing book. Though, if you want to read and understand it the first two books in the series are still skulking around somewhere XP
  10. Noxryn
    I do have a new blog theme picked out to be used, however I must go off to find people who can resize some of the pictures I have, though I dunno who to bug yet. I like the new theme I picked out, as well as the name I decided on and even the subtitle. It'll be fun =)
    Oh, and Exo and Bfa, your names now burn my eyes.
  11. Noxryn
    Today was career day [big surprise when I got to school o__O]. I learned stuff about jobs that I either are not interested in, or never thought would be a successful place to be [Oddly they are more successful than they are given credit for...]. The Fox 31 Sports Journalist was there, though I don't want to pursue a job in journalism even after he talked... and talked... and talked.
    I just like writing fiction, and that is what I want to do =)
    There were no authors there DX
  12. Noxryn
    I do have a surprise on the way, and no it's not the Blog Theme that Dyski is being so awesome to help construct. If you wanna guess [Cuz it's forum related] go ahead and guess for it, though I won't confirm or deny anything till it actually happens XP
  13. Noxryn
    I wrote 18 decent Short Stories on this site in the course of three years. That is obviously not enough, and I may look into writing some more COT works since my list with those is ten less than that of the Bionicle SSs...
    If anyone has an idea for a fun plot tell me XP
  14. Noxryn
    I think I did something to my leg... I can't walk without the pain present. And it hurts a lot more than it did earlier ><
  15. Noxryn
    Well, I decided to make my own special Cervatus MoC which will not be the "Official" thingy cuz people in that contest A) Had better designs and B ) The contest is almost over and C) Cuz my camera sucks.
    I just want to make a white and some other color dude... and just call it that cuz it's a kewl name.
  16. Noxryn
    I can'twaitcan'twaitcan'twaitcan'twaitcan'twaitcan'twaitcan'twaitcan'twait an'twaitcan'twaitcan'twaaaaiiiiiiit!
    Yes, I am very excited.
  17. Noxryn
    I can't sleep. I've been trying for three hours now, and I just can't... so I resorted to BZP and trying to find something to do.
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