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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    So some stuff I'm working on as of now;
    -Continuation Assignment [2]
    -The Monarch and the Peddler; Chapter 2 [Am hitting some mind blocks]
    -Might write a SS to get over mind block
    -Am considering to try and pick up one of my old, dead epics again; possibly as a redo [Deleting the text in every post, and entering redone text]
    That's as far as writing goes.
    And that's about it. Haven't started on my Menoa MOC yet, cuz I need ideas, and other than that, I have no current projects.
    Future stuff;
    -More TMatP [The Monarch and the Peddler] chapters
    -The construction of Exia [When it arriiiiives] =3
    -Finishing some anime I'm watching.
    And nothing else.
    RPG stuff doesn't count.
  2. Noxryn
    I wrote a draft of the first chapter idea to the epic I came up with... this is around the fourth draft and sounds a mamillion times better than the first three. Took me about three hours to hand-write, but if I feel up to it, I might start to type it.
    Then I'll probably use this process to write the other chapters. I have them outlined, so it won't take a LOT of thinking, but there'd still be plenty of that XP
    So yeah, that's what I'm gonna start to do now.
    And if I post it and don't post a continuation to the first chapter -- smack me, hard.
  3. Noxryn
    I wrote out the complete outline for this epic I came up with, which took three large notebook papers and four hours to all get down.
    All I need now is the motivation to write the thing.
  4. Noxryn
    I forgot to mention that I got the highest score out of my class on some letter thing I completely forgot about until I was handed it back.
    Only got one point knocked off, and that was cuz I didn't check to make sure that every word was single spaced. [i'm saying between the words -- not the lines], so the fact that someone caught that surprised me.
  5. Noxryn
    My computer got filled with them cuz of a stupid email that said it was from someone I knew, and wasn't in junk ><
    My laptop is now at Best Buy getting fixed up... and I'm on a tiny ThinkPad...
    This week sucks.
  6. Noxryn
    I drew this spider thingy in the middle of Biology class and to me it looked pretty neat. This little unnamed creation is probably the best doodle I made all year, which is a good thing =P
    Just thought to share that with everyone.
  7. Noxryn
    I was listening to Amaranth by Nightwish in the car when an idea for an epic came to me. However, remembering my track record with epics I decided that I'll try out the idea and see if I like it and if I do then I'll write all of the chapters out before I post it so that I don't lose interest halfway through and have another incomplete epic laying around. [i have like... three incomplete... no, four incomplete... no five, actually six incomplete epics and one completed one. This... hurts me inside )=]. I won't go into details about it as I'm just starting to outline the plot and the characters who will be involved.
    But yeah, just thought to blog that.
  8. Noxryn
    Here are some photos I took, I don't have all of them up yet as my phone died a few seconds ago. I'm too lazy to resize them via image hosting site. [some may be blurry, but that's due to the fact that I was using the camera on my phone which is horrid]
    Primus' Nameplate.
    A Lego Building with the USA Flag embedded into it.
    A Lego City Street.
    McDonalds Lego Style.
    Lego Train
    Lego Bus [The bus is yellow, but the picture makes it look tan =/]
    Some of the awesome Bionicles [blurry/bad picture]
    EDIT: Here's some more -
    White Makuta
    Toaraga's MOC.
    Nine Cat Monster.
    Bionicle -- Group shot
    Bionicle -- Group shot 2
    Bionicle -- Group shot 3 [With art by ToM]
    The Cat Apocalypse.
    Bionicle -- Group shot 4
    A display with a dragon and some Starwars people
    I have a bunch more, but I need to get them uploaded yet.
  9. Noxryn
    So today I learn that our French class has the choice to go to Paris [France] over summer break. Looking at the whole thing, I'd miss a day of school, but it'd be awesome regardless of that small factor.
    Now the question is...
    Can I go? I don't know, it costs $2100 [which isn't that bad, going to BFair was a little under that to be honest] and it more depends on whether or not both of my parents agree on it. The fact that they never agree on anything makes it hard, but oh well.
    Oh, and I learned that the place where my mom works -- her boss is trying to schedule a four day conference in DC early August, early as in from August 4 -- 9 and if that goes through then plane tickets and hotel tickets are free which brings the cost of going down to $600 -- $700 dollars annnd because of the dates, that would mean that I'd get to go to BFair 2010. This is not set in stone, and I'd probably only be able to go to BFair in August of 2010 if the conference is scheduled for the area. If not, then my France trip will probably suck up the money to go anyways... or maybe not, depends on how things end up playing out.
    An interesting thing; my friend from Texas went to NYC and had incredibly long hair [Last time I saw him -- he was bald] and I just learned that he's going into his High School's ROTC program and has to shave it off anyway. Just an interesting tidbit is all.
  10. Noxryn
    Brick Fair for me ended at around 2:30 PM as I had to catch the plane back to where I live and all of that good stuff, but it was a lot of fun being there.
    I met some awesome people, got some awesome stuff and the only real downside was probably the hotel room [Our air conditioning didn't operate correctly] and we didn't get the best service, but that's not something horribly horrible, and all of the good stuff outweighed the bad stuff by a million-fold.
    What I did on the first day was basically watch the set up, and get registered and signed in with the hotel. I got up early, so I went to bed early that night and I still don't think I missed too much from late Thursday so it was all good and stuff. The plane ride there was long and I slept for half of it and listened to some music for the rest of the flight. I was just glad to note that the airport wasn't as busy as it was back during Thanksgiving, which makes sense cuz there were no holidays going on or anything XP
    Friday was still set-up day mostly, though I saw some of the awesome stuff and took a few pictures with my phone [We brought a camera, but forgot the charger so it was basically useless the entire time ><]. They had some neat displays around the NXT, and the MOCs brought in over where all the BIONICLE in the main room was set up were all very awesome, and I found myself spending most of my time over there, though on Friday I don't believe they were all up. I thiiiiink it was Friday when I met Disky there and it was the first time I actually remembered of the evening stuff which would be boring to go into detail about on Friday, but they were interesting while I was there in person. ^^
    Saturday was much more fun, all of the displays were up and people were getting ready for the Public Expo which went on from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM. I actually was able to get up early enough to volunteer, and even though it was sitting in a chair and answering questions/making sure everyone who went in was authorized to actually go in, it was still fun. There were actually some interesting conversations some people started with me around 10:50 AM while they were all waiting to go inside. It was a pleasurable experience, and I was very glad I had checked everything out beforehand, or else I wouldn't have had a clue as to where things were. Though, the room looked packed from the outside, it was practically an endless stream of people going in and I couldn't believe that people weren't leaving and going upstairs [And the vendors had some amazing stuff upstairs]. I was pretty glad when people started heading up there, more because it was like 20 less stamps to look at XP.
    I was also able to meet some of the staff [of BZPower] though being confined to a chair all day with no one around to take my spot for a bit limited that, but it was still fun IMO to be helping out and peeking into the room now and again to see if it was getting any less crowded XP
    Sunday I was over at the BIONICLE area for most of the time as I had limited time to help around and most of the jobs were continuous through the Public Expo, but at least I did something even if it was small. Oh, and before that I went up to the vendors and got some fancy pieces for a little Halo Minifig dude, and a crazy Spartan who I never actually pieced together.
    Some of the events I can't remember the days they were on were things like the Combo Speedbuild which was pretty interesting to watch; some of the contestants made some amazing things with the Exo-Force sets they were handed. Another of the events was the Speedbuild with the Eifle Tower [i hope I spelled that right ><]. The team I thought was going to win actually lost, but it was still pretty fun to watch them tear the box open and stuff ^^.
    Though, I must say again, the displays were incredible and I was really glad I got the pictures I did. Once I'm able to get them online I may be able to post some of them in my blog.
    That's basically a giant summary of what I did during Brick Fair, and I am going to try to go again next year [i would try going to Brick Con or something like that, but with school... I really can't take the time to.] There's a lot that's not there, so yeah.
    It was crazy fun, and I got some crazy stuff and actually bought two sets at the Lego store there [Titan Mata-Nui and a Clone ship... thing that looked awesome, got Mata-Nui for the parts as I think the set itself looks bad and mismatched].
    That's pretty much it.
  11. Noxryn
    Now I need to do a bunch of things that involve reading/typing. Like that letter mabobber for tomorrow cuz if I don't bring it in my class will hungrily devour my soul. And I haven't forgotten about Imagine, Exo, it's just so long and I had a bunch of work when I got back D=
    I also need to write at least one SS, just because.
  12. Noxryn
    I'm in the lobby of the place where BFair is taking place. It's all set-up time at the moment, and I'm living off o the free internet provided in the lobby only cuz I don't have $10 to spend in the room.
    But yeah.
  13. Noxryn
    It's been interesting, what with BZPower offline and such. In fact, some could say that it has been beneficial to me within the past month, and quite a few people from real life could probably vouch for myself on this.
    -Went from summer vacation to High School smoothly, and completed all work as well as doing some extra things for some of the classes. Still a screw-up in PE, but that's expected.
    -Worked on DB like crazy. Crazy as in, editing the characters, writing backgrounds, creating locations, realms, and having everything fit together in the central plot, along with the side plots becoming relevant and with reason. I also made the Reapers a far more interesting race because of some of the shows I've been watching, such as Kuroshitsuji [black Butler], as well as Death Note, and even FMA played a part in the big picture. I also fixed some issues when it came to some of the species' structures, and also was able to elaborate more on the history of the physical world.
    -Wrote ten pages of things in a black notebook during Advisement [Free period] and a bit during other classes, as in, when I'm waiting for it to start.
    And yes, DB is very important to me, more so than BZP for hundreds of reasons that I don't wish to write down. However, with the return of BZPower, I'll get the chance to test out some more character ideas along with writing some short stories.
    Due to High School, I won't be able to finish the entry I had planned for the SSC that BS01 is running. Part of me is sad about that, but another side of me lost interest in it completely, the lack of blood and dark themes was murder.
    And on Thursday, I shall be either in DC/that Virginia place really close to DC.
    I also need to make two graphs for Science, and when I get back from Brick Fair, I'll need to take two/three quizzes. And yes, I am bringing my school stuff with me and my laptop as the last thing I want to do is fall behind with my homework/classwork, and with the use of modern technology, all worksheets, assignments, textbooks and notes are posted on the LHS website.
    Oh, and Sebastian from Kuroshitsuji is fantastically awesome, despite the fact that he's perfect at everything as far as human related things go.
  14. Noxryn
    I'm going to go see it in 25 minutes.
    And I also hate it when online retailers go "zomg you'll get it shipped in 24 hrs!" and then 72 hours later you get the email saying "Oh, we shipped it now."
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