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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I want to go hoooome
    And play SS
    And print off my esssaaayyy
    And print off one of my stories 'cuz my English teacher wants to read one for some reassssoooon
    And also to feel warm on this really cold, wet day.
  2. Noxryn
    My computer's been acting up recently, so if I'm not around later today (When I normally am) it's 'cuz of that. Just thought a quick mention would be appreciated somewhere.
    EDIT: Problem's been solved.
  3. Noxryn
    So I saw Alice in Wonderland, and I gotta say, I loved it. Of course there are people who didn't, but I happen to just enjoy the style of it all, plus I did like some of the humor thrown in.
    Mad Hatter and the Red Queen are probably my two favorite characters. The Mad Hatter, mainly because Johnny Depp just does an awesome job, and the Red Queen mainly because of the amount of times she yells "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"
    Also, Cheshire Cat is awesome.
    For books, I bought a lot.
    The Great Gatsby, In Cold Blood, The Heart Is A Lonely Hunter, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Catcher in the Rye, 07-Ghost (1-3), and Kuroshitsuji (1).
  4. Noxryn
    In English, I was taken aside during the class just to be complimented on how amazing I'm doing, and that I'm going to be put into the Honors class next year~
    He said I'd be in AP, but we don't have AP English... yet.

  5. Noxryn
    So yeah, I posted a Short Story that was meant for last month. XP
    Comments, critique, whatever else have you, would be awesome!
  6. Noxryn
    One more essay until I'm done with them, besides for the one due next week that we haven't been completely told about. In other school news, I only got one question wrong on the Biology test of the Semester so far (Tested on everything we learned in the class this semester), and I got all the honors questions correct (Makes me feel smart, that does). In French, all my grades have been perfect so far, not one dwindling away from that perfect score (Except, I might've gotten some wrong on something I recently handed it, but that was just practice). Only place I need to focus on is Math, really. Focusing on English will get me into that Honors English next year, which is cool.

  7. Noxryn
    I really miss having a huge, really open field/meadow that had all of these flowers, enwreathed by amazing, and magnificent trees that smelled of a very potent pine. No one ever went to this area, so I did a lot, and it was really nice to just have some music on your iPod/MP3/Whatever and just lay in the grass and flowers, staring at the sky as clouds passed by, with nothing but the sound of the trees and your thoughts. It was so quiet, so peaceful, and probably one of my favorite places I've ever been.
    I miss it so much ;-;
  8. Noxryn
    12 hours of testing, done, finally. It sucked due to what I had to write with (I have a bit of a pet-peeve when it comes to using wooden pencils... is all <<), and the Math section was horrid as it was all Geometry/Algebra 2 stuff, and well... I'm in Algebra I, which means I never learned the content. Kinda ticked me off a bit, mainly because the state-law (for some weird and, IMO, dumb reason) is to have this particular test appear on the transcript (It's those state-tests where they just test you in order to evaluate the school, more or less, and they never really "counted" before. I guess they never counted because not everyone learns what's in the booklets...)
    So that's one third of my stress gone.
    Now, I have two essays (the third is more or less a Short Story than an essay) and they're all due on the same day. Personally, I find the one essay (This whole "I believe..." thing) to be kinda silly. All I went on about was a book, just because it took the time and it filled the paper, but still covered the subject (Which was, my subject was... I think it was something to do with writer's and authors I admire. I dunno, it started one way and ended differently -- I need to re-read my draft again). The second essay, well, it was actually moved to be due right before Spring Break. This particular essay is the one that'll decide where I go next year, meaning, whether I just go into English II (Standard) or if I go into English II (Honors). Personally, I'd much prefer the latter as with that, on top of the other two literary classes I'm taking (Creative Writing/Journalism) it'll probably compare for what to expect if I can get the grades and the recommendations to get into AP English in my Junior year. So yeah, some stress there with "WhatdoIdoWhatdoIdo."
    Also, I've been getting some frequent headaches throughout the week, which don't help with anything... same goes for stomach pains, though at least I haven't had any obscure and oddly placed muscle twitches .-.
    The third thing is a whole story-thing I really need to think of how to finish up... it's like, halfway done... and that took like, a month of work. Basically, I need to make the second half sound as good as the first part, but I have under a week to do it in. If I don't finish it, at all, it just won't be graded so I'd be rather stupid to hand in the half I did and not the end.
    Then there's some dramatic stuff on BZP which just comes with things. But that's not really the big part, the above stuff was more the big part in my stress levels.
    All I got now is some actual tests, from my classes, to look forward to next week (Hint of sarcasm here), but for me, I tend to be rather good at Biology for some reason.
    My mind is just a pile of mush right now.
    Also: Sister playing the Simpson's Movie for the eighth time... it gets to you ._.

  9. Noxryn
    Apparently my uncle sent my dad Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu on DVD, and if you know my dad, he's the last person who would watch the show. So when I come over, he randomly... like, halfway through a conversation, pulls it out of the closet and is all like "You can have this."
    Just weird, but cool.
  10. Noxryn
    Why must things be hidden in plain sight? Such things never are able to compliment my intelligence ;-;
    Like, looking for a lamp for two hours and going "OH WOW, it's on and in the corner ><"
  11. Noxryn
    So I had a grade in French, which was not at all satisfactory, which was due to the not-graded project (which I did in eight hours via PowerPoint~), but after the project is in and stuff, she decided to count it as if it wasn't late, and now my grade in french is no longer that bloody D- and is now a nice looking A- =3
    Also: Got a 97% (Extra credit not graded yet~) on a test everyone else failed.
    It makes me feel smart.
  12. Noxryn
    First, I'll open up with a rant/min-rant/whatever it actually becomes.
    There's always been this issue at my school, and this issue stems from how people traverse through the hallways, the very narrow, cramped hallways. For instance, walking in a horizontal line across the hall, moving at literally three steps a second is not a nice thing to do. People get stuck behind you and need to get to their class which is on the opposite side of the building, and because of the slow traversing, they end up being late in the end. Being late hurts the actual grade (at my school) so forcing others to be late because you're being lazy in picking up the pace is not cool. (Using "you" to refer to the people in my head, no one here). It's also quite annoying when a bunch of people happen to stop on the cramped stairwell to chat and hug, holding everyone up an extra two minutes while causing a huge line that goes down the cramped hall. If you want to hug and chat, that's amazingly fine, just do that somewhere where you won't make people late, or make people unhappy just to make yourself happy -- it's being rather selfish, in a way. Yet, there's even more hallway instances that are incredibly annoying. For another, cutting someone off and pushing them over isn't cool, it makes you look like a mean bully who doesn't give a karz about the comfort of anyone around them. Pushing, shoving, insulting, kicking, hitting, smacking, yelling, stopping in the middle of the hall, tripping people because it's "funny" are not cool or awesome things to do in the hall. Many are dangerous, many are hurtful, and many are just so annoying that if done, Spink's interdimensional fist may end up down your throat.
    So yes, mini-rant about all the annoying things I deal with in the school hall. Someone who attempted to trip me messed up and nearly had his leg broken as I stepped on it by mistake. <<
    (Also: Look both ways before you cross the street, a group of teenagers around my age skipped that and were nearly mauled over by my mom's car. Care about yourself and your safety as well as the fact that if you die/get hurt because you did something stupid, it's the person in the car who gets sued).
    But onto the main idea that came to my head when I typed this entry originally...
    My fingers are cold, I am cold, and the upstairs is freezing and that's about it.
    But yes, have a nice day.
  13. Noxryn
    My own week update, cuz stuff actually happened for once.
    Well, for starters, there was the Sunday - Wednesday era for me, which was rather standard. Had no forums to assist in at the time, so I was pretty free in terms of BZP responsibilities, which meant ME2 and completely forgetting that I was to be on RPG Radio Live on Friday (Which means I didn't prep for that). However, in terms of life related things, that's roughly it. Didn't have school on Thursday, but that was rather nice -- gave me a break to get everything done at once. Oh, and I finished my school registration, yay!
    For BZPower related events, well, there's a few things that probably won't be viewed as "Oh amazing super awesome," but hey, it's something to talk about. The first thing that happened was that I actually did end up with four forums to do stuff in (Fan Created Games, Collectibles, Completely Off Topic and Lego General Discussion) which is all pretty neat. However, what dwarfs that in comparison is the recent RPG Radio Live episode which occurred. I wasn't totally prepared for it, and was a bit hesitant to really speak at unannounced times just because I didn't want to clutter it all up with two voices at once.
    It was fun to do though, and we got a good number of people who called in -- even though our last caller (Rabid Janus Fangirl) didn't get a chance to speak, due to technical difficulties and time limits.
    But yeah, I'm listening through it now to see if I can spy anything that needs changing that no one posted on the site, but so far Sera hit the nail on the head with the issues (My cat, the pauses, and there was another thing... can't quite recall). Though, I'm astounded by the interest level in RPG Radio Live, I really didn't think it'd get as huge a response as it did.
    Later I'll be watching Zombieland, so if I become unresponsive out of nowhere, that'd be why.
    But again, thank you to everyone who contributed to the first episode of RPG Radio Live;
    - Exo-Fat for hosting it cuz he can be the awesome host.
    - EW for just being there and providing all of his interesting input.
    - Robo for actually being there and saying stuff
    - SK, even though his phone died out, he still did a great job IMO.
    Thanks for those who called in;
    - Walter, hope the leg gets better.
    - Detranix with his input
    - Seraphim with what he had to say, it was great to hear from him.
    - And Gato, even if you didn't quite get your voice on, it was great that you put forth the time and effort.
    - To any who I missed, sorry! Just make a comment if I missed your name.
    And thanks to everyone on the show-mabobber who kept it clean, and nice for BZP. Highly appreciated.
  14. Noxryn
    Something that annoys me is when you are depending on someone to be responsible and do their part of an assignment that's worth half of your grade, and the person just doesn't give a karz and never does his part, without even telling you "Oh, yeah I didn't do any of that project."
    It sucks because had he actually told me, I'd have been able to get it done on my own and turned in promptly. However, here, I was thinking he already turned it all in (Cuz he said he did when I asked) but it turns out that it wasn't the case.
    And on top of that, he lost all the planning and rough-sketches I did originally (Basically, his part was "Print pictures. Paste pictures on cardboard. Copy what I wrote in the planning. Turn it in on time. -- Something that literally would've taken thirty minutes).
    Now I'll need to;
    - Re-translate information to French on my own time.
    - Find the pictures on the internet again and print them out and hope that the printer decides to work with me.
    - Go out and get some glue, cuz we don't keep that on hand around.
    - Go out and get a piece of poster board.
    - Spend time to translate it all, paste all the pictures in order, to decorate the thing and make it look good and rewrite the five pages of planning (Cuz, we need that too).
    From now on, I'm doing my projects alone. This happens too much and I'm the one who ends up doing everything in the end, end up being the one stressing over it and end up being the one to take the blame for anything being late/out of line.
    I think I might just put my name on the thing.
    *Is annoyed*
  15. Noxryn
    ME2, all day tomorrow. B)
    - No school due to another teacher conference thingamajig
    - Finished all work needed to be done by this week (Save the project, but I want to progress on that slowly and check myself along the way so it's all fancy-like).
    - No forums on BZP to be a lil' 'ssistant in (Cuz I'm still assigned none lol)
    - Free time galore~
    - Free time translates to "Hours and hours of Mass Effect 2." -- Actually, I dunno how long I'd be playing it, so I can't say "hours and hours" but it'll be "Days and weeks" before I ever finish that game and go around for another time through. B)

  16. Noxryn
    So I started to sign up for next year's classes today (I got the sheet a bit late, but technically, today is when you're supposed to start getting signatures). So far, I have;
    - Math: Geometry, and it's Geometry next year (Technically, I should have been in Geometry this year, but they put me in Pre-Algebra in eighth grade cuz the classes for Alg-1 were all fuuuulll)
    - English: I'm going with English II, mainly because all the difference is (according to my English teacher) is the workload. And since I'm also going to take two other classes based around English, he said I'd have enough on my plate. But, I'm going to go for AP English next year (Cuz it's not even on the choice list this year).
    - Journal/Newspaper: I held an interest in this class when it made its debut back in October. I like to write things out, and I think this'd be a great way to really get down things like Journalism-based writing. Plus, I'd enjoy writing out my opinions on some pieces of literature/concepts floating out there.
    - Creative Writing 1 (They didn't have this last year. I wish they did, and I wish I could sign up for it for both Semesters)
    - French 3 (It's required, but technically, it could be my last year. I might go for French 4, despite my rather... large disliking to this class).
    - History: Undecided (I decided, but I need my teacher to sign off, and she wasn't here today <<)
    - Science: Undecided. I intend to ask about Chemistry, just the normal Chemistry because I know I don't qualify for AP Chem or Honors Chem (Not at the required Math-level).
    Second Semester:
    So far, the only change would be, being stuck in Graphic Design II instead of Creative Writing I.
    So that's some fun stuff from the life of Spink and how he plans to go into his Sophomore year. As for his actual life, not much because nothing really happens in Spring. Being sick frequently/ME2/Actually having a responsibility to BZP would be about it. Though, in fall or maybe earlier in summer, I think I might try and see if I can fly back over to Houston to hang out with my awesome friends there. (Anything interesting that can happen to me, happens if there's a plane my family can afford... which is the case for BrickFair, so I'll definitely be there. Well, there's a chance I won't be, but this chance is slim, so I'm going to go about it with a positive attitude. Plus -- I love the dates of it this year, now I don't need to take off a day or two of school [Which wasn't that big of a deal at the time, because it was still introductory week and I already met all the teachers and had all the work all finished and squared away]).
    For things like projects;
    - Working on a SS for February 14th. I got inspired a bit from Alice in Wonderland and that... Imaginarium movie, I'll never remember the full title
    - Working on a SS for English, it's boring though. Maybe that's because I never do take interest in making a character in the South, who's a child in the first grade commentating on the two actual characters in the book. I wish he just went all "Write whatever story you want, just keep it school appropriate." But oh well, can't always get what you want.
    - ME2 << >> *is not a project, but will eat my time too*
    - Catching up on some late work (technically it's not late, I was absent a bit last week because I felt horrible, downright horrible and was contagious anyway, so I have an extended deadline).
    Sidenote: I really do not like how people seem to stop on the stairs that are being flooded with people, or in the middle of an unmoving hallway just to chat with someone randomly. I'd appreciate it a looot more if they took their convo off to the side so I could get to class on time. It's also annoying when someone runs right into you and then make some snarky comment. Yes, there are some people Spink would like torment... maybe torment is a bit strong, but... yeah.
    I also don't like it when people don't look both ways when they cross the street. It's like, if you're planning to walk through a busy drive-thru you LOOK BOTH WAYS, or risk getting ran over and mauled. Some people don't seem to get that, even after the large amount of tragedies last year, which makes me sad, cuz they apparently don't care about their well-being ;-; (It's even more annoying when they decide to make rude hand gestures, and it is those times where I would like to smack one of them over the head).
    Now what else can I talk/rant about....
    Oh, right.
    EDIT: Also, since I work on it; RPG LIVE --- Post your comments/opinions and the like in the linked topic. It'd be great to get some feedback on the idea, even though we have yet to put up an episode (Episode to be put up on Friday sometime, starts at 6PM EST).

    You're all so amazing and incredible and hugs need to go all around <3
  17. Noxryn
    I think when I get home today (Waiting for something to download for Animation class... which, is taking a while and is the only thing I need D=) I'm gonna disappear and play ME2.
    Well, I did say "I think" for all I know I'll end up doing something totally unrelated.
  18. Noxryn
    There's no section on the school's website for Animation Class D=
    Well, there are sections, but none of them are the ones I'm affiliated with... basically, my teacher either forgot, or I'm hallucinating my third period class. Wheeee~
  19. Noxryn
    So a lot of stuff has happened recently, many things of which had to be kept underwraps for a while. But now that everything's said and done, I feel that there's a few things I do need to address in my blog of all places.
    - First, I am resigning from my COT RPG Judge position. I'd stay, I really would, but since I was promoted to staff, I decided to stand by what I said quite a while ago (Maybe not publicly). I like to see the Judges made up of and comprised of BZPower members (Save the leader, of course ) so my stepping down from there will allow for another awesome member to take the spot.
    - Second, a hearty congratulations to Nukaya, Senjo, DV, Iruini Nuva and any one I may have missed. I'll miss Kex a great deal, but at least Mak's staying around!
    - Thirdly, thanks to everyone who left a comment saying congrats to me, I really do appreciate the kindness.
    Also, I'll still be active in all RPGs I'm in, and will continue to play them. (I got like, four or five messages about this XP)
    EDIT: Oh and updated avatar/personal pic and I'll get around to updated my content block... sometime soon
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