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Posts posted by Podu

  1. Hahaha, I've had some similar thoughts on that, Gorag. That's pretty cool to me, I have to say.It seems like a lot of people here are throwing expressions like "they lied for the Matoran's own good". But I have to ask, how so? I've heard the argument that it would have been more "difficult" if the Matoran had known about their lives on Metru Nui, but I can't imagine why. If anything, it would be positively devastating to learn that the set of legends you've been hearing, the knowledge of which has guided your actions, your work, on an island you have taken to be your home from the very beginning, for 1,000 years -- that all of that was a lie and now you're "ready" to hear the actual truth.And in terms of serving the mentorship role, I really think they failed to make themselves seem credible. The only thing that made them seem like they knew what they were talking about was the fact that they were hiding all of this information from everyone in the first place. And what gave them the right, the power, to hide the Kanohi Masks to "test" the Toa? What credentials? "Wise and sagent, shady old guy/girl"? Putting people in harm's way, no matter how powerful or capable they may be, is no way to test or teach them. (I'm looking at you, Nokama. Way to abandon Gali in that underwater temple with the giant freakin' octopus and not a hint of what to do.) That just makes them seem morally ambiguous.Food for thought, I guess. Cool topic, Gorag! Now that you say it, having the Turaga turn out to be the bad guys would have made the Metru Nui twist much more interesting and sinister, to me at least.

    It would have been very difficult for the Matoran to suddenly be told that they had had entire lives which they couldn't remember.

    But that's what ended up happening anyway... and, hey, they seemed to take it pretty well, as unlikely as it may seem to me personally.~QMark
    I agree with that as well. At first when they revealed their secrets about Metru Nui, I was given the impression that they were ... well, not quite as serious as evil, but rather, egocentric people. Lol. And all the Turaga did during the Mata Nui period was to order the Toa Mata to do this and that and not telling why they had to risk their lives to do so. Like you said, Nokama even left Gali alone in a cavern with gaint murderous pre-historic creatures while Gali was deprived of her powers. That doesn't sound like a role model for children. "Hey you, go collect a set of masks. Don't ask me why. The legends (Aka I) say so."But I suppose their reason is quite valid. I mean, if they let the Matoran go back to Metru Nui (which they certainly would if the Turaga told them about Metru Nui. Who wouldn't be curious about an undergound city), Makuta would probably finish what he would have done a century ago - to put the Matoran into long, deep slumber and take over the universe. I guess that's why they have to keep the Matoran away from the truth.
  2. I don't have a good answer to this but a good question is how is it that Teridax can move so quickly when in antidermis form since he traveled all the way from the pit to the control room of mata-nui since that must have been over 300 miles. My only theory is that maybe he was able to catch a wind current to just carry him there. And how in the world did he get under water as a gas since that would not normally work?

    Easy - he could have either poccess another body for a teleportation or just fly really fast like you said. But it really bothers me how did he ended up in Voya Nui. He couldn't have teleported there first as he had informed the Piraka of the Ignika in his liar, and I think that one of the Piraka did mention about the Antidermis being obtained in Terri's liar... Maybe Zaktan took it in his canister? Makes sense as Zaktan seemed to have a connection w/ the Antidermis?
  3. I am more interested by HOW did they transport'em. In Dark Legacy has NOT mentioned a single thing about that...

    Very true. Personally, it seems so illogical that other Makuta dissipate so quickly, yet Teridax survived for what must at least have been weeks in his lair, without his armor or a vat or anything. He should have been long dead before the Piraka got there, let alone surviving transport to Voya-Nui... Right?
    Not necessarily true. I;m pretty sure Makuta could hold themselves together for a few weeks. Maybe it has something to do with their will? We know Teridax had a very strong will. The question of how the antidermis was transported is definitely a valid question. Zaktan might have gotten some it with him secretly in a few vials or something, but that wouldn't fit the amount of antidermis the Piraka were later shown to have. I think this is a question for GregF.
    They teleport because teleportation is one of their powers. Simple as that. Btw, when you say Dark Legacy, you mean Legacy of Evil, right?
    Lol, I was just too lazy to check the name. You get the idea anyway :PAnd, teleport - again, Makuta cannot access to most, if not all, of their powers without an armor :S And even if he used teleportation, then where did the Piraka find him again?The whole antidermis thing is just too confusing.
  4. Lol, no one, even Greg, could fully grasp the story of BIONICLE. Every year there were at least 6 new characters that must be put into the spotlight... besides different media (even by the same writer) shows the characters/unfolds the story in different ways. Also, in order to fill some plot holes, Greg sometimes goes back on his word... (Not that it is a bad thing, us fans are glad as long as the plot holes are filled :P) 10 years, man, 10 years. 10 years of putting numerous characters in and out of the spotlight, 10 years of plot holes, 10 years of Greg correcting what he said. The story undoubtly is confusing and complicated.....BS01 might be the most reliable way to follow the story as it strictly controls the canoncity of its contents. It must get everything confirmed from Greg even something is released officially....

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