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Posts posted by Podu

  1. Okay, I took this map and took some measurements. I drew a line from one end of the island to another (which is about 489 km) and getting a count of how many pixels long , then I drew a line from Po-Koro to the edge of Ko-Wahi, got the length in pixels of that line, and used that to get an idea of the distance between Po-Koro and Ko-Wahi. A few reasons kept me from getting a precise answer. We don't know which part of Ko-Wahi Pohatu was running to (what angle he approached it from), or the exact location of the border (it's kind of fuzzy, does Ko-Wahi start right where there's the first snow or not until the ground is completely covered), and Po-Wahi is craggy, so Pohatu probably couldn't have traveled in a straight line. So for a rough answer, given a minute travel time, is Kakama users can go at least 5000 kilometers per hour or 3106.86 miles per hour.The first time I tried it I got something closer to 4000-4500 kph, just to give you an idea of how rough the estimate is. But I hope that helps a little.
    But he would break the sound barrier at 1236 kph, why didn't the sonic boom blow out his audio circuits?
    Let's just say BIONICLE physics is not the same as real world physics :P
  2. I was just looking through my PMs and I found this one:
    You may not know me.But have you seen....This Man?


    Nope, why?
    Well, several theories have been developed to explain the mysteriously recurring presence of this man in the dreams of different people who are not related in any way.Now good night
    Weirdest PM ever...-Rez
    Oh, I recieved a similar PM in other forum...That man stared into my soul... as if he is watching me from behind O_oAs for BZPower I don't really recieve that much PMs and all of them are really normal
  3. Case 2 is probably an artistic license; Case 3 is a Kakama Nuva example (as mentioned in Chronicles 4: Tales of the Toa).I am not quite sure about the first case though :/I would assume that if more willpower is put into usage, the faster one can be. I also remember that the Kakama allows its user to have a slower perception of time so they can dodge obstacles so I guess the answer is pretty fast :P

  4. He did get it, but the irony is that is prevents him from talking to people under 13 years old online.
    If that were the case, wouldn't he have got in contact with Black Six or someone on the Story Squad?
    I think that LEGO has something to do with it. He is probably now unable to talk to people from BZPower....
  5. Mazeka and Krakua had some sort of bromance as well.

    When Krakua joined him at the outskirts, Mazeka said, "You don't know me, but I've been sent here to find you.""By whom?" asked Krakua."I can't tell you that," answered Mazeka."Okay. How about why?""I can't tell you that either," Mazeka replied, already feeling very uncomfortable."Is there anything you can tell me?" asked Krakua, frustrated.Mazeka looked over Krakua's shoulder. Something was rolling into the center of the De-Matoran village. "Yes!" he yelled, diving for Krakua. "Trust me!"
    I dunno but it always made me thought that it is quite romantic to press your hand against someone's ears to protect them from noises :POh wait, Mazeka isn't a Toa, right? Awwww.
  6. I find its lack of teal pieces disturbing. Also Hahli Inika's mask. Not to mention that Archive Masacre. "What's that, Teridax? You killed them all? Can somebody say PRO-MO-TION!"But the most disturbing? The fact that the Makuta from 08 had more color than the toa nuva! Seriously, that fact just freaks me out. o.o
    They have equal amount of colors. Mutran and Gorast have the same colour scheme; Same to Icarax and Antroz...
  7. Yeah, the Av-Matoran basically die, as in with a shorter lifespan, and their bodies become Bohrok. (Which kinda seems to contradict Takua being the oldest Matoran... but I guess those destined to be Toa don't count.)They do have spirits that attach to masks, if the masks are intact, and maybe their masks become the brainplates. And I always wonder if something of their mind remains in the clockwork brain they get (or whatever kind of robotic brain it is). But there's no real evidence of that. I think all that's left might be a fading spirit the same as with Lhikan in the mask Jaller wore. Taking apart the Bohrok probably has no effect on that, and for most of them, by that time their spirits were long faded by the rule Greg gave for Lhikan's.
    the Av-matoren don't either the matoren that turned into a bohrok when we first found out was if i remember correctly was sick or was he fatally wounded. I liked the plot twist with the bohrok.
    Well, good to hear someone liked it. I don't think he was sick, though, just showing symptoms that he was about to transform, like "old age".
    We are actually getting quite off topic :P(even though I still want to know at which point was a Rahkshi sent to the Zone of Darkness...)So, another thing that quite disturbed me was that Zaktan was made up of protodites. It is an interesting concept of a character (in terms of combat...), but still creeps me out a bit that he is made of a virus... and he shoves part of his body into other's mouth... urgh...
  8. Yes, by the time the Bohrok is created, the Av-Matoran's spirit is gone. Given how Matoran can also repair and rebuild themselves, I think they'd be pretty lenient with "spare parts" from dead beings, if those beings were chill with transforming like the Av-Matoran were.I'm not that keen on the whole Matoran --> Bohrok transformation for other reasons, but the more disturbing part of it is the sheer mount of Bohrok that exists. Where did they come from? Matoran live for thousands of years, and I don't think I know of any other event apart from the Karda Nui scene where any of them has died from old age. So either the Great Beings/Bahrag created those Bohrok directly (most likely), or a whole bunch of Matoran were created for the express purpose of turning them into Bohrok ASAP.Tren Krom was creepy by design (Lovecraft references tend to be), and a few of the other meant-to-be-scary beings such as Karzahni and Irnakk. Mind-affecting stuff can be pretty disturbing when you think of it. But one of the things I found the most creepy in BIONICLE must be the Zivon and its home, possibly the Kahgarak that summons it too. It's this giant spider/scorpion creature that can shut down all your important functions (sight, hearing, speech, touch), leaving you completely helpless as it devours you at its leisure. "I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream."The Zone of Darkness/Field of Shadows itself sounds almost designed to make you go mad, since it's a featureless plain of unknown size in a dimension of complete darkness. You get dropped in there, and suddenly you are blind, and have no way of knowing where you are. I can't imagine how Krahka could take a 1000 years of it, but I suppose she might at least have shapeshifted into a creature that didn't need sight (or possibly into something that could create light by itself, since she could emulate powers).I pity the poor Rahkshi that BS01 lists as being in there. At least it can make itself invulnerable to the Zivon because of its power, but that still doesn't leave a lot of purpose, especially since it's cut off from its Makuta master. Now that the MU is down for the count, it's likely stuck there forever unless it gets extremely lucky with a surviving Khargarak or Olmak portal.
    Interesting. I cannot remember at which point of the story mentioned that a Rahkshi was sent to the ZoD...
  9. I think that the reason the Makuta didn't teleport out was because they either believed Teridax would save them, or that they could fight it off.
    At the point where the energy storms were approaching, they realized that they had been left to die. Mutran was stupid enough to fly closer, but at least Bitil tried to get away. He did not teleport, though, which is indeed a little strange, for despite the Karda Nui shields blocking teleportation in/out to anyone not powerful enough to overcome them, he could at least have teleported close to the outer wall and the entrance where the Makuta first entered.
    Bitil did try to teleport away; but the storm interefered with his teleportation and he couldn't get far.
  10. I like the whole thing. The way you used the Metru body as hands is just awesome.One thing bugs me is that they have no eyes. Do you know that the little teeth things (those ones on the head piece of Nocturn) fits perfectly on the Vahki head? You can use them as eyes :D

  11. All things considered, Bionicle really wasn't very disturbing at all. The intentionally "disturbing" bits were pretty tame, which makes since, given that it's target audience is kids. Some of the other stuff that was meant for you to just take at face value was kind of weird, though. For instance, the Matoran decide to just tear themselves apart and build themselves up a little better? That sounds pretty gruesome when you think about it, even though it never was meant to be.
    In most of the cases, yes. But sometimes I feel like that in attempts to explain something, Greg could put up some disturbing plot twists, like the Bohrok case...After all, the fanbase of BIONICLE does not only consist of kids but also teens and some adults (due to its 10 year time span. Most kids in 2001 would have grown up to teens/adults by 2010).
    Tren Krom in general. :P By design of course.I agree about the Bohrok/Av thing. But I think what happened here was mainly a clue that was somehow done wrong, and we were too disturbed by it to catch it. Now that we know they weren't fully "real beings" (whatever the change was; it's debated whether it was sapience... which only makes this more disturbing lol...), I can see how originally it was just one 'nanotech' unit transforming to the next. And since we learned it a little before all of that, it was probably meant as a clue. And in hindsight value I guess it works for that. But there probably could have been a better way to explain the whole "how dare you oppose your brothers" line. Really, their shared purpose in helping Mata Nui wake up (and then stand up) would have been enough.I thought mask infection was pretty creepy, again in a good way for fiction. And various other things that aren't coming to mind right now lol.
    Which is why I think it is disturbing. What if the armor still has conscience? Remember how the Bohrok armor was described as being able to be programmed to do stuff? Maybe the souls of the Av Matoran were still in the armor... and Nuparu tore them apart and used the parts to craft a machine so he could trash more Bohrok... while the Bahrag used their sorcery to make parasites to fill up the Bohroks' empty headplates...
  12. I think that the Mahri ones are kinda related to the whole team rather than just tied down to one personArthron: Their mission is to search for the Ignika, and Sonar is for searching stuffFaxon: It allows user to mimic the powers of Rahi that share their general environment; probably refering to the team's ability to breath underwater as a result of the transformationTryna: Their goal is to revive MN, and Tryna can revive stuffZatth: Meaning that they have to accept whatever help they can get :/Garai: The rise and fall of the Toa Mahri... maybe...?Volitak: No idea on this one. (Off topic: I never really understand how Calix is named Mask of Fate. If anything Mask of Dodgingliness make more sense)

  13. The reason is they're selfish. Most villains are.
    But thats what I'm talking about. They shouldn't be completely selfish. I think there should be a line between good and bad, but I dont think that the bad guys should be everything against what the good guys stand for. Its not natural.
    Then we have Roodaka and some Dark Hunters like Mimic. Not every bad guy in the story is selfish/not loyal. Roodaka is (well, kinda) loyal to Makuta, but this is wrong loyalty as it is out of benefits; In Mimic's case, it is blind loyalty to friendship but not selfishness. Actually, BIONICLE has a lot of interesting, "grey" kind of villians. They just don't have enough time to be developed or even put into the spotlight (or even if they do, instantly turned into generic type).
  14. Do a reset. Back to Mata Nui, back with a Hau, Akaku, etc. Save money on making new names, give us a wave of nostalgia. Then change things up, play with the villains, play with our expectations.
    then I dont have to pay 50$ to get tahu of ebay.It would be awesome to use a mix of bionicle and hero factory parts. Maybe the toa mata/nuva could be turaga or something.
    You can get him for far less on Bricklink.
    I still struggle whether BIONICLE needs to return.This story spans across 10 years time, which is a bit overdue. All it needs is just to tie up the loose ends...If they have to continue it, I guess the best way would be another universe created by the GBs/alt. dimensions.
    I don't think that would be a good idea. While it would work as a way to reintroduce BIONICLE, the idea would require revisiting old characters and morphing them into what they aren't. Also, the Alternate Universes as on a different timeline and it would require another "visit to the past" and as there are no Turaga to tell the story...
    I guess I didn't explain it clearly. I don't actually want BIONICLE to return, but it would be awesome if something similar comes up and has a similar theme , and turns out the world was made by GBs as a nod to BIONICLE. Because if BIONICLE were to extend, it would be stale and much more harder for new fans to enjoy the story :/Actually, HF would work, but the storyline is too shallow and I cannot see a moral at all... so nope.
  15. It is, which is my whole point. OP compared them, and I pointed out how while HF might have had a speck of grittiness, it still hadn't reached Bionicle level grittiness. I don't know why people, specifically the OP, get so upset over that mere disagreement. And yet we're the "melancholic" ones?[slightly edited :P]
    Well I guess his point is, BIONICLE-violence is justified. Like the cases I mentioned, they were there for plot progression and the morality of story that kind of stuff. While HF-violence is more like the comical humor where the characters are treated with extreme violence (i.e. amputation w/ gore) but still manage to survive and laugh at it afterwards. Still I don't see why he made such a big deal out of it. It is not like kids nowadays cannot judge from comical violence from real-life violence. If anything, it's their parents' repsonsibility to control their exposure to the Internet and the media and whatnot.
  16. I remember Spybotics but never got the sets. I don't recall ever playing the game either.
    You guys should try it. It is super fun if you like turn-based strategy games.
    I'll see about it. I don't really have much time to play online games, and I don't really have a computer for it. Any direct links to the .dcr file on cache.lego.com?
    Nah. I tried finding it, but all that came up were the online versions that people uploaded to game-hosting websites. :/
    Bummer. Well, if any of the sites are appropriate to link to here, can you find me a good version?
    Yea :3http://pandagames.biz/Strategy/Spybotics.html
  17. In Botar's case, I don't think it was just about the time limit. His character didn't seem that developed to begin with, so I didn't really shed a tear. I was more like "Okay... so that random generic dude died... big whoop..." Not to mention, why bother replacing him if that type of character was never going to be mentioned ever again? I mean, it makes sense within the universe and all, but why even draw the attention of the reader for that? In that case, why kill him off at all? He/His replacement isn't going to be seen ever again anyway. It's almost like, in the terms of the story, that the guy replacing Botar died along with Botar himself. Seeing as these are fictional characters, I'd say that statement isn't too far off from the truth itself. I think Podu had a larger role than his replacement, quite frankly. XD (And the fans generally like Podu to boot).I just saw absolutely no reason to kill what would soon be a dead character in terms of the story and then replace him. For me, at least, there was no benefit, no emotion and simply nothing interesting from it whatsoever. =/ If you want to kill someone, fine, but at least show him... ugh, I dunno, saving a Muaka kitten from a generic disaster or villain or whatnot. People with souls tend to like that stuff. Instead we just lost a generic Mata Nui drone brainwashing guy that failed to convert Axonn into his brain washing machine. Don't even get me started on the brain dryer. In my opinion, that death was not worth mentioning at all, really. =/
    I would like to see Podu replacing Botar's replacement :P
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